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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Feedback to student teacher

Student teacher’s name:Bahja Hadi Grade Level: 5

Unit/Lesson: Math- volume Date: 05-03-2018

Competency Area E G S M US
Professionalism and Understanding x
Professional growth
Planning for learning x
Planning activities and lesson aims
Implementing and Managing Learning x
Language and delivery
Classroom management x
Communication skills x
Monitoring and Assessment
Critical Reflection
Strengths of the lesson:

 I love that you had three sets of activities for different levels.
 You integrated IT- The video was good
 I loved that sentence card under the vocabulary

Areas for development:

 Don’t focus your questioning on one section of the class only.

 Use the name sticks to help you.
 It’s really great that you can use Arabic for the vocabulary but try to reinforce
it in English.
 Especially in a lesson like this, you should use more concrete examples. For
example, instead of drawing on the board use a real-life cube. Have the
students engage more.
 You need to reduce the time spent on teacher talk. You are taking
away from your lesson time. you spent almost 25 minutes talking.
 Remember, you don’t have to do everything. involve the students more

E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal and US = Unsatisfactory

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