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Jerilee Janes

134 GreenBrook Crt JJ (707).799.8117

To Obtain an entry level position in the creative industry

Windsor High School, 8659 Windsor road, Windsor-
Backstage manager June 8-16 2017
Responsibilities included, making sure the detail lights were on on times,
ragging the doors, sweeping before show,and keeping track of the children.
Windsor High School, 8659 Windsor road, Windsor-
Costume Organizer August 2017
Responsibilities include, putting costumes together,organizing into cate-
gories, keeping track of what is used from where, dressing the actors and
actresses and organize and clean after shows
Windsor High School, 8659 Windsor road, Windsor—
Set Builder February 2017
Responsibilities include, designing set pieces, building them and putting
them together
Windsor High School, 8659 Windsor road, Windsor—
Junior Cheer Coach July-October 2017
Responsibilities include, creating the choreography, keeping the books
Windsor High School 8659 Windsor road, Windsor —
Graduating class of 2018 from Windsor High School

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