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Diego Juarez

Mrs. Kenly



British Literature

Annotated Bibliography

U.S.-Mexico border wall

Migrants crossing US-Mexico Border Dying at Faster Rate…(2017, 17 Aug). Inter

pressservice Retrieved from SIRS Issues researcher,

The article research the death of all migrants dying getting them self to US to find

word to support their family in mexico. The body found in Mediterranean sea so

in 2017 last year over 2,350 victims in fourth consecutive years. Like from the

reporter named Julia Black from the (MMP) known as the missing migrants

project. That the Mexico border are dying at a faster rate in 2017 than the past


So The article help me from discovered the facts that many migrant have gone

missing or find their body in a area around the border and even in U.S. when they

get there. One of my source was reported from a women named Julia Black who

was from the (MMP) known as Missing Migrant Project. She wrote a reported in

August 4. It said in the reported that it was increase of 17 percent of 204 deaths in

the recorded book between January and july of 2016. She saw the recorded of

2016 and 2017 where the body were found in the border region, Rio Grande, San
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Antonio, Texas and so on more location. This help me see that latinos or any

other race can’t be safe they believe in is the American dream but sadly some

made but the other never did.

Linthicum, Kate. “Back to Malinalco; Mexican Dream.” Los Angeles Times, 01

Dec, 2017, pp.A.1, SIRS Issues Researcher, https;//

From the report of Kate Linthicum collecting information about latino

going back to their home country data from Census. In Census date show that

more than 1 million latino and their families left the U.S. for Mexico or other

country where they are from between 2009 and 2014. It had a major demographic

shift of the immigration equation and having profound effects on some countries

but mostly in Mexico. That when Latino has enough living in United States for a

long time and have more money then the being of their journey they will go back.

So this article discussing the difficulties and complicated faced by Mexican know

as my people because I’m Mexican so the Mexican immigrants to U.S. who have

decided to return to their home country.

This book help me to understand the situation that their no need to force us

to leave the country. We can just leave if we wanted to with large amounts of

money to save up sent some with family in Mexico I would do the same but I was

in the United States of America. Their no need to build a wall and more important

if we wanted to we need the important thing in our life is a green card just in case

if we wanted to go back in U.S.

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“Trump’s border wall will be pointless and ineffective.” USA Today, 10

Oct, 3017, pp. A.7, SIRS issues researcher,

This article explains that President Donald Trump said he going built a

wall and need more resonance of his pledge to build a wall around the entire U.S.-

Mexico border. Like his speech in the President Election Day for getting more

vote that he said he promise such a wall that Mexico is going to pay it all in 2015.

So he blamed the democrat fund of the wall in return for legislation that it would

save from the deportation roughly around 800,000 immigrants brought here as

children. So they look over the outcome of the wall process and it looks like it

will not be a no show because one it’s too much money to build a wall and two

the President of Mexico said no we are not paying for the wall.

To the article that just read their no point of building a wall that big and

you promised to everyone that voted for that the wall will done. And Mexico

going pay all of it I don’t think. The are President of the United States of America

its your job to do it for y’all and it’s your future plan since 2015. Why do Mexico

have pay for it that I don’t understand. Plus in the article it’s state that their less

and less of a problem of illegal immigration and population has drop to 12

millions to 11 millions. So there no point build up a big wall and waste all of

money to make yourself look better it’s not trust me I hate you but it’s not time

for this but anyway there no point.

Cornelius, Wayne A.”Dreamers’ are pawns in immigration Debate.” Los

Angeles time, 17 Jan, 2018, pp. A.13, SIRS issues researcher,
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The article show that immigrants have been pawns in what they believed in

coming to this United State for the matter of staying. There was dependably a

hazard that the around 700,000 DACA recipients would move toward becoming

pawns in our bigger migration arrangement wars. For all his past articulations of

help for the "Visionaries," President Trump seems to see ensuring them chiefly as

a lever for extricating hard-line, against migration measures from Congress,

which House Republicans amiably packaged into a rundown of requests for the

Democrats." Educator emeritus of political science at UC San Diego, fights that

the level headed discussion on fringe security is slowing down endeavors to

institute far reaching migration change.

So this article help understand the situation that DACA have 700,000 people in

their system. “To have it out in pace“said by president trump on their safety on

the people of living here and that have family like their mom and dad brought

them here when they were little but i don't trust this men at all ever since i was

bored or even hear his name the first time i don’t trust him at all.

Bennett, Brian, and Lisa Mascaro. “DACA deal upsets both sides.” Los

Angeles times, 26 Jan, 2018, pp. A.1, SIRS issues researcher,

The article of this passage show that DACA don't trust both side of

Democrats or Trump’s base. Like President Trump is trying the faithfulness of his

most passionate traditionalist supporters, proposing a pathway to citizenship for

1.8 million youthful settlers who went to the U.S. unlawfully as youngsters, while

requesting that Democrats bolster $25 billion for fringe security, including his
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proposed outskirt divider, and strict new cutoff points on legitimate movement

The writer take in more about the Trump Organization's Conceded Activity for

Youth Landings (DACA) bargain that is drawing feedback from Democrats and

Trump's base.

Lantigua, John. “Modern-Day slavery: How they come--this is

where so many die.” palm Beach post (West Palm Beach, FL), 08 DEC, 2003, pp.

2+, SIRS issues researcher,

This article show The nine transients walked over the outskirt into the

bursting Arizona betray just before dusk. Eight men and one lady who needed

work in the U.S., they had gone by transport somewhere in the range of 1,500

miles from southern Mexico. In any case, the following 50 miles they needed to

walk, and it would be, by a long shot, the most troublesome and unsafe leg of

their adventure. From Palm Shoreline Post, This article shows the encounters of

vagrants illicitly entering the Assembled States.

It help me understand that Walking over there is hell on earth to be able

withstand the sun heat. Like article said its rain to get here in USA from getting

working job over there no matter what. Some people die getting over there and

there leg must been broken for them to walk 50 miles away in there life to get a

simple job.

Gonzlez, Daniel, and Gustavo Solis. "Human Smuggler Says Wall would make Him
Rich." USA TODAY, 21 Sep, 2017, pp. A.1, SIRS Issues Researcher,
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The standard procedures No noteworthy the dealer's character. No photographs or

video demonstrating his face. Change the sound to camouflage his voice. For about two

hours, the pollero (the slang term interprets actually as 'chicken herder') depicts how he

has carried a huge number of vagrants into the USA for as far back as 20 years." (USA

TODAY) This article portrays how a dealer functioned with others to sneak transients

over the U.S.- Mexico fringe into Calexico, California, and how he trusts President

Trump's divider will profit.

Meckler, Laura. "Trump Wants $18 Billion for Wall." Wall Street Journal, 06 Jan, 2018, pp. A.1,

SIRS Issues Researcher,

The Trump organization is approaching Congress for about $18 billion to develop in excess of

700 miles of new and substitution obstructions along the Southwest outskirt, its most point by

point portrayal yet of the president's vision of a divider isolating the U.S. from Mexico. The ask

for would be a noteworthy development from the 654 miles of obstruction now, bringing the

aggregate to almost 1,000 miles- - about portion of the whole Southwest outskirt." (Money Road

Diary) Read about President Donald Trump's archive, which involves $9.3 billion over the initial

five years and another $8.7 billion throughout the following five years.

Driver, Alice. "Trump's Mexico Wall would be a Gift to the Drug Cartels." CNN Wire Service, 08
Jan, 2018, SIRS Issues Researcher,

The traps of the multibillion-dollar sedate business incorporate utilizing rambles, submarines,

ultralight planes and even solidified sharks to transport item over the US-Mexico fringe. Simply

think about that in 2016, US Traditions and Fringe Security Air and Marine Tasks specialists

endeavored to grab a submarine in the Pacific Sea with almost $194 million worth of cocaine.
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But then President Trump contends that his proposed outskirt divider, a return to a past period,

will 'prevent a great part of the medications from filling this nation and harming our childhood.'"

(CNN Wire Administration) In this article, the writer states that Trump's "divider will be a

blessing to the medication cartels

Rodriguez, Olga R. "U.S. Border Fence Plan Upsets Mexicans." Forbes, Oct, 2006, SIRS
Issues Researcher,

Mexico campaigned for a long time for a far reaching movement change that would enable

millions to cross into the Unified States legitimately. Rather, they're getting a fence. Mexicans- -

from driving government officials to transients planning to cross wrongfully - consider the U.S.

plan to fence off a significant part of the outskirt dishonorable, hostile and silly." (Forbes) This

article talks about a bill marked by President George W. Shrub "that would apportion $1.2 billion

for several miles of fencing along the U.S.- Mexican outskirt and for more vehicle boundaries,

lighting and infrared cameras." Included is talk by vagrants who show that "more dividers

wouldn't prevent them.

Saviano, Roberto. "Why a Mexican Border Wall Won't Stop the Drug Cartels." Newsweek, Mar,
2017, SIRS Issues Researcher,

On February 28 [2017], in his first discourse to Congress, President Donald Trump insisted his

sense of duty regarding disassembling the criminal cartels that have spread medications over the

Unified States. He emphasized his responsibility regarding the 'considerable divider' along the

Mexican outskirt as a key mainstay of his system, ensuring that the divider will be 'an extremely

successful weapon against medications and wrongdoing.'" (Newsweek) In this article, the writer

fights that President Trump's proposed divider won't stop the Mexican medication cartels.

Bier, David. "Why the Wall Won't Work." Reason, May, 2017, pp. 20-31, SIRS Issues
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Trump was regularly scrutinized for lacking accuracy in arrangement thoughts, however he had

strong and point by point necessities for his divider. It would be 1,000 miles in length. (The other

1,500, he stated, were secured by 'characteristic boundaries.') He gave different appraisals of its

tallness in the vicinity of 30 and 50 feet, with the most well-known number being 35. His

boundary would be an "impervious physical divider" made out of 'precast [concrete] plank...30

feet long, 40 feet long.' He additionally demanded that it would be tastefully satisfying."

(Reason) In this perspective article, David Coffin, an approach examiner at the Cato

Organization, analyzes the legitimate impediments and viable contemplations to building a

divider along the outskirt with Mexico. The creator likewise takes a gander at the viability,

unintended results and expenses of such a divider, among different issues, presuming that such a

divider won't work.

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