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strength < no excuse workout

Prisoner Squat

Stand erect with excellent posture, head in alignment, knees

straight and feet straight ahead with your hands interlaced
behind your head. Keep your elbows pulled backwards with
your shoulder blades down so you feel a slight stretch on your
chest. Keeping your feet straight ahead, lower yourself slowly
on a count of two, down as if you were sitting on a chair behind
you. Hold that position for a moment, count of one at the bot-
tom, and then bring yourself back up slowly at a count of two.
Breathe normally.


Find a stable, secure place to secure your tube. This can be

done in a door jam using the attachment given or can be done
by wrapping it around some type of a bar or pole. Be sure
that this anchor will not move. Begin by getting into an ath-
letic semi-squat position with your back straight. Depending on
your strength you can either place both handles in one hand or
one in each hand. Keeping your shoulders down, pull one arm
into your side of your body just above your waist and then back
out slowly. Keep your torso straight and use your core muscles
to prevent your upper body from twisting. Repeat movement
with the other arm.


This can be done using a chair or even a wall if you’re a begin-

ner. Or it can be done on the ground. Either way, the push up is
the same. Begin by maintaining good posture with your hands
flat on the ground or flat on the chair. If you do use a chair, be
sure the chair does not have wheels so it will not move away
from you. Maintaining perfect posture, back straight, head in
alignment, not allowing your head to bob or your back to arch,
slowly lower yourself until your chest touches the ground on a
count of 2. Briefly pause and then return to the starting position
on a count of 2. If this is too difficult (or you can’t perform any
more perfect push-ups) you can do them on your knees.


Begin with perfect posture. Step backward with one foot, being
sure that both of your feet stay straight ahead. Your front foot
should remain flat on the ground. Slowly lower yourself until
your knee touches the ground (or as far as you can control your
knee). Pause momentarily and then drive yourself upwards into
the balance position. Push through your entire front foot. Then
switch legs. Repeat with other leg.

copyrights by tignum ag, 2010

strength < no excuse workout

lat pulldown

Begin in the exact same position as you started with

the row. Fold forward at the hips bringing your chest
parallel to the ground. Pull the tube straight into your
shoulder allowing your upper arm to pull into your
side. Then pulling the tubes straight in line and, one
arm at a time, you’re going to pull the tube down so
that the tube comes down to your shoulder. Be sure
the movement is slow and controlled. Breathe nor-
mally throughout the movement and keep your knees
bent. Once you’ve completed all of your repetitions
repeat with the other arm.

chest press

Begin by getting into a lunge position. Whichever leg

is forward you will grab the tube with the opposite
arm. This movement will mimic a punch. Maintain
perfect posture throughout this movement. Place both
handles in one hand or have one handle in each hand
then push your arm outward until your arm is straight.
Breathe normally as you push your arm out and be
sure not to let your wrist flex. Once you’ve completed
all of your repetitions repeat with the other arm.

lateral lunge

Stand erect with excellent posture with your arms out

in front of you. Slowly step sideways, as always be-
ing sure that both feet stay straight ahead. Your step
should be about one and a half the length times the
width of your shoulders. Once your feet are planted sit
back, flexing at the hip. Once you get to the lunge po-
sition, pause momentarily and then drive off the entire
foot up to a single leg balance position. Switch legs and
perform in the other direction. The movement should
be performed slowly so you are in control at all times.
Always be sure that you have balance and stability be-
fore you start moving in the next direction.

bacK fly

Begin by standing upright with perfect posture and

your arms straight out in front of you, parallel to the
ground, holding the tube. Your hands should be ap-
proximately shoulder width apart or possibly wider
depending on how much resistance you want from the
tube. With your fist straight out in front, pull your
arms out and away from your body as far as you can
go. Breathe normally.

copyrights by tignum ag, 2010

strength < no excuse workout

overhead press

Begin by standing upright with perfect posture and

your tube under your feet. You may need to adjust
where you’re standing on the tube based on how
much resistance you want. Be sure the tube is firmly
under the middle of your foot so it will not move. Be-
gin with a handle in each hand and your hands at ear
level. Slowly press one hand over the head then alter-
nate with the other arm. Breath normally. Keep your
shoulders down to press, in a good postural position.

standing curl

Begin by standing exactly the same as during the

overhead press. Maintaining good posture with head
in alignment, shoulders down, and our palm forward
slowly flex your elbow being sure to keep your elbow
from drifting forward. Perform the movement slowly
and in control and breathe normal. Once you have
completed your repetitions repeat with the other arm.

copyrights by tignum ag, 2010

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