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ADWC MCT/MST Lesson Observation: Feedback to Student Teacher

Student Teachers Name: ____Amina __________________________ Grade Level: _________4_______

Unit/Lesson: English lesson- procedural writing Date: ____26 Oct __________________

Competency Area E G S M US
Please tick the boxes using the OVERALL ASSESSMENT LEVEL
DESCRIPTORS attached at end of document

Professionalism: Understanding Professional Growth

Planning for Learning

Planning activities and lesson aims

Implementing and Managing Learning

Language and delivery

Classroom Management

Communication Skills

Monitoring and Assessment

Critical Reflection

Strengths of the lesson:

This was a very good and well planned lesson. Amina brought stimulating
resources and the students enjoyed the lesson. The starter was interstening
and the group activity was well organized. The students made sandwiches and
then they discuss the process using servicing words
Areas for development:
It would be good to provide a scuffled for weak students

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