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Title: Angel

Author: nericia
Length: Chaptered
Genre: Drama, romance
Rating: PG
Pairings: Yunho/Jaejoong, Yoochun/Junsu, Changmin/??
Warnings: AU - very dominant Yunho and a fragile Jaejoong.


Yunho: Age 25. He is one of the co-owner of JunArk Company.

Yoochun: Age 25. Yunho's cousin. He is the other co-owner of JunArk Company.
Changmin: Age 20. Yunho's little brother. He is an university student.
Junsu: Age 20. He is in the same university with Changmin. He has to become Yoochun's
courtesan because of his brother's debts to Yoochun.
Jaejoong: Age 20. He is studying at the same university with Changmin and Junsu. Yunho saw
him at Changmin's university and tried to make him his but Jaejoong rejected him. Yunho got
obsessed with him and made him his by threatening with his father's life.

Summary: Yunho, Changmin and Yoochun were raised like princes. They could always get what
they wanted. After their parents died unfortunately in a plane accident, Yunho and his cousin
Yoochun had to take care of Korea's biggest company, JunArk. The company owned a lot of
shopping centers, night clubs, restaurants all over in Korea. Because they had to administrate the
whole company at their young age, they became very ambitious and heartless. They also had
some kind of dark connections and became the biggest power in Korea. They even obtained
their lovers using these powers.
Disclaimer: I don't own DBSK boys. I just used them for my imagination.

The mansion they live in is here

Chapter 1 Even Angels Fall

Two young boys were sitting in the winter garden across the pool. There was a very beautiful
mountain view in front of boys but they weren’t looking at it.

Junsu was forcing himself to eat. Since Jaejoong came to the mansion two days ago, he didn’t
feel good. He was starting to remember bad memories that belonged to last year, even if he
didn’t want to remember.

This is the first time they were alone since Jaejoong arrived, because Yoochun and Yunho are on
a business trip for the weekend. Junsu thought that it was good for Jaejoong. First day Junsu left
him alone most of the time so that Jaejoong could get used to his situation. Today he had to talk
to Jaejoong.
Jaejoong was still resisting not to eat. Junsu could understand him very well but he had to make
Jaejoong eat for his own good. They had become close quickly because of their similarities.
Especially Jaejoong. He hold on to Junsu like he was his last hope.

"Jae, you must eat something," said Junsu in a very caring tone.

Jaejoong rose his head a little and looked at Junsu with his red eyes from crying.

"I don’t feel like eating," said Jaejoong in a very low voice.

Junsu sighed and leaned back against in his seat.

"Honey, it doesn’t matter what you want. You must eat just to be alive."

"I feel like I am gonna to throw up…Junsu…"

Jae now was looking at him with scared eyes. Junsu rose from his seat and leaned over the table
and looked worriedly at Jaejoong.


"I am so scared…I don’t know what to do," tears were coming down from Jaejoong’s eyes, "I
know that was the right thing to do to protect my family but I can’t handle with the pain. I feel so

Junsu got up from his seat and hugged Jaejoong tightly. He let him cry for a few minutes while
still holding him and then helped him to dry his tears.

"Do you feel better now?" asked Junsu smiling. When Jaejoong nodded, he moved his chair
nearer to Jaejoong and sat.

"Since our men is out of town, we can have a little girl to girl chat, right?" grinned Junsu.

Jaejoong couldn’t help but smiled at Junsu’s funny comment.

"First of all, no more tears okay? You have ruined your beautiful eyes!"

"I will try, promise." smiled Jaejoong.

"I have been through what you are dealing now Jae, so let me give you some advice, ok?"

When Jaejoong nodded, Junsu went on.

"No matter what I say, I know it’s not gonna be easy anyway. You should know that I will be
here to help you."

"Do you still feel this strange, painful hole inside of you?" asked Jae touching his chest.

Junsu felt a pain in his heart when Jaejoong said this but he tried to smile.

"It never goes but you will learn how to bury it deep. You just need time."

Jaejoong sighed and nodded.

"We have similar reasons to be here I guess…" Jaejoong cut Junsu off.

"I don’t know why you are here."

"It’s not an interesting don’t wanna know."

"Please, I want to know…you can’t hear mine if you don’t tell yours," grinned Jaejoong.

"I guess I know yours a litte but fine! If you eat something, I will tell."

Jaejoong didn’t say anything. He just cut a piece of his pancake and ate it.

Junsu smiled and started to tell his story.

"My hyung was the manager of one of Jun&Ark Company’s night club. Yoochun and he were
really good friends. Yoochun was coming almost every Friday night. I used to come to visit my
hyung on Fridays too," smiled Junsu shyly."He flirted with me. I used to like it but I knew he
was dangerous, so I was trying not to be too closed to him," Junsu sighed and looked at his
hands. "On one Friday night when I came to see my hyung at his office, Yoochun’s men didn’t
let me in. I sensed that something was wrong. After that I heard my hyung screamed. I tried to
get in but the bodyguards didn’t let me so I started to scream. Then I heard Yoochun ordered
them to let me in. I rushed into the room and I saw my hyung lying on the floor with a blood
covering face."

Junsu now was fighting with his own tears. He looked at Jaejoong to see his eyes were teary too.
Jaejoong squeezed Junsu’s hand and Junsu went on to tell his story.

"I learned that my hyung betrayed Yoochun. He had been stealing his money behind his back
using the night club. I could guess how Yoochun was pissed off because he used to love and trust
my hyung. I knew that people like Yoochun always settle their own justice so…" Junsu paused a
little and sighed deeply, "…I started to beg Yoochun to let him go. I shouted at him that I could
do whatever he wanted. He finally looked at me for a few seconds before kicking my hyung
again. Then he said these words, ‘You will leave the town immediatly and make sure that I’ll
never see you again. Your little beautiful brother is coming with me. He will be the one who pay
your debts and you will never see him again.’ " Junsu turned and looked at Jaejoong, "That’s
how I came here."

Jaejoong lowered his head down, "I’m so sorry, Junsu, to make you remember this." Then he
hugged Junsu tightly. Junsu hugged him back and murmured from Jae’s shoulder.

"So, how about your story?"

Jaejoong let Junsu go and rolled his eyes. Junsu laughed at his reaction.

"Okay okay…you don’t have to tell me. I know how Yunho was obsessed with you."

"What do you know?" asked Jaejoong curiously.

"My God, Jae! We were listening to him talking about you every night. He was always asking
Changmin and me to be friends with you. It’s a big school and we are not in the same department
and we didn’t even see you! I guessed he tried to meet you by himself and you rejected him,
right? He couldn’t get you and…"

Jaejoong cut him off.

"…and he did the best thing they always did. He got what he wanted by threatening. When I
heard that my dad had lost his job and my mum luckily survived from a car accident, I found
myself in front of his office door," smiled Jaejoong, "That’s why I am here."

They didn’t talk for a while and just looked at the view while drinking their own coffee. After a
few minutes later, Junsu turned to Jaejoong.

"Yunho is not that bad you know. You don’t need to be afraid of him. He is always a gentleman
unless you piss him off."

Jaejoong nodded but he was still feeling this painful hole strongly when Junsu mentioned
Yunho’s name.

"They want us to spend their money, Jae. You must accept their presents. Look good and be
happy with them. You have to be a good player, Jae. If you act your role good, you don’t have to

Jae put his elbows on the table and took his head.

"It’s too hard to look happy Junsu. Its too hard…"

"I know what you are feeling. You are punishing yourself in this situation and you think you
don’t deserved to be happy, right?"

Jaejoong only nodded.

"You are wrong honey cause you didn’t do anything wrong. You sacrifice yourself for the people
you love, you did the right thing. Besides I didn’t tell you to be happy, just act like it," then he
squeezed Jaejoong’s hand. "I also think that we will be good together, Jae. We can go to school
together, have chats till the first light of the morning, watch movies and beat Changmin on PS!"

Jae smiled and then he frowned again.

"So Junsu, you are telling me that I have to be totally a whore?"

Junsu burst into a laugh. A few seconds later Jae joined him too. He couldn’t stop laughing until
they heard a cheerful voice coming behind them.

"I guess I came in the right time!"

"Minnie!" Junsu shouted and jumped from his seat to hug Changmin.

"You came back early," said Junsu.

Changmin came closer to Jaejoong while Jaejoong was looking at him curiously.

"So…who is this Angel that fell from heaven to our territory?" said Changmin never taking his
eyes of Jaejoong and smiling charmingly.

Nobody talked for a while. Jaejoong opened his mouth to try to say something but he couldn’t.
What am I gonna say? I am your hyung’s lover? Courtesan? Whore? What is the right word?

Jaejoong looked desperately at Junsu to say something. Changmin sensed that something was
wrong. Finally, Junsu turned to Changmin.

"Changmin, this is Jaejoong. He is…a friend of Yunho. He is gonna live with us…"

Changmin looked suprised. He couldn’t understand the ‘he’s gonna live with us’ part but when
he saw Junsu mouthing him ‘later we’ll talk’ desperately, he just give his hand to Jaejoong and

"Nice to meet you, Jaejoong."

Jaejoong shook his hand while standing up from his seat.

"Nice to meet you too," Jaejoong smiled to Changmin. He liked the boy from the first sight. He
was charming like his hyung but he was more lovely.

Junsu turned to Jaejoong and started to talk to change the subject.

"So..this is our Minnie! He was away camping for the weekend. He is very talented, Jae. He does
hiking, camping, climbing and now he is learning diving, right Minnie?"
Changmin now really understood there is something going on because Junsu started to talk too
much and fast.

Junsu now hold Jaejoong’s arm and started to pull him to the entrance of the garden.

"Now we have to go Minnie, we have lots of things to do!"

Before Changmin could open his mouth to say ‘where’, they disappeared.

Title: Angel
Author: nericia
Chapter: 2/?
Genre: Drama, romance
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Yunho/Jaejoong, Yoochun/Junsu, Changmin/??
Warnings: AU - very dominant Yunho and a fragile Jaejoong.


Yunho: Age 25. He is one of the co-owner of JunArk Company.

Yoochun: Age 25. Yunho's cousin. He is the other co-owner of JunArk Company.
Changmin: Age 20. Yunho's little brother. He is an university student.
Junsu: Age 20. He is in the same university with Changmin. He has to become Yoochun's
courtesan because of his brother's debts to Yoochun.
Jaejoong: Age 20. He is studying at the same university with Changmin and Junsu. Yunho saw
him at Changmin's university and tried to make him his but Jaejoong rejected him. Yunho got
obsessed with him and made him his by threatening with his father's life.

Summary: Yunho, Changmin and Yoochun were raised like princes. They could always get what
they wanted. After their parents died unfortunately in a plane accident, Yunho and his cousin
Yoochun had to take care of Korea's biggest company, JunArk. The company owned a lot of
shopping centers, night clubs, restaurants all over in Korea. Because they had to administrate the
whole company at their young age, they became very ambitious and heartless. They also had
some kind of dark connections and became the biggest power in Korea. They even obtained
their lovers using these powers.
Disclaimer: I don't own DBSK boys. I just used them for my imagination.

Chapter 2 : Beautiful Disaster

Jaejoong pouted in front of the huge closet mirror. He was still complaining ever since they left
the hairdresser.

"Oh God… my skin is so white and now I look like a doll with this platinum hair!"

It was a big change for Jaejoong. He had never thought of colouring his hair until today. Junsu
had insisted so much and finally Jaejoong had said yes but now he was not sure.

"Yeah, you look like a barbie doll!" giggled Junsu who was walking to and from between the
walk-in closet and the room to help Jaejoong put his new clothes into his own closet.

"Stop joking Junsu! Tell me the truth!" Jaejoong turned Junsu with an angry face.

Junsu stopped and looked at him with a ‘are you kidding me’ face.

"Please, Jae! Look at yourself. You would still be beautiful even if you don’t have any hair!" as
he put down a couple of sweaters.

"Now put them in a suitable place," ordered Junsu and walked back to inside the room again.

Jaejoong sighed heavily but started to put the sweaters onto the closet shelves.

Both Yunho’s and Yoochun’s room are very big and were designed for two people. The bedroom
has a big bathroom, two separate walk-in closets and a balcony. Mountain view could be seen
through the large windows. There was a big king-size bed that is located close to windows so
that you could see outside.White was the only colour that was used. Even if there was a big
library in the mansion Yunho was keeping his favourite books on small bookshelves close to the
bed. Everything looked expensive but they weren’t exaggerated.

"Yunho! You are home!"

When he heard Yunho’s name, Jaejoong was stunned. He had tried to prepare himself for this
moment but he was starting to be afraid again.

Yunho came closer to Junsu and kissed his cheek.

"Yoochun was looking for you."

Realizing that Yunho’s eyes were looking for something, Junsu silently pointed the closet.

"I have to go. So see you guys at dinner!" announced Junsu and promptly left the room.

Jaejoong looked at himself in front of the mirror for the last time and took a deep breath and
came out of the walk-in closet.

"Welcome home, Yunho," said Jaejoong trying to smile.

This time Yunho was the one who was stunned. He was looking at Jaejoong with shining eyes.

"Oh…" was the only word that came from Yunho’s mouth.

Jaejoong’s smile disappeared.

"I knew you don’t like it," said Jaejoong pouting.

Yunho came closer to Jaejoong with a wide smile on his face and caressed his hair. He looked
down to see the shorter boy’s angelic face.

"Don’t like it? I adored your new hair. It is so beautiful."

Yunho took Jaejoong’s head between his hands and started to kiss him on the lips.

Jaejoong startled with this foreign touch. Yunho had kissed him before with force but this time it
was different. Yunho was really tender. He knew that Jaejoong was not doing this willingly but
he was doing anyway, so he didn’t want the boy to be afraid of him. He hold Jaejoong’s slim
waist and pulled him gently closer to his chest then he deepened the kiss.

After a few seconds, Yunho let the boy go and walked towards his suitcase.
"I have a gift for you from Greece," said Yuhno trying to find the place where he put the small

Jaejoong could feel his cheeks were on fire now. He was looking at Yunho while he was
searching for the gift. He was wearing a white shirt with a brown cardigan and a low belt blue
jean. His semi long hair was chocolate brown. These simple clothes looked very good on him.

Yunho attached Jaejoong’s gift onto his slim wrist. It was a very beautiful bracelet. Jaejoong
remembered Junsu’s advices.

"Thank you, Yunho! It’s really beautiful," said Jaejoong still looking at the bracelet. He really
liked it.

"It wasn’t made from too expensive stones but its story is very interesting. It was made specially
for you," said Yunho smiling and caressing Jaejoong’s silky cheek.

Jaejoong rose his glance from bracelet to Yunho.


Yunho took Jaejoong’s hand and lead him to the white couch.

"It was really interesting Jae.When I was having a trip I saw a small but an interesting shop.
There were lots of stones with different shapes and colours at the shop window."

Jaejoong was listening to him very carefully without taking his eyes off him.

"When I said that I was looking for a gift, the owner of the shop said that every stone had a
meaning and they gave different powers who wears it. Then he asked a lot of questions to know
you. After that he did this beautiful bracelet specially for you."

"What do the stones mean then?" asked Jaejoong very exciting.

Yunho smiled and pointed the big white stone.

"This is moonstone. It helps to except your feelings and get rid of your concerns. It also protect
you from bad powers," then he pointed the little light brown ones.

"They are agates. This stone represents the succes. It gives power, joy and hopefulness to the
person who wears it."

"It was really interesting. I like it much more now. Thank you, Yunho," said Jaejoong looking at
Yunho with shining eyes. He hadn’t known this side of Yunho. He seemed kind and thoughtful.
Jaejoong was not sure he was really that kind or he was just palying one. He had a lot of to learn.

So, Yunho thinks that I need joy, hope and protection?But who will protect me from him?

They went out for dinner. It was the first time that all of them are together since Jaejoong arrived.
Changmin was late as he always did.

Yoochun and Jaejoong was in a deep chat about music. Jaejoong was a conservatoire student.
Yoochun was a conservatoire student once but he hadn’t completed his education.

"Now I really want to buy or float a record company if I find time for this," said Yoochun taking
a sip from his wine.

"Really? It would be great!" said Jaejoong with shining eyes.

Music was Jaejoong's passion. He was very happy that he could talk to someone who really
knew about music.

"If we are going to one of my friend’s studio, I will take you there as well, " stated Yoochun
looking at Yunho. He was not asking permission from Yunho.

"While you are at your taekwondo lessons we can have some great time with the boys," grinned
Yunho just smiled and rise his goblet to him. He was really glad that Jaejoong was getting along
with everybody. He seemed more relax now.

"I had once listened Se7en recording," said Junsu to Jaejoong.

"Really? Tell me about it!"

Now all of Jaejoong’s attention was on Junsu.

"My God, Angel! Your hair looks great!"

They all turned to the cheerful voice. It was Changmin.

"Good evening, everyone. Sorry, I am late," said Changmin and sat down near Yunho.

"Are you calling him - Angel?" asked Yunho turning to Changmin.

"Yeah. Don’t you like it?" asked Changmin while still grinning.

Yunho smiled.

"Actually, I really liked it."

* * *

"Baby, can you please relax a little?" asked Yunho for the third time.

They were both sweaty and gasping for air. There were lube all over the red satin sheets.

Jaejoong was still struggling with every touch that Yunho did to his entrance. His cheeks were
red with embarrassment. It’s not because he was naked in front of a naked Yunho but because
they were doing like that for about an hour. Yunho was desperately trying to enter him and
Jaejoong couldn’t help him.

"Please do it already, Yunho! Even if I scream, don’t stop," pleaded Jaejoong.

Yunho opened Jaejoong’s legs further apart and slowly he started to push his member into
Jaejoong’s tight entrance for the third time this night.

How much he tried to stretch his hole, it was useless at the end because Jaejoong couldn’t relax.
He was tightening himself so much and closing it. Even Yunho couldn’t get in half way before he
was starting to yell in pain.

Yunho stopped at midway because something was wrong again with Jaejoong.

He immediately exited from inside of Jaejoong and got up from the bed. His face had turned red
from anger.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Jae?" yelled Yunho.

Jaejoong was holding his tears back and trying not to make things worse. But now he couldn’t
hold on anymore. He covered himself with sheets and cried.

"What am I supposed to do?" he yelled back, "I said not to stop!"

Yunho had wore his boxer even when he was still erect.

"You were fucking intense and not breathing properly! How do you think you can relax with

"You saw it was usesless. You should have done it even if I screamed!"

Yunho leaned closer to Jaejoong’s face.

"For what, Jaejoong? To see you bleeding? I am not a monster. God damn it!"

Jaejoong took his legs into his chest and hugged them.

"I had said I needed time," he mumbled.

Yunho sat near Jaejoong on the bed.

"I had said for the first day you came here Jae, this would happen. It has been a week. When is
the right time baby, please tell me!" Yunho was still talking in a very loud voice.

Jaejoong bent his head down.

"I am sorry Yunho. I really tried. It was my first…Oh! I am so useless…" sobbed Jaejoong.

Yunho sighed and then took Jaejoong’s head between his hands.

"It’s okay Jae, we will find a way," said Yunho and kissed his forehead. When he was about to go
up, Jaejoong hold his arm.

"I can still help you after all, Yunho," said Jaejoong looking at Yunho’s bulge in front of him.

Jaejoong didn’t want to appear so weak to him. He should have to get over it.

Yunho smiled.

"Not tonight baby. You need to rest," said Yunho and he went to the bathroom.

Jaejoong buried himself under the covers. He was so ashamed of himself. He didn’t want to do
this that’s for sure but he made a deal with Yunho and that was the most important part. He had
to do it. Why am I so weak? I had promised myself to be brave tonight… I had to be. I don’t want
you to think I am so weak, Yunho.
He didn’t hear Yunho until he came and lifted the covers from Jaejoong. He was only wearing a
towel over his waist and his hairs were wet. He offered his hand to Jaejoong.

"Come on baby, I have showered and prepared the tub for you."

Jaejoong nodded and took his hand. He decided not to dramatize anymore. Even if his back hurt,
he tried to walk properly.

When Jaejoong came back, he found Yunho asleep on the bed with the remote control in his
hand. He slowly came closer and took the remote control and turned off the T.V. Then he sat on
the bed near Yunho. He closely examined Yunho. He didn’t have hard lines on his face and he
looked so manly and very handsome. His mouth was slightly opened and his breathing could be
heard. Jaejoong unconsciously reached and brushed his hair from his forehead. I don’t know
what you are after, Yunho. I don’t understand you. You already had me. Why do you care so much
about me?It’s just a face that you show everyone or are you really not that bad?

Jaejoong slowly leaned closer and kissed him lightly on his lips. Yunho shifted in his sleep but
didn’t wake up. You are so beautiful…such a beautiful disaster.

Title: Angel
Author: nericia
Chapter: 3/?
Genre: Drama, romance
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Yunho/Jaejoong, Yoochun/Junsu, Changmin/??
Warnings: AU - very dominant Yunho and a fragile Jaejoong.


Yunho: Age 25. He is one of the co-owner of JunArk Company.

Yoochun: Age 25. Yunho's cousin. He is the other co-owner of JunArk Company.
Changmin: Age 20. Yunho's little brother. He is an university student.
Junsu: Age 20. He is in the same university with Changmin. He has to become Yoochun's
courtesan because of his brother's debts to Yoochun.
Jaejoong: Age 20. He is studying at the same university with Changmin and Junsu. Yunho saw
him at Changmin's university and tried to make him his but Jaejoong rejected him. Yunho got
obsessed with him and made him his by threatening with his father's life.
Summary: Yunho, Changmin and Yoochun were raised like princes. They could always get what
they wanted. After their parents died unfortunately in a plane accident, Yunho and his cousin
Yoochun had to take care of Korea's biggest company, JunArk. The company owned a lot of
shopping centers, night clubs, restaurants all over in Korea. Because they had to administrate the
whole company at their young age, they became very ambitious and heartless. They also had
some kind of dark connections and became the biggest power in Korea. They even obtained
their lovers using these powers.
Disclaimer: I don't own DBSK boys. I just used them for my imagination.

Chapter Three: The Way You Make Me Feel

Jaejoong looked closely to Changmin who was sitting at the opposite site of the limo and
listening to his ipod very loudly with his eyes closed. When he was sure that Changmin was
already asleep he turned to Junsu and signaled him to take off his headphones of his ipod.

"I have to talk to you about something important," said Jaejoong blushing.

Junsu checked Changmin and turned to Jaejoong.

"What is it, Jae? You don’t look good."

"Yes, I’m not so good, Su. Last night Yunho and I…" before he could finish his sentence, Junsu
cut him off.

"Oh! You did it!" said Junsu smiling.

Jaejoong bowed his head and looked at his hands.

"Actually… we didn’t…we couldn’t because of me."

Junsu drew closer to Jaejoong and threw his arm over his shoulder.

"What happened, Jae?"

Jaejoong buried his head onto his hands.

"I am so ashamed of myself…it was an awful night."

Junsu caressed Jaejoong’s hair.

"Relax a little Jae and tell me exactly what happened."

They had a long way to go because of they were moving out of Seoul, so Jaejoong told the whole

"Look Jae…first of all stop blaming yourself. You have the right to be afraid," said Junsu holding
Jaejoong’s hand.

Jaejoong just looked at their connected hands and sighed.

"Yunho should have understood you because he hadn’t insisted. So don’t be sad okay? You can
make it up once you have a chance," stated Junsu.

Jaejoong turned his gaze to Junsu and looked at him with pleading eyes.


Junsu looked outside from the window.

"We are about to arrive, let’s meet at lunch break."

At the same time in Yunho’s office Yoochun was about to fall from his seat from laughing.

"You, Yunho…our number one Cassanova…couldn’t… do it with this pretty boy?" said Yoochun
trying to talk while laughing.

Yunho wanted to throw his coffee cup at his cousin but he just ran his fingers through his hair

" are not helping," hissed Yunho between his teeth. He was still using Yoochun’s
nickname from their childhood days.

"You couldn’t do this to him knowing that he didn’t want you right?" asked Yoochun finally after
he stopped laughing.

"I guess… maybe," sighed Yunho, "He was so afraid Chunnie, you should have seen him. Yes,
you are right he is different because I always have sex with people who willingly want to be with
me, but Angel…I don’t want to hurt him."

Yoochun put his hand on his cousin’s shoulder and looked him in the eye.

"You have to hurt him if you want him,Yunho, and you will. I lived with the same things."

Yunho looked at his cousin’s eyes trying to smile.

"Yes, you have been through lots of things even before Junsu, you are the experienced one."
Yoochun just stare at through the window and thought about his one and only love who died four
years ago. He realized that since Junsu came into his life he could think about his only love with
less pain.

Yoochun turned to his cousin again.

"Even if it wasn’t Junsu’s first time we had gone thru lots of troubles too you know."

"Yes, poor kid was a living dead for two weeks.How did you return him to life?"

Yoochun smiled bitterly. It was the hardest part of their relationship.


Yoochun had found Junsu at his favourite spot again sitting in the winter garden and watching
outside. It had been almost two weeks since he came here. He was barely eating, sleeping and

Yoochun was showing him patience all this time but that wasn’t working. Junsu was getting
worse each day.

Yoochun offered his hand to Junsu.

"Come on honey, let’s eat our dinner."

Junsu took his hand and sliently followed Yoochun to the dining room.

Junsu wasn’t eating as always. He was just playing with his food. When Yoochun saw him like
that he didn’t want to eat either. He put his fork and knife down and stood up. He went near to
Junsu and kneeled down in front of him and took his hands into his own.

"I know I am forcing you Junsu but I really want you to be happy."

Junsu didn’t reply as always. Yoochun was starting to lose his patience. He stood up.

"I just wonder honey, are you sad about yourself or your hyung?You should be sad about
yourself cause your hyung doesn’t seem to care for you," said Yoochun in an angry voice.

Junsu didn’t answer again.Yoochun went on.

"You are doing this for your hyung but…are you sure you are doing this properly?"

Junsu stood up and attempt to leave but Yoochun was now very angry. He had to show him what
his responsibilities were.

Yoochun grabbed Junsu by the arm and pulled him to himself.

"You’re gonna put yourself together!" hissed Yoochun.

"Let me go," said Junsu trying to remove his arm from Yoocun’s tight grip.

"Request is denied honey, you can’t order me," said Yoochun and grabbed both of Junsu’s arms
and brought their faces very close.

"You are gonna eat, go to school, show me your gorgeous smile and warm my bed! If you don’t
honey, the deal will be over."

Junsu didn’t respond but slient tears started to fall down from his eyes.

Yoochun pushed him hard to his seat and resumed back his own seat.

"Let’s start with the eating part."

***************************End of flashback********************************

"Hey cousin, are you there?"

Yoochun returned from his bad memory to the moment when he heard Yunho’s voice. He closed
his eyes for a few seconds and sighed.

"Look Yunho. It’s better for both of you not to delay because it’s gonna happen sooner or later.
He will get hurt anyway," he put his arm over his cousin’s shoulder.

"I am not saying to hurt him on purpose but just let him know what are his responsibilities."

Yunho smiled to his couisin.

"Maybe I should take him to a romantic dinner, what do you think?"

Yoochun smiled too.

"Yeah, maybe."

* * *

Jaejoong looked at his injured lip at the bathroom mirror again and returned to the bedroom
where Junsu and Changmin were sitting on the white couch.

"I think we can apply some make up and Yunho will not notice it," said Jaejoong as he sat down
on the carpet with crossed legs.

"I don’t have that ability to cover it up Jae, sorry,"said Junsu.

"Yunho’s gonna kill me. He is really gonna to kill me!" said Changmin throwing his head back
sighing heavily.

Jaejoong crossed his eyebrows.

"Minnie! You are making me scared…You didn’t do it on purpose and it’s just a little injury
that’s all."

Changmin stood up and started pacing around the room.

"You don’t understand Jae…I hit his Angel, he is gonna to kill me!"

"Let me talk to him first, I can calm him down," said Jaejoong coming closer to Changmin and
holding his hand. Changmin looked at their joined hands and caressed Jaejoong’s soft hand with
his other hand.

"I did this to you and I will take responsibility," said Changmin looking deeply at Jaejoong’s
eyes. Suddenly they both turned and looked at the door when hearing Yunho’s question.

"What did you do this time, Minnie?" without waiting for an answer, Yunho walked nearer to
Jaejoong when he saw his face. He took Jaejoong’s head between his hands. Junsu left the room
without saying a word at this moment.

"What happened Angel?" Yunho asked worriedly.

"I…Yunho I…"

"Who did this to you?" Yunho asked angryly.

"I did," Changmin said stepping in front of his hyung.

Yunho let go of Jaejoong and looked at his brother in shock.

"What did you say?"

Jaejoong came between the two brothers. Changmin tried to stop him but Jaejoong immediately
started to talk.

"He didn’t do this on purpopse. Will you let me explain Yunho?" said Jaejoong looking into
Yunho’s eyes with confidence.

Yunho looked at the shorter boy’s eyes and calmed down a little.

"Okay. Tell me what happened baby."

Jaejoong took Yunho’s hand and leaded him to the couch while Yunho was looking at his brother
with angry eyes.

"There was a guy who was interested in me for a while…"

"Oh really? Why didn’t I know??" Yunho’s angry eyes were now on Jaejoong.

"He was harmless Yunho, he was a good boy. He was just asking me to go out and I was
rejecting him."

"You should tell me," Yunho said in a very cold voice.

Jaejoong decided that it was useless to insist and went on.

"Today he came near me again before the class. I rejected him again and told him that I am with
someone. Then suddenly… "

Changmin cut him off.

"That was the moment I interferred in," said Changmin kneeling down in front of his hyung and
looking at his eyes.

"You wanted me to keep an eye on Angel. I was free, so I decided to go and find him at school."
Changmin said.

Jaejoong just hold Yunho’s hand and let Changmin finish the story. Yunho was now listening to
his brother very carefully.

"I saw the boy was disturbing Angel and was very angry. Told him to back off and leave Angel
alone. I kind of lost my cool and hit him but…Angel wanted to stop us and came between us. I
hit him instead of that guy…" Changmin still kneeling down in front of his hyung.

"Please forgive me hyung…I didn’t mean to hurt Angel."

Yunho sighed heavily and ruffled Changmin’s hair.

"You don’t always call me hyung, so I guess you are really sorry…I forgive you."

"Thanks, hyung!" Changmin jumped to his feet.

"Now you are dismissed!" said Yunho joking.

After Changmin left the room, Yunho turned to Jaejoong and caressed his cheek.

"Are you sure you are okay, baby?"

Jaejoong couldn’t help but smile. Yunho was so worried and he was so nice towards him. That
made Jaejoong happy.

"I am fine. It is not a big deal."

Yunho went on caressing his cheek, looking admiringly at Jaejoong.

"I just want to protect you. I don’t want anybody to hurt you." Yunho said and bent down to kiss

Jaejoong automaticaly winced with pain. Yunho immediately stopped.

"Sorry baby…"smiled Yunho and kissed Jaejoong’s cheek.

Jaejoong looked at Yunho with shining eyes. He couldn’t stop himself from smiling. Why he has
to be so attractive and kind?

"Let’s eat outside," Yunho offered his hand and they both stood up.

* * *

"I still can’t believe that I am in this car!" said Jaejoong cheefully, trying to find a good radio
station while he is in Yunho’s blue Chevy Impala .

Yunho moved his eyes away from the road and looked at Jaejoong. He smiled at his childish

"Do you wanna drive?" Yunho asked slowing down the car.

"No no no! I really don’t want to ruin such a beauty!" said Jaejoong excitingly.

"Okay Angel, whatever you want," Yunho said and he stepped on the gas.

When Jaejoong heard the powerful engine sound, he screamed a little and started to laugh. Yunho
started laughing with Jaejoong too.

"Now tell me your other dream Angel," said Yunho smiling to Jaejoong.

Jaejoong stopped laughing and looked at Yunho.

"Do you really want to know?" asked Jaejoong pouting.

"Yes, I really like to know."

"I wanna ride a horse," said Jaejoong shyly. The wind was blowing his hair and exposing his
beautiful forehead.
"Did you know that we own a farm with lots of horses?" asked Yunho without looking at Jae.

"Wow…Yunho… you already do have my dreams," joked Jaejoong with shining eyes.

Yunho just squeezed Jaejoong’s hand. If only I have you my Angel…

After a long road trip, they went to see the horses and Yunho promised him, he would teach Jae
how to ride the horses later. Then they met up with Yoochun and Junsu for dinner.

They were back at home before midnight. The two couples separated to their respective rooms.

Jaejoong hadn’t drunk much but it was enough to relax him. He opened the balcony door and
stepped outside. Spring is here and this is the first day of April. He walked near to the railing and
tried to feel the wind with his eyes closed.

"It is still chilly, Angel," said Yunho stepping behind Jae and wrapped his arms around his waist
and rested his chin on his shoulder.

Jaejoong didn’t move. He just leaned onto the warm chest behind him. He was starting to love
the way Yunho hugged him. He somewhat felt safe and happy when he was with this man who
he first wanted to run away from.

A melody of a nice song was coming from inside. Jaejoong turned to Yunho.

"I have never danced with a gorgeous man like you," said Jaejoong not looking at Yunho but
playing with the buttons of his shirt.

Yunho laughed throwing his head back.

"That was the best pickup dance request I have ever heard, baby, " said Yunho tightening his
arms around Jaejoong’s waist moving him closer while Jaejoong wrapped his arms around
Yunho’s neck. They slowly started to sway with the music.

Jaejoong’s head slowly dropped to Yunho’s shoulder. Yunho buried his nose into Jaejoong’s neck
and breathed in his scent. Then he hugged him tighter and lifted him up.

Jaejoong didn’t resist. He just wrapped his legs around Yunho’s waist and let him carry him to
their bed.

Yunho gently laid Jaejoong onto the bed and laid down on top of him, supporting his weight with
his hands on both sides of Jaejoong. He just looked at Jaejoong with admiring eyes.

"Why do you have to be so beautiful?" said Yunho caressing his cheek.

Then Yunho slowly bent down and captured Jaejoong’s lips with his own. Jaejoong separated his
legs to let Yunho slide in between and feel more of Yunho’s warm body. He then slowly opened
his mouth to welcome Yunho’s desirous tongue. Why do I want more of this? Jaejoong wrapped
his arms around Yunho’s neck and pulled him closer. That’s not enough…but what is it?

Yunho is feeling so turned on that his erection is hard now. He slowly started to rub himself
against Jaejoong. He felt that Jaejoong got an erection too and he moved faster while still kissing
Jaejoong. When he heard a moan escaping from Jaejoong he felt that he was dreaming. It was a
small moan but it was real.

Yunho stopped kissing and looked at Jaejoong’s face. His eyes were tightly closed and he was
frowning like he was in pain.

Yunho stopped his moving and caressed Jaejoong’s hair.

"What’s wrong Angel?"

Jaejoong slowly opened his eyes.

"Wrong? Nothing is wrong," said Jaejoong smiling and pulled Yunho’s neck closer to himself
and started to suck him. It is now or never Kim Jaejoong. You are horny too and you must use it.
Wait…why am I horny too? Aish…I just need to focus.

Yunho removed Jaejoong’s clothes until he was fully naked. Jaejoong did the same to Yunho.

Yunho went back to kissing Jae like there was no tomorrow. They were so deeply involved in the
tongue section while grasping for air. Then he slowly kissed his way towards Jae’s neck and
sucking at it to mark a claim on him, before moving down to his chest leaving a trail of his hot

He moved to Jae’s nipple, licking and sucking it hard leaving Jae moaning before he attacked the
other one and did a similar routine. When he felt that Jae’s nipples have enough of his attention,
glistening red and hard, he moved away and started to put small kisses all over Jae’s milky white
chest. He finally reached his belly and caressed the soft skin.

"Your skin is just like a baby," whispered Yunho kissing his belly and looked at Jaejoong. He was
smiling but he still seemed nervous.

Yunho took a hold on Jae’s cock and started stroking it while the other hand was touching his
inner thighs, places that nobody has touched before . Pumping it till it is fully erect, Yunho put
his mouth over Jae’s hard crotch, covering it whole and started sucking it.

Jaejoong moaned louder this time, feeling so hot and breathing heavier and faster. Oh…what a
great feeling this is.

Yunho stopped when he felt Jae is about to cum and reached to the drawer for lube. Jaejoong
didn’t even stir although he knew what was coming next.
He just closed his eyes while Yunho was trying to stretch him. You can do this Jae…It’s not a big
deal. Remember what Junsu said… You are loosing your virginity to this handsome, amazing
guy… don’t you ever think other things.

Jaejoong suddenly was startled and opened his eyes when Yunho added the third finger.

"That’s okay baby, you are doing great," hushed Yunho and kissed Jaejoong’s forehead.

Jaejoong just nodded and pulled Yunho closer to himself again and whispered in his ear.

"Just kiss me when you are in me, please…"

Yunho watched his beautiful face for a few seconds and then he rose, putting Jaejoong’s legs
over his shoulders. He slowly started to push his member into Jaejoong’s hot entrance and kissed
him at the same time.

Jaejoong tightened his arm on Yunho’s neck when he felt the pain.Yunho kissed him hard to
keep him distracted and drowning his screams.

When Yunho was fully in Jaejoong, he stopped and looked at his Angel. His eyes was tightly
closed and he was biting his own rosey red lips. Tears was silently rolling down his cheeks. Oh
God…He is too beautiful. Letting Jae get used to his length before he slowly started to move in
and out of Jaejoong.

"Open your eyes, Angel," ordered Yunho and Jaejoong slowly opened his eyes and met another
pair that looking at him lovingly.

"You are gonna be alright baby…we are gonna be alright," said Yunho and changed his angle and
thrust into Jae’s hot and tight hole. When he heard Jaejoong moaned in pleasure, he understood
that he finally found his Angel’s sweet spot. He took a hold of Jaejoong’s hard erection and
started to stroke it with the same rhythm of his thrusts.

Jaejoong was in some kind of shock, initially feeling the pain in the beginning but now the
amazing feeling of intense pleasure is this is what it feels like to be in heaven. He
didn’t care about anything else...all he cares about was Yunho now. He didn’t took his eyes off
Yunho once. I guess I am seeing stars in his eyes. How come you can make feel so amazing?

When Yunho heard Jaejoong’s little pleasure cries he started to move faster.

"Ahh!….Yun....ho..." Jaejoong cried out and came into Yunho’s hand.

A few more thrusts later Yunho released himself into Jaejoong and kissed him hard on the lips.
Then he laid his head on Jaejoong’s shoulder and listened to their heavy breathing. Next he heard
a soft sob and turned his head to look at Jae who was crying silently. Yunho wiped Jae’s tears and
kissed his eyelids...saying “Don’t cry, my Angel.”
Yunho attempted to get up to prepare a bath for Jaejoong but Jaejoong prevented him by holding
his arm.

"Please…let’s stay here like this for a while," said Jaejoong between sobs. I feel like I can’t
breathe if your warm body left me, Yunho…

Yunho laid between Jaejoong’s legs again and put his head on his Angel’s chest listening to his
heartbeat. Jaejoong started to caress his hair. What did you do to me Yunho? Why do I start to
always want to feel you near me while the hole inside of me is getting bigger?

Title: Angel
Author: nericia
Length: Chaptered
Genre: Drama, romance
Rating: NC-17 (PG for this chapter)
Pairings: Yunho/Jaejoong, Yoochun/Junsu, Changmin/??
Warnings: AU - very dominant Yunho and a fragile Jaejoong.


Yunho: Age 25. He is one of the co-owner of JunArk Company.

Yoochun: Age 25. Yunho's cousin. He is the other co-owner of JunArk Company.
Changmin: Age 20. Yunho's little brother. He is an university student.
Junsu: Age 20. He is in the same university with Changmin. He has to become Yoochun's
courtesan because of his brother's debts to Yoochun.
Jaejoong: Age 20. He is studying at the same university with Changmin and Junsu. Yunho saw
him at Changmin's university and tried to make him his but Jaejoong rejected him. Yunho got
obsessed with him and made him his by threatening with his father's life.

Summary: Yunho, Changmin and Yoochun were raised like princes. They could always get what
they wanted. After their parents died unfortunately in a plane accident, Yunho and his cousin
Yoochun had to take care of Korea's biggest company, JunArk. The company owned a lot of
shopping centers, night clubs, restaurants all over in Korea. Because they had to administrate the
whole company at their young age, they became very ambitious and heartless. They also had
some kind of dark connections and became the biggest power in Korea. They even obtained
their lovers using these powers.
Disclaimer: I don't own DBSK boys. I just used them for my imagination.

Chapter Four: Suspicious Minds

When Jaejoong couldn’t feel Yunho’s warmness anymore he slowly opened his eyes. It was
Saturday and he didn’t have to go to school but he knew Yunho had to go work.He tried to
straighten up on the bed and looked around the room with sleepy eyes. Finaly he caught Yunho’s
figure coming to him through the bathroom door.

“Good morning,” smiled Jaejoong to Yunho.

Yunho sat edge of the bed and leaned over to Jaejoong.

“Good morning Angel,” Yunho kissed his nose.

“It is still early baby, you should sleep more,” continued Yunho smiling at him.

Jaejoong reached and caressed Yunho’s unshaved cheek.

“You weren’t shaving for two days.”

Yunho caught his hand and kissed.

“You don’t like my beard?” asked Yunho and rubbed his unshaved cheek to Jaejoong’s.

“It’s tickling!” chuckled Jaejoong.

“So you don’t like it?” asked againYunho smiling.

Jaejoong smiled.

“I love it.”

Yunho just watched his smiling Angel for a few seconds and then he leaned his beautiful red lips
and captured them passionately. Jaejoong easily opened his mouth depended the kiss.

When they finally parted, Yunho kissed his forehead and stood up.

“You didn’t forget that tonight we are going to one of my friend’s photograph exhibition. Angel,
did you?”

Jaejoong shook his head rapidly.

“I didn’t forget such an important event, Yunho,” said Jaejoong pouting.

Yunho couldn’t resist his pout and leaned on him again and kissed him lighty on the lips.

“See you in the evening baby.”

When Yunho attempt to leave Jaejoong, he reached and grabbed his wrist lightly.

“ Aren’t you going to have breakfast?” he asked shyly.

“You want to have breakfast with me?” asked Yunho smiling.

Jaejoong quickly got up from the bed.

“Just give me time to fash my face!”said Jaejoong rushing to bathroom.

Yunho smiled again to himself. He is really eveything that I need for.

* * *

Yunho angryly throw his mobile phone onto the coffee table when he didn’t get the answer that
he wanted from the phone. They were at the large living room that they usually sat.

Yunho walked where Junsu sat and kneeled in front of him.

“Junsu…honey… are you sure that you didn’t see Jae after lunch break?”

Junsu just shook his head. He was so afraid and worried about Jaejoong.

Yunho stood up and grabbed his phone again. When he was about to dial Changmin’s number, he
showed up.

“ I have talked to all his classmates, nobody saw him. He is not at the place where he used to
practise with his band members too,” informed Changmin to Yunho.

Yunho run his fingers through his hair nervously.

“I knew it… somebody must have kidnapped him, Yoochun.”

Yoochun walked nearer to Yunho and put his hand on his shoulder.

“Nobody would dare to do this kind of thing to you. Everybody is out looking for him. Rest
assured, we will find him sooner or later.”

“I can’t wait Chunnie. I am going to look for him.”


Everybody looked at the door where the voice is coming from. Jaejoong was standing at the

* * *

“Where the hell have you been?!” Yunho shouted at Jaejoong as soon as he closed the door of
their sharing bedroom.
“Yunho …I…” but Yunho didn’t let him explain.

“ No no no…wait. My first question is where is your mobile phone, Angel?” asked Yunho
looking down at Jaejoong. His voice was still loud and full of anger. They were dangerously
close to each other. Before Jaejoong could open his mouth, Yunho went on.

“Let me help you.” Yunho grabbed the phone where it is hidden in Jaejoong’s jean pocket and
threw it at the wall behind him.

“Here it is!” shouted Yunho again.

Jaejoong startled with the sudden behaviour of Yunho. Now he didn’t know what was coming so
he just closed his eyes tightly and waited. Suddenly, he felt strong arms grabbed him and he was
lifted a few inches up from the floor. It was really painfull but he didn’t even make a sound. He
slowly opened his eyes and met a pair of eyes burning with anger.

“I told you very clearly that you must answer your God damn phone all the time and not
switched it off!”

Yunho looked at Jaejoong’s eyes. They were soft but he could clearly see the fear and
disappointment in them. Sorry Angel but you have done wrong this time.

Yunho really didn’t want to hurt Jaejoong but he couldn’t control himself. He threw Jaejoong
onto the bed and started to pace the room trying to calm himself.

Jaejoong rose from the bed but he didn’t dare leave. He just sat there and let warm tears fell from
his eyes. Where is the Yunho who gently makes love to me and touches me lovingly? Thought
Jaejoong while rubbing his sore arms.

“ I told you that you must always ask my permission first before going somewhere else except
school…” said Yunho as he came closer to Jaejoong and leaned over to him.

“Which part didn’t you understand, honey? Please tell me!” Yunho shouted at Jaejoong once

“Please let me explain where I have been…” said Jaejoong with in tears. I have never imagined
that you could be so cruel.

“ I don’t wanna hear it!” Yunho cut in.

“I guess you wanted to cancel the deal, right?” asked Yunho while he was walking to the door. I
can never let you go baby but I must teach you a must be afraid now.

Jaejoong immediatly jumped from the bed while drying his tears. He shouted at Yunho to try to
stop him from leaving.
“No! Yunho please! I don’t want to cancel it, please…” Jaejoong ran towards Yunho.

Yunho grabbed Jaejoong’s chin and made him looked at him.

“You will never do these kind of things again, do you understand?”

Jaejoong just nod his head.

“Good…” was all the thing that Yunho said before he left.


Jaejoong didn’t know where Yunho went but he knew that he wasn’t in the house.

He spoke to Junsu and told him how his parents gave him a suprise visit and came to his campus
all the way from his hometown. He was so afraid that they will know he made a deal with Yunho
and is now living with him. He was trying hard to please his parents by spending time with them
and making sure they didn’t know the whole situation. He even switched off his mobile phone as
he was afraid they will ask questions like who is calling and all that annoying things parents
would ask. He don’t want Yunho to call him yet. But apparently he had forgotten about the time
and Yunho’s instructions.

Jaejoong sat down at his usual spot, the comfortable couch in the living room near the fireplace,
waiting for Yunho to come home. Because the mansion is near the mountain, they had to use
heaters, even in May, to heat up the cool temperature they are experiencing now.

Jaejoong would always wait for Yunho no matter what time it is.

“Hey Angel…”

It wasn’t the voice that Jaejoong was expecting but he greeted Changmin anyway.

“Hey Minnie…” said Jaejoong trying to smile.

Changmin sat on the armchair opposite of Jaejoong.

“ You really scared us today.”

Jaejoong could clearly smell the alcohol coming from Changmin. He really didn’t want to listen
to Changmin now.

“Maybe you should get some sleep, Minnie.”

But Changmin just went on as if he didn’t hear him.

“You are waiting for him again?” asked Changmin in a very mocking way.

Jaejoong rolled his eyes.

“Yes. Is it bothering you?” said Jaejoong angryly.

Changmin laughed lightly.

“Me? No. It should be you who is bothered.”

Jaejoong frowned.

“What are you talking about?”

“ You isn’t worth to wait. You don’t even know where he is or who he is with…”

Jaejoong could feel the hot tears buring in his eyes but he kept them inside.

“You are drunk, Minnie. So I’m not taking your words seriously, ok? Now please leave me

Changmin stood up from his seat.

“I’m sorry if I hurt you but you should know that Yunho only think of himself. Good night.” then
he left the room.

Jaejoong let his tears fell down once again. Yes, I don’t know where he is and who is he with and
I will never know. I can’t expect him to be faithfull to me. We are not even lovers…so what is this
feeling that is buring in my heart?


Jaejoong waited for him until the first light of the morning sun but Yunho didn’t show up. He
didn’t sleep. He was just thinking why he didn’t come home. He thought to call his mobile phone
but he couldn’t find the courage to do so. How he wanted to settle this problem soon and ease the
tension between them. He knew that Yunho will not be coming home early tonight too because
they normally have their late company meeting on Fridays.

After dinner Junsu tired to cheer him up. He finally persuaded Jaejoong to watch a movie at their
personal cinema in the mansion like they always did on Fridays.

Junsu was sitting on one of the comfortable armchairs while Jaejoong was sitting on the many
large cushions in front of the first seat. Cushions that were carried into the cinema by Changmin
cause he wanted to lie on Jaejoong’s lap.
Jaejoong jumped from the cushions causing pain to Changmin whose head was resting on his
lap when he saw Yunho and Yoochun. I can’t believe he is here…should I hug him? Is he still
angry with me? Please don’t be Yunho… When Jaejoong saw that Junsu already had got up from
his seat and hugged Yoochun, he looked up to Yunho who was just smiling warmly to him.
Jaejoong felt that his heart was melting. He immediatly threw himself onto Yunho’s arms.

"You guys are ruining my movie night with these boys! What are you doing here at this early
hour on Friday night?" grumbled Changmin rubbing his head while the boys are greeting their
men happily.

"It was our Friday movie night, Minnie! You are the one interfering with us since last week!"
said Junsu while sitting with Yoochun.

"I was enjoying all of their attention until you guys came! Aren’t you supposed to be at your
usual company meeting?" complained Changmin while ignoring Junsu’s remarks.

Both Junsu and Jaejoong turned to Yunho and Yoochun waiting for their answer. They all knew
that they had these meetings every Friday. And because of that, they would be having their movie
nights instead.

"We have decided to change the meetings to every Monday from now onwards because we want
to spend more time with you guys on the weekends. Also, we just finished an important business
meeting this afternoon and we need to celebrate, right Chunnie?" said Yunho smiling to Yoochun.
They all turned to look at Yoochun waiting for an explanation.

"I am really happy to say that we now own a recording company!"

Junsu and Jaejoong quickly hugged Yoochun first and then Yunho, congratulating them for
adding another company into their business empire.

"Yeah they are getting hugs too," pouted Changmin from his seat.

Yunho turned to Changmin frowning.

"Hey…aren’t you supposed to be at this hour, flirting in the nightclubs too?"

They all laughed at Yunho’s question. Changmin pouted more.

"Don’t talk these kind of things in front of the boys please!"

"We all know what a wolf you are!" giggled Junsu.

Jaejoong laughed loudly at Junsu’s comment.

"Is it so funny, beautiful?" Yunho whispered into Jaejoong’s ear. He really loved hearing
Jaejoong’s laughter.
Jaejoong turned to Yunho. They were so close...their noses touching, their eyes staring intensely
and the feeling of their hot breath. Slowly, they smiled widely at each other. Then Yunho gave a
quick peck at Jaejoong’s lips and pushed him down on the cushions so that he can laid his head
on his lap. Jaejoong’s hand immediatly went to Yunho’s hair, stroking it lovingly. It looked like
no explanation is needed after all and everything is back to normal. He felt grateful that Yunho
forgave him and he hoped he won’t disappoint him again.

"Now you are taking over on my place!" Changmin shouted and jumped to his feet. " It looks
like I’m not wanted here...I think I better go!" pouting some more and looking so pitifully sad.

Jaejoong looked up and held his hand just in time.

"Hey, don’t act like this," said Jaejoong smiling and pointed at his shoulder, " You can lie on
here," he said and then winked at him.

Changmin couldn’t help himself and smiled. Then he sat down next to Jaejoong again and put his
head on Jaejoong’s shoulder while the Yoosu pair were already getting comfortable with each
other. And all of them continued to watch the movie, feeling everything will turn out right.

itle: Angel
Author: nericia
Length: Chaptered
Genre: Drama, romance
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Yunho/Jaejoong, Yoochun/Junsu, Changmin/??
Warnings: AU - very dominant Yunho and a fragile Jaejoong.


Yunho: Age 25. He is one of the co-owner of JunArk Company.

Yoochun: Age 25. Yunho's cousin. He is the other co-owner of JunArk Company.
Changmin: Age 20. Yunho's little brother. He is an university student.
Junsu: Age 20. He is in the same university with Changmin. He has to become Yoochun's
courtesan because of his brother's debts to Yoochun.
Jaejoong: Age 20. He is studying at the same university with Changmin and Junsu. Yunho saw
him at Changmin's university and tried to make him his but Jaejoong rejected him. Yunho got
obsessed with him and made him his by threatening with his father's life.

Summary: Yunho, Changmin and Yoochun were raised like princes. They could always get what
they wanted. After their parents died unfortunately in a plane accident, Yunho and his cousin
Yoochun had to take care of Korea's biggest company, JunArk. The company owned a lot of
shopping centers, night clubs, restaurants all over in Korea. Because they had to administrate the
whole company at their young age, they became very ambitious and heartless. They also had
some kind of dark connections and became the biggest power in Korea. They even obtained
their lovers using these powers.
Disclaimer: I don't own DBSK boys. I just used them for my imagination.
It was the middle of May and the weather was sunny and warm, Yoochun was lying on a
deckchair and reading his Sunday newspaper while Changmin, Jaejoong and Junsu were sitting
at the opposite side of the pool and talking among themselves. As for Yunho, he has something to
handle at work so he left after breakfast. He would join them later for lunch and spend the rest of
the day together.

Yoochun couldn’t help but smiled to himself while he was listening the cheerful voices of the
boys. They were teasing Changmin and he was figthing back with them. When suddenly, he
heard Junsu’s painful cry.

Yoochun throw the newspaper that he was reading and stood up from his seat. Changmin was
holding both Junsu and Jaejoong’s wrists at the same time.

“Hey!” he shouted at Changmin.

They all froze and looked at Yoochun.

“What the hell do you think you are doing, Changmin!”

Changmin just smiled.

“What are you talking about? We were just joking around for God’s sake! It’s nothing.”

Junsu wanted to say that Changmin was right but he didn’t dare open his mouth. Yoochun
normally don’t get angry very often but when he does, Junsu wouldn’t dare to go near him or
even talk to him. He was really feeling guilty about screaming earlier over such a small thing.

Jaejoong wanted to say something too but it was the first time he saw Yoochun acted like that so
he kept quiet. Yoochun was always kind and loving to the others, so it was a surprise to hear this
coming from him.

“They are not at the same league with you. Be careful with your behaviour. You are dangerously
too close with them.” said Yoochun pointing his finger at Changmin. His voice was serious and
loud. He sat down to his seat again and looked at Jaejoong and Junsu this time.

“…and you two. You are gonna to put some distance from him, do you understand me?”

Jaejoong and Junsu just nodded rapidly at the same time.

Changmin got up from his seat angryly.

“I really can’t believe what you are saying and…how selfish you are…” hissed Changmin and he
started to walk back to the mansion.

Yoochun grabbed Changmin’s arm when he walked passed him on his way and stopped him.
“You have no right to judge my decisions,” said Yoochun looking into Changmin’s eyes. They
were facing really close to each other.

“…and you have no right to tell me what I can’t do. I am not your little Junsu,” Changmin
whispered to Yoochun, not cutting the eye contact and pulled his arm from Yoochun’s grip.

“As long as it concerned my Junsu, I can tell you off, little Minnie. Do you understand me?”
Yoochun whispered back to Changmin.

Changmin didn’t say anything. He just turned back to look at the boys who were just watching
the scene with shocked eyes. He winked at them and started to walk away back to the mansion.

Yoochun looked at the boys. He knew he scared them. He tried to smile.

“Sorry boys for spoiling the mood,” he said and left after Changmin, leaving the boys alone.

Jaejoong and Junsu looked at each other and spoke at the same time.

“What the hell happened just now?”

They couldn’t help themselves but laughed at their reaction after having such a stressful moment.

“I feel guilty…” said Junsu after a while.

“Yeah, me too. We were the ones who were teasing and playing with him in the first place.”

Junsu just nodded to Jaejoong’s comment and sighed.

“I have never seen Yoochun act like this. He can be scary as much as Yunho, if he wants I think,”
said Jaejoong shivering.

Junsu just smiled.

“He doesn’t get angry often. He just has some rules and he never wants someone to break them.”

“He is so sensitive when it comes to you, Su. He is so overprotecting, isn’t he?”

Junsu laughed at Jaejoong’s comment.

“Is Yunho different, my lovely brother?” said Junsu leaning on Jaejoong and smirking at his face.
Jaejoong couldn’t help but blushed.

“Chunnie is worse and you know it very well!” Jaejoong trying to shift the conversation back.

Junsu leaned back against his seat and looked at the sky.
“I know…” he sighed “..but there must be a reason.”

Jaejoong straightened up on his seat and looked carefully at Junsu.

“What reason?”

Junsu turned to Jaejoong.

“I really don’t know actually. I just think that there must be a reason for him acting like that…”

“They can really be weird sometimes…How can you handle it?” asked Jaejoong curiously.

“I love him so it’s not hard for me to handle him,” snapped out Junsu.

Jaejoong looked at Junsu for a few seconds with his mouth hanging open.

“Oh…” was the only sound coming from Jaejoong’s mouth.

Junsu smiled at Jaejoong’s reaction.

“I know it’s hard for you to imagine how can a person love a man who had forced him to be
his…but….you know…LOVE is another disaster and doesn’t need a reason…so…I just love

“I don’t know what to say cause I don’t know if it’s good or bad for you…” said Jaejoong biting
his lip.

“For me…it’s a good thing. I am glad that I have him. He is really a perfect guy. I know him
more than anyone, I’m sure of it.” Junsu felt really good about sharing these thoughts as he
looked at Jaejoong, who was waiting impatiently for him to continue.

“Nobody knows Yoochun loves composing songs, hates everything about the company, likes
watching animes with me,…ends up crying in my arms some nights…” said Junsu while trying
to hold his tears. Even remembering Yoochun crying was making him sad too.

Jaejoong held Junu’s hand.

“Thank you for sharing this Junsu…are you alright?”

Junsu nodded and smiled bitterly.

“I had to share it with someone. Thank you for listening, Jae…I know I can trust you to keep it
among ourselves.”

Jaejoong lifted his right hand and smiled.

“I promise!”

Junsu smiled and stood up.

“I am gonna to lay down for a while if you excuse me, Jae…”

“Oh, sure Su, see you later.”

A few minutes later, Jaejoong left the poolside as well, thinking of reading a book until Yunho
comes back. When he was about to pass through the hall that led to the library, he heard a piano
melody. He knew that there was a piano at the center of the hall but he never heard anyone
played it so far.

He followed the music and entered the hall. The owner of the beautiful music was from Yoochun.

Jaejoong just stood there and listened to the song that Yoochun played admiringly. When he
finished the song, Jaejoong finally spoke.

“That was wonderful.”

When Yoochun heard Jaejoong’s voice, he turned to the doorway looking at him.

“Thank you Angel,” he said smiling warmly to Jaejoong. Then he stretched out his hand
motioning Jaejoong to come in.

“Join me?” he asked with the same warm smile.

Jaejoong smiled, walked closer and held his hand. Yoochun pulled him to seat beside him on the
piano stool.

“I didn’t know that you can play…” said Jaejoong tracing his fingers on the keys of the piano.

Yoochun smiled.

“You can play too?

Jaejoong sighed.

“Yeah, a little…but I would really like to be good at piano.”

“We can practise together if you want.”

A big smile formed on Jaejoong’s face.

“I would be thrilled!”
“Okay then…why not we start now.” grinned Yoochun.

Jaejoong clapped his hands excitedly.

“No wonder Su loves you so much! You are great!” said Jaejoong happily. He didn’t even realize
what he said but Yoochun was stunned. Junsu loves me? What kind of love can it be? Ahh…he
should have said it without thinking deeply…I guess…

Yoochun returned to reality from his thoughts when he heard Jaejoong talking again.

“Changmin didn’t mean to hurt Su by the way…” said Jaejoong in a very soft voice afraid that
Yoochun might get angry again.

Yoochun sighed.

“I know…but I couldn’t hold myself when I heard Su cried out like that. I know Minnie don’t
have any intention of hurting both of you on purpose but I need him to be careful, really careful
towards you guys…” said Yoochun and ruffled Jaejoong’s hair.

“So which song are we gonna to start with?” asked Jaejoong cheerfully.

“Whatever you want Angel but in one condition!”

“What is it?” asked Jaejoong smiling.

“Choose a song that you can sing while you are playing.”

Jaejoong smiled and after thinking for a few seconds, started to play one of his favourite song
“Suhshi”. When he started to sing the song he heard another voice was singing with him too. He
didn’t even turn to look at the owner of the voice, he already knew. He continued to sing with
Junsu and tried to play the piano with Yoochun. When they finished, they heard someone

“You are having fun without me?” said Yunho walking closer to them. He smiled and kissed
Jaejoong who was standing to greet him.

“It isn’t fun without you.” whispered Jaejoong into Yunho’s ear making him smile wider.

“Now I understood why Changmin is always after these boys, they are full of fun” said Yoochun
while taking Junsu onto his lap.

They all laughed together at Yoochun’s comment.

Yunho hugged Jaejoong from behind and put his chin on his shoulder while they were listening
to Yoochun and Junsu singing.
“I didn’t know that you have an amazing voice…” whispered Yunho into Jaejoong’s ear.

Jaejoong just smiled and leaned into Yunho’s embrace.

* *


When Jaejoong heard Yunho’s voice was coming from inside of their bedroom, he came out of
the bathroom with his robe. He was still trying to dry his hair with his towel.

“Oh, Yunho… you are home early.” said Jaejoong smiling to Yunho as he went closer to give his
usual welcome kiss to him.

After Yunho accepted the kiss he sat on the bed and pulled Jaejoong down, making him fell onto
his lap.

“I miss you.” whispered Yunho into Jaejoong’s ear and started to caress Jaejoong’s long legs that
were now exposed from his robe.

Yunho’s head was on Jaejoong’s shoulder now. He was just breathing in and out of Jaejoong’s

“Oh Jae…you smell like lilies…” mumbled Yunho and pulled down the robe’s collar and kissed
Jaejoong’s shoulder. He slowly moved his lips to his collarbone.

Jaejoong closed his eyes and just relaxed into Yunho’s touch but he sensed that something’s
wrong with him. He was home too early. He really looked unhappy to Jaejoong and his
touches…were needy. He was longing for him. Jaejoong could feel it but he didn’t like this
situation of Yunho. He wanted to erase his unhappiness. He wanted to give him what he was
longing for.

Jaejoong turned around, wrapped his arms around Yunho’s neck and he slowly started to rub
himself against Yunho. He immediatly felt that Yunho was already hard for him.

Yunho buried his head onto Jaejoong’s neck, kissing, nipping and sucking it hard to make red
patches along the way to his shoulder. He held Jaejoong’s hips down and started to rub and move
with him.

Yunho finally raised his head, took a hold of Jae’s face with his hands and looked deeply into his

“Why do you have to be so beautiful and so irresistable, Angel?” he asked and without waiting
for an answer, he leaned down towards Jaejoong’s rosy lips and started to kiss him hard and
When they finally broke apart, Jaejoong took off his robe and gently pushed Yunho to lie down
onto the bed.

Why I just can’t stand seeing you miserable like that? I want to make you feel alright Yunho. I
really want that although it’s still hard for me.

Jaejoong tried to unbutton Yunho’s shirt. He wanted to make this good for Yunho but his fingers
were shaking slightly, afraid of making a mistake. He still didn’t have much experience in doing
this. But one thing for sure, he was getting excited and he wanted to be with Yunho.

Yunho smiled at Jaejoong’s clumsiness.

“Let me help you, Angel.” said Yunho and started to take out his shirt, unzipped and pulled out
his pants together with his underwear.

When he was completely naked, he laid down again and grinned to Jaejoong.

“I am all yours.”

Jaejoong smiled shyly, climbed onto Yunho again and started to kiss him. From his lips to his
neck, Jaejoong went on, kissing and sucking along leaving a trial of his saliva and then down to
his chest. He started to suck his left nipple, making sure it is hard before attacking the right side
remembering the way Yunho did it to him before.

With one hand gripping Jaejoong’s hair while the other was moving around his back, he was
enjoying his young lover’s touches even though he was still inexperienced. It was the first time
that Jaejoong was so brave on bed. He didn’t know what happened to his baby but he was so
happy caused he really needed him right now.

A loud moan escaped from Yunho’s lips when finally Jaejoong took his shaft into his mouth.
Jaejoong sucked him hard, bobbing his head up and down quickly and taking everything fully
into this mouth all the way to the end of his throat. When he felt Yunho’s cock was really hard,
he reached to the side drawer for the lube. He started to apply it to Yunho’s cock first before
applying it to his own hole but Yunho flipped their positions on the bed and took it from
Jaejoong’s hand.

“You are too sensitive baby. Let me help you to prepare.” said Yunho. He spreaded Jaejoong’s
legs further and inserted one of his finger into his tight hole before moving it in and out. Then he
added one more and another one to stretch him. During all these actions, he never took his eyes
off from Jaejoong’s face, just watching his beautiful reactions like he always did.

When Jaejoong felt that he was readied enough, he pulled Yunho’s fingers away and rosed from
the bed. This time he gently pushedYunho to lie down. Yunho just grinned and surrendered to his
Jaejoong smiled nervously to his lover. They had never made love like this before but Jaejoong
had seen it in one of those yaoi manga (which Junsu has tossed carelessly around at the coffee
table). He held Yunho’s fully erected cock and slowly lower himself onto him. When Yunho’s
cock was fully inside of him, he stopped and looked at Yunho in the eye.

Yunho touched his face.

“Oh Jae…You are everything that I need…” said Yunho looking deeply into Jaejoong’s eyes and
wiping a tear that was coming down along Jaejoong’s cheek. Jaejoong kissed him slightly with
trembling lips and started to move slowly.

Yunho held Jaejoong’s hips as he moved with the same rhythm. He made sure he was not too fast
caused he knew Jaejoong needed a little time to adjust. He never took his eyes off Jaejoong as he
wanted to see his beautiful aroused features...from his rosy and plump lips, heighten pink cheeks,
heavy breathing, sweats forming at the side of his head and half-lidded eyes filled with lust.

Finally Jaejoong found his own sweet spot as he moaned, making Yunho more aroused and he
fastened his rhythm. It was a little hard for Jaejoong to keep up, so it was best for Yunho to do all
the work of thrusting. But Yunho seemed happy as he thrusted hard into Jaejoong’s tight hole,
feeling his cock surrounded with intense heat. Jaejoong was glad that he could give him pleasure.

Before Jaejoong even realized, he was under Yunho again. Yunho raised his legs over his
shoulder, lifting his ass a bit higher and plunged his cock right back into Jaejoong’s sore hole,
repeating the thrusting cycle again but harder and faster. Yunho’s hand also reached for
Jaejoong’s cock and started pumping it hard to the rhythm of their thrust. Both of them are now
panting heavily and moaning out louder than ever especially Jaejoong who couldn’t keep it

After a while of hard thrusting and pumping, they both cummed together. Jaejoong spilling onto
his stomach while Yunho leaving his hot semen in Jaejoong.

Yunho fell on the bed beside Jaejoong after pulling his cock out. Jaejoong immediately took his
place between Yunho’s legs and put his head on his well built chest. Yunho smiled and hugged
his Angel tightly.

When both of them regained their even breathing, Jaejoong started to play with Yunho’s hair
which was now longer and touching his shoulder.

“Why are you looking so sad today?” asked Jaejoong lifting his head to look at Yunho.

Yunho smiled and kissed the top of his head.

“Nothing to worry about Angel.”

“…but I am worried.” said Jaejoong pouting.

“Ahhhh….don’t give me that face, I can’t resist your cute poutings,”said Yunho laughing.

Jaejoong rose from Yunho’s arms to a sitting position and pouted more.

“I don’t want you to feel sad.”

Yunho took Jaejoong back into his arms again.

“Angel, as long as I can hold you here in my arms like this, I will never feel sad, ok?” said
Yunho and kissed his head again taking Jaejoong’s scent.

“You are the reason I wake up every mornings and returning back home eagerly, Angel. You are
like a light that illuminate all the darkness in my life,” said Yunho and hugged him tightly.

Jaejoong looked up to him.

“…but …”

Yunho put his finger on Jaejoong’s lips silencing him.

“Don’t worry about me baby, you don’t need to, ok.”

Jaejoong didn’t answer caused he couldn’t promise him that. How could he not worried and
missed him? He couldn’t even sleep when he was not at home. He could even feel when Yunho
left the bed even if he was asleep.

Oh, when I became his wife? I felt like we are already a married couple.

Yunho got up from the bed carrying Jaejoong in his arms.

“I think you should take another shower now...same goes with me since we are both sweaty and
messy again. And if we don’t move our butts and get clean, we will be late for dinner!”

Jaejoong giggled and put his arms around Yunho’s neck hugging him tightly leaving his thoughts
till later.

Chapter 6

Jaejoong had changed his favourite spot from the fireplace to the big cushions at the garden since
it’s June and the weather was beautiful. It was already midnight and Yunho wasn’t at home yet. It
had been a week since Yunho came home early and very unhappy. He hadn’t changed at all. He
was still unpleasent but the past two days, he was in a foul mood and came home very late.
Jaejoong couldn’t understand what’s going on and furthermore Yoochun was the same with
Yunho. Junsu was complaining about Yoochun everyday. Changmin was also different as well.
Since they (Jae and Min) were having their summer holiday, he was still coming home late and
drunk every night. Nowadays, he also didn’t spend as much time with Junsu and Jaejoong as
before. Nobody was happy at the mansion that week.

Jaejoong sighed and gazed at his watch again. It was already 1.00 a.m and Yunho was nowhere
to be seen.

Suddenly he heard footsteps. The shortest path from garage to the mansion was passing through
the garden and Jaejoong could catch anybody coming home just from sitting at those big cushion

He was about to stand up to greet Yunho but when he saw Changmin instead, he didn’t move.
He could see he was drunk again.

“Oh…Hi Angel…” said Changmin smiling as he walked unsteadily towards Jaejoong and sat
down next to him, putting his head on Jaejoong’s lap.

Jaejoong just sighed but didn’t say anyhing. He couldn’t resist Changmin’s innocent side.
Sometimes he came near to Jaejoong just to had his hair caressed and Jaejoong never rejected

“He won’t be back Jae, especially tonight,” said Changmin with his eyes closed.

“Why Minnie? Why?! Why all of you…are different??” Jaejoong blew out finally.

Changmin straightened up on his seat, took Jaejoong’s hands into his and then kissed them.

“Why does he wanna be alone at this night when he had you?” said Changmin and laughed to
himself, “You have the power to erase everything sad, Angel…but he isn’t with you now, how

Jaejoong cut him off.

“What happened tonight, Minnie? Please…” said Jaejoong holding Changmin’s face between his
hands and looking warmly into his eyes. He knew he could learn something from a very drunk
Changmin so he had to use it.

Changmin smiled lazily at Jaejoong.

“Tonight Angel, is the night that we lost our parents…That’s why we…all are… so…
“Oh God…” Jaejoong took his hands from Changmin’s face and covered his own face trying to
resist his tears. He was already regretting from being so curious. Finally he hugged Changmin.

“I am so sorry Minnie…I don’t know what to say anymore…but… I am always here if you need

Changmin kissed Jaejoong’s forehead.

“I know…That’s why you are our Angel,” Changmin laid down again with his head on
Jaejoong’s lap and Jaejoong started to caress his hair.

“They are so stupid…Two big idiots…but the biggest is Chunnie for sure…” Changmin was

“Why the biggest is Chunnie?” asked Jaejoong with the hope to learn more but afraid to ask

“He has Junsu for God’s sake…If he had told Junsu about his Seung, Junsu would forgive him
for everything and…”

“Who is Seung?” asked Jaejoong excitedly.

“He was Yoochun’s big love but he lost him in a car accident and he feels guilty about not able to
protect him.” Changmin knew that he shouldn’t have said these things but the words were
coming from his mouth without control.

“Oh…Chunnie…He really had been though a lot….” Now I can understand why they are so
overprotective. They had lost their most precious loves and are afraid to lose again…

“He is sooo stupid. He has Junsu…but he is still suffering and causing Junsu to suffer as well…
idiot... They are all stupid idiots…” mumbled Changmin and turned his head to Jaejoong’s belly.

“You smell like my mum…”

Jaejoong felt his heart broke with Changmin’s words. He felt he was near tears. They really had
been through a lot. He knew that no matter what, they had no right to do these kind of bad things
to others but at the same time, Jaejoong couldn’t help himself and felt sorry for both brothers and

Jaejoong felt that Changmin was about to sleep, so he kindly poked him and whispered into his
“Let’s go to bed, Minnie…”

Changmin got up with his eyes still closed and tried to get hold of himself. Then he stood up and
offered his hand to Jaejoong.

“Ok…let’s go, Angel,” he smiled.

Jaejoong took his hand and they both entered the mansion together. When they reached the the
floor where their bedrooms are, Junsu came out from his room with swollen eyes.

“Hey…” smiled Jaejoong to Junsu.

“Hey…” Junsu tried to smile back, “Is he drunk?”

“Oh…he is more sleepy than drunk…”

“I am not…” said Changmin opening his eyes wider.

“Since we are all together, let’s get drunk together!” said Changmin cheerfully.

“I don’t think it’s a…” Jaejoong tried to say but was cut off by Changmin.

“Your men won’t be back tonight, OK? So stop worrying about them for just one night. They are
grown up boys…”

“I can’t sleep. I guess I’m with you, Minnie.” said Junsu.

“Okay then…”sighed Jaejoong still thinking about Yunho and Yoochun. Should I tell Junsu
about Seung? At least I must let him about their parents....he deserved to know too.

They were at the garden again with their drinks this time. Junsu felt worst now after he learnt
that today was their parents’ death anniversary. Thankfully, Changmin didn’t say a word about
Seung even if he was drunk. Jaejoong knew that Junsu couldn’t handle it. He now understood
Yoochun’s behaviours these past few days, and felt sorry for both of them. But most of all, he felt
that Yoochun should be the one who should let Junsu know.

They stayed outside drinking the whole night till the rising sun peeking from behind the
mountains. Yunho and Yoochun didn’t come back just like what Changmin said. The three boys
couldn’t resist anymore and fell asleep on the big, comfy cushions with a view of the beautiful
It was 8 in the morning and Yunho was walking on the path that led to the mansion, holding his
jacket with his right hand and a loose tie around his neck. He hadn’t drunk too much but he was
feeling dizzy for crying at his parents’ graves. He don’t normally cry but once a year, he let go all
the pent up emotions and gave a hard cry in front of his parents’ graves on their death
anniversary. He always reminded himself that he had to learn not to cry to stay strong in this
cruel world around him...that’s why his heart always felt cold as ice until......

He stopped in shock when he saw the three boys sleeping peacefully on the cushions. He
couldn’t help but smiled to himself looking at the lovely scene in front of his eyes. He felt happy
for the first time after a long, hard night, just knowing that they have something else important
on their hands right now....the boys love.

Yunho walked calmly and silently towards them, took an empty cushion lying around and sat
opposite of the sleeping and adorable looking threesome. He watched them admiringly.

Changmin’s head was on Jaejoong’s lap as always. He was sleeping with his mouth slightly open
but he was not snoring, only his heavy breath was heard. Jae’s hands were at both sides of his
head. His position was like a baby. His long eyelashes were making long shadows on his face
under the morning sunlight and his rosy lips were pouting slightly. Junsu’s hands was under his
cheek pillowing him, making his face more adorable as it is. His face was turned towards

Yunho felt like he could watched them forever. They were giving him the feeling of peace that he
wanted or a better word...that he seeked for in this trouble world. Luckily, one of the guards must
have seen them cause they had been covered with blankets or else they would have caught a
cold. Although it is the middle of June, the weather was still a bit chilly during the nights. The
mansion is located near the mountains and the night air coming from it was very cooling.

Yunho’s eyes shifted towards his baby brother. He could see Changmin was holding Jaejoong’s
hand. He only smiled at his brother’s innocence. He didn’t feel any jealousy even from the
beginning. He knew he was a possessive man and could never let anyone else be close with his
Angel but Changmin was different. First of all, he trusted him. Changmin was not that kind of a
person. He knew he is a good boy. He was even better than both Yoochun and himself when it
came to relationships. Changmin was a real humanist. Second of all, he knew why Changmin
loved them so much. He longed to have a family again especially when it included Jaejoong
because… the Angel really reminded him of their mother. When the first time he breathed
Jaejoong’s scent and the aura coming from this Angel, the familiarity was like with his beautiful
mother. Yunho felt that as well. And since they were about the same age and Jaejoong was
looking after him, giving Changmin all the attention that he needed so…aish...he just couldn’t be
jealous at his baby brother or he even stayed mad at him. I can only be mad at myself…for being
so blind and selfish. I am so stupid.
“Sometimes I prefer them sleeping like that, so calm and adorable…” said Yoochun sitting next
to Yunho.

Yunho smiled at his cousin.

“Yeah…they are too cute for words. We are lucky to have them.” said Yunho not taking his eyes
off from his Angel.

“Sometimes I forgot that but…Minnie never forgets.” smiled Yoochun watching his sleeping
cousin, “I think I broke his heart earlier.” sighed Yoochun.

“I was thinking that before you came…I was blaming myself for not giving what he needed
while he was growing up and ignored his needs…” said Yunho burying his face onto his hands.

Yoochun patted his back.

“We were young too Yunnie but…yes, we should have given him more attention. Now that he
gets what he needs from others, we should understand him, right?” Yoochun said turning to
Yunho and smiled at him.

“Yeah, right.” Yunho smiled back and got up to his feet.

“Take your baby to your room and I will take mine and wake up the big baby too.”

They both smiled and hugged each other.

* * *

“Rise and shine Angel, I can’t wait anymore…” said Yunho stroking Jaejoong’s hair.

Jaejoong just mumbled something that Yunho couldn’t understand and turned his back to Yunho
but Yunho didn’t give up. He started to kiss Jaejoong’s nape and then slowly his neck. Jaejoong
tried to push him away put Yunho got closer to Jaejoong and pulled him towards his body.
Slowly he started to stroke his belly gently in circles.

Finally Jaejoong opened his eyes and turned his face towards Yunho. His sleepy eyes became
bigger as he was really suprised to see Yunho lying next to him.

“Yunho!” a big wide smile appeared on Jaejoong’s face.

“Oh, how I love your gorgeous smile.” Yunho leaned in to kiss Jaejoong’s still smiling lips.
After a long and passionate kiss, Jaejoong snuggled closer to Yunho and put his head on his chest
letting Yunho stroked his hair while he listened to his heartbeat.

“I am glad you are back…” said Jaejoong, not holding himself anymore.

“Of course I came baby, I will always return to your arms.” said Yunho kissing the top of
Jaejoong’s blonde head.

Jaejoong thought of asking about his parents but he was worried on how Yunho would react so
he kept silent. It seemed like Yunho didn’t like to share this kind of things with others. He never
told Jaejoong why he was sad or mad about. Jaejoong had learnt to just comfort him without
asking questions when he needed him. It was better to wait until he broke down the wall created
around Yunho’s heart.

Suddenly a phone ring broke their peaceful silence. Jaejoong attempted to get up to reach his
phone cause he knew from the ring tone that his parents were calling but Yunho’s strong arms
hold him at his place.

“Let it ring babe…” said Yunho kissing Jaejoong’s naked shoulder that was exposed from his
large shirt collar.

“…but …Yunho…it’s my parents that is calling,” said Jaejoong.

Yunho sighed heavily and let go of Jaejoong.

“Okay, fine…”

Jaejoong got up from the bed and kneeled down on the floor trying to find his phone in his jean’s
pockets...the same jean that he had been wearing earlier and left lying on the floor now. He knew
that Yunho was a little angry but he couldn’t understand why. He had never been mad at him
about his parents. He had been always understanding.

After a quite long conversations with his parents, Jaejoong returned to the bed. Yunho was
waiting for him impatiently. He immediatly pulled Jaejoong underneath his body and started to
kiss his soft rosy lips but stopped short after he realized Jaejoong wasn’t kissing him back.

Putting his hands on both sides of Jaejoong’s head and looked at his eyes.

“What’s wrong, Angel?” asked Yunho impatiently more than worried.

Jaejoong thought that it was now or never. His parents were calling him frequently and he was
telling different lies every time about why he was not at home yet when it is the summer
vacation. You have asked Yunho, I have to answer.

Jaejoong took a deep breath and started to talk.

“My classes are over, you know. Naturally my parents are expecting me to come home for the
summer so…” Yunho didn’t let him finish his sentences.

“Tell them something else babe. I can’t let you go for so long, not the entire summer,” said
Yunho coldly and tried to kiss Jaejoong again.

Jaejoong felt like a heavy rock has stucked on his chest when he heard what Yunho said. He was
holding back his tears now. He was just lying there, not doing anthing while Yunho was kissing
him but Yunho seemed like he didn’t mind at all. His lips travelled from his Angel’s lips to his
neck and then his collarbone.

“…but…Yunho…what will I say to them?” Jaejoong tried to talk to him again.

Yunho stopped and looked at him.

“You are smart enough Jaejoong, tell them you are taking extra classes at summer school or you
are working here, I don’t care…” said Yunho as cold as before.

Jaejoong knew he was really angry now because he started to use his name instead of Angel or
other sweet names....but he tried one more time.

“…but Yunho…” Jaejoong couldn’t finish what he wanted to say because Yunho angrily got up
from the bed and yelled at Jaejoong.

“But what Jaejoong??”

Jaejoong could not hold back his tears anymore cause the only thing that he could not handle was
an angry Yunho. Why is he overreacting now? He was so cute before… He returned to that
horrible monster again.

“ Of couse I can tell them lies but Yunho…why don’t you let me see them? I just missed
them…” said Jaejoong sobbing.

Yunho was more mad then before now. He took hold of Jaejoong’s upper arms and lifted him to
his own eye level.
“You will stay with them only for one week and you will directly come back to me, got it? asked
Yunho firmly.

Jaejoong took a quick look at Yunho’s eyes and then answered him in a low voice looking down.

“Yes, I got it.”

“Good.” said Yunho and pushed Jaejoong away who felled onto the bed hard. He walked to the
bathroom and slammed the door behind him.

Jaejoong rubbed his bruised arms as tears fell down freely. He suddenly realized..... How could I
be so stupid? How could I say about my parents in a day like this? He lost his parents and I am
talking about missing mine. Oh God…help me!

Even with the cold water falling down from his head to his body, Yunho didn’t stirred......with his
eyes closed and deeply in thought....I have hurt him again. I regretted everytime but I still keep
doing it. It’s not his fault that I had lost my parents. It’s not his fault that I had ruined my own life
and now…I am ruining his…but I can’t let him go… I just can’t…

Chapter Seven: Love is a Losing Game

Title: Angel

Author: nericia

Length: 7/8

Genre: Drama, romance

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Yunho/Jaejoong, Yoochun/Junsu, Changmin/??

Warnings: AU - very dominant Yunho and a fragile Jaejoong.

Summary: Yunho, Changmin and Yoochun were raised like princes. They could always get what
they wanted. After their parents died unfortunately in a plane accident, Yunho and his cousin
Yoochun had to take care of Korea's biggest company, JunArk. The company owned a lot of
shopping centers, night clubs, restaurants all over in Korea. Because they had to administrate the
whole company at their young age, they became very ambitious and heartless. They also had
some kind of dark connections and became the biggest power in Korea. They even obtained
their lovers using these powers.
Disclaimer: I don't own DBSK boys. I just used them for my imagination.
It had been five days since Jaejoong went to visit his parents. Yunho had let him stay for one
week but Jaejoong didn’t feel like staying any longer. Yunho never called him once and he did
not have the courage to call him as well, so he had decided to return back and make it up to

First he called Yoochun to say that he was coming back. Then he told him not to tell Yunho about
it but made sure that everybody was coming home that night for dinner.

It took him an hour to travel from his hometown to the mansion and another hour of begging to
convince Andrea, the Italian woman who is working at the mansion’s kitchen as their cook, to
take the rest of the day off so that he could cook dinner for Yunho and the others. After he had
finished making the dessert,Yunho’s favourite blackberry cheesecake, he started to set up the
table at the garden for the special occassion.

First person to arrive was Junsu, who greeted him with a welcome hug. Not long, Changmin
came home and joined them for a chit chat. But it didn’t take a while before they were trying to
prevent Changmin from destroying the beautiful set up table to attack the delicious looking food.
Finally, Yunho and Yoochun made their appearence.

Junsu quickly jumped at Yoochun while Changmin took this opportunity to start eating. As for
Jaejoong, he was just standing near the table trying to decide what to do. He couldn’t look in the
eye to see Yunho so he just stared at the floor. He felt like the first time when he came here. Then
he saw Yunho’s shoes coming closer to him while his heartbeat was beating faster.

Yunho gently held Jaejoong’s chin and lifted his face up to look at his eyes while the others were
completely at their own worlds – Yoosu pair and Changmin with the food.

Yunho smiled warmly at Jaejoong and then kissed him softly on his lips.

“Welcome home, my Angel.”

Jaejoong just closed his eyes for a few seconds just to calm himself a bit but then he couldn’t
control himself and threw his arms around Yunho’s neck to hug him tightly.

Yunho hugged him back and buried his nose onto Jaejoong’s neck just to smell his favourite
“You really made me happy by coming back early baby,” whispered Yunho stroking Jaejoong’s
new blonde hair.

Jaejoong just nodded against Yunho’s chest trying to hold his tears back. He was so afraid that
Yunho might still be angry at him but now he felt relieved.

They had their dinner in a very happy atmosphere. Everybody was very cheerful because it had
been a while since they had dinner together but the happiest of all was Changmin. He was
watching his hyungs and their lovers with happy eyes. He felt very peaceful now and prayed it
never changed.

“Everything was so delicious, Angel,” said Yunho kissing Jaejoong’s hand.

“Thank you,” said Jaejoong blushing.

“Yes Angel, you should do this more offen,” said Changmin while taking a big piece of
cheesecake into his mouth.

Yoochun smiled at Changmin before looking towards Jaejoong.

“Yes beautiful Angel, thank you for this delicious dinner, you are really an Angel sent from the
heaven”, said Yoochun winking at him.

Jaejoong bowed to Yoochun while blushing more.

“Thank you for the dinner Jaejae!” giggled Junsu, “I think I should learn how to cook from you.”
while looking at Yoochun.

Yoochun just smiled and kissed him on his lips. After that he turned to the others to announce

“I have good news for all of you. Rising Sun will be ready to travel about in a week’s time,” said
Yoochun rising his goblet.

“Yes, I would say it is really good news. We all need a very good vacation.” said Yunho rising his
goblet as an acknowledgement to Yoochun.

Yunho turned to look at Jaejoong who was trying to understand.

“Rising Sun is our yacht baby, we usually had our vacation on her.”

“You can imagine her as a floating mansion Jae,” said Junsu causing eveybody to laugh.
While they were discussing where to travel, Jaejoong was trying to calculate if the travel date
could be the same day with his first concert. Yoochun said “about” a week. We can also wait to
travel one more day, right? I will talk to Yunho later. He smiled to Yunho who was watching him
and then put his Angel’s head on his shoulder.

* * *

Jaejoong kissed Yunho’s bare shoulder before he started to massage his back while Yunho was
caressing Jaejoong’s long legs that were exposed from his robe. They had just showered together.

“I guess you had a very stressful week, you are so tense…”said Jaejoong still massaging Yunho.

Yunho reached his back to hold Jaejoong’s hands and turned his face to see him.

“Yeah, cause you were not by my side.”

Jaejoong blushed from cheek to ears and bowed his head.

“Yunho …I…”

Yunho silenced him with a kiss.

“I am not angry with you baby. I will always let you visit your parents…but…I just can’t stand
not seeing you even for a day,” said Yunho stroking Jaejoong’s cheek.

Jaejoong finally lifted his head and looked at Yunho.

“I am so glad that you are not angry Yunho because I can’t…I can’t stand seeing you angry and

Yunho was so happy to hear that, then he suddenly asked.

“Why do you care so much about my feelings?”

Jaejoong was stunned. He just looked at Yunho’s eyes for a few minutes and then looked away
confused. He didn’t know what to say. He was not sure about the answer too. I care about you
cause I love you Yunho. Do I? Aishhh I don’t know! What will I say now?

“Cause I have to,” Jaejoong finally said looking at his own hands.

If he looked at Yunho’s eyes he could see the disappointment in his eyes but he didn’t.
So…my little Angel cares about me because he was so afriad of me…What was I thinking asking
this question? How stupid am I…

Yunho grabbed Jaejoong’s ankles and pulled him until he was completely laid down on the bed
and separated his legs so that he was between them.

“So…why do you always want me by your side?” asked Jaejoong slightly shaking from
excitement underneath Yunho’s warm body.

Yunho smirked at him. Because I love you Angel.

“Because you are so beautiful, Angel,” said Yunho as he leaned down to kiss him. He stopped
and looked at Jaejoong’s face when he realized Jaejoong was just laying there without moving.

“I hate it when you are afraid of me so much…Are you still scared of me baby?”

Jaejoong just blinked a few times at Yunho and then smiled at him.

“I am not afraid…I was just thinking.”

Yunho rolled over from Jaejoong and laid down next to him. He put his hands behind his head
and looked at Jaejoong smiling.

“What were you thinking?”

Jaejoong turned his head to Yunho’s side and looked at his smiling eyes. I was just thinking that
you are keeping me by your side because you just think I am beautiful? What am I gonna say to

“Do you really think that I am beautiful?” Congratulations Kim Jaejoong, you have asked the
most stupid question.

Yunho laughed, throwing his head back.

“Do you have to doubt about it baby? You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen,” said
Yunho stroking Jaejoong’s now semi-wet silky hair.

Jaejoong tired to smile at him. Then he couldn’t control himself and reached to Yunho to touch
his cheek. He traced his fingers from his cheek to his jaw line and then he moved forward to
softly kissed his jaw.
“I guess somebody had missed me,” said Yunho and gently pushed Jaejoong on his back and laid
between his legs again.

“I know we have just showered baby but I can’t resist you, sorry,” said Yunho tracing his index
finger on Jaejoong’s rosey lips.Then he started to kiss him. This time Jaejoong immediately
opened his mouth to welcome Yunho’s hot tongue.

Yunho took off his boxer with Jae’s help and then he helped Jaejoong get rid of his robe. After
both of them got naked, Yunho took back his position between Jaejoong’s legs and attacked his
lips again, slowly moving while rubbing his erection against Jaejoong feeling the friction. He felt
that Jaejoong was not fully erected and that wouldn’t do them any good. He captured Jaejoong’s
hands and held it above his head before attacking his right nipple and started to suck. He knew
Jaejoong was turned on by hearing those lustful moans coming out from his Angel’s beautiful
plump lips. When he was about to move to other neglected nipple, he rubbed his erection against
Jae and felt the other was as hard as his.

Yunho reached to the nightstand and found the lubricant. He kneeled down between Jaejoong’s
wide open legs to start to massage his hole with lubricant fingers. He slowly pushed one finger
into his tight hole.

Jaejoong grasped and was startled a little with the sense of Yunho’s finger inside of him. They
hadn’t done this since the last two weeks. Before Jaejoong went to his hometown, Yunho was
coming home very late and he was so tired that they just slept. Jaejoong realized that he almost
forgot about this feeling.

Yunho felt that Jaejoong was too tensed. He knew they hadn’t done this for a while.

“Just relax for me baby,” he said before adding another finger into Jaejoong.

Jaejoong tired to relax not leaving his eyes from Yunho but he shivered a little when Yunho
finally rose his legs on his shoulders.

“Just look at me my beautiful Angel,” said Yunho as he slowly pushed his large, hard and
lubricated member into Jaejoong’s hole, feeling the hotness and tightness belonging to this
beautiful being. Once he is fully in, he felt this sense of relief as if he should be where the ‘home’
is and he didn’t felt like this with anyone else. He waited for Jaejong to get used to his size as he
didn’t want to hurt him. When he looked at his Angel’s eyes, Jaejoong was looking back at him
without even blinking. Yunho could see the pain in his eyes but he knew it would be erased soon
and bring forth the pleasure Jaejoong should received.
Jaejoong timidly nodded and Yunho started to move slowly. He changed his angle a few times
trying to find his sweet spot. After hearing Jaejoong’s lusty moan, he knew that he hit it right and
fastened his moves at that particular spot making more moans coming from both guys.

Feeling the pressure, Yunho took hold of Jaejoong’s member and started to stroke his with the
same rhythm as he thrusted repeatedly into the tight cavern while looking at Jaejoong’s slightly
parted swollen lips and his eyes shining with lust and tears. With that beautiful pose, he stored
that scene in his memory believing this was really worthy for him. I can’t live without seeing

With that speed of thrusts and the tightening stroke, it didn’t take long before Jaejoong came into
his hand as he released himself deep inside of him. He pulled out slowly and laid down on top of
Jaejoong exhausted. He placed his head onto Jaejoong’s chest and listened to his heartbeat
calming down. He knew Jaejoong love to lay in this position after making love.

Yunho started to caress his arm, listening to his heartbeat and then he heard soft sobs of his
crying. Yunho felt his own teary eyes.

Jaejoong started to caress Yunho’s hair without realizing the tears of his lover was also wetting
his own chest.

* * *

Jaejoong gently knocked at Yunho’s study room’s door. After hearing his voice saying “come in”,
he entered the room.

“Oh, hi baby,” said Yunho diverting his eyes from his laptop and smiling to Jaejoong.

Jaejoong sat across Yunho.

“Do you have time Yunho? I would like to talk to you on something important.” said Jaejoong
looking at his hands.

Yunho leaned his back against his seat and looked at Jaejoong with curious eyes.

“Yes baby, I am listening.”

“Hmmm…Yunho…a few of my university classmates formed a band and we are gonna to

perform for the first time on this Saturday night and…I guess it is also the same day that we
would be starting to travel out with the Rising Sun, so if you…”

Yunho didn’t let him to finish his sentences. He was smart enough. He asked his question first.
“Where are you gonna to peform, Jaejoong?”

Oh God, he is getting serious... Is he angry too? I don’t know!

“At Babylon,” he said directley but not looking at Yunho’s face.

“Babylon. The night club, Babylon?” asked Yunho rising his voice a little.

Jaejoong was shocked at Yunho’s tone of voice. What is wrong if it is a night club?

“Yes, the nightclub Babylon…We will be performing before the main group. What is wrong with

Yunho looked at Jaejoong for a few seconds. Jaejoong couldn’t understand if he saw anger in
Yunho’s eyes.

“You can’t perform in a nightclub baby. By the way, we are confirmed going on that Saturday
too,” said Yunho firmly and returned his attention back to his laptop.

Jaejoong looked at Yunho with surprised eyes for a few seconds and then gathered his courage to
explain to Yunho again.

“But…Yunho. It is too important for us. It would be our first performance and we are gonna do it
in a place like Babylon!”

Yunho looked at Jaejoong over his laptop.

“Baby, my answer is no. Now please let me continue my work so that we can have our holidays
starting this weekend.”

Jaejoong jumped to his feet and shouted at Yunho suddenly.

“You had promised to let me go to school and continue with my career!”

Yunho looked at Jaejoong with burning eyes from anger. He can’t take lightly the fact that his
Angel is shouting at him for the first time and nobody has shouted at him before...nobody dared
so far.

“Yes, I had promised you, Jaejoong but I didn’t promise to let you become some bar singer!”

“You can’t decide that! I have to do this and prove myself!”

Now they were openly shouting at each other.

Yunho couldn’t believe what he was hearing from his Angel. It was the first time that he was
seeing Jaejoong like that.

“We are not talking about some school concert here babe, so I won’t let you, got it?”

“You have no right to do this Yunho…I’m not only talking about myself here, you can’t also do
this to my bandmates as well! I can’t let them down.” said Jaejoong squeezing his fists tightly.

“So you should ask me first before saying yes to them.”

Jaejoong was at the edge of his tears now. He couldn’t believe how he went against Yunho like
this but he couldn’t control himself now.

“You can’t prevent me not to go!”

Yunho laughed at Jaejoong.

“You are really making me laugh Angel but it is enough. Go to your room.”

“It is against the deal and you are breaking the rules,” said Jaejoong looking directly into
Yunho’s eyes.

This last sentence had crossed the line forYunho. He hit his fist on his study table hard and stood

“I am the rule here Jaejoong! The deal is saying I will let you go to school and you will do what I
want, remember? WHAT I WANT!”

Jaejoong was in tears now.

“I hate you,” he said between his sobs.

Yunho came closer to Jaejoong, grabbed his chin hard and tilted his head to look at him.

“Hate me? So, it is too bad for you cause I don’t fucking care as long as you are mine, Angel,”
said Yunho looking at Jaejoong’s teary eyes and kissed him hard on the lips.

Jaejoong didn’t respond or resist him. He just waited until Yunho let him go. As soon as Yunho
took his hands away from him, he run to the door.
Yunho collapsed to the nearest armchair after Jaejoong left the room. Oh God…What have I
done to him? …he pushed me too much…what could I do? But…I am sure of one thing now, he
doesn’t love me and he will never too. He is still seeing everything as a deal…and me? I am still
the biggest fool here.

Jaejoong closed the door of their bedroom that he shared with Yunho and sat at the edge of the
bed and continued crying. Why does he has to be so mean? I have asked for a little thing. He
doesn’t even care about my feelings and I am expecting him to love me? I am just a toy to him
and nothing more. How could I be so stupid dreaming that he loves me? But I can’t help falling
in love with him…

Title: Angel
Author: nericia
Length: 8/8
Genre: Drama, romance
Rating: NC-17 (PG for this chapter)
Pairings: Yunho/Jaejoong, Yoochun/Junsu, Changmin/??
Warnings: AU - very dominant Yunho and a fragile Jaejoong.

Summary: Yunho, Changmin and Yoochun were raised like princes. They could always get what
they wanted. After their parents died unfortunately in a plane accident, Yunho and his cousin
Yoochun had to take care of Korea's biggest company, JunArk. The company owned a lot of
shopping centers, night clubs, restaurants all over in Korea. Because they had to administrate the
whole company at their young age, they became very ambitious and heartless. They also had
some kind of dark connections and became the biggest power in Korea. They even obtained
their lovers using these powers.
Disclaimer: I don't own DBSK boys. I just used them for my imagination.

It had been two days since their huge fight. Jaejoong was at home the whole time. He didn’t want
to do anything. Yunho was barely speaking to him and was coming home late again. Jaejoong
was feeling so miserable and he didn’t even find the courage to tell his bandmates that he
couldn’t perform with them. He was still waiting for a miracle. Sometimes he thought of
escaping from here too.

When Yunho entered their shared bedroom, he blinked his eyes to adjust the darkness. He slowly
made his way to the bed where he can barely see Jaejoong laid. He sat at the edge of the bed and
turned on the little night lamp on the nightstand. Now he can clearly see Jaejoong’s angelic face.
He was so angry with him since the fight. He didn’t even get closer to Jae just to hurt him a bit
but he had missed him so much. He started to caress Jaejoong’s silky hair softly. He was at home
early this evening but Jaejoong was still asleep even before dinner time. Suddenly he was afraid
that he might be sick. He leaned closer to Jaejoong and touched his forehead. Luckily there is no

Yunho sighed and kissed his forehead. I guess I can’t see him like this. I hate the idea of him
singing at Babylon but I just can’t do this to him. He should’ve asked me first before planning all
of these. I still can’t stand by watching him sad like this. I will make it up to you babe.

Yunho leaned on Jajeoong and kissed his lips softly causing Jaejoong to stir in his sleep. Then he
whispered in his ear caressing his hair.

“It’s time to wake up beautiful,” said Yunho and kissed him again.

Jaejoong slowly opened his eyes and looked at Yunho finally.

First Jajeoong thought that he was still sleeping and he closed his eyes again. When he realized
that Yunho was really sitting beside him he opened his eyes wider and straightened up on the bed
still looking at Yunho with wide eyes.

“Hi baby,” said Yunho kissing his Angel’s lips.

Jaejoong couldn’t help himself but smiled at him. His heart was still broken and he was angry
with Yunho but he couldn’t resist him. Even he was the one who had hurt him, he needed the
comfort from the same person.

“Hi,” said Jaejoong yawning.

Yunho poked his nose.

“Why are you sleeping at this hour?”

Jaejoong sighed and then pointed at his empty right wrist to Yunho.

“I’ve lost my bracelet that you gave…I couldn’t find it since this morning,”said Jaejoong looking
at his empty wrist sadly.

Yunho smiled at him.

“You are sleeping because of that?”

Jajeoong nodded.

“You know…I am really having a bad week and now I have lost my bracelet. I usually sleep
when I am not in the mood…to try to escape from everything,” said Jaejoong still holding his
empty wrist.
Yunho couldn’t keep his smile knowing that the bracelet was in his own pocket. He completely
sat on the bed and pointed his lap to Jajeoong.

Jaejoong sat between Yunho’s legs and rest his head on his chest still pouting.

“Don’t give me that face baby, I’ll buy you a new one, a better one,” said Yunho caressing
Jaejoong’s arm. He knew Jaejoong don’t care about material things but he can’t resist teasing
before giving back his bracelet.

“I don’t want a new one…It was made for me, you had said that…”

Yunho kissed his cheek and then rested his head on his shoulder.

“Ok, then we fly to Greek tonight and buy it. How about it?”

Jaejeoong couldn’t see Yunho’s face but he knew he was smiling.

“It is important to me…” he whispered softly that Yunho barely heard him.

Finally Yunho reached into his pocket and took out the bracelet. Without saying a word he put it
on Jaejoong’s slim wrist.

Jaejoong turned to Yunho with shining eyes and then throw his arms around his neck.

“You are my hero!” shouted Jaejoong loudly to Yunho’s ear and forgetting about their feud. Then
he looked at Yunho’s face.

“Where did you find it?” asked Jaejoong excitingly.

Yunho smiled.

“Actually, Andrea gave it to me when I came home. You have forgotten about it and left it in the
kitchen this morning,” said Yunho ruffling Jaejoong’s hair.

“Ah…right. I made cookies for you today,” said Jaejoong smiling widely to Yunho.

“Hmmmm…when shall we eat them?” asked Yunho trying to bite Jaejoong’s arm to show his

Jaejoong giggled trying to escape from Yunho but Yunho was stronger and easily pushed
Jaejoong underneath him and kissed him on his lip.

“I have talked to the owner of Babylon today. He is a friend of mine.” said Yunho changing the
topic quickly while staring at Jaejeoong’s eyes seriously. Jaejoong couldn’t say anything. He just
hold his breath looking at Yunho’s eyes.
Yunho moved away from Jaejoong and helped him to sit up on the bed. Jajeoong looked at
Yunho with a scared expression waiting for him to carry on.

“I’m okay with you to go ahead with your concert this Saturday night.”

Jaejoong closed his eyes, letting out his breath and waited for a few seconds so that he could say
in his mind.... ‘God, thank you’. He then opened his eyes and suddenly jumped on Yunho
wrapping his arms around his neck.

“Thank you so much, Yunnie! It meant a lot to me…thank you, thank you, thank you…” said
Jaejoong unable to stop himself from repeating numerous ‘thank you’ to Yunho. Slowly his voice
got weaker and he started to sob in tears.

Yunho just caressed his back and and whispered in his ear.

“That’s okay babe…I approved of this not to see you sad, ok? So…please don’t cry.”

Jaejoong tried to calm himself. He finally teared himself apart from Yunho and looked at his
smiling face.

“Thank you,” said Jaejoong once again while Yunho was trying to dry his tears.

“Let’s have our dinner outside, just you and me,” said Yunho kissing Jaejoong’s lips softly.

Jaejoong nodded smiling and headed to the bathroom.

While Yunho was waiting in the garden for Jaejoong to get ready, Jaejoong headed to Junsu and
Yoochun’s room to inform Junsu that they were having dinner outside but he wasn’t there.
Jaejoong decided to look for him at the playroom that they usually hang around and played their
playstation games. He couldn’t find him there as well. He called Junsu’s mobile number but he
didn’t answer it either. Before he was about to start panicking after going thru several empty
rooms, he finally found him at the terrace with help from one of the maids.

Jaejoong came closer to see a crying Junsu and sat beside him.

“Oh Junsu babe, what happened?” asked Jaejoong caressing his friend’s hair. Junsu turned and
buried his face at Jaejoong’s chest, continuing sobbing in tears.

“I guess I can’t take it anymore, Jae…I can’t handle it…”

Jaejoong didn’t say anything and just caressed Junsu’s back for a few seconds. Finally Junsu
calmed down to look at Jaejoong.

“I just wanted to visit my family before going for a holiday... like what you did. I’ve asked him
that I will be visiting only for one day…but…he just yelled at me…”said Junsu trying not to let
any more tears to fall.
“You didn’t see your family since you came here, right?” asked Jaejoong holding his friend’s

Junsu nodded.

“He said…he said that why would I want to see my brother who had just let another man have
him…It hurted so much Jae.”

Jaejoong sighed.

“He was talking like your brother is the only one who is guilty. What about him? He is the one
who caused you trouble…” said Jaejoong angrily.

“I know…but he was right. My brother didn’t even try to save me....but I just wanna see my
grandpa…he really did a lot for me. He even came and begged …he begged Yoochun…” Junsu
was in tears again.

Jajeoong hold his friend tightly.

“You will find a way Junsu. It will be alright. Initially, I thought I were the only one with the
problem but now…surprised! Yunho granted me permission to go ahead with the concert.”

Junsu broke apart from Jaejoong and finally smiled.

“Oh Jae, I am so happy for you! So…” he finally noticed Jaejoong’s attire, “I guess you are
going out right?”

“Yes, we were…but I will tell Yunho that we will go out on another night. I wanna stay with

“No no…you should go. You deserve a celebration!”

“But I can’t leave you here like this…” said Jaejoong pouting.

Junsu hold Jaejoong’s pouting face between his hands.

“We don’t want to make Yunho angry, right?”

Jajeoong simpley agreed with Junsu and got up from his seat kissing Junsu’s forehead.

“I will be back home early!” said Jaejoong waving at Junsu.

“I’ll be waiting!” said Junsu smiling.

* * *
Jaejoong still couldn’t control his tears while holding Junsu’s very pale hand. Oh Junsu babe…
why have you done this??? I shouldn’t have left you alone last night…

Junsu reached out to dry his tears.

“Come on Jaejae…please stop crying…I have already told you, I didn’t commit suicide! I had
just mixed some alcohol and a little bit of sleeping pills, that’s all…” said Junsu smiling to
Jaejoong widely. He still couldn’t believe that he was in hospital. He just wanted to relax and
sleep peacefully but he ended up in hospital unintentially. He felt guilty in making everyone
worried so much about him.

“You are too reckless, Junsu. How could you not know that you are not supposed to mix both of
them together?” said Jaejoong pushing Junsu’s hand angrily.

Junsu giggled.

“I know…I had just forgotten after a couple of drinks!”

“Oh God Junsu! How could you talk like this? We were all worried to death!”

Junsu straightened up on his bed and hold a very angry Jaejoong’s hands.

“I am so sorry about that Jaejae…but I repeat again, I didn’t do this on purpose.”

Jaejoong held his friend’s hands tightly.

“ I am sending Yoochun in. I was crying so much that they let me in first!” said
Jajeoong who couldn’t help himself but finally smiled at his friend.

“Alright...please ask my Chunnie to come in now,” said Junsu smiling back.

After Yoochun learnt that he could take Junsu home that day, he thanked the doctor and went to
see his cousin.

“The doctor said that he would be fine and we could take him home today,” said Yoochun

“Thank God,” said Yunho patting his cousin’s back. Then he led his cousin towards a bench and
sat down, “Let’s wait here for Jaejoong to come out from Junsu’s room.”

Yoochun nodded and sat on the bench. They didn’t talk for a while until finally Yunho spoke.

“I know this is not the right time Chunnie but…you were giving the kid some really hard
times…you should be careful from now on.”
“I’ve never wanted this to happen. I just wanted to protect him…from everything,” said Yoochun
looking at his own hands.

“You think you are protecting him but Yoochun… you are only hurting him just so that you will
not hurt yourself....not to live the same pain again.”

Yoochun stood up angrily.

“How could you say that? What about you, my dear cousin? You are also hurting Angel the same
way...not to admit to him that you are in love with him! Isn’t that so?” said Yoochun looking at
his cousin with burning eyes.

Yunho was stunned. They stared at each other trying to understand the words that were spoken
till they heard Jaejoong’s soft voice.

“He is ready to see you, Yoochun.”

Yoochun didn’t waste time and immediatley went into Junsu’s room while Yunho grabbed
Jaejoong’s hand, taking him to the hospital’s garden.

Yoochun just threw himself onto Junsu’s arms and started to cry.

Junsu just patted his back and caressed his hair.

“I am not dying, please..all of you should stop being a cry baby!” said Junsu smiling.

Yoochun looked at him with wet eyes. He slowly caressed his cheeck.

“Baby…please don’t leave me.”

“Chunnie…I will never leave you okay? Whatever happens, I will always be at your side.”

Yoochun looked deeply into his lover’s eyes. He loves me…My baby loves me, I knew it.

Junsu was in tears now and without even knowing it is his turn to be on Yoochun’s arms.

“I’ve gave you so much problems babe, I knew it but… I did it because I truly love you…”
Yoochun finally confessed to Junsu.

“I put up with all these troubles, Chunnie, because I love you too.”

“So no more tears, babe. Everything is gonna be alright now…”

On the other hand at the hospital’s garden, Jaejoong was looking at Yunho with curious eyes
while sitting on a bench. Yunho was on his kness in front of Jaejoong holding his hands.
“Jaejoong…do you love me?”

Jaejoong blinked a few times before looking at Yunho with shocked eyes. His heart was beating
so fast like it wanted to get out from his chest. It’s time to say Jaejoong. Now is the time…

“I…I can’t Yunho.” What? What have you just said Kim Jaejoong? Wrong answer God damin it!
Jaejoong closed his eyes trying to prevent his tears. Why can’t I say? Why???

Yunho kissed his hands, got up to his feet and then wrapped his arms around Jaejoong sitting
near him on the bench. He buried his nose onto Jaejoong’s neck and smelled him one more time
like he always did. Jaejoong was just sitting there and not responding to any of his actions. He
didn’t know what to do except regretted not saying the true words from his heart.

Yunho finally kissed Jaejoong’s forehead and then caressed his cheek softly.

“Jaejoong…my beautiful Angel. If you want to…If you want to babe, you are free to go.”

Jaejoong blinked at Yunho unable to say a thing. He started to shake slightly. Yunho hold his
hands this time.

“I know it is a bit too late Angel to say these things. Apologizing doesn’t fix anything cause I
took things from you that I ccould never gave it back…” Yunho kissed his hands again. He was
at the edge of his tears now, “…but I must say that I am sorry for causing you to suffer from so
much pain baby. I can’t do this to you anymore …I can’t stand to see you like this cause I love
you more than this Angel….I love you so much Jaejoong, please forgive me.” said Yunho
looking at Jaejoong with wet eyes showing his honest and sincere emotions. Tears were now
streaming down from his eyes. He was crying in front of someone other than his family for the
first time.

Jaejoong felt that he couldn’t breathe. All of the words were tied up at the back of his throat.
Hearing those words that he was longing to hear the most and seeing Yunho in tears was
confusing him...his heart was saying one thing but his brain was telling another. Oh God, I can’t
stand to see this…to hear this.

Jaejoong slowly took out his hands from Yunho’s grip and got up from his seat. He looked at
Yunho breathing heavily and opened his mouth wanting to say something. But then he instead
started to run away from Yunho as fast as he could leaving a crying Yunho on the bench all alone.

* * *

“Do you really think you can survive without him?” said Yoochun handing his cousin a glass of
whisky drink (something strong to calm him down) and sitting opposite of him at the main deck
of Rising Sun. They decided to leave a day earlier as Yunho wanted to leave the unhappy
memories behind.

“Can you live with no air Chunnie?” replied Yunho taking a sip from his drink.
“You shouldn’t have let him go, my dear cousin.”

“I couldn’t let him suffer like this anymore, Chunnie. If Junsu would say that he don’t love you
anymore, what would you do?”

Yoochun waved at his beloved Junsu who was coming towards them giving the brightest smile.

“You are right my dear couisin, I’d rather see this smiling face instead of a suffering one.”

Junsu sat near Yoochun at the deck chair kissing his cheek and smiled at Yunho but Yunho knew
that he was also sad about Jaejoong too. Nobody could contact Jaejoong or found him since that

“We are about to depart, so where is Minnie? Aish...that boy...he is always late.” said Yunho
looking at his watch.

“He said that he would be bringing something important but he is late.” said Yoochun taking out
his mobile phone to call Changmin.

When he was about to dial the number, they saw Changmin coming.

“Sorry I am late but I had to bring something really important, so we can’t go without him!”

Yunho jumped to his feet when he saw Jaejoong right behind Changmin. He just looked at him
with shocked eyes trying to understand whether if he was real or not. He couldn’t even move a
muscle while Jaejoong was coming closer to him.

Junsu was jumping happily next to Yoochun while the three of them were all looking at the
unfolding beautiful scene.

Yunho cupped Jaejoong’s face between his shaking hands.

“Are you for real, Angel?” asked Yunho searching for Jaejoong’s eyes who was avoiding him.
Yunho felt that he just nodded to his question.

“Aren’t you gonna to say anything, my Angel?” begged Yunho.

Jaejoong closed his eyes for a few seconds and then he looked directly into Yunho’s eyes.

“I love you, Jung Yunho.” said Jaejoong between his tears.

Yunho looked at the sky while still holding Jaejoong’s face. “Thank you, God!” he said and
pulled Jaejoong into a passionate kiss.

They didn’t even hear Changmin’s whistles and Yoosu couple clapping their hands and smiling
Yunho put his forehead against Jaejoong’s trying to calm his heartbeats and breathing. He could
clearly hear Jaejoong’s breathing too.

Jaejoong took Yunho’s hand and put it on his beating heart.

“Never let me go again…”said Jaejoong with his lips trembling.

Yunho pulled him into a tight hug.

“Never again my Angel,” he said smelling Jaejoong’s hair once again.

* * *

The band performance was a success at the Babylon Club. Jae was finally fulfilling his wish to
perform on stage and now that he had found his true love, it was an extra bonus for him as well.

Yunho and the gang were waiting for him at the VIP room. After receiving well wishes from his
band mates and customers, Jaejoong entered the room to see Yunho with his open arms. Jaejoong
didn’t waste time and jumped onto his Yunnie hugging him tightly. Before saying anything, he
was pulled by Yunho for a long and passionate kiss...leaving them both breathless.

Changmin couldn’t resist saying while laughing “Go get a room and stop being so mushy in front
of us.”

“You are just jealous, Minnie.” Yunho said cheekily and sticking his tongue out....which was
something new because Yunho was never that fun loving before. But since Jaejoong’s confession
yesterday, Yunho felt his heart lifted of the heavy burden and he felt this enormous happiness that
he couldn’t help being snappy and mushy at times especially to his Angel.

Changmin gave up trying to tease his brother. He was happy that both of them are together now.
He felt that his job of seeing his brother getting his deserved love was worth it. In fact, it was
Changmin who managed to trace Jaejoong thru his band mates (since all of them are from the
same universities) and convinced the Angel of his brother’s true intentions and love.

The real reason Jaejoong left was because he was afraid he don’t deserve Yunho’s love as they
were from different backgrounds and Jaejoong wasn’t sure whether his love was strong. But after
clearing his doubts with Changmin, he realized he was foolish in his thinking. Hurting Yunho
wasn’t his intention and by not declaring his true feelings was selfish. With new found strength
and determination, Jaejoong went with Changmin to finally confess to his Yunnie.

Now that everything worked out well for both couples, they decided to move their vacation till
Sunday, after Jaejoong’s performance at Babylon Club.
“Tomorrow we would be starting our long awaited vacation on the Rising Sun, so everyone
enjoyed yourselves tonight. Cheers!” announced Yunho to the small group with glasses clicking.
All their smiles seemed to agree with Yunho’s statement before drinking the offered wine.

After that, Yunho turned to his Angel and kissed him again. No matter what happens in the
future, they will be together forever.

Note: By the way, I am working on a new story now, Fire and Water (^_^)
Hope you like the finale;)

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