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Student-Teacher: bahja hadi

Date: 11-3-2018

Course: English

Grade Level: Grade 5

Subject: English
Learning Outcome: identify Alliteration in a sentence

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Time: 15 min

The teacher will use the PowerPoint that is ready for this lesson. The first slides has a tongue twister

sentences there is in Arabic and in English the teacher will ask the girls to read these sentences after they
read it the teacher will ask: what do we call these words?

Guided and Independent Experience (group working with the teacher)

The teacher will show a PowerPoint that have some alliteration sentences and after that the teacher will
ask the students: who can read these sentence for me? The teacher let the students read all the
sentences and then she will explain were the alliteration at then the teacher will explain how the
students can identify the alliteration in the sentences. After the teacher finish the explanation, the
teacher will give the students activity. This activity called [My Alliteration Sentence] which is basically
Time: 15 min

every student should come up with sentence that have alliteration and the best one will get a prize.

Time: 15 min

The teacher will hand to every student a white paper and ask them to write an alliteration words and they

can think together to come up with words.

As assessment I showed to them a famous brands name that they are familiar with and I asked them if this brand
name consider as alliteration or not and they need to answer together.

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