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Seen in children and in infants with very low levels of vitamin D.

Rickets Symptoms
- Pain and tenderness in arms, legs, and pelvis
- Bones are bowing - not strong enough to hold the babies weight (this cannot be fixed once the
bowing has happened)
- No conversion of cartilage to bone
- Protruding forehead
- Deformities in the chest plate and ribs.
- increased fractures and breaks
- Teeth deformation
- Decreased muscle formation (need calcium for for synapses)

a small pocket of fluid within the upper layers of the skin, typically caused by forceful rubbing
(friction), burning, freezing, chemical exposure or infection. Most blisters are filled with a clear
fluid called serum or plasma. However, blisters can be filled with blood (known as blood blisters)
or with pus (if they become infected).

inflammation of the skin. It is characterized by itchy, erythematous, vesicular, weeping, and
crusting patches. The term eczema is also commonly used to describe dermatitis. Primarily
affects the papillary layer. Also known as a diaper rash.
Stretch Marks
Tears in the dermis. The collagen and elastic fibers have torn which creates the silvery lines.
Causes the tears from the tissues being stretched too rapidly.

Epidermolysis Bulbosa
The intermediate filaments do not form properly in the cell, and the skin tears very easily.
People with this condition their intermediate filaments are not strong and collapse. When their
skin is pulled on, the cell will rupture and tear. This is a genetic disorder: 2/100,000 births.

Chronic skin disorder. The cells shed much faster than the should - roughly 7-10 days. The cells
divide too quickly and do not maturely properly, leaving them flakey and scaley. Do not know
what causes this, no cure but some treatments.

Inherited lack of tyroinase (enzyme needs to make melanin). Lack of pigment = white skin, hair,
and light blue/pinkish eyes

A toughened area of skin which has become relatively thick and hard in response to repeated
friction, pressure, or other irritation. Rubbing that is too frequent or forceful will cause blisters
rather than allow calluses to form. Since repeated contact is required, calluses are most often
found on feet because of frequent walking. Generally not harmful, but may sometimes lead to
other problems, such as skin ulceration or infection.

A build-up of hard skin near a bony area of a toe or between toes. Corns may be caused by
pressure from shoes that rub against the toes or cause friction between the toes.

an informal term for a material shed from the body of various animals, similar to dandruff. It is
composed of skin cells. It is a cause of allergies in humans.

Is the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp.
Involves the removal of the oldest dead skin cells on the skin's outermost surface, and has been
used for many years to help maintain healthy skin.
Insensible Perspiration
perspiration that evaporates before it is perceived as moisture on the skin; the term sometimes
includes evaporation from the lungs.
The state of perspiring profusely, or something that has the power to cause increased

The branch of medicine dealing with the hair, nails, skin and its diseases. It is a specialty with
both medical and surgical aspects. A dermatologist takes care of diseases, in the widest sense,
and some cosmetic problems of the skin, scalp, hair, and nails.
Any abnormality in the tissue of an organism (in layman's terms, "damage"), usually caused by
disease or trauma.

Yellowish color to skin and whites of eyes - Bilrubin from recycling damages the red blood cells,
liver pulls the bilrubin from the blood, but if the liver is not working properly it will change the
pigmentation. This occurs in infants usually due to an underdeveloped liver.

lack of oxygen. Bluish color to nail beds and skin. Hemoglobin depleted of oxygen, and looks
purple-blue instead of red. Anything that affects the respiratory or cardiovascular system.

Redness - more blood flowing to cool you down. Redness of skin due to capillary enlargement
in the dermis. Inflammation, exercise, allergies, burns or emotions.

Skin goes white, pale color is due to decrease flow through the skin. White is the color of
collagen showing through. Happens during a fever, shock, or if cold.
Blot clotting in the skin, brusing. Anytime a blood vessel is damaged the blood will flow out into
the tissue and it creates a bruise. The yellowish/healing color of the bruise is the blood being

Alex H., a 5th grade student, is sent home by the school nurse after she notices pediculosis
while assessing his height and weight. The nurse instructs Alex's mother to wash his hair with
permethrin, a ______________.

The physician informs a 32-year-old woman with breast cancer about the adverse effects of
chemotherapy. The woman is most concerned with the hair loss, or _____________ that
commonly occurs with chemotherapy.

The physician informs John K., a 54-year-old construction worker with a history of colon cancer,
that malignant cells from his primary tumor spread to his lungs. This process is called
_____________ .

Kelsey A., a chef at a local gourmet restaurant, suffers a severe burn injury involving the
epidermis and part of the dermis. Within a few days a scab called a ____________ forms over
the injured site

A patient is admitted to the hospital with swelling, warmth, redness, and pain of the right lower
extremity. The physician suspects ___________ , a diffuse, acute infection of the skin and
subcutaneous tissue.

A patient develops acute shortness of breath 12 hours after suffering a left femur fracture.
Suspecting fat embolism, you assess the patient's skin and note minute, pinpoint hemorrhages
under the patient's skin, known as _________________ .
The infection control nurse places a patient on contact precautions to protect staff from a
contagious skin disease transmitted by the itch mite. This condition is commonly known as
_____________ .

The employee health nurse is performing annual Mantoux tests on the hospital staff. This
intradermal test screens for ______________ .

Anna B. is admitted from a long-term care facility with heart failure. As the physician examines
the patient, she notes a pressure ulcer with necrotized tissue. The physician schedules the
patient for _________________ to remove the necrotized tissue from the wound.

A patient develops hives during a blood transfusion. The physician prescribes phenhydramine, a
________________ , to relieve the patient's itching.

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