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Missi Radday

Dr. Burke

Children’s Literature

22 March 2018

Cinderella: Or the Glass Slipper

Part One

1. Who in this version of Cinderella is the most important character to the plot?

2. What evidence is there that Cinderella is kind?

3. Why do you think the Godmother shows up when she does in the story?

4. How is this version of Cinderella different from others and/or the Disney version?

5. Perrault states the moral of the story is beauty will be admired, but charm is worth more

in the long run. What is the moral of the story in your opinion?

6. Which fairy tale does this remind you of and why?

Part Two

Pattern: the presence of the Godmother

Other fairy tales:

Sleeping Beauty (The three fairies)

Snow White (The seven dwarves)

Beauty and the Beast (The animated furniture)

Significance of pattern: this pattern indicates that the main character has someone to help them

through the tale and difficult situations

Pattern: the presence of magic

Other fairy tales:




Significance of pattern: this pattern indicates power or special abilities of the character

Part Three

I observe oppositions between unkindness and kindness in the tale, and privilege and magic. I

draw the connection that in this tale, the unkind characters have privilege and the kind

characters receive magic. The step sisters are unkind, but get invited to the ball, have

Cinderella do their hair and wear extravagant dresses. Whereas, Cinderella is kind and attends

the ball looking beautiful thanks to the magic of her Godmother.

What I think we are to conclude about these connections are that, within the tale, kindness was

something that was rewarded, in this case with a happily ever after.

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