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Mars in 7th is not good for marriage and marital life. Mars may break engagements. He
may break the marriage. Native may not have cooperation from spouse or partner. There
can be disputes and discord in partnerships. It may also indicate danger to spouse. Mars
is can also be a death inflicting plaent.

Mars spoils the harmony with society and opposite persons. Mars increases lust hence
can be cause for adultery.

Mars may not be helpful in foreign mattes. He may trouble in travel. He may not get
support from society due to ego problems from both sides.

Mars may cause intention of steeling and antisocial activities.


Mars does not support Longevity. But he may not kill. He may cause chronic
disease of muscles or cause accidents. Occasionally he might become quick

Mars may cause disturbance in marital matters. 8th house being Kendra to 5th
house, it is not good for progeny matters. Spouse may talk harsh. Problems in
spouse family.

Mars here gives sinful thoughts and sexual acts. He is also responsible for
violence and unrest and strikes.

He may cause operations and injuries. Mars also cause Kidney stones. Muscle
cramps and blood related problems.

Mars also indicate black magic and evil spells. He is responsible for ill confidence
and fear complex. He may cause insults and humiliations.

3 MAR 9 Harsh, Cruel, Dispute and Disagreement, Rift with brothers, Bad
deeds, Harsh father, Obstruct learning, trouble from Government, Technical
3 MAR 10 Spirited, Powered, Technical, Uniformed, Commanding,
Hazards, Haste, Fame reduced, Problems - Mars karma diseases Balarishta
3 MAR 11 Technical gains, Efforts to gain in many ways, Straight forward,
Win over enemies, Loss due to spending, Diseases, Surgery, Allopath
3 MAR 12 Loss, Heat related disease, Surgery, Jail, Cuts, Injury,
Punishments, Fear, Confused - Hospitalization

4 RAH 1 Eccentric, illusion, Sinful, Imposter, Variable/Vertical

personality, Unethical-Shadow, Foreign-Irreligious professions, Disease prone,
Balarishta, Short life, Away from birth place
4 RAH 2 Sick family or away from family, Talks situational, Eruptions on
face, Earnings from Chemicals, Foreign or Poisons, Unfair additions,, Death
4 RAH 3 Less/denial or away from or troubles to Siblings, Fear complex
and secretive approach, Shadow, unethical inclinations, Foregin, afflicted
longevity, and sickness, illicit Enjoyments, Likes Luxury living and travels, Marital
discords. ear problems.
4 RAH 4 Danger or problems of mother, Psychic abilities, Eccentricity,
Disturbed thoughts, Vehicles, Multiple/Unethical pleasures, Poisonous crops,
Away from home, Croocked positions or status,
4 RAH 5 Unethical politics, Shadow arts, Psychology, Strange and
eccentricity, Foregin knowledge, Black Magic/Evil spirits, Negative powers,
Progeny afflicted(Sarpa dosha), Unethical pleasures, Stomach/Rheumatics. -
Sun There is possibility of turning towards spirituality or divinity. Sun
represents Rudra and Rama avatara. Worshiping of these two gods will definitely
help native to be successful in material and metaphysical life. It helps in curing
diseases of chronic nature and it also helps in eliminating opposition from
4 RAH 6 Fear of Competion and enmeis, excess debts, Disease prone,
Afficted longevity, Accidents, Hallucinations, Surgery, sickness, Undiagnosied
diseases - distant relatives
4 RAH 7 Secret/ Unfair affairs and losses, Relational gaps, Anti
religious, Sadistic tendencies in martial life, Foreign travel, Foreign exchange,
Unethical trade, exports, Death - Balarishta
4 RAH 8 Wrong/ Undiagnosed sickness, Fear complex, Violent, Sudden
effects, Accidents, Evil-spell, Secrets, Sinful acts, oppositions, Foreign -
4 RAH 9 Foreign, irreligious, Earning and wealth through wrongs, Evil
spells - for progeny and fortune matters, Research, dangers to father and progeny
4 RAH 10 Problems due to family life, Association of wrong people, Unfair
activities, Unethical, Hardships, Foreign - Balarishta- Disease of past karma
4 RAH 11 Long life, Progeny, Vehicles, Over desire, Secret pleasures,
Undue gains and Unethical profits Ear and leg problems
4 RAH 12 Unethical or illegal activities, Displacement, Imprisonment,
Foreign- Hospitalization -Danger and death

5 JUP 1 Noble, Wise, Helping, Decision power, Stout, Fatty, Preaching,

Advisory, Legal, Societal & happy profession- Good Longevity, Prefers own place.
5 JUP 2 Family bondages, Logical orator, Spiritual & Literary earnings,
Nourishing food, Face of Aura, Treasury, Bank, Addition, Nose,
5 JUP 3 Cooperation and gains from siblings, Exploring in approach,
Varied interest, Good cummunication, Non co operative, Does not use knowledge
Travel gain, Stringy
5 JUP 4 Noble mother, Religious mind, Educational Success, Interest
and Talents in many subjects, Good heart and Friends, Careless about property,
Desire for peace at home, Noble status
5 JUP 5 Politics, Past-merits, Wisdom, Purity, Divinity, Advisory, Rich
and happy, Learned in Religions and Mantras, Purity, Divinity, Womb, Progeny
(Curse-Priests, Plants, Rudra) and Progeny problems - Guru, Rudra, - Problems -
Liver, Glands Sun There is possibility of turning towards spirituality or divinity.
Sun represents Rudra and Rama avatara. Worshiping of these two gods will
definitely help native to be successful in material and metaphysical life. It helps in
curing diseases of chronic nature and it also helps in eliminating opposition from

5 JUP 6 Controls Debt and Diseses, Wins over enmies or no enemies,

Success in compeition, Resolving problems, Lazy, Use spiritual energies.- Good
for maternal side - Fat and immune systems
5 JUP 7 Good spouse, Progeny, Success in learning, Administration,
Wealthy, Legal matters, Sexually restrained, Careful partnerships, Protection from
5 JUP 8 Ill health, No enthusiasm, Irreligious, Dejected, Long life,
Desires lower sex, Unearned money (insurance), Obesity, Sciatica, litigations,
Progeny after remedy,
5 JUP 9 Divine grace, Fortune, Prosperity to father, Religious, Self
disciplined, Politics, Past favors, Good imune system - Vata
5 JUP 10 Respect, Promotion, Progress, Knowledge, Authority, Morality,
Ethics, Advisor, Auditor, Good deeds, Jupiter Karma diseses
5 JUP 11 Gains, Wisdom, Care taker, Fortune, Long life, Intellectual
association, Restricted progeny, Profit, Progress & Prosperity, Fulfillments
5 JUP 12 Helpless conditions, Argumentative, Crocked, Selfish, Lazy,
Progeny after remedy, Non Materialist, Pilgrimage, Feet - Controlled expenditure

6 SAT 1 Lazy, Dull, Grief, Lean colorless, Workaholic, Steady working,

Bad health,, Nerves, Digestive problems, Good longevity, Does not like to stay at
birth or own place
6 SAT 2 Family problems(rifts & sickness), Dearth of Wealth & Finance,
Unclear speech, Serving and Earning(Metals/factories) Worries, Sadness, Dual
6 SAT 3 Lazy and minimum siblings, Sickness/troubles to siblings,
Calculated move, delay in decisions, Practical oriented, Slow communication,
Expenses, Longivtiy, sickness Optimism, Adventure, Overcome enemies,
Generally sorrow.
6 SAT 4 Sickness/seperation or problems of mother,
Slow/Lazy/Disturbed mind. Practical or twice attempting education, Landed assets
and helping to Masses - Problems in crops, Away from home, Health and Lungst
problems, Balarishta
6 SAT 5 Service in politics, ,Lack of Merits, Dejected, Stupidity, Hardship
in earrings, Evil spirits, Delayed/sick progeny(Cruse-fall from heritage, Peepal tree)
or adoption, Stomach, belly & gas problems - Shiva Sun There is possibility of
turning towards spirituality or divinity.Sun represents Rudra and Rama avatara.
Worshiping of these two gods will definitely help native to be successful in
material and metaphysical life. It helps in curing diseases of chronic nature and it
also helps in eliminating opposition from enemies.
6 SAT 6 Efforts to defeat enemeis, Irritation to enemeis, Debts, Disease
prone, Sincere efforts, Revolunational and noted, Worried, Blames prone,
Chronic, Joints, - Father side relations
6 SAT 7 Sickness, Travel failures, Ugly representation, Unhealthy
spouse, Marital discords/delay/dual relationships, Impotency, Business, Sexual
disinterest Death - Balarishta
6 SAT 8 Hard working with success aim, Weak constitution, Faces
difficult situations, irritations, earns through mean jobs, Longevity, Chronic
diseases - Balarishta
6 SAT 9 Progressively renouncing from material life, Intelligence,
Spiritual orientation, Religious works Change or Rest from Work, Troubles
because of Father or troubles to father
6 SAT 10 Leadership, Reformative services, Public service, Sincere
Work, Hardworking. - Balarishta- Sat karma diseases
6 SAT 11 Long life, Leader of masses, El. Brother, Dissatisfaction, Loss,
depressions, Calf muscles
6 SAT 12 Dejected, Lazy, Loss, Sick, Hospitalization, Chronic,
Immobility,- Hospitals, assylums

7 MER 1 Humorous, Intelligent, talkative, Pleasing & youthful, Interested

in various subjects & trade, Weak/Allergic constitution - Good longevity, Interest
to stay in other places and with relatives
7 MER 2 Large family Likes variety eating, Dual relationships, Speaking
and Learning ability, Languages, Earning through trade, knowledge &
7 MER 3 Commercial connections of/with siblings, Diplomatic in
approach, Intelligent decisions, Skillful communications, Litrature and wrirting
abilityes, Stigny, Medium longevity, Harmonic disucssions, Skin, Neck,
7 MER 4 Intelligence/effortive Mother, Psychological/fun desireing, Good
Education, Expertise, Lack of ancestral property, Lands, Crops, Relatives,
Knowledge base progress, Likes birth place, Status thourgh knowledge
7 MER 5 Political knowledge, Creativity, Intuition, Deep intellect,
Speculative, Happiness, Counseling, Influential, Cunning, Psychology, Meaning of
Mantras, Self earned wisdom,Love affairs, Less Progeny or adoption (Curse-
Vishnu, Children) – Vishnu Sun There is possibility of turning towards
spirituality or divinity. Sun represents Rudra and Rama avatara. Worshiping of
these two gods will definitely help native to be successful in material and
metaphysical life. It helps in curing diseases of chronic nature and it also helps in
eliminating opposition from enemies.

7 MER 6 Compromise, Wins over enemy with tactics, Obstruction in

learning, Allergy, Skin, Nerves, Stiff neck, Constipation problems- Cousins
7 MER 7 Quick grasping, Gains importance in society, Scholarly spouse,
2nd Relationship, Trade, Transactions, Business, Sexual weakness,
7 MER 8 Longevity, Analytical, Secret knowledge, Good for progeny,
Business/Foreign trade, Learning obstructed, Nerve problems. Mental ill ness
7 MER 9 Earning from Education, Higher Education, Practical,
Occult/Religious knowledge, Manners, Orator, More Progeny, Proficient, Astrology
7 MER 10 Fame in knowledge & rewards, Truthful, Passport, Business,
Trade, Communications, Mer karma diseses
7 MER 11 Expertise in subjects, Gains, Judicious, Happiness, Dual
relationship, Landed benefits, Friendships, Co-operations, Success in Meetings,
7 MER 12 Intelligent but disturbed education, Foreign education, Wicked.
Cunning, Black magic, Enmity, Hatred, Non co operative Away from friends

8 KET 1 Dejections, Material Rejections, Depressions, Sadness, Gloomy,

Short/Hunchback/Crippled, Quitting,, Rejections, Law, Medicine, Spiritual, Self
undoing, Short life or Balarishta
8 KET 2 Family rejections, Disrupted learning, , Block of funds and
wealth, Disputes in wealth, Careless eating, Sick and Danger
8 KET 3 Dispute/denial/depression to siblings, Adament decisions,
Spiritual, Law, origentation, Printing, Painting, Writing, Brokerage, Bondages and
affairs, Travel failures, Do not spend, Longevity curtailed
8 KET 4 Problems of Mother, Depressed/Sadistic/Dejected Spiritual mind
Disturbed Education, Legal/Medicine interest, Blocked assets, rejects cmforts,
Away from home, disputes with masses and lands, spoiled crops, desire for
position. , Away from home - Balarishta
8 KET 5 Desire for name in Politics, Practical approach, Power of
prediction, Possessing power, Spiritual inhertance, Problems from
Progeny(Brahmin curse), Higher, Occult/spiritual knowledge, Relational bondages.
– Ganapahti Sun There is possibility of turning towards spirituality or divinity.
Sun represents Rudra and Rama avatara. Worshiping of these two gods will
definitely help native to be successful in material and metaphysical life. It helps in
curing diseases of chronic nature and it also helps in eliminating opposition from

8 KET 6 Debts, Diseases, Creates new enemies, Projects a strong

personality, Compassionate, Enemies rooted, Litigations, Arguments, Waist,
Backbone, Growth, Wounds, Tumor, Pains, Dangers to maternal side
8 KET 7 De-link relationships, Controls spouse, Loss of sperm, Evil
spell, Sleep disorder, Dishonor, travel troubles, Legalities, Contracts, Bondages,
Death - Balarishta
8 KET 8 Suicidal, Destructions, Disputes, Arrest, Raids, Sexual
diseases, Growths, Wounds, Cancer - Insurance- Pains and Cramps Balarishta
8 KET 9 Lack of Luck, Hardships in self earnings and assets, Progeny
problems, Spiritual, Astrology, Pilgrimage, Occult, Titles and awards,
sickness/troubles to father or away from father
8 KET 10 Gets famous as scholar or spiritualist, Rejections, Depressions,
Obstructions, Quitting, - Ketu Karma diseses Balarishta
8 KET 11 Gain through services, Gains through handicrafts, Disputes in
Friendship and Relationships, Rejections, Displeasures, Pains in leg
8 KET 12 Wandering, Quit from work, Rejection, Renounce, Block assets
or money, Hospital, Asylum, Suicide, Exit
9 VEN 1 Luxurious, Joy, Artistic, Enthusiastic, attractive, Likes Scholarly
association, Expertise, Luxury, artistic and asset oriented lively hood, good
health, supports Longevity - Likes beautiful places
9 VEN 2 Plans comforts and enjoys family life, Good looking face,
Luxury food, Earnings by various talent, Eye defects and Throat
9 VEN 3 Gains form Siblings, Planned approach, Desires/Arttistic
orientations, Expert communications, Curtailed happiness in travel/luxuries,
Financial tightness, Marital and progeny disharmony, Loss of wealth and Luxuries.
Unpopular, Longevity.
9 VEN 4 Mother Pleasure , Luxurious desires, Experitise in
education,(Finance and luxury related) Vehicles, Luxury items, Pleasurable items,
Happy with relatives, Artistic pursuits, Honour among masses, Landed gains,
Loivng home town, Luxury status.
9 VEN 5 High politics, Artistic and creative intutiions, Riches, Easy
gains, Bliss, Love Pleasures, Manthra Shastras, Expertise Female children (Curse-
Lakhsmi, flowers, females) - Lakshmi Sun There is possibility of turning
towards spirituality or divinity.Sun represents Rudra and Rama avatara.
Worshiping of these two gods will definitely help native to be successful in
material and metaphysical life. It helps in curing diseases of chronic nature and it
also helps in eliminating opposition from enemies.

9 VEN 6 Handles finance with plan, controls diseases, tackels enemies

and adjust to situations, Face troubles from others, Sexual indulgence, Martial
discords and troubles - Diabetes and impotency probems - Wife side relatives
9 VEN 7 Unification, Marriage, Martial life, Spouse, Sexual life, Expertise
in many fields, Glamour and Artistic deals, Semen, Illicit relationship
9 VEN 8 Financial irregularities, Scams, Sudden gain or loss, Material
benefits, Danger or difficulties to spouse, illegal acts and enjoyments, Diabetes
and related problems, Gynecological problems
9 VEN 9 Fortune, Celebrations, Attractive, Enjoys sex life, Artistic, Luck
thorugh spouse, Self earned money and assets, ill heath to father, Thighs, Throat
9 VEN 10 Controversies, disputes in getting fame, Successful,
Luxurious//Assets,/Arts,/Financial Profession, Increments,Ven Karma diseases
9 VEN 11 Co-operation from/to friends and partners, Variety in sexual life,
Fickle or flexible thoughts, Commerce, Trade, Enjoyments, Pleasures, Assets and
9 VEN 12 Sexual pleasures, Enjoyments, Dual marriage, or Martial
discord, Income from external sources,

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