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Privacy and Security with Systems of Equations 

Grade: ​9th 
Overall Goal:​ The goal for this lesson is for the students to realize there are multiple ways to 
solve problems whether it's about privacy and security or a math problem. 
First, you, the teacher, will introduce the topic of privacy and security with an infographic. 
You, the teacher, will ask the students how they believe they can solve the problems that come 
with privacy and security on the internet. You, the teacher, will have a discussion on how there 
are multiple ways that these problems can be solved. Then you, the teacher. will explain to the 
students how, like solving the issues of privacy and security, there are multiple ways to solve 
system of equations problems in Algebra 2.  
The teacher will then begin the core of the lesson, teaching the students how to solve 
systems of equations problems. The problems will vary from two variable, three variable and 
word problems, and can be solved by substitution, elimination, or graphing. The teacher will give 
a lesson presentation on Monday and Tuesday, and the students will be given a homework 
assignment to do that evening. They will also be given an article to read over privacy and security 
to keep them engaged in the digital citizenship topic and further their understanding of it. On 
Wednesday, they will be split into groups to play the board game which is designed to be a 
review over systems of equations and improve the students understanding of different situations 
that concern privacy and security.  
Lastly, the students will complete a reflection over the topic of privacy and security and a 
final review worksheet on systems of equations. On Thursday, they will come into class prepared 
for a discussion over privacy and security. The goal is to help the students understand the 
situations and consequences of privacy and security on the internet. Then, the students will 
review the systems of equations with the teacher. Then, the final assessment will be a quiz over 
systems of equations that the students will take on Friday.  
Standards  Learning Objective  Assessment 

AII.SE.1: Solve a system of  ● Students will be able to  Quiz  

equations consisting of a linear  solve a system of equations 
equation and a quadratic  consisting of a linear 
equation in two variables  equation and a quadratic 
algebraically and graphically with  equation algebraically  
and without technology (e.g., find  ● Students will be able to 
the points of intersection  solve a system of equations 
between the line y = –3x and the  consisting of a linear 
circle x^2 + y^2 = 3)  equation and a quadratic 
equation graphically 

AII.SE.2: Solve systems of two or  ● Students will be able to  Quiz 
three linear equations in two or  solve two or three linear 
three variables algebraically and  equations using substitution. 
using technology.   ● Students will be able to 
solve two or three linear 
equations using elimination. 

AII.SE.3: Represent real-world  ● Students will be able to  Quiz 

problems using a system of  solve systems of equations  (optional sample 
linear equations in three  represented through real  exam question for 
variables and solve such  world problems  extra credit) 
problems with and without   
technology. Interpret the solution  ● Students will be able to 
and determine whether it is  solve systems of equations 
reasonable.   represented through real 
world problems using a 

● Students will learn how to be  Reflection 

DCT-1.5 Management of one’s  safe and secure online 
[...] digital privacy and security,  ● Students will understand the 
and data collection technology  similarity having multiple 
used to track navigation online.   ways to solve both math and 
security problems 

Key Terms & Definitions:  
● System of equations: ​a collection of two or more equations with the same set of unknown 
● Linear equation: ​an equation between two variables that gives a straight line when 
plotted on a graph 
● Quadratic equation: ​an equation of second degree, meaning it contains at least one term 
that is squared 
● Substitution: ​a strategy for solving systems of equations that involves solving for one 
variable and using that solution to find the other variable  
● Elimination:​ a strategy for solving systems of equations that involves transforming the 
system such that one variable is “cancelled” out so the other variable can be solved for, 
then using that solution to find the other variable 
● Internet privacy: ​a variety of factors, techniques, and technologies used to protect 
sensitive and private data, communications, and preferences 
● Internet security: ​a process to create rules and actions to take to protect against attacks 
over the internet  
● Scam: ​a term used to describe any fraudulent business or scheme that takes money or 
other goods from an unsuspecting person 
● Identity Theft: ​a crime where a criminal steals some of your personal information such as 
name, drivers license or social security number. The info is used by the criminal to 
purchase items, and your name can be used to open new accounts 
Lesson Introduction (Hook, Grabber): 
First, you, the teacher, will use the infographic to introduce the problems with privacy and 
security on the internet. This gives statistics and ways people give into the dangers associated 
with privacy and security. You, the teacher, will ask the students how they think the percentage of 
people who have been affected could have done something different to avoid the situation, or 
could do something better to ensure their internet privacy. The different ways the students come 
up with will be recorded and written down on the whiteboard. The you will discuss the idea that 
there are various ways to solve problems of privacy and security. You will then introduce systems 
of equations and explain to the students how there are also different ways to solve systems of 
equations. Finally, you, te teacher, are ready to jump into our lesson main.  
Lesson Main:  
This lesson plan will take place over the course of a week, having class for an hour on 
M-F. On Monday, you will begin with our hook (15 minutes). Then, systems of equations will be 
introduced (45 minutes). You will teach the students how to solve two variable systems of 
equations by substitution, elimination, and graphing. The lesson will be instructed by you, the 
teacher, using a slide show and doing examples on the whiteboard while students take notes 
(slideshow is in resources). You will assign two variable problems for homework, as well as an 
article over an aspect of internet privacy and security. On Tuesday, you will quickly review two 
variable problems and how to solve them (15 minutes). Then, you will jump into solving three 
variable problems by substitution, elimination, and graphing. The lesson will be instructed by you, 
the teacher, using a slide show and doing examples on the whiteboard while students take notes 
(slideshow is in resources). You will also teach the students how to represent real world problems 
with systems of equations and how to solve problems of this type (45 minutes). Once again, you 
will assign three variable and real world problems for homework, as well as another article over 
an aspect of internet privacy and security to keep the students engaged in the digital citizen topic 
as well. On Wednesday, the students will come into class and you will quickly review all types of 
systems of equations problems (15 minutes). Then the teacher will explain the rules of the board 
game (45 minutes), which are as follows:  
2-4 players: 
The object is to be the first player to make it through your internet time safely, meaning 
your safely reach home. The students will take turns going. They will draw one of the cards from 
the middle of the board game. If the card has a math problem on it, all the players must solve it 
on their own. Once the one who drew the card is finished, they may look at the answer key to 
see if they got the answer correct. If it’s correct they move forward the number of spaces 
specified on the card; if they get it wrong they don’t move anywhere. If they draw a card that has 
a situation on it, (i.e they gave into an internet scam) they must move back the number of spaces 
specified. They must also use the QR code to go to the article it relates to, to read how to handle 
the issue they drew. Each student will take turns going until someone reaches home with all their 
Following the rules, the students will be broken up into groups up four to play the board 
game. The board game will be used as a review of systems of equations and digital citizenship 
After the board game has been completed, each student will get a review worksheet over 
systems of equations and have to complete a reflection based on the digital citizenship topic of 
privacy and security. Both should be completed that evening and brought back for the next day 
of class. For 10 extra credit points, the teacher will give the students the opportunity to create 8 
sample exam questions and an answer bank with it. This will be due Thursday.  
Lesson Ending: 
On Thursday, you, the teacher, will conclude the lesson with a review day. Students will 
walk in with their completed reflection over privacy and security and system of equation 
homework complete. The first half of the class will be a discussion over privacy and security and 
a little bit of what they wrote for their reflection. The second half of the class, the students will ask 
you, the teacher, any final questions they have over systems of equations, and go over the 
review homework from the night before. Then, on Friday, you, the teacher will give the students a 
quiz over systems of equations.  
DC Lesson Rubric

Poor Fair Good Excellent

1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts
Participation Poor Fair Good Excellent

Student was off task Student was Student was mostly Students was fully
and distracted while somewhat off task on task and focused on task and focused
playing the board and distracted while while playing the while playing the
game. playing the board board game. board game.
Student didn't Student participated Student participated
participate and were Student participated and were engaged often and were fully
disengaged during once or twice and during the engaged during the
the discussions on were somewhat discussions on discussions on
privacy and engaged during the privacy and privacy and
security. discussions on security. security.
privacy and

Reflection Poor Fair Good Excellent

Student put minimal Student put Student put solid Student put in
effort into the sufficient effort into effort into the above and beyond
reflection. the reflection. reflection. effort into the
Student didn't use Student used some Student used
complete sentences complete sentences complete sentences Student used
and used poor word and mediocre word and good word complete sentences
choice. choice. choice. and impressive,
thoughtful word
There were multiple There were a few There were very choice.
grammatical errors. grammatical errors. little grammatical
errors. There were no
grammatical errors.

Work ethic Poor Fair Good Excellent

Student didn't Student complete Student completed Student completed

complete the some of the all of the homework all of the homework
homework homework worksheets. worksheets, plus.
worksheets. worksheets.
Student put in solid Student put in
Student put minimal Student put in effort into the above and beyond
effort into the sufficient effort into completion of the effort into the
completion of the the completion of homework completion of the
homework the homework worksheets. homework
worksheets. worksheets. worksheets.

Resources / Artifacts: 
● Infographic: 
● Systems of Equations Worksheets
● Systems of Equations Quiz
● Privacy and Security Homework Articles
● “Cheat Sheet” For those with learning disabilities
● Board Game Cards
● Solving Systems of Equations Powerpoint (content presentation)
● Privacy and Security Reflection
● Board Game Instructional Video 
Auditory Processing DIsorder Modification: 
Those with​ Auditory Processing Disorder​ find it difficult to understand speech in noisy 
environment as a well as following directions. Where the student sits is important for the kids 
ability to understand. Those with this disorder will be placed in front of the classroom/next to 
teacher and away from door or windows for less background noise; Hopefully by doing this the 
students will have an easier time listening and understanding the teacher. When the board game 
activity occurs you, the teacher will have one group go out into the hallway where noise is at 
minimal. With both of these, those with APD will have a less difficult time. When taking the quiz on 
Friday, you, the teacher, will have the student take the test in another area.  
The powerpoint should also help the student follow instructions and understand the 
material well. There are written instructions the student is easily able to follow in order to know 
how to solve the specific type of problem. The board game will also have written instructions for 
the student to follow. With this accommodations the student should be  
Dyscalculia modification: 
Those With​ Dyscalculia​ have a hard time memorizing and organizing. Instructions and 
direction should be written out for the student so that they have more energy to actually solve 
the problem. We will aid the student with a “cheat sheet” providing specific steps to follow in how 
to solve systems of equations, also this creates the student from having misconceptions. 
Working more one on one with the student and working problems over and over will also benefit 
the student.  
Students with Dyscalculia are aware of being more trouble than other which leads to less 
motivation. The worksheet provided after the board game will be structured differently for the 
student with Dyscalculia. The problems will be set up easy to difficult by doing this the kid will 
feel like they are succeeding leading to higher self efficacy to be able to solve the harder 
Anticipated Difficulties: 
Student might have difficulty taking the game seriously and being on task. The teacher 
will be walking around making sure everyone is on task. In addition students may have difficulty 
solving the problems. Students will be told to raise hand if needing assistance to solve the 
problem. Peers will also be their to help students understand. Being in High School the students 
may feel that reading the articles in unnecessary; To motivate the students to read they will be 
informed that there will be a reflection due the next day.  
Photo Booth 

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