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Row Matrix Lower Triangular Matrix Regular Matrix

A row matrix is formed by a In a lower triangular matrix, A regular matrix is a square

single row. the elements above the matrix that has an inverse.
diagonal are zeros.

Column Matrix Singular Matrix

A column matrix is formed by A singular matrix is a square

a single column. matrix that has no inverse.
Diagonal Matrix
In a diagonal matrix, all the
Idempotent Matrix
elements above and below
the diagonal are zeros. The matrix A is idempotent
Rectangular Matrix
A rectangular matrix is
formed by a different A2 = A.
number of rows and Scalar Matrix
columns, and its dimension is
noted as: mxn. A scalar matrix is a diagonal Involutive Matrix
matrix in which the diagonal
elements are equal. The matrix A is involutive if:

Square Matrix A2 = I.
A square matrix is formed by
the same number of rows
Identity Matrix Symmetric Matrix
and columns.
An identity matrix is a A symmetric matrix is a
diagonal matrix in which the square matrix that verifies:
The elements of the form aii diagonal elements are equal
constitute the principal to 1.
diagonal. A = At.

The secondary diagonal is Antisymmetric Matrix

formed by the elements with
i+j = n+1. Transpose Matrix An antisymmetric matrix is a
Given matrix A, the square matrix that verifies:
transpose of matrix A is
another matrix where the
elements in the columns and A = −At.
rows have switched. In other
Zero Matrix
words, the rows become the
In a zero matrix, all the columns and the columns Orthogonal Matrix
elements are zeros. become the rows.
A matrix is orthogonal if it
verifies that:

Upper Triangular Matrix A · At = I.

In an upper triangular matrix,
the elements located below (At)t = A
the diagonal are zeros.

(A + B)t = At + Bt

(α ·A)t = α · At

(A · B)t = Bt · At

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