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Materials and Method

Abiotic Factors

a. Edaphic
Soil pH and moisture readings were obtained using the Takemura Soil Tester. The quadrat
was placed at the 0 meter, 10 meter, 20 meter and 30 meter mark of the transect line and 5
readings for each mark were obtained. The pH and moisture of the soil were recorded in the
data notebook.

b. Climatic
Three humidity readings were taken at the 0 meter mark of the transect line using a
slingshot psychrometer. The readings were recorded in the data notebook.
Temperature, GPS and brightness were observed using the application GPS Status. The
phone was allowed to calibrate for about 1-2 minutes before recording the data.

Results and Discussion

Abiotic Factors

a. Edaphic Factors
0m 10m 20m 30m
Moisture 0 0.1 0 0.1
pH 6.6 6.6 6.8 6.8
Table 1. Mean pH and moisture readings at the 0m, 10m, 20m, and 30m mark.

Table 1 shows the mean pH and moisture readings at the different marks of the transect
line. Soil moisture was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitatively, the soil is dry
when it is hard and dry when touched, if it is damp when touched, it is moist, and when it is
muddy, the soil is wet. Qualitatively, the soil moisture can be measured using the Takemura
Soil Analyzer. A reading that is near 0 means that the soil is dry whereas if the reading is near
10, the soil is wet. Since based on table 1, the moisture of the soil in the area of study was
around 0-0.1, it can be concluded that it is dry.

The acidity and alkalinity of the soil, on the other hand, can only be measured
quantitatively. A pH reading of near 1 means that it is acidic, if the reading is 7, it is neutral,
and basic if it is greater than 7. The pH of the soil therefore is slightly neutral.

b. Climatic
Parameter Data
Temperature 27ºC
Mean Relative 92%
GPS Latitude: 16º25’12.7”N Longitude: 120º39’52.8”E
Mean Brightness 12:30 PM: 1:30 PM: 2:30 PM: 3:30 PM:
5076.60 lux 1557.67 lux 4876.43 lux 1159.82 lux
Table 2. Study parameters.

Temperature remained constant at 27ºC.

The humidity of the area was known by subtracting the obtained data of the dry and wet
bulb. The values computed were used for determining the relative humidity. A relative humidity
that is near 100% means that there is a high chance of precipitation during the day. Since the
obtained mean relative humidity is 92%, rain was observed after the study.

The light intensity at 1hr interval for 4 hours was reported in luminous flux per unit area
(lux). It was observed that there was an alternating increase and decrease in lux values during
the 4-hour period (refer to table 2).

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