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Topic and controlling Idea

Taking too many university courses at once can have potentially serious consequences

The pollution of non-renewable resources in the world have caused severe health problems
that need solutions urgently. According to the WHO’s international Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC) the outdoor air pollution is carcinogenic to humans, that show clearly a lack of
strict regulations that control an enough clean air percent. Even more, the use of non-
renewable resources is near to the 80 % of the total energy sources, a worrying data that show
the actual dependency of this kind of sources. As a conclusion, it’s necessary to search for
better normativity or find alternatives renewable sources that allow to decrease the pollution.

Allow the excessive social media use could develop psychological issues that affect badly the
personality of Colombian teenagers.

The excessive use of social media can have severe effects in psychological health of the
Colombian teenagers.



Excessive social media use: Psychological effects, social affectation and influence in Colombian

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