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Applied Surface Science 400 (2017) 71–76

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Mechanic-electrical transformations in the Kelvin method

Yu. S. Zharkikh a,∗ , S.V. Lysochenko b
Faculty of Radio Physics, Electronics and Computer Systems, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 4G, Ave. Academician Glushkov, 03127, Kyiv,
Institute of High Technologies, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 4G, Ave. Academician Glushkov, 03127, Kyiv, Ukraine

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: To explain the initiation mechanism of alternating current in an electric circuit containing the dynamic
Received 1 June 2016 capacitor a model of mechanic- electrical transformation is suggested to use. In such a model, electric
Received in revised form charges disposed between the capacitor plates serve as a cause of measured signal in contrast to the
15 November 2016
contact potential difference, which is considered as the main base in the Kelvin’s model. If one of the
Accepted 11 December 2016
plates moves periodically, then the conditions of the charges screening are changed and thereby the
Available online 21 December 2016
capacitor recharging current is arise. The measuring is based on compensation of the recharging current
by current, which generated by a source of electromotive force (EMF). The compensation voltage depends
Kelvin method on both the distribution of ions or dipoles over the studied surface and the charges creating the surface
Contact potential difference potential barrier. This voltage is independent on the bulk electro-physical characteristics of a solid.
Work function © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mechanic-electrical transformer
Semiconductor surface

1. Introduction emission current density is je = 10−36 A/cm2 [5]), so we can neglect

the emission phenomena. In this method, the electric field gener-
The ability to prevent the electrons escape from a solid is the ated by charges inside the capacitor gap, serves as the information
fundamental property of the surface. Many scientific works are agent. In both the methods, obtaining of a wanted signal is asso-
devoted to investigation of the work function of solids; their results ciated with using external, relatively to a studied sample, energy
are generalized in reviews, monographs and included in textbooks sources: heaters and irradiation devices in the thermo- and photo-
[1–5]. Nevertheless, up to now, there is deficient of a generally emission methods, or vibrator in the dynamic capacitor method.
accepted physical mechanism of the electrons retaining in a solid, as In the emission methods, energy of external source is spent to
well as a lack of coincidence is observed in absolute values of work increase the energy of electrons thus making them to be able to
functions W obtained by different authors for the same materials leave the solid. Whereas the work of the mechanical vibrator in the
[1,2]. The authors often do connect the difference between W values Kelvin method does not change the electrons energy, instead, it is
determined by the Kelvin method and those obtained by alternative converted into the energy of alternating electric current. Since the
methods, with drawbacks of experiments, and suggest measures to mechanisms of transformation of external energy into measured
improve the method [6–9]. However, it may be far more essential signal are essentially different in these methods then the measure-
the existed fundamental difference between physical effects under- ment results may reflect in different ways the properties of the
lying the different methods of the work function determination. For studied surface. In this work, attention is drawn to the fact that
example, in electron emission based methods, one determines the signal measured by the Kelvin method does not possess the same
energy needed for an electron to leave the solid. Here, an electron is connection with work function as it takes place for the model of
the information agent, which really leaves the solid bulk and travels surface energy barriers accepted in the emission methods.
from cathode towards the anode. Quite the contrary, in the Kelvin
method the transfer of electrons between plates of the dynamic
2. Theory and experiment
capacitor is practically absent (for example, at W = 2.5 eV, T = 300 K,

2.1. Transformation of mechanical to electrical energy in

dynamic capacitor
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Yu.S. Zharkikh), Fig. 1 shows the scheme of measurement setup used in the
(S.V. Lysochenko). Kelvin method. The plate 1 of the capacitor is setting into the
0169-4332/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
72 Yu.S. Zharkikh, S.V. Lysochenko / Applied Surface Science 400 (2017) 71–76

Fig. 2. The plane of dipoles in the dynamic capacitor.

ing q1 (t) function which, in turn, can be found from a simultaneous

consideration of formulas (1) to (5):
dq1 d2 Qaω cos ωt
Fig. 1. The scheme of measurement setup. The plane of electrical charges is in the ĩQ = =  2 (6)
dt d̃1 + d2
dynamic capacitor.

The compensation current ĩB caused by the voltage UB applied

reciprocating motion by means of electrodynamic or piezoelectric to the dynamic capacitor was calculated as:
vibrator. This motion causes the signal which is compensated by
dC ε0 aω cos ωt
voltage UB given by the controlled source B. The state of achieved ĩB = UB =  2 UB (7)
dt d̃1 + d2
compensation is displayed by null – indicator A.
The signal in the dynamic capacitor circuit is observed even if
the plates are made of the same material and, hence, in the absence Taking into account that ĩQ = ĩB if the currents are compensated
of the contact potential difference (CPD). This signal is caused by and using formulas (6) and (7) we find the compensation voltage
presence of statically charged objects between the plates. Let us UCB :
show this on examples of electric charges and dipoles inside the Q
UCB = d2 (8)
capacitor gap. ε0
In general case, charge Q may be distributed over the whole gap
2.1.1. Electric charges between the capacitor plates d2 and the gaps d1 and d2 may have different dielectric constants ε1
Let us consider the signal emergence conditions in circuit shown and ε2 . Dividing the gap d2 into parallel layers, and then summing
in Fig. 1. Charge Q is localized in a plane situated at distances d1 their contributions we obtain in this case:
and d2 from the plates (here and after indices 1 and 2 denote the  d2
corresponding capacitor plates). The electric field of the Q-charge UCB =  (x) xdx (9)
ε2 ε0
induces accumulation of screening charges q1 and q2 on the capac- 0
itor plates (the charges density are per unit surface). According to where x is coordinate orthogonal to the plate surface, and (x) is
Gauss law: the volume charge density in every point of the gap d2 .

q1 + q2 = Q (1) 2.1.2. Dipoles between capacitor plates

In Fig. 2, dipoles are located in such positions that plane of x
The static charge Q does not lead to any potential difference U12
coordinate intersects the middle of the dipole length l. The values d1
between the capacitor plates:
and d2 are distances from the dipole poles to corresponding plates.
U 12 = U 1 + U 2 = 0 (2) To determine the magnitudes of screening charges q1 and q2 ,
we should find the configuration of electric field E(x) generated by
and, because of this, electric fields E 1 and E 2 inside the gaps of the considered layer of dipoles. Calculation results for distribution
d1 and d2 take such values that of electric-field intensity around a separate dipole are well known
[10]. For the component along the longitudinal dipole axis, at x » l,
E 1 d1 + E 2 d2 = 0 (3) it is obtained:
On the other hand, the magnitudes of these fields are deter- 1 2p
Ex = (10)
mined by q1 and q2 charges of the capacitor plates: 4ε0 x3
where p = ql is dipole moment, q—pole charge.
E 1 = q1 /ε0, E 2 = q2 /ε0 , (4)
Using formula (10), we have calculated the force of interaction
where ε0 —permittivity. between electric charge e and the r-radius ring of dipoles. Then
The vibrational motion of the plate 1 with the amplitude a  d1 by integrating over radius r we determine the interaction force
and circular frequency ω results in the modulation of its distance between this unit charge and the disk of radius R. The obtained
d̃1 to the plane of Q charge: formula can be essentially simplified at the condition R » x. Finally,
we have the dependence of electric field strength E on the distance
d̃1 = d1 + asinωt (5) x to a dipole layer:
pn 1
We assume that d1  d2 because the charge Q is closely tied E= (11)
with the surface of the plate 2 (for example, after an adsorption). ε0 x
The gap variation d̃1 leads to redistribution of electric fields E 1 where n is dipole density per unit surface.
and E 2 . This is accompanied by variation of screening charges q1 and The similarity of the models presented in Figs. 1 and 2 is in fact
q2 by their interchanging through the external circuit of capacitor. that in both cases the charged plane divides the inter-plate space
Thus the alternating current ĩQ generated with the frequency of gap in such a manner that the capacitor can be considered as com-
modulation. We find the magnitude of this current by differentiat- posed of two serial capacitors with gaps d1 and d2 . Therefore, the
Yu.S. Zharkikh, S.V. Lysochenko / Applied Surface Science 400 (2017) 71–76 73

Fig. 3. Dependence of compensation voltage UCB on doses number n of charge Fig. 4. Dependences of compensation voltage UCB on doses number n of charge
deposited onto surface SiO2 of thickness 25 nm. deposited onto surface SiO2 of thickness 8,8 nm. Points • and  are those mea-
sured without and under illumination of the sample, respectively. Arrows show the
transitions from accumulation to inversion (n = 2) and vice versa (n = 17).
dipoles density inside layer N can be conditionally divided onto two

N = n1 + n2 (12)

where n1 and n2 are dipole densities that causing the screening 2.2. Experimental research of signal in the circuit of dynamic
charges q1 and q2 which are accumulated in upper and lower plates capacitor with charged plane in its gap
of the capacitor (Fig. 2).
Mutually coordinated relationships between n and q can be Functioning of the mechanic-electrical transformation (MET)
found if to proceed from the assumption that electric field strength has been modeled with using pSi–SiO2 structures. Corona charging
of charges distributed on a capacitor plate must coincide with method was used for depositing ions on the surface thermal SiO2
electric field strength of the dipole field that induces the charges at atmospheric pressure [11,12]. The amount of the charge Q was
accumulation. By equating values of E given by formulas (4) and gradually increased by adding identical doses controlled by time of
(11), we find: deposition. Compensation voltage values UCB were measured by the
pn1 pn2 Kelvin method after each adding of the charge. In this experiment,
q1 = , q2 = (13) the oxide served as d2 gap in Fig. 1. Dependence of UCB on number
d1 d2
of doses n of the deposited charge was studied using 20 samples
 xTaking into account that the potential difference U (x) = with SiO2 thickness of 8–25 nm [13]. All the obtained dependencies
E (x) dx, and using formula (11), we calculate a voltage drops demonstrated analogous shapes as that shown in Fig. 3.
between poles of the dipoles and plates of the capacitor: In the picture, two parts with opposite inclination are seen at
the UCB (n) dependence: the LHS one was obtained by gradually
pn1 2d1 pn2 2d2 increasing of positive charge density Q deposited onto SiO2 surface,
U1 = ln , U2 = ln (14)
ε0 l ε0 l whereas the RHS segment – under a changed sign of the deposited
charge. If a single deposition dose was Qd , so charge Q(n) = nQd
Since the presence of dipole layer can’t lead to originating of a corresponds to every n. Considering this, data of Fig. 3 show the
potential difference between the capacitor plates (U1 + U2 = 0 (2)) dependence UCB (Q). It is seen that this dependence is a linear one
then we obtain from (14): and, hence, in the experiments the mechanic-to-electric transfor-
mations are realized in the conditions that meet formula (9). Values
n1 ln2d2 /l
= (15) of the single deposition dose Qd are determined from inclinations
n2 ln2d1 /l
of the linear parts of the UCB (Q) dependencies (considering ε2 = 4).
Further calculation procedure to find compensation voltage UCB It is ascertained that under the deposition of positive and nega-
is similar to that considered above in item 2.1.1: at first, from (4), tive charges these doses have constituted, respectively, 2,6·1011
(11)–(15), we find dependence q1 (t); then we do differentiate this and 6,7·1011 elementary charges per cm2 . Note the variation span
dependence thus determining current ĩQ and, by equating it with of UCB constitutes about 10 V on this structure. For a real Si surface
this span does not exceed 1 V [14–16]. This corresponds to the fact
current ĩB (formula (7)), under the condition d1 » d2 , we obtain:
that thickness of residual oxide on such a surface is by an order of
pN ln2d2 /l magnitude lesser than on the studied sample.
UCB = (16) Results of investigation of dependencies UCB (n,Q) added with
ε0 ln2d1 /l + ln2d2 /l
laser illumination (0.63 ␮m) of the sample are shown in Fig. 4
The elementary calculations demonstrated in this paragraph are It is seen that under the illumination, absolute value of
based on the fundamental laws of electricity. These are made specif- compensation voltage UCB decreases. The incident illumination
ically for simplest models to give a clear non-complicated idea on leads to initiation of surface photovoltage Uph . In this situation,
the mechanism of signal initiation in the dynamic capacitor. From UCB = UB + Uph and, therefore, lesser voltage UB must come from
the point of view of electrical engineering, dynamic capacitor is battery B, which is measured by voltmeter V (Fig. 1).
a transformer of mechanical energy of vibrator into the energy of Note, results of such measurements give information on the
electric current. Work of moving the capacitor plate is spent on semiconductor surface space charge region. The presence of illumi-
changing the pattern of electric field inside the gap and this is nation – induced photovoltage indicates inversion and its absent
accompanied by flowing of charges between the capacitor plates shows on accumulation regimes in the region [14]. From data of
(see the Graphical abstract). Current of electrons ĩQ that emerges in Fig. 4, we can conclude that if 2 < n < 17 then an accumulation layer
the outer circuit during this process is circuited by the displacement is formed at the interface of Si–SiO2 , and the inversion layer there’s
current through the capacitor. inside of this span.
74 Yu.S. Zharkikh, S.V. Lysochenko / Applied Surface Science 400 (2017) 71–76

ders of d2 gap. This PD determines work function value W = eUd2 . If

we take, for example, value W = 4.5 eV, which is characteristic for a
number of solids [1], then we obtain nl ≈ 5 · 1012 e/cm2 . In the cal-
culation, it is assumed that dielectric constant inside the gaps is the
same as in vacuum (ε0 ); this assumption is, apparently, incorrect.
Because of this, the obtained value nl can be treated only as an esti-
mated value. This calculation shows that signal of 4.5 V measured
by the compensation method, may be caused by a comparatively
low concentration of electrons inside the repulsion layer (nl is by
two orders of magnitude lesser than concentration of the surface
Fig. 5. Potential difference in dynamic capacitor in the presence of: a) electrons layer When studying atomically – clean surfaces of solid, the mea-
above the studied surface; b) layers of electrons above both the studied surface and
sured signal usually does not exceed 0.3 V [19–23]. This is explained
the surface of reference electrode.
by the fact that in a dynamic capacitor there are exist potential
barriers on both of its plates (Fig. 5b), which are characterized by
parameters (nl1 , d21 ) and (nl2 , d22 ). That is why in the mechanic-
3. Discussion electrical transformations two opposite currents arise, and we
obtain the compensation voltage as:
3.1. Interpretation of UCB measurements results in models of
enl1 d21 en d22
Kelvin and of mechanic-electrical transformation UCB = UCB1 − UCB2 = − l2 (18)
ε0 ε0
In the Kelvin’s model it is assumed that the initially existing con- Thus, measured value UCB characterizes difference in the heights
tact potential difference UCPD is measured. This CPD and voltage UB of surface potential barriers and not the electric PD that may cause
are simultaneously applied to alternating capacitance C. This initi- a flow of ohmic current.
ate the alternating current ĩC in the circuit of dynamic capacitor: If assume d21 = d22 = 5nm, it follows from formula (18) that
dq dC signal UCB ≈ 0.3 V can be obtained in condition of nl1 − nl2 ≈ 3 ·
ĩc = = (UCPD − UB ) = ĩCPD − ĩB (17) 1011 e/cm2 . In this case, nl1 value by 6% only exceeds the value
dt dt
of nl2 . The method allows us to reveal even a lesser distinction in
By means of UB variation, one reduces this current to zero: ĩC = 0. nl on investigated and reference surfaces, since the sensitivity of
Herewith it is accepted that UB = UCPD . According to formula (17), experimental setups is usually constitutes about 0.01 V [6–9,15].
the compensation method of finding UCPD voltage is based upon
comparison of currents ĩCPD and ĩB , which are measured by null – 3.2. Distinction in work function values determined by emission
indicator A (Fig. 1). But UCPD is a built-in potential difference, which methods and by the Kelvin method
is not supported by any sources of EMF. Therefore, UCPD can’t be a
source of energy and CPD can’t be the initiation cause of current In principle, Kelvin method determines the difference in work
ĩCPD measured by external device A. functions of materials from which the dynamic capacitor plates are
In the MET interpretation, measured voltage UCB is used for com- made (W = W1 − W2 ). That is why, to determine the work func-
pensation the current ĩQ . This current initiated by the mechanism tion W1 of the examined material, work function of the reference
of mechanic-electrical transformation (for example as in formula electrode W2 must be known, and this is obtained from the emis-
(6) for a charged plane). It has a real electric power and can be sion measurements [1,2]. Therefore, W1 value is established by a
directly measured with ammeter A (Fig. 1). Current ĩQ is caused by summation of results of two different measurement methods. This
electric charges and dipoles localized inside the dynamic capacitor circumstance may be a cause of incorrect values of the work func-
above the studied surfaces. The same charged items can participate tion.
in formation of surface potential barrier that prevents electrons to Let us demonstrate this on an example of influence of dipoles
escape from a solid. In a simplest model, it may be accepted that onto results of W measurements obtained by the emission method
potential barrier is associated with a layer of electrons, which is and the dynamic capacitor method. Layer of dipoles above a solid
separated from studied surface by a gap (Fig. 5a). surface can influence on the height of surface potential barrier. The
Various causes were discussed in literature about formation dipoles can be formed as the result of redistribution of atoms in
mechanisms of the electrons layer above an atomically – clean sur- the surface layers of solids [14] or by adsorption of polar molecules
face of solid. Such a formation may be connected with: i) tails of [16,25–27]. PD inside the layer of dipoles of N density is the same
electrons wave functions protruding from the bulk, ii) shifting of as in a plane-parallel capacitor with gap equal to the dipole length
the balanced center of charge because of lattice symmetries dif- l:
ferences between of the bulk and the surface iii) with holding of
escaping electrons due to mirror forces or exchange-coupling and UC = l (19)
correlation – interactions forces [17,18].
Work function W is the work which electron must carry out to This potential difference prevents the escape of electrons from
overcome the surface potential barrier. As any work, it is deter- a solid and, hence, it can be found when determining W value by
mined by a product of applied force F and traversed path S. In the the emission methods. If investigation is conducted by the method
present case, on electron there acts the electrostatic deceleration of dynamic capacitor, then the same layer of dipoles determines
force F∼Q/0 along d2 path. By using formula (8), it can be esti- measured PD in accordance with formula (16). In this formula, first
mated the needed electrons density nl in layer to form the barrier efficient is the same as gives formula (19). Value of the second one
with given work function. Suppose d2 ≈ 5 nm taking in mind that a multiplier may take values within interval of 0.2–0.04 in the case if
narrower gap is transparent for tunneling, whereas a wider one far accept, for estimation calculation, realistic values l = 10−9 m, d1 =
exceeds the lattice period. Let us take into consideration that under 3 · 10−4 m, and d2 should be changing between 10−9 m and 10−8 m.
d2  d1 and, correspondingly, q2  q1 , value of the compensation Therefore, in the dynamic capacitor method, the dipole component
voltage is virtually equal to potential difference Ud2 between bor- in the surface barrier exerts far lesser influence onto results of work
Yu.S. Zharkikh, S.V. Lysochenko / Applied Surface Science 400 (2017) 71–76 75

function measurements as compared with the emission methods. eration region. The same parameters also determine the MET
A simple explanation of this fact is that MET-generated signal in a signal value. Compensation voltage, measured by the dynamic
dynamic capacitor is caused by the external field of a dipole, which capacitor method, reflects only properties of the surface poten-
is essentially weaker than the dipole’s internal field influencing on tial barrier (the electron affinity energy), and does not depend
the emission currents. on electro-physical characteristics of solids body. Independence
In the mechanism of surface barrier formation, see Fig. 5a, elec- of the work function on the doping degree of semiconductors is
trons of the charged layer do not take part in formation of the ascertained in a series of studies of atomically – clean surfaces.
dipoles. The electrons can free moving in the plane of this layer. 3. Dipoles of the potential barrier differently affect on the work
MET-generated PD value UCB in this case meets formula (8). It is function and on value of voltage measured by the dynamic
seen that UCB depends only on parameters of the layer (Q and d2 ) capacitor method: work function which determined by the emis-
that forms the surface potential barrier. The barrier’s height cor- sion methods depends on inside dipole electric field strength,
responds to electron affinity energy , which is necessary for the whereas the MET signal is determined by a far weaker outer
electron to escape from the conduction zone to vacuum. field of the dipole. This may lead to incorrectness of the Kelvin
In the emission methods, work function W is measured from method, since the work function is established by superposi-
Fermi level energy EF . For the thermal emission, electron takes tion of results of two fundamentally different methods: values of
energy from a heated solid, first to transit from the Fermi level emission work function of the reference electrode are combined
to the conduction zone and after that add energy  for subsequent with MET signal values.
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