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Every life on earth is a mathematical equation. A different unique equation that spells out our end
result after all is said and done. Each equation has embedded in it our various strengths and
weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats that define who we really are. Just like our DNA,
each mathematical equation is unique and distinct from each other and depends entirely on our
environments and willpower. The only component of that equation that is common to us all is God;
a constant of proportionality whose effect on the mathematical equation depends solely on the
intensity of association.

Okay so I am speaking technical gibberish to which many of you may not understand. But it is plainly
simple. No matter what obstacles you may be encountering in life, no matter who or what is being
an impediment in your life, that thing or whoever is not God! Nothing can shake the very foundation
of your faith because that thing will never and can never be God. And so as long as you have life, as
long as you have faith, you have the sole prerogative to tell whoever or whatever is blocking your
chances,” YOU ARE NOT GOD!!!”. Thus when we align our willpower to His glory and grace, nothing
absolutely nothing fashioned against you shall prosper [Isaiah 54:17].

You know why God gave us humans the exclusive right to willpower? Because he wanted a like sex
of Himself to acknowledge His authority and succumb to His awesomeness purely out of choice. God
craves worship. He basks in out reverence to Him. He literally dwells in our praises to Him. He needs
us but we need Him more. Your ability to do the impossible and the unsurmountable depends
entirely on your resolve to give Him that sole reverence and to abide in His love. By channeling your

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