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Name Generic/ Action Dosage/Freq Indication Adverse Effect Contraindications Nursing

Brand Name uency/Route Responsiblities

Amoxicillin Amoxil Prevents Adult: Infections of Dizziness, Hypersensitivity  Obtain pt’s hx of
bacterial cell 250-500 mg the respiratory fatigue, to penicillins, allergy
wall synthesis every 8 tract, skin and insomnia, skin cephalosporins.  Assess any
during hours skin rashes, itchy Not used to treat signs of
replication. structures, eyes, sore or pneumonia, infection
paranasal dry mouth, bacteremia,  Assess for pt’s
mg/kg/day sinuses, abnormal pericarditis sensitivity to
divided genitourinary taste during acute penicillin or
dosage tract, otitis sensation, stage. other
every 8 media, diarrhea, cephalosporins
hours sinusitis, rectal bleeding  Assess for
meningitis, allergic reaction
septicemia during therapy
 Assess for
bowel pattern, if
diarrhea, shoud
Chlorpromazine Thorazine Has significant Dosage: -Preanesthetic Side effects: -Pregnancy -The maximum daily
antiemetic, Oral to relieve Constipation, category c P.O. and parenteral
Classification: hypotensive, concentrate, restlessness drowsiness,
Antipsychotic dose for adults and
and sedative tablets, syrup: and blurred vision, -Hypersensitivity
effects, (Adults) 10 apprehension decreased to phynothiazine adolescents should
moderate mg3-4 sweating, derivatives be 1 gram of the
anticholinergic times a day or - Adjunct to difficulty base.
and 25 mg treat tetanus urinating, dark -Comatose state
extrapyramidal 2-3 times a urine, swollen -Solutions may cause
effects day - Severe breasts -Withdrawal from contact dermatitis:
Suppository, bahavioral alcohol avoid contact with
rectal: problem in
hands or clothing.
(Children) 1 children 1-12 Adverse -Brain damage -The oral concentrate
mg/kg years old Reaction: is light sensitive:
(0.5mg/lb) q marked by tremor
protect from light and
6-8 hours combativeness
as needed and or dispense in amber
explosive glass bottle
Available hyperexcitable
forms: bahavior
Injection: 25
Tablets: 10
mg, 25
mg, 50 mg,
200 mg

Haloperidol Haldol Blocks Dosage: -severe Side effects: -Pregnancy -Store tablets from
dopamine Tablets: behaviour Drowsiness, category C 15-30˚C (59-86 ˚F).
Classification: receptors in the problem in dizziness,
(Adults) 0.5-2
Antipsychotic tuberoinfundib- children -lactation -Assess CBC,
mg 2- blurred
ular system to electrolytes, liver and
cause sedation. 3 times per vision, GI upset, renal function.
-short term -client’s with
Also causes day for salivation, dry Parkinsonism
severe treatment of
alpha- mouth
symptoms hyperactive
blockade, (Children 3-12 children Adverse -Instruct client or
decreases years who show Reaction: family to avoid
release of or 15-40 Seizures,
excessive alcohol and activities
growth kg)0.05- tardive
hormone, and 0.075 motor activity dyskinesia that require mental
increases mg/kd/day alertness until drug
prolactin effects realized
release by Availability:
pituitary Tablets: 0.5
mg, 1
mg, 2 mg, 5
mg, 10
mg, 20 mg

Ascorbic Acid Water soluble 500 mg/tab Recommended -Transient mild -Prolonged use of - Assess nutritional
vitamin with body allowance soreness at I.M. excessive doses status for inclusion of
antioxidant or contraindicated in foods high in vitamin
properties; Scurvy subcutaneous DM, sodium- c deficiency before,
stimulates injection site restricted diet, during, & after
collagen concurrent treatment. Scurvy,
formation and -Transient light- anticoagulant use, poor bone
enhances tissue headedness or & history of development
repair dizziness recurrent renal
calculi -Monitor input &
-Use cautiously in
hyper-sensitivity -Assess patient and
to tartrazine or family knowledge on
sulfites drug the

-Avoid rapid I.V.


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