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Kylah Austin

Mrs. Kenly

British Literature

9 April 2018

Annotated Bibliography

Voo, Jocelyn. “How Birth Order Affects Your Child's Personality and Behavior.” Parents,

Parents, 6 Dec. 2017,

“For the only child, there’s the possible advantage of receiving the attention from parents, but

this is balanced by feeling of constantly being scrutinized and controlled.”

Being the only child can be very fun because you receive all the attention 24/7 from your


Leman, Kevin. The New Birth Order Book: Why You Are the Way You Are. Baker, 1998.

“Last born personality only varies slightly. The last-born are usually the clowns of the family or

likely to make people laugh. They also are free-spirited.”

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Last borns are often the best ones and more fun to hang around.

Ashton, Michael Craig. Individual Differences and Personality. Academic Press, 2013.

“Because first borns tend to be in the parents present the most, they tend to sometimes act like

mini adults.”

Being the first borns are like being the “mini mom”. You’re basically in charge of all your

younger siblings.

Sulloway, Frank J. Born to Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics, and Creative Lives. Vintage,


“The youngest develop social skills that will get other people to do things for them. They

become the boss of the family in getting service and their way.”

The youngest child always boss the older ones around because knowing the oldest is like the

“mini- Adult” they will take advantage of that.

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Salmon, Catherine, and Katrin Schumann. The Secret Power of Middle Children: How

Middleborns Can Harness Their Unexpected and Remarkable Abilities. Plume, 2012.

“Only children usually aren’t around lots of other kids. They tend to be very mature. Also have

full control of their parents full attention.”

Only children only wants the attention from their parents because that who’ve they been around

they whole life.

Blair, Linda. Birth Order: What Your Position in the Family Really Tells You about Your

Character. Piatkus, 2013.

“First borns love to be in control of EVERYTHING”

Since they were born first, they want to be the first ones to tell they’re younger siblings what to

do if the parents aren’t there.

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Wallace, Meri. Birth Order Blues: How Parents Can Help Their Children Meet the Challenges

of Birth Order. H. Holt, 1999.

“Middle children’s personality will totally differ from the oldest or youngest. Middle children

tend to make great peacemakers.”

Middle children don't interfere with mess, rather the older and younger ones.

Isaacson, Clifford E., and Kris Radish. The Birth Order Effect: How to Better Understand

Yourself and Others. Adams Media, 2002.

“Although being the only child means expectations are always high, you never need to fight for

your parent’s attention.”

Of course the parents want their only child to be the best one because that’s their only one !
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Black, Sandra E., et al. Older and Wiser? Birth Order and IQ of Young Men. NBER, 2007.

“Only children have a hard time sharing everything they may have.”

Since you’ve been the only child for the longest, you’ll have a hard time sharing.

Kauffman, Gretel. “Oldest? Youngest? Birth Order Doesn’t Influence Personality, Study Says.”

The Christian Science Monitor, 19 July 2015.

“Youngest children make good doctors and teachers. The reason for this is because your parents

were more laid back and lenient. You expect freedom to follow your own path in a such creative


The youngest child will forever be the best children.

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“What Your Birth Order Says About Your Personality.” Real Simple,

“First borns are cautious and aversion to risks. They’re the least likely to travel or physically


First borns are the most frightening children you can have.

How Birth Order Shapes Personality.” HOLA, 13 Sept. 2012,

“If astronauts are more likely to have well educated, comfortable parents, then they are more

likely to come from smaller family and thus are more likely to be a first born.”

Being the first born helps the mother experience being a mother.

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