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CELTA | 2022

Lesson Plan | Cover Page

General Information
Teacher Pooja Nandwana Tutor Irina
Date 10/08/22 TP # 4
Level Elementary Student #
Main / Sub aims Grammar/Speaking Length 45 mins
Tutor Comments

Progress on action points:


Planning / Language Analysis

Action Points

This lesson is AT standard for this stage of the course

(Tutor signature)

I have read and understood this feedback. I have asked my tutor about
anything that is unclear.
(Teacher signature)
CELTA | 2022

Lesson Plan | Assessment Criteria

Achievement of CELTA Criteria (filled out by tutor) 1 2 3 4
4a identifying & stating appropriate aims/outcomes for individual lessons
4b ordering activities so that they achieve lesson aims
4c selecting, adapting or designing materials, activities, resources and technical aids appropriate for the lesson
4d presenting materials for classroom use with professional appearance, and meeting copyright requirements
4e describing the procedure of the lesson in sufficient detail
4f including interaction patterns appropriate for the materials & activities especially at feedback stages
4g ensuring balance, variety & a communicative focus in materials, tasks & activities
4h allocating appropriate timing for different stages of the lesson
4i analysing language with attention to form, meaning and phonology& using correct terminology
4j anticipating potential difficulties with language, materials and learners
4k suggesting solutions to anticipated problems
4l using terminology that relates to language skills and sub-skills correctly
4m working constructively with colleagues in the planning of teaching practice sessions
4n reflecting on & evaluating plans in light of the learning process & suggesting improvements for future plans
3a helping learners to understand reading and listening texts
3b helping learners to produce oral and written language
1a teaching a class with an awareness of the needs and interests of the learner group
1b teaching a class with an awareness of learning preferences and cultural factors that may affect learning
1c acknowledging, when necessary, learners' backgrounds & previous learning experiences
1d establishing good rapport with learners using students’ names, eye contact
1d ensuring learners are fully involved in learning activities: attention spread, positioning, keeping attention
2a adjusting/grading their own use of language according to the learner group and the context
2b identifying errors and sensitively correcting learners' oral & written language
2c providing clear contexts and a communicative focus for language
2d providing accurate and appropriate models of spoken and written language
2e focusing on language items in the classroom by clarifying relevant aspects of meaning, form and phonology for
learners to an appropriate depth
2f showing awareness of differences in register
2g providing appropriate practice of language items
5a arranging the physical features of the classroom appropriately for teaching & learning, bearing safety in mind
5b setting up and managing whole class and/or group and individual activities as appropriate
5c selecting appropriate teaching techniques in relation to the content of the lesson
5d managing the learning process in such a way that lesson aims are achieved
5e making use of materials, resources and technical aids in such a way that they enhance learning
5f using appropriate means to make instructions for tasks and activities clear to learners
5g using a range of questions effectively for the purpose of elicitation & checking understanding
5h providing learners with appropriate feedback on tasks and activities
5i maintaining an appropriate learning pace in relation to materials, tasks and activities
5j monitoring learners appropriately in relation to the task or activity
5k beginning & finishing lessons on time, and, if necessary, making any relevant regulations pertaining to the
teaching institution clear to learners
5l maintaining accurate and up-to-date records in their portfolio
5m developing ability to assess own teaching and responding to learners, peers and tutor guidance
CELTA | 2022

Lesson Plan | Assessment Criteria

5n participating in and responding to feedback

S+ = Above standard for this stage of the course
S = To standard for this stage of the course
S* = Weak for this stage of the course. (Officially the criteria for lesson was still to standard; however, improvement will be required for it to remain so)
N = Not to standard for this stage of the course
X = Not applicable to this lesson
CELTA | 2022

Lesson Plan
Lesson Aims
Main aim: By the end of the lesson, students will have practiced the use of comparative adjectives in the context of comparing
different types of people.
Sub aim: To provide fluency speaking practice in the context of people.
The Learners
Group profile: What do you know about the group you’re going to be teaching? Consider the demographics, learning preferences, learning
backgrounds etc
The group of Elementary level consists of 5-6 students aged between 18-21 years. All students are Omanis, and their
native language is Arabic. All of them have previous learning experience and have studied English at school. Students of
the group are mainly University students either in their first or second year of college. They all come from different
education backgrounds like Engineering, Mass communication, Arts etc. Their level of understanding English isn’t equal.
There are high ability students and low ability students. The interests of the learners are mostly varied (travelling,
cooking, reading, watching movies, and playing interactive games).

All the learners have the extrinsic motivation to learn English or to enrol in an English course mainly with the purpose of
securing a job and communicating with people from different backgrounds. Majority of the learners have a visual
learning preference; they are more engaged in an activity if they have a visual support of the target language/new
vocabulary on their screen. The students respond to clear and simple instructions; they find difficulty if the instruction is
too long or complex. Students have problems with fluency and accuracy due to the lack of vocabulary and knowledge.
Students do well when they are presented with short reading tasks. They want to improve their writing and speaking
skills which will further help them in their jobs while communicating with other people.

Assumptions: What do you expect the students will already know about the language/content of your lesson?
 Assumptions about knowledge of and interest in lesson topic / context
 Assumptions about familiarity with target language / skill
 Other assumptions (if relevant)

Ss should be able to compare and differentiate between different types of people.

Ss should be able to compare themselves to others.

Anticipation: Solutions:
Include at least 3, specific to the stages and activities in this
lesson 1. Use ICQ to check if they have understood the
1. Some Ss may not read the gist task quickly to find instruction.
out the information. 2. Use definition and elicit examples to teach the
2. Ss might not know or understand the word- word.
historical 3. T could ask Ss to take a screenshot of the
3. Ss may or may not use the target language vocabulary slide to refer later while writing.
(adjectives) while writing the task. Alternatively, teacher can also put some of the
words in the chat for reference.
Your Development
Personal aims: Approaches:
Aims: What is your strategy to improve in each of these areas?
What action points from previous lesson(s) are you working on?
1. To avoid echoing students’ answers
1. Teacher talk (2a)
2. To continue to work on and use graded language
2. Instructions (5f)
with clear, simple and short instructions.
CELTA | 2022

Lesson Plan | Procedure

Timing Interaction Stage Name Stage Aim Procedure Tutor’s Comments
5 mins T-St Lead in To generate interest in T shows a picture of different people.
the topic and set the Ask learners to talk to each other in
scene for the lesson. groups/pairs and discuss how are the
people different from each other.
Ss should be able to compare height,
age, physical features of the people
Ss discuss with their partner. T takes
whole class feedback.

7-8 T-St Test 1 (Diagnostic) To test Ss’ current T tells the Ss that she will be sending a
mins knowledge of the google form in the chat. They need to
target language and look at the picture and answer some
identify gaps in the questions. On completion, they need to
click on Submit.
target language
ICQ: Where will you find the form?
(comparative Ss: In the chat
Ss look at the picture in the google
form and choose the correct form of
comparative adjective.
Google form-
Whole Class

T takes displays few incorrect

sentences on the board and takes
feedback from the whole class.
5 mins T-St Teach (Language Focus) To deal with MPF of T clarifies meaning by projecting the
the target language language extracted from test 1.
with emphasis on CCQ 1: What do all these sentences
items Ss did not know have in common?
Ss: They are comparing
or were confused
CELTA | 2022

Lesson Plan | Procedure

about. To revise the CCQ2: Are all the comparisons with
language, they may be people who are same?
already familiar with. Ss: No
T clarifies the comparative adjectives
formation by projecting the
comparative rules on board. For e.g.,
irregular forms as well as 2 syllables
with -y at the end, or cases where the
Whole class consonant must be doubled will be
provided visually and guided by the
T displays a sentence and elicits the
7-8 S Test 2 (Controlled To test whether the Ss T now displays few gap fill questions on
mins practice) have understood all the screen. Ask Ss to complete them
the target language. with the right form of comparative
To provide Ss with adjective. Ss can write down their
answers on a piece of paper.
restricted practice of
Pair work the target language
ICQ 1- Where do you need to write the
SS: On a paper.
Open class
Ss discuss their answers in pairs/groups
in BORs. T monitors actively to see how
well the Ss have performed the task.

T takes feedback in the main session.

8-10 S-S Freer Practice To provide Ss with Students are prompted to do

mins freer, more authentic comparisons of their own using the
practice of the target prompt "compare yourself to your
language mother or best friend or a role model"
with their partner.
T can provide useful language
CELTA | 2022

Lesson Plan | Procedure

suggestions and remind them to use
the comparative adjectives while
comparing themselves to others.
Time for content feedback is provided
at the end

CCQ 1: Are you all comparing yourself

or one person in the group?
Ss: All

CCQ 2: What are we using while

Ss: List of adjectives.

Ss work in pairs. T can use this time

to help and note down any errors.
5 mins Whole class Content and language To give feedback (error Using examples taken from the Freer
feedback correction & praise) on practice, T can project phrases that
any language could be improved on slides and ask
component of the students to attempt to improve them.
T could also include phrases that were
already quite good to praise students
who did a good job.
CELTA | 2022

Lesson Plan | Materials

What materials do you plan to use? This may be several pages. You can copy and paste from the H/O word document. Remember to source all H/Os.
 Coursebook and other published materials: full reference, including title, author, year, publisher and page #
 Adaptations of coursebook or other published materials: Adapted from plus full reference as above
 Teacher-created materials: Write Teacher’s own
 Images from the Internet: from Google Images (no need for full reference or URL)

Course book: Life Elementary Student Book, John Hughes, Paul Dummett, Helen Stephenson, Unit 7, page 85

Teacher created materials: Teacher’s own (Powerpoint presentation)

Google form -

Images from the internet : Google

CELTA | 2022

Lesson Plan | Vocabulary Analysis

Item Meaning Conveying Meaning Checking Meaning Pronunciation Part of Anticipated Problems &
The word or phrase The definition Realia, definition, mime etc. CCQs etc. Phonemic transcription, stress etc. Speech Solutions
N, V, Adj etc Any problems with MPF etc?
CELTA | 2022

Lesson Plan | Grammar/Functions Analysis

Target Language Context
Comparative adjectives e.g. ‘People’

Language Analysis
Meaning | What does the target language mean… in this context? See past the literal.
Bob drives worse than Linda. The sentence is comparing Bob’s driving skill to Linda.

Checking meaning | How will you check meaning? CCQ, clines, Timelines etc.?
CCQ 1: What is being compared? SS: Bob’s driving skill
CCQ 2: Is he a better driver than Linda? Ss: No

Form | Show the form of the structure.

Subject + verb+ adjective than + Subject

Pronunciation | Use the phonemic script and show stress, connected speech etc.
| bɒb draɪvz wɜːs ðən ˈlɪndə |

‘worse’- elision (or)

‘drives’- assimilation (z)

Anticipated Problems of… Solutions

Meaning: Elicit answers from learners and use CCQs 1 and 2 to check
Ss maybe unclear about when to use the comparative meaning.
Form: T reminds that bad is an irregular adjective and it doesn’t
Ss might use more worse or badder than while changing the follow any er/more than.. rule.
comparative of bad.
Pronunciation: Highlight that or is silent in worse. Model and drill the word.
Putting unnatural stress on the word ‘worse’.

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