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the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.

Classroom management is a term used by teachers to describe

the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly
despite disruptive behavior by students. The term also implies the
prevention of disruptive behavior.
Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and
techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly,
focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a


Classroom management is important to the whole education

process because it offers students an ideal learning environment,
helps prevent teacher burnout and makes students and teachers
feel safer and happier. Classroom management involves more than
just discipline and rules.


Rote discipline Edit

Also known as "lines," rote discipline is a negative sanction used for
behavior management. It involves assigning a disorderly student
sentences or the classroom rules to write repeatedly. Among the
many types of classroom management approaches, it is very
commonly used.

Preventive techniques Edit

Preventive approaches to classroom management involve creating
a positive classroom community with mutual respect between
teacher and student. Teachers using the preventive approach offer
warmth, acceptance, and support unconditionally – not based on a
student’s behavior. Fair rules and consequences are established
and students are given frequent and consistent feedback regarding
their behavior.[10] One way to establish this kind of classroom
environment is through the development and use of a classroom
contract. The contract should be created by both students and the
teacher. In the contract, students and teachers decide and agree on
how to treat one another in the classroom. The group also decides
on and agrees to what the group will do should there be a violation
of the contract. Rather than a consequence, the group should
decide on a way to fix the problem through either class discussion,
peer mediation, counseling, or by one on one conversations leading
to a solution to the situation.

Preventive techniques also involve the strategic use of praise and

rewards to inform students about their behavior rather than as a
means of controlling student behavior. In order to use rewards to
inform students about their behavior, teachers must emphasize the
value of the behavior that is rewarded and also explain to students
the specific skills they demonstrated to earn the reward. Teachers
should also encourage student collaboration in selecting rewards
and defining appropriate behaviors that will earn rewards.[11]

Good teacher-student relationships Edit

Some characteristics of having good teacher-student relationships
in the classroom involves the appropriate levels of dominance,
cooperation, and awareness of high-needs students. Dominance is
defined as the teacher’s ability to give clear purpose and guidance
concerning student behavior and their academics. By creating and
giving clear expectations and consequences for student behavior,
this builds effective relationships. Such expectations may cover
classroom etiquette and behavior, group work, seating
arrangements, the use of equipment and materials, and also
classroom disruptions. Assertive teacher behavior also reassures
that thoughts and messages are being passed on to the student in
an effective way. Assertive behavior can be achieved by using erect
posture, appropriate tone of voice depending on the current
situation, and taking care not to ignore inappropriate behavior by
taking action.

An Effective Classroom Management Context (these four things are


1. Know what you want and what you don't want. 2. Show and tell your
students what you want. 3. When you get what you want, acknowledge
(not praise) it. 4. When you get something else, act quickly and

1.Take Charge of Your Class

Get everyone’s attention before beginning class. That means the lesson
won’t be started, the lecture won’t begin, and nothing will be written on
the overhead until everyone is in his or her seat paying attention. It
doesn’t take a shout of “Let’s be quiet” or “I won’t start until everyone is
ready” to get them to focus on you. It can be just as effective to walk to
the front of the room and engage them with something interesting to
them such as “My thermometer said it was zero this morning. It must
have been freezing out there waiting for the bus” or “How many of you
saw the Hunger Games?” Open with couple attention getting comments
and continue until everyone is with you. Remember, don’t start teaching
until all eyes are on you and everyone is in their seat.

2.Focus on the Disruptive Students

If students aren’t paying attention or busy doing other things, get them
focused by using nonverbal signals of disapproval. If they are talking,
pause and look toward them. If in front of the class, continue with the
lesson but walk toward the problem students and stop near their seats,
while still teaching. Having you so near usually shuts off the unwanted
activity as the rest of the class’s attention is directed toward the
misbehaving students. If there is a discussion going, direct a question to
the student who is not paying attention or misbehaving. For example,
say “Kevin, would you agree that the Battle of New Orleans was the
turning point of the War of 1812?” Hearing his name will snap Kevin
back to the class activity having the same effect without embarrassing
him as if you had said, “Kevin, pay attention!” Remember to use his
name when you begin to speak, otherwise he may not hear the question.
Calling on a person by name brings almost anyone out of his or her
If non-verbal cues are disregarded, the next step will be imposing
discipline measures within the classroom such as having them stay a few
minutes after class or changing their seats

Classroom management is the process by which teachers and schools

create and maintain appropriate behavior of students in classroom
settings. The purpose of implementing classroom management
strategies is to enhance prosocial behavior and increase student
academic engagement (Emmer & Sabornie, 2015; Everston & Weinstein,
2006). Effective classroom management principles work across almost
all subject areas and grade levels (Brophy, 2006; Lewis, et al., 2006).
When using a tiered model in which school-wide support is provided at
the universal level, classroom behavior management programs have
shown to be effective for 80-85 percent of all students. More intensive
programs may be needed for some students.
Corporal punishment
Until recently, corporal punishment was widely used as a means of
controlling disruptive behavior but it is now illegal in most schools. It
is still advocated in some contexts by religious leaders such as
James Dobson, but his views "diverge sharply from those
recommended by contemporary mainstream experts" and are not
based on empirical testing, but rather are a reflection of his
faith-based beliefs.

According to studies taboo physical punishments like spanking or

procedures used in Asia in the classroom such as standing do not
make students or children more aggressive. Consistency seems to
play a greater role on whether outcomes could be negative.[9]

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