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• Muscular strength and endurance are two important parts of your body’s ability to move,
lift things and do day-to-day activities. Muscular strength is the amount of force you can
put out or the amount of weight you can lift. Muscular endurance is how many times you
can move that weight without getting exhausted (very tired).


Push – Ups for Upper – Body Strength

• Traditional pushups are beneficial for building upper body

strength. They work the triceps, pectoral muscles, and shoulders.
When done with proper form, they can also strengthen the lower
back and core by engaging (pulling in) the abdominal muscles.
• Start kneeling on an exercise mat or the floor and bring your
feet together behind you.
• Bend forward to position yourself in a high plank, the top of
a pushup position, with your palms flat on the mat, hands shoulder-width apart, and with
your fingers facing forward or hands turned slightly in. Your shoulders should be
positioned over your hands. Your feet should be together behind you and your back should
be flat. Keep your abs pulled in.
• Slowly lower your body toward the floor. Maintain a rigid torso and keep your head aligned
with your spine. Don’t let your low back sag or your hips hike upward.
• Continue to lower yourself until your chest or chin touch the ground. Your elbows may
flare out during the downward movement.
• Press upward with your arms. Continue pressing until your arms are fully extended at your
elbows and you’re back in the plank, at the top of the pushup position.
• Repeat the downward movement. Start with 10 pushups, or however many you can do with
proper form, and work your way up as you build strength.

Lunges and Squats

• Squats
1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip distance.
2. Slowly bend your knees to squat down.
3. Pause in this position before returning to the starting
4. Do 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.
• Lunges
• Get into position with your back knee on the floor, heel raised. Lift the knee a few inches.
(Feel free to use a chair for balance if you need it.) Hold for up to 30 seconds, and then
lower your knee back to the ground. Now switch legs. (Watch this video to see how to do
a lunge safely.) When you're ready for moving lunges, you can reduce knee strain by
stepping back into a lunge instead of forward.


• Step-by-Step Instructions #Begin in the plank position, face down

with your forearms and toes on the floor. Your elbows are directly
under your shoulders and your forearms are facing forward. ...

Engage your abdominal muscles, drawing your navel toward your

spine. Keep your torso straight and rigid and your body in a straight
line from ears to toes with no sagging ...

Hold this position for 10 seconds. Release to floor.

Over time work up to 30, 45, or 60 seconds.

Sit – Ups

• Lie down on your back. Bend your legs and place feet
firmly on the ground to stabilise your lower body. Cross your
hands to opposite shoulders over your chest or place them behind
your ears, without pulling on your neck.
Curl your upper body all the way up toward your knees. Exhale as
you lift.
Slowly, lower yourself down, returning to your starting point.
Inhale as you lower.
One – Arm Row
• Step 1: With a kettlebell at your feet, place your left leg
behind you while bending both knees. Your right knee should not
extend past your toes.
Step 2: Lean forward at the torso and place your right forearm
against your right thigh for stability.
Step 3: Extend your left arm and grasp the kettlebell by the handle
so that your palm is facing your right leg.
Step 4: Bringing your elbow back, exhale as you raise the
kettlbell to the left side of your waist.
Step 5: Inhaling, lower the kettlbell toward the floor and then repeat the movement.
Step 6: After a complete set, switch sides.
Biceps Curl

• Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet as wide
apart as your hips. Let your arms hang down at your sides with your
palms forward. Pull your abdominals in, stand tall, and keep your
knees slightly bent. Curl both arms upward until they’re in front of
your shoulders.

• is a health-related component of physical fitness that is brought about by sustained physical
activity. A person's ability to deliver oxygen to the working muscles is affected by many
physiological parameters, including heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, and maximal
oxygen consumption.

Jumping Jack

• Step 1: Stand upright with feet together and hands at your sides.
• Step 2: Begin exercise by simultaneously raising your hands up
above your head, while jumping up just enough to spread your feet
about twice shoulder width apart.
• Step 3: Immediately reverse movement back to starting position without pausing. Repeat
as many times as necessary as quickly as possible.
High Knees

• Start standing with feet hip-distance apart.

Lift up right knee as high as it will go and raise the opposite arm,
then switch quickly so left knee is up before right foot lands.
Continue pulling knees up quirky for as long as desired.

Invisible Jump Rope

• Stand in a straight position with your feet together and

facing forward and hands positioned to look as if holding a rope.
Begin jumping the imaginary rope.
Increase pace and jumping variations such as hopping with one leg.
Perform this exercise until you’re tired.

Plank to Knee Tap

• Position yourself on all fours in plank position, your hands stacked

under your shoulders and your body forming a straight line.
• Keeping your abs engaged, bend your knees to hover an inch or so
off the mat, then straighten them up again. Make sure you squeeze
your glutes with each extension of your knees back into your plank
position. Repeat.
Mountain Climber Twist
• Step 1: Assume a standard push-up position with arms straight.
Hands should be placed below shoulders but just outside of
Step 2: Your body should now form a straight line from your heels
to your head. This is the starting position.
Step 3: Begin exercise by lifting your right foot off the ground and
bringing your right knee to your left elbow. Rotate hips and twist
abs to touch knee to opposite elbow.
Step 4: Repeat with opposite leg.

DAY 1: Muscular Strength and Endurance


In the first day I choose five of muscular strength and endurance exercises to perform and
I chose those five exercises because I’ am familiar with those and because of that my first
day is not that hard for me.
DAY 2: Muscular Strength and Endurance


For the day 2 the exercise I do is same as to day 1 as I said those exercise is easy for me
to do because the exercise I choose is my everyday exercise at home so the only problem
that I encountered this day is that where I put my camera to get better angle to take videos
because of the tight place and because of that I get almost 1 hour to finish my videos.
Day 3: Cardiovascular Exercise

For the 3rd day exercises we change to cardiovascular exercises so I choose 5 exercises
that I am familiar. This day for me it is the tired exercise among the exercises that I did
because its more on exercise for cardio and after doing this exercise I realized that I’m
lack on exercise for my cardio so I decided to do some of cardiovascular exercise every


For my whole reflection about our P.E class is that before we start on this class there are
some question or what if’s in my mind about how are we going to run the discussion and
practicum since were on the online class and what strategy can provide my professor for
us to give us knowledge about our topics TP? So, from the past 2 terms of discussions my
questions from the start is answered and its give me the realization of its better to have
face to face to this subjects because for me there are some topics that we cant understand
that needs to discuss in face to face class and also I realize that no matter how hard to
teach and study there are many ways to learn but the best things to do is to help each both
us students and teachers.

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