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Brief introduction for Tools - Router Tools :

There are two tools included in Router Tools which will be helpful for router management.

1. Router Firmware Upgrade Utility

"Router Firmware Upgrade Utility" is a tool provided by DrayTek to help you upgrading Vigor
Routers' firmware easily. Please refer to
ID=103 for more details.

2. Syslog
"Syslog" is a tool provided by DrayTek to help you monitoring network status, such as ADSL
status, WAN logs, Firewall logs and so on. It will work after setting syslog server IP address (IP
address of the PC which run this syslog tool) & port number (default : 514) in vigor router.

Router Tools are compatible with following :

1 Windows 95
2 Windows 98/Se/ME
3 Windows XP
4 Windows 7
5 Windows Server 2003
6 Windows Vista
7 MAC OS X and abouve. (Only Firmware Upgrade Utility)

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