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STAT 332 Sampling and Experimental Design – Exercise 2

Only partial answers will be provided.

1. Under the model for randomized complete block design,

(a) Derive the least square estimator of µ, τi and βj under the constraints i=1 τi =0
and bj=1 βj = 0.

(b) Prove the variance decomposition given in lecture.

2. In a packaging trial, an advertising firm wants to compare two features, colour and image
to see if changing either factor impacts sales. There are 6 treatments (3 colours and two
images). 30 stores are arranged in blocks of size 6 based on geographic location and
within each block, the six treatments are assigned at random. The total sale over a two
week period is the response variate. The data are shown below and given in the file

Block Average
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1014 980 894 958 822 938 934.3
2 872 762 795 828 832 792 813.5
3 991 1133 941 1048 868 1054 1005.8
4 827 807 891 768 700 833 804.3
5 621 516 513 586 492 670 566.3
average 865.0 839.6 806.8 837.6 742.8 857.4 824.9

(a) Complete the ANOVA table for this investigation. To performP the
P computation by
2 = 21205342.
hand, you are given that the sum of squares of observations i j yij

(b) Is there any evidence of a difference among the treatments? The factor levels for the
treatments are shown below.
treatment colour image
1 red 1
2 red 2
3 blue 1
4 blue 2
5 green 1
6 green 2

(c) Find a 95% confidence interval for the contrast that compares the two images. What
do you conclude?

(d) Is there any evidence that there is a difference in average sales for the two images if
the colour is red? Is blue? Is green? What do you conclude?

3. Under the model for factorial design, prove the variance decomposition given in lecture.

4. The manufacturer of a “frost-free” refrigerator found that in a high humidity, high tem-
perature environment frost did build up inside the fridge. To remedy the problem, a new
design was developed and four prototypes were built. In an experimental investigation,
the four prototypes and four standard fridges were tested in two environments, one nor-
mal and one with high temperature and humidity. Frost build-up was measured after
one week’s operation. A lower score is better. The data are stored in the file ex2_Q4.txt
and shown below.
design condition response design condition response
new extreme 1.35 old extreme 2.56
new extreme 1.63 old extreme 2.51
new extreme 1.43 old extreme 2.22
new extreme 1.57 old extreme 2.35
new normal 1.27 old normal 1.45
new normal 1.44 old normal 1.67
new normal 1.53 old normal 1.34
new normal 1.40 old normal 1.47

Based on the standard model, the estimate of the residual standard deviation is σ̂ = 0.133.
The table of treatment averages is shown below.

New old average

normal 1.41 1.48 1.45
extreme 1.50 2.41 1.95
average 1.45 1.95 1.70

(a) Is there any evidence of differences among the treatments?

(b) Is there any evidence of interaction?

(c) Prepare an interaction plot.

(d) Use the interaction plot to argue that the new design is less sensitive to changes in
environmental conditions (temperature and humidity). What limitations apply to
this argument?

(e) Explain why we cannot assess the individual effects of temperature and humidity
on frost buildup in this investigation.

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