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Annotated Bibliography

Ardolino, F., Parrillo, F., & Arena, U. (2018). Biowaste-to-biomethane or biowaste-to-energy?

An LCA study on anaerobic digestion of organic waste. Journal Of Cleaner Production, 174462-
476. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.10.320

The study outlined in this article identifies the overall environmental sustainability of waste
created by biofuels and bioenergy. The source is credible because it, once again, is in line with
research and experience I have. I plan to use this paper as a resource to refer to how we can use
byproducts of bioenergy to create more bioenergy.


PRODUCTS. Bioresources, 6(4), 3915-3932.

This article outlines the burning of brush to prevent wildfires. This article is credible because it is
supported by the U.S. Forest Service. I plan to use this article in a way to show the uses for
removed biomass instead of burning it.

Kintisch, E. (2007). Alternative ENERGY. Discover, 28(1), 20-23.

This article discusses the use of alternative energy instead of non-renewable energy. This source
is credible because it basically outlines everything already known about the renewable versus
non-renewable energy fight but with just a little more detail. I will use this article to explain
various types of renewable energy.

Mirandola, A., & Lorenzini, E. (2016). Energy, Environment and Climate: From the Past to the
Future. International Journal Of Heat & Technology, 34(2), 159-164. doi:10.18280/ijht.340201

This paper identifies the environmental, energetic, and climatic issues we face when creating
energy today. This is a credible source because it was a study done over a long period of time
backed up with correct and accurate statistics that are reinforced by other articles. I will use this
paper to outline the impacts of the usage of non-renewable energy on today’s society.

Tyagi, V. K., & Lo, S. (2013). Sludge: A waste or renewable source for energy and resources
recovery?. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 25708-728.

This article outlines uses of sludge (which is waste we make while creating energy) and how that
sludge can be used to create other types of renewable energy. This source is credible because I
have done extensive research on this topic when I worked in the energy industry. I plan to use
this to highlight alternatives to product left over by non-renewable energy generation and also as
a way to highlight another way to produce renewable energy.

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