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Weeks 5 and 6 Breakdown
You will repeat this week twice through (weeks 5 and 6). For the Duration of these two weeks every
super set (eg A1 and A2) is repeated through 4 times (eg. 4 sets). Rest 30 seconds after each super set
before repeating the sets ( x 4). Once all 4 sets have been completed rest for up to 90 seconds before
moving on to your next set of exercises.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Shoulders, Hamstrings Glutes Shoulders, Legs Glutes and Rest Day
Back and Back and Hamstrings
Abs Abs
Monday – Shoulders, Back and Abs

Set Reps/ Exercise Tempo Comments

A1 12 Close Grip Seated 2222 Place it on the seat of the cable row machine. Sit down on the
Row machine and place your feet on the front platform or crossbar
provided making sure that your knees are slightly bent and not
locked. Lean over as you keep the natural alignment of your
back and grab the V-bar handles. With your arms extended pull
back until your torso is at a 90-degree angle from your legs. Your
back should be slightly arched and your chest should be sticking
out. You should be feeling a nice stretch on your lats as you hold
the bar in front of you. Keeping the torso stationary, pull the
handles back towards your torso while keeping the arms close to
it until you touch the abdominals. At that point you should be
squeezing your back muscles hard. Hold that contraction for a
second and slowly go back
A2 12 Moving Push Ups 2222 Lie on the floor face down and place your hands about 36 inches
apart while holding your torso up at arms length. Next, lower
yourself downward until your chest almost touches the floor.
Now press your upper body back up to the starting position
while squeezing your chest. Now move one hand across to meet
the other and take the other hand out to the side – push up –
then do the same but back to the oposite direction
B1 60 sec Plank - Get into pushup position on the floor. Now bend your elbows 90
degrees and rest your weight on your forearms. Your elbows
should be directly beneath your shoulders, and your body
should form a straight line from your head to your feet
B2 60 sec Shoulder Taps - Start in a push-up position. Lift up one hand to touch your
opposite shoulder and return to the start position. Alternate
C1 12 Standing BB Press 2222 Grab a BB, stand up with your torso upright. Raise the barbell to
shoulder height, make sure the palms of your hands are facing
forward. Push the barbell upward until you reach arm’s length.
Then, after a brief pause at the top contracted position, slowly
lower the barbell back down to the starting position
C2 12 BB Front Raise 2222 While standing straight, hold a BB. Your palms should be facing
down. your arms should be extended and locked with a slight
bend at the elbows and the plate should be down near your
waist in front of you as far as you can go. Slowly raise the bar a
little above shoulder level. Hold the contraction for a second.
Make sure that you do not swing the weight or bend at the
elbows. Then slowly lower the bar back down to the starting
D1 12 BB Wide Bent 2222 Holding a barbell with a pronated grip (palms facing down),
Over Row bend your knees slightly and bring your torso forward, by
bending at the waist, while keeping the back straight until it is
almost parallel to the floor. Tip: Make sure that you keep the
head up.
D2 12 BB Narrow Bent 2222 Put weight on one of the ends of an Olympic barbell. Make sure
Over Row that you either place the other end of the barbell in the corner
of two walls; or put a heavy object on the ground so the barbell
cannot slide backward. Bend forward until your torso is as close
to parallel with the floor as you can and keep your knees slightly
bent. Now grab the bar with both arms just behind the plates on
the side where the weight was placed and put your other hand
on your knee. Pull the bar straight up with your elbows in until
the plates touch your lower chest. Squeeze the back muscles as
you lift the weight up and hold for a second at the top of the
movement. Slowly lower the bar to the starting position getting
a nice stretch on the lats.
E1 12 Wide Grip Lateral 2222 Sit down on a pull-down machine with a wide bar attached to
Pull Down the top pulley. Grab the bar with a wide grip with the palms
facing forward using the prescribed grip. As you have both arms
extended in front of you holding the bar at the chosen grip
width, bring your torso back around 30 degrees or so while
creating a curvature on your lower back and sticking your chest
out. Bring the bar down until it touches your upper chest by
drawing the shoulders and the upper arms down and back. After
a second at the contracted position squeezing your shoulder
blades together, slowly raise the bar back to the starting
position when your arms are fully extended and the lats are fully
E2 12 Crunches 1111 Lie flat on your back with your feet flat on the ground, or
resting on a bench with your knees bent at a 90 degree
angle. If you are resting your feet on a bench, place them
three to four inches apart and point your toes inward so
they touch.Now place your hands lightly on either side of
your head keeping your elbows in. Tip: Don't lock your
fingers behind your head.While pushing the small of your
back down in the floor to better isolate your abdominal
muscles, begin to roll your shoulders off the floor.
Continue to push down as hard as you can with your lower
back as you contract your abdominals and exhale. Your
shoulders should come up off the floor only about four
inches, and your lower back should remain on the floor. At
the top of the movement, contract your abdominals hard
and keep the contraction for a second. After the one
second contraction, begin to come down slowly again to
the starting position as you inhale.
Tuesday – Hamstrings

Set Reps/ Exercise Tempo Comments

A1 12 BB Good 2222 Stand with your heels on a low bench or a piece of wood or two
Mornings weight plates if your gym doesn’t have the others. Stand tall
with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place the BB on your back,
keeping a tight core and upright torso. Bend forward at the hips,
lower your torso until you feel a stretch in the hamstrings or
until your back is almost parallel with the ground. Squeeze with
your glutes as you contract back up to the starting position.
A2 12 Laying Single Leg 2222 Adjust the machine lever to fit your height and lie face down on
Hamstring Curl the leg curl machine with the pad of the lever on the back of
your legs (just a few inches under the calves). Keeping the torso
flat on the bench, ensure your legs are fully stretched and grab
the side handles of the machine. Position your toes straight (or
you can also use any of the other two stances described on the
foot positioning section). This will be your starting position. Curl
your legs up as far as possible without lifting the upper legs from
the pad. Once you hit the fully contracted position, hold it for a
second. Bring the legs back to the initial position.
B1 12 (ea) Reverse Lunge 2222
with a Kick Back hands by your sides. This will be your starting position. Step
backward with your right leg around two feet or so from the left
foot and lower your upper body down, while keeping the torso
upright and maintaining balance. Inhale as you go down. Tip: As
in the other exercises, do not allow your knee to go forward
beyond your toes as you come down, as this will put undue
stress on the knee joint. Make sure that you keep your front shin
perpendicular to the ground. Keep the torso upright during the
lunge; flexible hip flexors are important. A long lunge
emphasizes the Gluteus Maximus; a short lunge emphasizes
Quadriceps Push up and go back to the starting position as
you exhale
B2 12 Leg Press (wide) 2222 Seat yourself on the machine, planting your feet on the platform
spaced widely apart. Ensure that you are pushing your knees out
at all times, not allowing them to cave in. Maintain good spinal
position with your head and chest up. Lower the weight by
flexing the hips and knees, continuing as far as flexibility allows.
Do not allow your lumbar to take the load by moving your pelvis.
At the bottom of the motion, pause briefly and return to the
starting position by extending at hips and knees.
C1 20 KB Sumo Squat 2222 Hold a kettlebell at the base with both hands and stand straight
Pulses up. Move your legs so that they are wider than shoulder width
apart from each other with your knees slightly bent. Your toes
should be facing out. Slowly bend the knees and lower your legs
until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Press mainly with the
heel of the foot to bring the body back to the starting position.
C2 20 KB Dead Lift 2222 Hold a bar at hip level with a pronated (palms facing down) grip.
Your shoulders should be back, and your knees slightly bent.
This will be your starting position. Lower the bar by moving your
butt back as far as you can. Keep the bar close to your body,
your head looking forward, and your shoulders back. Done
correctly, you should reach the maximum range of your
hamstring flexibility just below the knee. Any further movement
will be compensation and should be avoided for this movement
D1 10 (ea) Curtsy Lunges 2222 Holding a dumbbell at your chest, step your left leg wide
to the left coming into a lateral lunge, bending your left
knee. Keep your chest lifted and your weight in your left
heel.Push off with your left foot, and cross the left leg
behind your right coming into a curtsy, bending both
knees. This completes one rep.Step out to the left returning
to your side lunge; continue alternating between these two
moves for a total of 10 reps. On the last rep hold the curtsy
and pulse up and down in a one-inch range 10 times to
work the glutes even more. Then repeat on the other side.
D2 10 (ea) Marching Thrusts 1111 Pressing through your heels and firing your glutes, lift
your hips off the floor. Your weight should rest on your
heels and your upper back - not your toes or your neck and
cervical spine. Extend your hips until they form a straight
line with your knees and shoulders. At the top of the
movement, raise one foot into the air and hold briefly.
Now switch and raise the other foot. Return to the bottom
position and repeat.
Wednesday – Glutes

Set Reps/ Exercise Tempo Comments

A1 20 Med Ball Squeeze 1311 Lie on the floor with your feet flat, in a thrust position. Place a
soft med between your knees and sqeeues. As you Pressing
through your heels and firing your glutes, lift your hips off the
floor. Your weight should rest on your heels and your upper
back - not your toes or your neck and cervical spine. Extend your
hips until they form a straight line with your knees and
shoulders. At the top of the movement, squeeze your thighs and
glutes for a second. Then release and go again.
A2 10 (ea) Laying Plate 1212 Laying on a bench on one side place a plate on you outer thigh.
Raises Whilst gently holding the plate raise your leg up and down. Then
flip over and repeat on the other side.
B1 30,20, 10 Abductor 2222 To begin, sit down on the abductor machine and select a weight
(drop set) Machine you are comfortable with. When your legs are positioned
properly, grip the handles on each side. Your entire upper body
(from the waist up) should be stationary. This is the starting
position.Slowly press against the machine with your legs to
move them away from each other while exhaling. Feel the
contraction for a second and begin to move your legs back to
the starting position while breathing in. Note: Remember to
keep your upper body stationary to prevent any injuries from
occurring. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions
B2 20 DB Frog Pumps 1212 Lie with your back on the floor. Place your feet in a diamon
position (feet touching, legs open, inner thigh facing the ceiling).
Pull a dumbell on to your lower belly/ hips. Lift your hips up like
a thrust keeping your legs open stay at the top for a very small
movement and pulse. Squeeze those glutes!
C1 12 BB Sumo Dead 2222 Begin with a bar loaded on the ground. Approach the bar so that
Lifts the bar intersects the middle of the feet. The feet should be set
very wide, near the collars. Bend at the hips to grip the bar. The
arms should be directly below the shoulders, inside the legs, and
you can use a pronated grip, a mixed grip, or hook grip. Relax
the shoulders, which in effect lengthens your arms. Take a
breath, and then lower your hips, looking forward with your
head with your chest up. Drive through the floor, spreading your
feet apart, with your weight on the back half of your feet.
Extend through the hips and knees.As the bar passes through
the knees, lean back and drive the hips into the bar, pulling your
shoulder blades together. Return the weight to the ground by
bending at the hips and controlling the weight on the way down.
C2 12 BB Sumo Squats 2222 Hold a barbell at the base with both hands and stand straight
up. Move your legs so that they are wider than shoulder width
apart from each other with your knees slightly bent. Your toes
should be facing out. Slowly bend the knees and lower your legs
until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Press mainly with the
heel of the foot to bring the body back to the starting position.
D1 12 BB/ Smith 2222 Begin with the barbell supported on top of the traps. The chest
Machine Frog should be up and the head facing forward. ADOPT A FROG
STANCE FOOTING. feet turned out as needed. Descend by
Squats flexing the knees, refraining from moving the hips back as much
Ensure that they stay align with the feet. The goal is to keep the
torso as upright as possible. Continue all the way down, keeping
the weight on the front of the heel. At the moment the upper
legs contact the lower legs reverse the motion, driving the
weight upward
D2 10 (ea) Smith Machine 2222 Position your self on your hands and knees underneathe the bar
Kick Ups of the smith machine (it should be at the bottom of the holder –
not racked). Extend one leg back so that you raise the bar with
your foot, and keep raising it until your leg reaches its full
extension. Squeeze. Control the bar back down. After your reps
– switch leg.
Thursday – Shoulders, Back and Abs

Set Reps/ Exercise Tempo Comments

A1 12 Incline DB Row 2222 Using a neutral grip, lean into an incline bench.Take a
dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip, beginning with
the arms straight. This will be your starting position.
Retract the shoulder blades and flex the elbows to row the
dumbbells to your side.Pause at the top of the motion, and
then return to the starting position.
A2 12 Cable Front Lat 2222 Select an appropriate weight and adjust the knee pad to
Pull Down help keep you down. Grasp the handle with a pronated
grip. This will be your starting position. Pull the handle
down, squeezing your elbow to your side as you flex the
elbow.Pause at the bottom of the motion, and then slowly
return the handle to the starting position.For multiple
repetitions, avoid completely returning the weight to keep
tension on the muscles being worked.
B1 12 Straight Bar Lat 2222 You will start by grabbing the wide bar from the top pulley
Pull Down of a pulldown machine and using a wider than shoulder-
width pronated (palms down) grip. Step backwards two
feet or so.Bend your torso forward at the waist by around
30-degrees with your arms fully extended in front of you
and a slight bend at the elbows. If your arms are not fully
extended then you need to step a bit more backwards until
they are. Once your arms are fully extended and your torso
is slightly bent at the waist, tighten the lats and then you
are ready to begin.While keeping the arms straight, pull
the bar down by contracting the lats until your hands are
next to the side of the thighs. Breathe out as you perform
this step.While keeping the arms straight, go back to the
starting position while breathing in.
B2 12 Cable Straight Bar 2222 Grasp a straight bar cable attachment that is attached to a
Up Right Row low pulley with a pronated (palms facing your thighs) grip
that is slightly less than shoulder width. The bar should be
resting on top of your thighs. Your arms should be
extended with a slight bend at the elbows and your back
should be straight. This will be your starting position. Use
your side shoulders to lift the cable bar as you exhale. The
bar should be close to the body as you move it up.
Continue to lift it until it nearly touches your chin. Tip:
Your elbows should drive the motion. As you lift the bar,
your elbows should always be higher than your forearms.
Also, keep your torso stationary and pause for a second at
the top of the movement. Lower the bar back down slowly
to the starting position. Inhale as you perform this portion
of the movement.
C1 12 DB Lateral Raise 2222 Stand up with your torso upright and a dumbbell on each
hand being held at arm’s length. The elbows should be
close to the torso. The palms of the hands should be facing
your torso. Keeping your arms straight and the torso
stationary, lift the weights out to your sides until they are
about shoulder level height while exhaling. Keep the
palms facing down.
C2 12 BB Clean And 2222 Assume a shoulder-width stance, with knees inside the arms.
Press Now while keeping the back flat, bend at the knees and hips so
that you can grab the bar with the arms fully extended and a
pronated grip that is slightly wider than shoulder width.
Establish a flat back posture. Begin to pull the bar by extending
the knees. Move your hips forward and raise the shoulders at
the same rate while keeping the angle of the back constant;
continue to lift the bar straight up while keeping it close to your
body. As the bar passes the knee, extend at the ankles, knees,
and hips forcefully, similar to a jumping motion. As you do so,
continue to guide the bar with your hands, shrugging your
shoulders and using the momentum from your movement to
pull the bar as high as possible. The bar should travel close to
your body, and you should keep your elbows out. As the bar hits
terminal height, rotate your elbows around and under the bar.
Rack the bar across the front of the shoulders while keeping the
torso. Stand to full height, holding the bar in the clean position.
Without moving your feet, press the bar overhead.
D1 12 Cable Rear flies 2222 Adjust the pulleys to the appropriate height and adjust the
weight. The pulleys should be above your head.Grab the left
pulley with your right hand and the right pulley with your left
hand, crossing them in front of you. This will be your starting
position.Initiate the movement by moving your arms back and
outward, keeping your arms straight as you execute the
movement.Pause at the end of the motion before returning the
handles to the start position.
D2 20 Plate Toe Touches 1111 To begin, lie down on the floor or an exercise mat with your
back pressed against the floor. Your arms should be lying across
your sides with the palms facing down.Your legs should be
touching each other. Slowly elevate your legs up in the air until
they are almost perpendicular to the floor with a slight bend at
the knees. Your feet should be parallel to the floor Move your
arms so that they are fully extended at a 45 degree angle from
the floor. This is the starting position.While keeping your lower
back pressed against the floor, slowly lift your torso and use
your hands to try and touch your toes. Remember to exhale
while perform this part of the exercise. Slowly begin to lower
your torso and arms back down to the starting position while
inhaling. Remember to keep your arms straight out pointing
towards your toes
E1 20 Russian Twists 1111 Lie down on the floor placing your feet either under something
that will not move or by having a partner hold them. Your legs
should be bent at the knees.Elevate your upper body so that it
creates an imaginary V-shape with your thighs. Your arms should
be fully extended in front of you perpendicular to your torso and
with the hands clasped. This is the starting position.. Twist your
torso to the right side until your arms are parallel with the floor
while breathing out.Hold the contraction for a second and move
back to the starting position while breathing out. Now move to
the opposite side performing the same techniques you applied
to the right side.
E2 20 Flutter Kicks 1111 Start by lying flat on your back on a mat with your arms by your
sides and your palms down, or if this is too hard, under your
bum, Extend your legs fully out with a slight bend in your knees.
Lift your heels about 6 inches off the floor. Make small, rapid up
and down scissor-like motions with your legs. The key is to focus
on having your midsection do all the work and to keep your abs
constantly contracted throughout the exercise.

Set Reps/ Exercise Tempo Comments

A1 20 Frog Jumps 1111 Stand with your hands by your side and squat down keeping
your torso upright and your head up. This will be your starting
position. Jump forward several feet, avoiding jumping
unnecessarily high. As your feet contact the ground, absorb the
impact through your legs, and jump again.
A2 60 Weighted Squat 2222 Place the bar on your back and squat down in to your normal
seconds Hold position. Chest proud, back straight. Hold the squat. Don’t lean-
don’t arch your back. Maintain good form. Push up through your
heels when time is done… NICE AND SLOW. FEEL THE BURN.
B1 10 (ea) BB Walking 2222 Begin standing with your feet about hip-width apart and holding
Lunges dumbbells in your hands down by your side. Take a LONG WIDE
step forward with one leg, flexing the knees to drop your hips.
Descend until your rear knee nearly touches the ground. Your
posture should remain upright, and your front knee should be in
line with your front foot. Do not allow your front knee to go
forward beyond your toes as you come down, as this will put
undue stress on the knee joint. Drive through the heel of your
lead foot and extend both knees to raise yourself back up. As
you reach the top lift your back leg up and contract your glute
(like a kick back) SQUEEZE) Step forward with your rear foot,
repeating the lunge on the opposite leg.
B2 60 Bear Jumps 2222 In a push up position – bend your knees in, a narrow stance –
Seconds jump in and out!

C1 Suitable Sled Push 2222 Load your pushing sled with the desired weight. Take an
Distance athletic posture, leaning into the sled with your arms fully
extended, grasping the handles. Push the sled as fast as
possible, focusing on extending your hips and knees to
strengthen your posterior chain.
C2 20 Jump Squats 1111 With your head up and your back straight, position your feet at
shoulder width. Keeping your back straight and chest up, squat
down as you inhale until your upper thighs are parallel, or lower,
to the floor.Now pressing mainly with the ball of your feet, jump
straight up in the air as high as possible, using the thighs like
springs. Exhale during this portion of the movement.When you
touch the floor again, immediately squat down and jump again.
D1 20 Box Jumps 1111 Assume a relaxed stance facing the box or platform
approximately an arm's length away. Arms should be down at
the sides and legs slightly bent. Using the arms to aid in the
initial burst, jump upward and forward, landing with feet
simultaneously on top of the box or platform. Immediately drop
or jump back down to the original starting place; then repeat the
D2 10 (ea) Jumping Lunges 1111 Start by holding a dumbbell in each hand. In a lunge position,
lunge down and as you come up jump and switch legs so that
you land in a lunge on the other side. Keep this motion smooth
and controlled, getting nice and low and then exploding up.
Saturday – Glutes and Hamstrings

Set Reps/ Exercise Tempo Comments

A1 12 ea Bulgarian Lunges 1212 Start by standing about 2 to 3 feet in front of a flat bench with
your back facing the bench. Move one foot back so that your toe
is resting on the flat bench. Your other foot should be stationary
in front of you. Keep your head up at all times as looking down
will get you off balance and also maintain a straight back. Slowly
lower your leg until your thigh is parallel to the floor. At this
point, your knee should be over your toes. Your chest should be
directly above the middle of your thigh. Leading with the chest
and hips and contracting the quadriceps, elevate your leg back
to the starting position as you exhale
A2 12 Frog Press 2222 Seat yourself on the machine, planting your feet on the platform
heel touching – toes turned out like a plie. Ensure that you are
pushing your knees out at all times, not allowing them to cave
in. Maintain good spinal position with your head and chest up.
Lower the weight by flexing the hips and knees, continuing as far
as flexibility allows. Do not allow your lumbar to take the load by
moving your pelvis. At the bottom of the motion, pause briefly
and return to the starting position by extending at hips and
B1 12 ea Single Leg Side 2222 Sit on the leg press machine so that you are on your side, with
Press bottom leg nestled on floor. Place top foot so that your toes are
at edge of foot plate. Push plate with heel, squeezing glutes as
you do so. Return to start. Perform all repetitions on one leg
before switching to other leg.
B2 12 Frog Pumps 1212 Lie with your back on the floor. Place your feet in a diamon
position (feet touching, legs open, inner thigh facing the ceiling).
Pull a dumbell on to your lower belly/ hips. Lift your hips up like
a thrust keeping your legs open stay at the top for a very small
movement and pulse. Squeeze those glutes
C1 12 Reverse Hyper 2222 Facing the machine- rest your head and shoulders under the
Extension shoulder bads- place your feet shoulder width apart on the
platform provided. Release the lock and place your hands at
your head on the shoulder rests. Tild your bum and hips back
and bend at the knees just blike a normal dealift. Pause at the
bottom then squeeze with your glutes to draw you back up.
C2 12 Frog Kicks 2222 Lie facedown on a bench with your lower body hanging off the
back. Your hip bones should meet the exact end of the bench so
your lower body is hanging off the back. Grip the bench and lift
your legs off the floor. Bring your knees toward your chest, then
straighten them behind you, heels touching. Inhale, return to
the start and repeat.
D1 40, 30, 20, Thrusts 2222 Begin seated on the ground with a bench directly behind you.
10 (Drop Have a loaded barbell over your legs. Using a fat bar or having a
pad on the bar can greatly reduce the discomfort caused by this
Set) exercise. Roll the bar so that it is directly above your hips, and
lean back against the bench so that your shoulder blades are
near the top of it. Begin the movement by driving through your
feet, extending your hips vertically through the bar. Your weight
should be supported by your shoulder blades and your feet.
E1 4 x Until DB Laying Leg 2222 Get someone to place the DB in your feet and lie face down on a
Fail Curls flat bench. Keeping the torso flat on the bench, ensure your legs
are fully stretched and grab the side handles of the bench. Curl
your legs up as far as possible without lifting the upper legs from
the bench. Once you hit the fully contracted position, hold it for
a second and then bring the legs back to the initial position.

Sunday – Rest

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