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Good morning
Place the barbell behind the neck across the muscles on top of the shoulder blades.
Stand with a neutral spine. Bring the feet at shoulder width. Flex the upper body by
only bending in your hips, keep the knees in a slight bend. Your lower back must stay
neutral. To stay in balance your buttocks will have to move backwards. Do not go fur-
ther than an 80 degree angle before coming up to a standing position. This exercise is
specially aimed at the lower back, buttocks and hamstrings. Be very careful in choosing
the right amount of weight for this exercise to avoid tumbling forwards.

Dumbbell row
Stand with a slightly bend knee, take a dumbbell in one hand, put the opposite knee
and hand on the bench, turn the hand inwards. Keep the back straight and head up.
Pull the weight in a diagonal pattern backwards up, keep the weight close to the body.
Squeeze the shoulder blades together at the end of the pull. Lower the weight in a
controlled fashion through the same diagonal back to the starting position.

Stand in front of the barbell with the feet at shoulder width, put the shins close to the
barbell. Bend in the knees and hips till the upper legs are close to horizontal. Take the
bar in both hands with the thumbs inwards and just outside of the legs. The back must
be straight throughout the movement. Pull the shoulder blades backwards and look up.
Now lift the weight of the oor by simultaneously extending the knees and hips.
From standing position reverse the movement by bending the knees and hips and bring
the weight back to the oor in a controlled manner, keep the back straight!!

Variations: The grip can be changed by using a different grip for each hand.
(one with the thumb outwards, one with the thumb inwards)
(picture shows variation with dumbbells)

Barbell row
Stand with both feet at shoulder width, bend the upper body forwards in the hips lean-
ing in an angle between 45 and 90 degrees, keep the lower back in an inward curve
throughout the exercise. Keep the knees bend. Hold the barbell with both hands just
outside shoulder width, thumbs inwards. Pull the body to the bottom part of the chest,
squeeze the shoulder blades together at the end of the pull and control the returning
movement to the starting position.

Variation is possible by adjusting body angle, grip and width of the grip.

Stand up straight with feet at shoulder width. Hold the barbell with both hands and
thumbs inwards. Keep the elbows xed in a slightly bend position. Pull up the shoulders
towards the ears. Hold this position for a least a two count then control the downward

Note: do not rotate back or forwards with the shoulders. This does not provide any
more benets to this exercise and most of all might cause neck and shoulder injuries!

* text Henk van der Stoep, Sport Physiotherapist DISCLAIMER

DISCLAIMER: Please Read; All the information presented on this Exercise Chart is for educational and resource purposes only.
It is NOT a substitute for or an addition to any advice given to you by your physician. Before adhering to any BuildingYourBody information or recommendations you should consult
your physician. Please understand that you are solely responsible for the way information of BuildingYourBody is perceived and utilized and you do so at your own risk. In no way will
BuildingYourBody or any persons associated be held responsible for any injuries or problems that may occur due to the use of this material or the advice contained within.

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