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Do your extracurricular activities

affect your performance in school?

By Kalsom cheman [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Rosa Flores, Juan Laguna, Steenn Pasichnuk

EDT 180 B
Gary Lewallen
April 11, 2018



Do your extracurricular activities affect your performance in school?


We decided to do our research on how extracurricular activities affect an individual’s

performance in school. Some of the questions we asked included: What is your grade level? In
which college or school are you enrolled? What activities are you involved in, besides school?
On average, how many hours in a week do you spend on extracurricular activities? On average,
how many hours per week do you dedicate to your school work? What is your GPA? Did you see
a drop, rise or no change in your GPA after being involved in extracurricular activities? And
lastly, How often do you consume alcohol? We used a Google Docs Form in order ro get
responses. We decided to make some of the questions multiple choice and the others that
involved an average of hours as short responses. We ended up with a total of 136 responses.


When comparing average grade point average by grade level there is a dramatic spike in
GPA among the Freshmen and Sophomore students. This is very likely a result of having 85
Freshmen and 30 Sophomores which comes up to the total of 115 out of 136 total respondents.
However, it is interesting to note that the lowest GPA reported was also reported by the
Freshmen. Also worth noting, the Seniors were the four to not have constitant.



Do your extracurricular activities affect your performance in school?

When comparing grade level by what extracurricular activity they were involved in, there
was an extremely dramatic spike in work as well as student athlete. This is very likely a result of
college being in a sense expensive because students are more likely to work while they’re in
college since they would enjoy earning a a little extra cash. However, it is interesting to note that
only one graduate was the only one that checked that he/ she focused solely in school. Also
worth noting, the greek life was less popular than it is noted to be. Only Freshmen, Sophomore
and Seniors showed interest or involvement in greek life.

When comparing grade level to hours dedicated to school work, there was a dramatic
spike within the Freshmen class. They seemed to be the ones spending the most time in school
work. The average amount of hours dedicated to school work was 40 hours.This is very likely a
result of only having more responsibility as Seniors do often get senioritis and slack off.
However, it is interesting to note graduates only spent about between five to ten hours.



Do your extracurricular activities affect your performance in school?


When looking at our data and charts, we made the conclusion that Freshmen &
Sophomore seemed to be the most involved in school yet still were able to get good grades.
Therefore if you’re a Freshman or Sophomore, your extracurricular activities affect your
performance in school. A question that we do have is that since upper level classmates are bound
to graduate, shouldn't they spend more or the same time in school work as Freshmen and
Sophomores? Another question we have is, why is there a dramatic lack of interest in greek life
among juniors? It has nothing to do with our project but we are extremely curious. If we did this
again, we would’ve liked to have asked more demographic related questions.. Such as: gender,
age, etc.

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