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Student-Teacher: Reem Naser

Date: 25 – 2- 2015

Course: EPC 3403

Grade Level: second year

Subject: English

Strand: phonics

Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words): learn and identify “ow, ou”.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you Preparation (what do you need to make or check
and the students use? Be specific) before class?)

White boards Make sure a that all student has a white boards
and markers.
The smart board is working.

Key vocabulary

Owl, brown, clown, cow.

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

T. good afternoon student today we will learn a new sound letter it is “ow , ou” , They
are write different but we hear it similar.
Time: 10min

Today we will learn a one sound which is “ow”


Teacher will pronunciation the letters “ow”

Teacher will read words with “ow” and then teacher will present the words with pictures
for student in the smart board.

Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)

Teacher will show the student picture represent “ow” words

Time: 5 min

Teacher will ask student what is this?


Student will write their answers in their white boards.

Teacher will choose one student to write the answer in the smart board.
Time: 5min

teacher will choose students to choose one word and put it in a sentences.


When student answers the teacher.

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