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Regular answer answers answering answered answered d contestar

Irregular be (am, are) is being was, were been ser, estar
Irregular begin begins beginning began begun iniciar
Irregular buy buys buying bought bought comprar
Irregular can can caning could could poder
Regular carry carries carrying carried carried d llevar
Irregular catch catches catching caught caught atrapar
Regular change changes changing changed changed t cambiar
Regular check checks checking checked checked t revisar
Irregular choose chooses choosing chose chosen escoger
Regular clean cleans cleaning cleaned cleaned d limpiar
Regular close closes closing closed closed t cerrar
Regular color colors coloring colored colored d colorear
Irregular come comes coming came come venir
Regular cook cooks cooking cooked cooked t cocinar
Regular dance dances dancing danced danced d bailar
Regular die dies dying died died d morir
Irregular do does doing did done hacer
Irregular draw draws drawing drew drawn dibujar
Irregular drink drinks drinking drank drunk beber
Irregular drive drives driving drove driven conducir
Irregular eat eats eating ate eaten comer
Regular enjoy enjoys enjoying enjoyed enjoyed d disfrutar
Irregular feel feels feeling felt felt sentir
Irregular find finds finding found found encontrar
Regular finish finishes finishing finished finished t finalizar
Irregular fly flies flying flew flown volar
Irregular forget forgets forgetting forgot forgotten olvidar
Irregular get gets getting got gotten obtener
Irregular give gives giving gave given dar
Irregular go goes going went gone ir
Irregular have haves having had had tener
Irregular hear hears hearing heard heard oír
Regular help helps helping helped helped t ayudar
Regular invite invites inviting invited invited ed invitar
Regular kick kicks kicking kicked kicked t patear
Irregular know knows knowing knew known saber
Irregular learn learns learning learnt learnt aprender
Irregular leave leaves leavening lef lef salir
Regular like likes liking liked liked t gustar
Regular listen listens listening listened listened d escuchar
Regular look looks looking looked looked t mirar
Regular love loves loving loved loved t amar
Irregular make makes making made made hacer
Irregular meet meets meeting met met conocer (a una persona)
Regular need needs needing needed needed ed necesitar
Regular open opens opening opened opened d abrir
Regular paint paints painting painted painted ed pintar
Irregular pay pays paying paid paid pagar
Regular phone phones phoning phoned phoned d telefonear
Regular play plays playing played played d jugar
Regular practice practices practicing practiced practiced t practicar
Irregular put puts putting put put poner
Regular rain rains raining rained rained d llover
Irregular read reads reading read read leer
Regular remember remembers remembering remembered remembered d recordar
Irregular ride rides riding rode ridden montar
Irregular run runs running ran run correr
Irregular say says saying said said decir
Irregular see sees seeing saw seen ver
Irregular send sends sending sent sent enviar
Regular show shows showing showed showed d mostrar
Irregular sing sings singing sang sung cantar
Irregular sit sits siting sat sat sentar
Irregular sleep sleeps sleeping slept slept dormir
Regular smoke smokes smoking smoked smoked t fumar
Irregular speak speaks speaking spoke spoken hablar
Regular start starts starting started started ed empezar
Regular stay stays staying stayed stayed d quedar
Regular stop stops stopping stopped stopped t detener
Regular study studies studying studied studied d estudiar
Irregular swim swims swimming swam swum nadar
Irregular take takes taking took taken tomar
Regular talk talks talking talked talked t conversar
Irregular teach teaches teaching taught taught enseñar
Irregular tell tells telling told told decir
Irregular think thinks thinking thought thought pensar
Regular tick ticks ticking ticked ticked t marcar
Regular travel travels traveling traveled traveled d viajar
Irregular understand understands understanding understood understood entender
Regular use uses using used used d usar
Regular visit visits visiting visited visited ed visitar
Regular wait waits waiting waited waited ed esperar
Irregular wake wakes wakening woke woke despertar
Regular walk walks walking walked walked t caminar
Regular want wants wanting wanted wanted ed querer
Regular wash washes washing washed washed t lavar
Regular watch watches watching watched watched t observar
Irregular wear wears wearing wore worn vestir
Regular work works working worked worked t trabajar
Irregular write writes writing wrote written escribir
Regular add adds adding added added ed añadir
Regular agree agrees agreeing agreed agreed d estar de acuerdo
Regular arrive arrives arriving arrived arrived t llegar
Regular ask asks asking asked asked t pedir, preguntar
Regular bake bakes baking baked baked t hornear
Irregular become becomes becoming became become llegar a ser
Regular believe believes believing believed believed t creer
Regular boil boils boiling boiled boiled d hervir
Regular book books booking booked booked t reservar
Regular borrow borrows borrowing borrowed borrowed d tomar prestado
Regular bother bothers bothering bothered bothered d molestar a alguien
Irregular break breaks breaking broke broken romper
Irregular bring brings bringing brought brought traer
Regular brush brushes brushing brushed brushed t cepillar
Irregular build builds building built built construir
Regular call calls calling called called d llamar
Regular camp camps camping camped camped t acampar
Regular chat chats chatting chatted chatted ed conversar
Regular click clicks clicking clicked clicked t clicar
Regular climb climbs climbing climbed climbed d escalar
Regular collect collects collecting collected collected ed colectar
Regular complete completes completing completed completed ed completar
Regular contact contacts contacting contacted contacted ed contactar
Regular copy copies copying copied copied d copiar
Irregular cost costs costing cost cost costar
Regular cover covers covering covered covered d cubrir
Regular cross crosses crossing crossed crossed t cruzar
Regular cry cries crying cried cried d llorar
Irregular cut cuts cutting cut cut cortar
Regular decide decides deciding decided decided ed decidir
Regular delay delays delaying delayed delayed d retrasar
Regular describe describes describing described described d describir
Regular discuss discusses discussing discussed discussed t discutir
Regular download downloads downloading downloaded downloaded ed descargar
Irregular dream dreams dreaming dreamt dreamt soñar
Regular dress dresses dressing dressed dressed t vestir
Regular dry dries drying dried dried d secar
Regular earn earns earning earned earned d ganar con esfuerzo
Regular email emails emailing emailed emailed d enviar (un correo electrónico)
Regular end ends ending ended ended ed terminar
Regular enter enters entering entered entered d entrar
Regular explain explains explaining explained explained d explicar
Regular fail fails failing failed failed d fallar
Irregular fall falls falling fell fallen caer
Regular fill fills filling filled filled d llenar
Regular follow follows following followed followed d seguir
Irregular grow grows growing grew grown crecer, cultivar
Regular guess guesses guessing guessed guessed t adivinar, suponer
Regular happen happens happening happened happened d suceder
Regular hate hates hating hated hated ed odiar
Irregular hit hits hitting hit hit golpear
Irregular hold holds holding held held retener, esperar
Regular hope hopes hoping hoped hoped t tener esperanza
Regular hurry hurries hurrying hurried hurried d apurar
Irregular hurt hurts hurting hurt hurt herir
Regular improve improves improving improved improved t mejorar
Regular include includes including included included ed incluir
Regular join joins joining joined joined d unir
Regular jump jumps jumping jumped jumped t saltar
Irregular keep keeps keeping kept kept mantener
Regular kill kills killing killed killed d matar
Regular kiss kisses kissing kissed kissed t besar
Regular laugh laughs laughing laughed laughed t reír
Irregular lend lends lending lent lent prestar
Irregular lie lies lying laid lied recostar
Irregular lie lies lying lay lain mentir
Irregular lose loses losing lost lost perder
Irregular mean means meaning meant meant significar
Regular mind minds minding minded minded ed molestar, tener cuidado
Regular miss misses missing missed missed t extrañar, perder
Regular mix mixes mixing mixed mixed t mezclar
Regular move moves moving moved moved t mover
Regular offer offers offering offered offered d ofrecer
Regular order orders ordering ordered ordered d ordenar
Regular pack packs packing packed packed t empacar
Regular park parks parking parked parked t estacionar
Regular pass passes passing passed passed t pasar
Regular plan plans planning planed planed d planear
Regular point points pointing pointed pointed ed apuntar hacia algo
Regular post posts posting posted posted d publicar, enviar por correo
Regular pray prays praying prayed prayed d rezar
Regular prefer prefers preferring preferred preferred d preferir
Regular prepare prepares preparing prepared prepared d preparar
Regular print prints printing printed printed ed imprimir
Regular pull pulls pulling pulled pulled d halar
Regular push pushes pushing pushed pushed t empujar
Regular receive receives receiving received received t recibir
Regular record records recording recorded recorded ed registrar, grabar
Regular rent rents renting rented rented ed rentar
Regular repair repairs repairing repaired repaired d reparar
Regular repeat repeats repeating repeated repeated ed repetir
Regular return returns returning returned returned d devolver
Irregular ring rings ringing rang rung timbrar
Regular roast roasts roasting roasted roasted ed cocinar, criticar
Regular save saves saving saved saved t guardar
Irregular sell sells selling sold sold vender
Regular serve serves serving served served t servir
Regular share shares sharing shared shared d compartir
Regular shout shouts shouting shouted shouted ed gritar
Irregular shut shuts shutting shut shut cerrar, dejar de atender/funcionar
Regular snow snows snowing snowed snowed d nevar
Regular spell spells spelling spelled spelled d deletrear
Irregular spend spends spending spent spent gastar
Irregular stand stands standing stood stood ponerse de pie, aguantar
Irregular steal steals stealing stole stolen robar
Regular suppose supposes supposing supposed supposed t suponer
Regular surf surfs surfing surfed surfed t surfear
Regular text texts texting texted texted ed escribir
Regular thank thanks thanking thanked thanked t agradecer
Irregular throw throws throwing threw thrown arrojar
Regular tidy tidies tidying tidied tidied d ordenar/organizar
Regular try tries trying tried tried d intentar
Regular turn turns turning turned turned d cambiar dirección
Irregular win wins wining won won ganar por casualidad
Regular worry worries worrying worried worried d preocupar
Regular accept accepts accepting accepted accepted ed aceptar
Regular accompany accompanies accompanying accompanied accompanied d acompañar
Regular achieve achieves achieving achieved achieved t lograr
Regular act acts acting acted acted ed actuar
Regular admire admires admiring admired admired d admirar
Regular admit admits admitting admitted admitted ed admitir
Regular advertise advertises advertising advertised advertised t publicitar
Regular advise advises advising advised advised t aconsejar
Regular aim aims aiming aimed aimed d apuntar hacia algo
Regular allow allows allowing allowed allowed d permitir
Regular announce announces announcing announced announced t anunciar
Regular annoy annoys annoying annoyed annoyed d molestar
Regular apologize apologizes apologizing apologized apologized d disculpar
Regular appear appears appearing appeared appeared d parecer
Regular apply applies applying applied applied d aplicar
Regular approach approaches approaching approached approached t acercar
Regular approve approves approving approved approved d aprobar
Regular argue argues arguing argued argued d argumentar, discutir
Regular arrange arranges arranging arranged arranged t arreglar
Regular arrest arrests arresting arrested arrested ed arrestar
Regular attach attaches attaching attached attached t anexar
Regular attack attacks attacking attacked attacked t atacar
Regular attempt attempts attempting attempted attempted ed intentar
Regular attend attends attending attended attended ed asistir, estar presente
Regular attract attracts attracting attracted attracted ed atraer
Regular avoid avoids avoiding avoided avoided ed evitar
Irregular babysit babysits babysitting babysat babysat cuidar un bebe
Regular barbecue barbecues barbecuing barbecued barbecued d asar
Irregular beat beats beating beat beaten derrotar
Regular behave behaves behaving behaved behaved t comportar
Irregular bet bets betting bet bet apostar
Irregular bite bites biting bit bitten morder
Regular blame blames blaming blamed blamed d culpar
Irregular bleed bleeds bleeding bled bled sangrar
Regular blog blogs blogging blogged blogged d bloguear
Irregular blow blows blowing blew blown soplar
Regular bomb bombs bombing bombed bombed d bombardear
Regular bounce bounces bouncing bounced bounced t rebotar
Irregular breathe breathes breathing breathed breathed respirar
Irregular burn burns burning burnt burnt quemar
Regular bury buries burying buried buried d enterrar
Regular cancel cancels canceling canceled canceled d cancelar
Regular care cares caring cared cared d preocupar, cuidad
Regular celebrate celebrates celebrating celebrated celebrated ed celebrar
Regular charge charges charging charged charged d cargar
Regular circle circles circling circled circled d encerar
Regular clap claps clapping clapped clapped t aplaudir
Regular clear clears clearing cleared cleared d aclarar
Regular comb combs combing combed combed d peinar
Regular communicate communicates communicating communicated communicated ed comunicar
Regular compare compares comparing compared compared d comprar
Regular compete competes competing competed competed t completar
Regular complain complains complaining complained complained d quejar
Regular concentrate concentrates concentrating concentrated concentrated ed concentrar
Regular confirm confirms confirming confirmed confirmed d confirmar
Regular connect connects connecting connected connected ed conectar
Regular consider considers considering considered considered d considerar
Regular contain contains containing contained contained d contener
Regular continue continues continuing continued continued d continuar
Regular control controls controlling controlled controlled d controlar
Regular convince convinces convincing convinced convinced t convencer
Regular cough coughs coughing coughed coughed t toser
Regular count counts counting counted counted ed contar
Regular crash crashes crashing crashed crashed t chocar
Regular create creates creating created created ed crear
Regular cycle cycles cycling cycled cycled d montar a bicicleta
Regular damage damages damaging damaged damaged d dañar
Regular date dates dating dated dated ed fechar, salir con alguien
Regular declare declares declaring declared declared d declara
Regular decorate decorates decorating decorated decorated ed decorar
Regular decrease decreases decreasing decreased decreased d mermar
Regular defeat defeats defeating defeated defeated ed derrotar
Regular defend defends defending defended defended ed defender
Regular delete deletes deleting deleted deleted ed borrar
Regular deliver delivers delivering delivered delivered d entregar
Regular demand demands demanding demanded demanded ed demandar
Regular depart departs departing departed departed ed partir
Regular depend depends depending depended depended ed depender
Regular deserve deserves deserving deserved deserved t merecer
Regular design designs designing designed designed d diseñar
Regular destroy destroys destroying destroyed destroyed d destruir
Regular develop develops developing developed developed t desarrollar
Regular dial dials dialing dialed dialed d marcar (en el teléfono)
Irregular dig digs digging dug dug cavar
Regular direct directs directing directed directed ed dirigir
Regular disagree disagrees disagreeing disagreed disagreed d estar en desacuerdo
Regular disappear disappears disappearing disappeared disappeared d desaparecer
Regular disappoint disappoints disappointing disappointed disappointed ed decepcionar
Regular discover discovers discovering discovered discovered d descubrir
Regular dislike dislikes disliking disliked disliked t aborrecer
Regular display displays displaying displayed displayed d exhibir
Irregular dive dives diving dove dove zambullir
Regular divide divides dividing divided divided ed dividir
Regular drag drags dragging dragged dragged d arrastrar
Regular drop drops dropping dropped dropped t dejar caer
Regular employ employs employing employed employed d dar trabajo
Regular encourage encourages encouraging encouraged encouraged t dar animo
Regular entertain entertains entertaining entertained entertained d entretener
Regular escape escapes escaping escaped escaped t escapar
Regular exchange exchanges exchanging exchanged exchanged t intercambiar
Regular excuse excuses excusing excused excused t disculpar por algo
Regular exercise exercises exercising exercised exercised t ejercitar
Regular exist exists existing existed existed ed existir
Regular exit exits exiting exited exited ed salir
Regular expect expects expecting expected expected ed anticipar (esperar)
Regular experience experiences experiencing experienced experienced t experimentar (vivir algo)
Regular explode explodes exploding exploded exploded ed explotar
Regular explore explores exploring explored explored d explorar
Regular face faces facing faced faced t enfrentar
Regular fasten fastens fastening fastened fastened d asegurar
Regular fax faxes faxing faxed faxed t enviar un fax
Irregular feed feeds feeding fed fed alimentar
Regular fetch fetches fetching fetched fetched t procurar algo o alguien
Irregular fight fights fighting fought fought pelear
Regular figure figures figuring figured figured d suponer
Regular film films filming filmed filmed d filmar
Regular fish fishes fishing fished fished t pescar
Regular fit fits fitting fitted fitted ed ajustar
Regular fix fixes fixing fixed fixed t arreglar
Regular float floats floating floated floated ed flotar
Regular flood floods flooding flooded flooded ed inundar
Regular flow flows flowing flowed flowed d fluir
Regular fold folds folding folded folded ed doblar
Irregular forgive forgives forgiving forgave forgiven perdonar
Regular form forms forming formed formed d formar
Irregular freeze freezes freezing froze frozen congelar
Regular fry fries frying fried fried d freír
Regular gain gains gaining gained gained d ganar, adquirir
Regular glance glances glancing glanced glanced t ver rápido
Regular grab grabs grabbing grabbed grabbed d agarrar
Regular greet greets greeting greeted greeted ed saludar
Regular grill grills grilling grilled grilled d hacer a la parrilla, interrogar
Regular guide guides guiding guided guided ed guiar
Regular hand hands handing handed handed ed entregar
Regular handle handles handling handled handled d manejar
Regular hang hangs hanging hanged hanged d colgar
Irregular hide hides hiding hid hidden esconder
Regular hire hires hiring hired hired d contratar
Regular hitchhike hitchhikes hitchhiking hitchhiked hitchhiked t hacer autostop
Regular hug hugs hugging hugged hugged d abrazar
Regular hunt hunts hunting hunted hunted ed cazar
Regular imagine imagines imagining imagined imagined d imaginar
Regular increase increases increasing increased increased t incrementar
Regular inform informs informing informed informed d informar
Regular injure injures injuring injured injured d lastimar
Regular insist insists insisting insisted insisted ed insistir
Regular install installs installing installed installed d instalar
Regular intend intends intending intended intended ed tener la intención
Regular interest interests interesting interested interested ed interesar
Regular interrupt interrupts interrupting interrupted interrupted ed interrumpir
Regular interview interviews interviewing interviewed interviewed d entrevistar
Regular introduce introduces introducing introduced introduced t presentar
Regular invent invents inventing invented invented ed inventar
Regular involve involves involving involved involved t involucrar
Regular iron irons ironing ironed ironed d planchar
Regular jog jogs jogging jogged jogged d trotar
Regular joke jokes joking joked joked t bromear
Regular judge judges judging judged judged t juzgar
Regular knit knits knitting knitted knitted ed tejer
Regular knock knocks knocking knocked knocked ed golpear
Regular land lands landing landed landed ed aterrizar
Regular last lasts lasting lasted lasted ed durar
Regular lead leads leading leaded leaded ed liderar
Irregular let lets letting let let permitir
Regular lif lifs lifing lifed lifed ed levantar
Irregular light lights lighting lit lit iluminar
Regular live lives living lived lived t vivir
Regular lock locks locking locked locked t asegurar
Regular manage manages managing managed managed t lograr
Regular marry marries marrying married married d casar
Regular match matches matching matched matched t emparejar
Regular mend mends mending mended mended ed enmendar
Regular mention mentions mentioning mentioned mentioned d mencionar
Regular murder murders murdering murdered murdered d asesinar
Regular name names naming named named d nombrar
Regular note notes noting noted noted ed tomar nota
Regular notice notices noticing noticed noticed t fijarse
Regular operate operates operating operated operated ed operar
Regular organize organizes organizing organized organized d organizar
Regular owe owes owing owed owed d deber
Regular own owns owning owned owned d pertenecer
Regular pause pauses pausing paused paused d pausar
Regular perform performs performing performed performed d actuar, ejecutar
Regular permit permits permitting permitted permitted ed permitir
Regular persuade persuades persuading persuaded persuaded ed persuadir
Regular pick picks picking picked picked t escoger
Regular pin pins pining pined pined d asegurar con una tachuela
Regular plant plants planting planted planted ed sembrar
Regular please pleases pleasing pleased pleased t satisfacer
Regular postpone postpones postponing postponed postponed d posponer
Regular pour pours pouring poured poured d vertir
Regular predict predicts predicting predicted predicted ed predecir
Regular press presses pressing pressed pressed t presionar
Regular prevent prevents preventing prevented prevented ed prevenir
Regular produce produces producing produced produced t producir
Regular promise promises promising promised promised t prometer
Regular promote promotes promoting promoted promoted ed promover
Regular pronounce pronounces pronouncing pronounced pronounced t pronunciar
Regular protect protects protecting protected protected ed proteger
Regular prove proves proving proved proved t demostrar
Regular provide provides providing provided provided ed proveer
Regular publish publishes publishing published published t publicar
Regular punish punishes punishing punished punished t castigar
Irregular quit quits quitting quit quit renunciar
Regular race races racing raced raced d competir
Regular raise raises raising raised raised t elevar
Regular reach reaches reaching reached reached t alcanzar
Regular realize realizes realizing realized realized d hacerse consiente
Irregular rebuild rebuilds rebuilding rebuilt rebuilt reconstruir
Regular recognize recognizes recognizing recognized recognized d reconocer
Regular recommend recommends recommending recommended recommended ed recomendar
Regular recover recovers recovering recovered recovered d recuperar
Regular recycle recycles recycling recycled recycled d reciclar
Regular reduce reduces reducing reduced reduced d reducir
Regular refuse refuses refusing refused refused t negar
Regular register registers registering registered registered d registrar
Regular regret regrets regretting regretted regretted ed lamentar
Regular relax relaxes relaxing relaxed relaxed t relajar
Regular remain remains remaining remained remained d permanecer
Regular remind reminds reminding reminded reminded ed recordar
Regular remove removes removing removed removed d remover
Regular replace replaces replacing replaced replaced t remplazar
Regular reply replies replying replied replied d contestar
Regular report reports reporting reported reported ed reportar
Regular request requests requesting requested requested ed requerir
Regular require requires requiring required required d solicitar
Regular rescue rescues rescuing rescued rescued d rescatar
Regular reserve reserves reserving reserved reserved d reservar
Regular respect respects respecting respected respected ed respetar
Regular rest rests resting rested rested ed descansar
Regular retire retires retiring retired retired d jubilar
Regular revise revises revising revised revised t revisar
Irregular rise rises rising rose risen elevar
Regular rob robs robing robed robed d robar
Regular roll rolls rolling rolled rolled d enrollar
Regular sail sails sailing sailed sailed d navegar
Regular score scores scoring scored scored d puntuar
Regular scream screams screaming screamed screamed d gritar
Regular search searches searching searched searched t buscar
Regular seem seems seeming seemed seemed d parecer
Regular select selects selecting selected selected ed seleccionar
Irregular set sets setting set set colocar
Regular sew sews sewing sewed sewed d coser
Irregular shake shakes shaking shook shaken sacudir
Regular shave shaves shaving shaved shaved t afeitar
Irregular shine shines shining shone shone lustrar
Irregular shoot shoots shooting shot shot disparar
Regular shop shops shopping shopped shopped t comprar
Regular sign signs signing signed signed d firmar
Irregular sink sinks sinking sank sunk hundir
Regular skate skates skating skated skated ed patinar
Regular ski skis skiing skied skied d esquiar
Regular slip slips slipping slipped slipped t resbalar
Regular smell smells smelling smelled smelled d oler, apestar
Regular smile smiles smiling smiled smiled d sonreír
Regular solve solves solving solved solved t solucionar
Regular spill spills spilling spilled spilled d derramar
Regular spoil spoils spoiling spoiled spoiled d arruinar, mimar
Regular star stars staring stared stared d protagonizar
Regular step steps stepping stepped stepped d dar un paso
Irregular stick sticks sticking stuck stuck fijar, pegar
Regular stir stirs stirring stirred stirred d mesclar
Irregular strike strikes striking struck struck hacer huelga
Regular succeed succeeds succeeding succeeded succeeded ed tener éxito
Regular suffer suffers suffering suffered suffered d sufrir
Regular suggest suggests suggesting suggested suggested ed sugerir
Regular sunbathe sunbathes sunbathing sunbathed sunbathed t brocear
Regular support supports supporting supported supported ed ayudar, proveer
Regular surprise surprises surprising surprised surprised t sorprender
Regular surround surrounds surrounding surrounded surrounded ed rodear
Regular switch switches switching switched switched t intercambiar
Regular taste tastes tasting tasted tasted ed saborear
Irregular tear tears tearing tore torn rasgar
Regular test tests testing tested tested ed probar
Regular tie ties tying tied tied d atar
Regular touch touches touching touched touched t tocar
Regular tour tours touring toured toured d recorrer (turismo)
Regular train trains training trained trained d entrenar
Regular transfer transfers transferring transferred transferred d transferir
Regular translate translates translating translated translated ed traducir
Regular trust trusts trusting trusted trusted ed confiar
Regular type types typing typed typed t teclear
Regular underline underlines underlining underlined underlined d subrayar
Regular undress undresses undressing undressed undressed t desvestir
Regular unpack unpacks unpacking unpacked unpacked t desempacar
Regular update updates updating updated updated ed actualizar
Regular upload uploads uploading uploaded uploaded ed cargar
Regular vote votes voting voted voted ed votar
Regular warn warns warning warned warned d advertir
Regular waste wastes wasting wasted wasted ed desperdiciar
Regular wave waves waving waved waved d saludar con la mano, ondular
Regular welcome welcomes welcoming welcomed welcomed d bienvenir
Regular wish wishes wishing wished wished t desear
Regular wonder wonders wondering wondered wondered d preguntarse a uno mismo
Regular wrap wraps wrapping wrapped wrapped t envolver
Regular yawn yawns yawning yawned yawned d bostezar

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