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Rouda Mohammed Al-Ali

Constructivism is a learning theory
found in psychology which explains
how people might acquire knowledge
and learn. It therefore has direct
application to education. The theory
suggests that humans construct
knowledge and meaning from their
sensorimotor from birth to about age 2 children begin to learn about the world.

preoperational ages 2 to 7. Children begin to develop concepts

concrete operations approximately ages 7 to 11 children are becoming

operations approximately ages 11 through children can learn to use the scientific
adulthood method independently
Period of time between birth and age clouds, its time to learn more about the
world. Children use all their sensory abilities of touch, taste, sight, hearing, smell,
and muscle. It also uses the growing engine capabilities to understand, crawl,
stand, and walk in the end.

A period between the age of drawing and six during which the child learns to
use the language. During this stage, children do not yet understand the
concrete logic, can not mentally manipulate the information and are unable to
view others.
A period between ages seven and eleven during which children gain a better
understanding of mental operations. Children begin thinking logically about
concrete events, but have difficulty understanding abstract or hypothetical

A period between ages twelve to adulthood when people develop the ability
to think about abstract concepts. Skills such as logical thought, deductive
reasoning and systematic planning also emerge during this stage .

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