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‘Ms Ls the at for youre? | "Wil you be living there alone? Jack: \¥es| For the \imoment | asyway.| (Why? | Does that make any Aifference to the oan’ BM: Noy no, | Jus terested "That's all | Jack Do you need to know anything else? | ve “brought my Veontrat | with ‘details of my Jeary | B.M:\Good| Yea ine | And "have you any solutes? | ‘Shares in any feompanies? Inisurance poiis?| "Things ik that? # 5) Samantha “Lisa: "That was Samantha on the phone| AHonestly,| I don’t know "how she Woes it John: \Ah..| Samantha | ‘Whats she done \now2| 1:\Nothing,really.|"That’s what's e\mazing | But Vsomebody | has >set er | a'dozen roses. 3: dozen fat L:A Mozen \ooes | 4: AMRoses..| mma,| Asay! | and at this time of the year L:\Wee| And a"dozon \oses, | He must be ‘keen. | JE "Ist her binthday or something? 1: VN, | and what's Vinre| they were Wed roses J: Now - "dozen red \roses | You ow what \that means. | 1; Yea] L\know what you're going 1 /sy.| J It \Vieans | bent just \keen| He's in ove with ber, Let know, | [now "Poor aay 5: Boor fgny?| ‘What do you \mean?| He “doesn't sound very poor to Vine | if he can aford a \dozea | roses {L:(No| T mean I fel Asomy for him. “He's in Tove with Vber-| \yes.| But Vahe's | notin love with him. | J: 7 Hoow do you know? Did she say 802], L:She doesn’t even know who it\is-| und she says she 7 doesn’t really wind She aways manages 6) Motitays: MiceSuefre you ar Have you goin ait shat? Sue: Ofbourse| Whats it Mika fsSomething one] Gc

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