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DX2300passDVWRealize remote monitoring of equipment


DX2300It is an Ethernet industrial router product and an industrial-grade Internet of Things wired communication product. The

product has a variety of application interfaces, includingLAN,RS232,RS485Serial ports, various interfaces support standard industrial

protocols, which can meet various application needs of users.

product supportDIACloudCloud platform service, through this platform, can easily and quickly realize point-to-point connection between users and

routers and safe and reliable data transmission, realize remote management configuration, remote maintenance and other functions of equipment, saving

equipment operation and maintenance costs for users.


DX2300 DIACloudRemote management


【Foreword】................................................................ ...................................................... ................................-3 -

【text】............................................... ...................................................... ................................-3 -

one, Hardware and Software List ................................................ ...................................................... .................................- 3 -

two, system structure................................................ ...................................................... ................................................- 3 -

three, Configuration Steps...................................................... ...................................................... ................................................- 4 -

Step1. Configure DVW wireless module...................................................... ...................................................... .-4 -


Step3. DIAComEstablish a secure tunnel …………………………………………………………………………………………-8

Step4.Remote upload and download of PLC programs…………………………………………………………………………………………-10

Step5. Remotely monitor the HMI screen……………………………………………………………………………………12-

4. Questions and Explanations ................................................ ...................................................... ................................................- 15 -

5. Summary ................................................................ ...................................................... ...................................................... ..........-15 -


useDX2300Connect smart devices on different sitesInternet,passDIACloudCloud platform for peer-to-peer

In addition to reliable data transmission, it can also save purchases and maintenance for usersVPNequipment cost.

This article is to introduce Delta DX2300passDVWRealize device cloud monitoring.


1. Hardware and software list

serial number model describe quantity

1 DX2300 Industrial Ethernet Router 1

2 DVW-W02W2-E2 wireless network switch 1
3 DOP107WV HMI 1
4 AS320T-B PLC 1
surface1.hardware list

serial number software Remark

1 DIAcom View networked devices, collected data

2 DIADevice configureDX2300Network parameters

3 VNC Viewer remote control device

4 ISPsoft PLCprogramming software

5 DOPsoft4.00.06 HMIprogramming software list

2. System Architecture

picture1.System Architecture Diagram

3. Configuration steps

Step1.Configure the DVW Wireless Module (provide the Internet to the DX2300)

1)Turn on the phone hotspot,DVWConnect to mobile hotspot.

2)Openwebbrowser to connect to192.168.1.55,Enter your user nameadminpassword:password.

3)Configure the run mode as "client".

picture2. DVWparameter configuration1

4)Basic Wireless Configuration,DVWConnect to mobile hotspot.

picture3. DVWBasic parameter configuration1

Step2. Configure DX2300

1) Power on the device and connect the device's LAN port to the computer directly using a network cable. and connect the WAN port of the device to the DVW (can

Connect to the InternetThe internet) , and runDIADevicesoftware (this software is included in the latestDIAComsoftware,

Download directly from the official website), click "Detect".

picture4.Automatically detect devices

2)After the software detects the device, it will automatically jump to the login page, and the user enters the account password.

picture5.Log inDX2300

3) After logging in, the basic information of the device will be displayed

picture6.Connect to the Internet

4) Click "Go to Device Webpage" to set cloud binding

picture7.Cloud account management

5) Click "Bind" to

-6- binding

picture9Binding succeeded

It should be noted here that before cloud binding, you need to register a cloud account.

picture10Cloud account registration

Step3. DIACom establishes a secure tunnel

1) After the above DX2300 is successfully bound to the cloud account, the following configures the PC to establish a secure tunnel with the DX2300, so that the local PC

It can communicate with the remote devices connected to the DX2300, enabling engineers to remotely debug, monitor, and program remote devices.

Open the DIACom software, log in to the cloud account, and establish a secure tunnel.

picture11Establish a secure tunnel1

picture12Establish a secure tunnel2

Step4. Remote upload and download PLC program

1) At present, there is no network cable connection between the PC and the device, open the COMMGR software, and establish the communication channel between the PC and the PLC.

picture13build driver

2) Open the ISPSoft programming software, click [Tools] - [Communication Channel], and select the communication channel just established.

picture14driver selection

3) Click [PLC Transmission] - [Upload] in the menu bar to upload the remote program

picture15remote uploadPLCprogram

4) Write a program, click [PLC Transmission] - [Download] in the menu bar to download the remote program

- 10 -

picture17Remote downloadPLCprogram

5) Remote online monitoring of PLC programs

picture18Online monitoringPLCprogram

Step5. Remotely monitor the HMI screen

1) Open the dopsoft software and upload the HMI program screen. Click [Options] - [Environment Settings],

- 11 -
picture19 HMIEnvironment settings

2) Upload all screens, [Tools] - [Upload All Data], click [Transfer Start], and enter the upload password 12345678

picture20 HMIProgram upload

3) Now the HMI program is uploaded successfully.

picture21 HMIprogram

- 12 -
4)To monitor the HMI program online, first enable the VNC function in the software, [Options] - [Set Module Parameters]】

picturetwenty twostart upVNCFeatures

5) After the parameter setting is completed, download again

6) After the download is complete, open the VNC Viewer monitoring software, and enter the HMI IP to log in remotely

picture23 VNCconnectHMI(1)

- 13 -
7) After the corresponding HMI IP is displayed, right-click on the IP and click [connect] - [continue] - enter the password 12345678

picture24 VNCconnectHMI 2(2)

8) Online monitoring HMI program

picture25Online monitoring

- 14 -
9) Modify HMI parameters online

picture26online modificationHMIparameter

4. Questions and explanations

During this testThe point to note is to log inDIACloud, create a remotePCandDIACloudsecure tunnel

After the cloud will automatically givePCend allocationIP, the computer assigned at this timeIPwith remote deviceIPIt must be in the same subnet, otherwise

device monitoring cannot be performed.

five, Summarize

In the industrial field, many equipment may be placed in remote places, which brings great trouble to maintenance personnel ,

Businesses can now connect these devices through the Internet of Things for remote monitoring and predictive maintenance, enabling on-site equipment

better utilization of equipment and easier management to help businesses reduce unnecessary spending.

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