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Teacher : Hi, Hi, we’re starting on a dragon chant.

Children : Yeh! Yeh! A dragon chant, a dragon chant.
Teacher : We’re starting on a dragon hunt .
Children : Hooray! Hooray! The dragon hunt.
Teacher : We’re going to catch a big one.
Children : Wow! A real big one ?
Teacher : We’re not scared.
Children : Well, well, we’re not scared, we’re not
Teacher : Look over there. The long green grass.
Children : Oh no, grass, long green grass.
Teacher : We must go through it.

Children : We can’t go through it.

Together : Push on ….. push on …..
Teacher : Oh no, water, cold muddy water.
Children : Yulk! The water is muddy and chilly.
Together : Splash, splash, splash.
Go on….. go on…..

Teacher : Look! Out of the cave, a fiery dragon.
Children : Quick run. Quick run.
Teacher : Through the muddy water.
Children : Splash, splash.
Teacher : Through the grass.
Children : Shh, shh.
Teacher : We are home .
Children : Phew! Home sweet home……..


2.2.3 Ask questions to seek clarification on places and directions.

2.3.3 Talk about personal experiences.

2.4.4 Recite simple poems and jazz chants with expression and appropriate

2.4.3 Tell what happens next.


Choral Speaking Text and flashcards showing a dragon, long grass, mud and water.


1. Pupils learn and practice the chant.

2. Pupils describe and act out the situations.

How do you walk …

- when you are happy?

- when you are scared?

- when a dragon is chasing you?

3. Pupils discuss the activity shown on the flashcard and answer the questions.

- What would you bring along when you on a hunt?

- How would you feel? Why?

- Would you go alone? Why not?

- Who would you ask to go along?

4. Pupils identify the supporting details and describe the route on how the pupils
found the dragon. i.e.

First, __________________________________________________________

4. Pupils do predictions and complete the text orally. i.e.

One day, my friends and I went into the jungle to hunt for butterflies for our

Science project. ________________________________________________

5. Pupils describe his/ her pet. i.e.

I have a pet. It is a ____________. I like it because___________________




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