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Black Undercoat

Rhinox Hide (base)

Gorthor Brown (layer)

Baneblade Brown (layer)

Rakarth Flesh (base)

Steel Legion Drab (base)

Agrax Earthshade (shade)

Pink Horror (layer)

Zandri Dust (base)

Stirland Mud (texture)

1. Undercoat the model with black primer.

2. Paint the Warg's smooth skin areas with a coat of Rhinox Hide. Then dry brush the raised fur
areas with Rhinox Hide so the recesses of the fur still show black shading.

3. Mix Gorthor Brown (50%) with Lahmian Medium (50%). Apply this thin layer on the areas
shown above in the picture. You will need to apply three or four coats to build up the opacity.
This will ensure softer blends. Make sure each layer is dry before applying the next.

4. Mix Baneblade Brown (50%) with Lahmian Medium (50%). Apply this thin layer on the lower
halves of the legs. These multiple thin layers will allow you to blend from the Gorthor Brown
layer to the Baneblade Brown. Also paint some Baneblade Brown highlights on to the face of the

5. Mix Rakarth Flesh (50%) with Lahmian Medium (50%). Apply this thin layer on the lower
halves of the legs. I wanted paler legs on my Wargs for two reasons. Firstly, my bases are dark
brown and I didn't want the model's legs to blend into the base. Secondly I think it will be a nice
visual cue to the White Warg and tie in nicely with the Warband as a whole.

6. Dry brush the fur with Steel Legion Drab to highlight the fur.

7. Add a wash of Agrax Earthshade to the fur and the dark areas of the skin. Do not apply the
wash to the lower legs.

8. Create a glaze of Pink Horror (25%) mixed with Lahmian Medium (75%). Apply this to the
bottom of the paws, the ears and lips. If you can see a tongue paint this with Pink Horror as well.

9. Paint the claws and teeth with Zandri Dust. You can also pick out the eye with this colour as
well. Feel free to add some white to the eye if you wish.

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