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Washburn 1

Ericka Washburn

Eng. 1201.203

Doctor Cassel

20 March 2018

Inquiry Proposal

Sign Language in Preschools and Elementary Schools

The reason I would like to research the fat question, “why should sign language be

incorporated in pre-schools and elementary schools?” is because I believe there should be a

change in the curriculum that incorporates sign language. This has been in interest of mine since

I have started majoring in Interpreting for Sign Language, and I have learned so many benefits of

integrating this into young children’s life that will not only benefit themselves, but provide

equality for all those around them. I love this language, and as I continue to learn the more eager

I become.

I think this action should take course because this would provide another dynamic in the

classroom and provide a positive boost to learning. Sign language improves society’s

intellectual, cognitive, social, and emotional skills, while creating a broader and inclusive world

view. Thinking about this movement being incorporated into the schools really gets me excited

and leaving the curriculum the way it currently runs makes me sad. If the schools will not

incorporate sign language, then parents should try their best to infiltrate the language as they are

developing their speech skills.

Washburn 2

I have done research in the past and text comprehension is improved as well as reading

proficiency, visual recognition, and word sequencing. Through the finger-spelling portion of sign

language, there are major improvements in spelling accuracy, and cognitive skills. There are also

benefits creating equality that will allow for hearing loss to never become a barrier because

research shows that as you age, the probability of hearing loss increases and the chances of

interacting with the Deaf increase in the educational setting or at work.

I believe that the hearing society should no longer be naïve about the barrier between the

Deaf world and the hearing world. Sign language benefits the individual, but most importantly,

learning this language can break down barriers and allow for an equal way of life for both

parties. The language is beautiful and the responsibility is on us to break down any walls that

could create injustice to another party.

I still need to gather information related to why specifically the teaching should be in the

preschool and elementary age groups. I need to gather information that provides statistical proof

of incorporating sign language. Also, I need to insure that my sources are credible, and based

strictly on facts and not opinion.

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