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Crucible Theatre

55 Norfolk St
Sheffield S1 1DA
United Kingdom
To: John Higgins

May 7th, 2018

Dear Mr Higgins, runner-up,

Year after year we host a ‘blind poule’ for the World Championship Snooker in the
best snooker center of The Netherlands: Westend Snooker in Zaandam. For an initial
investment of €20 you randomly get picked a player. Always fun, always exciting.

And guess who was behind my name this year… John Higgins. Upfront number 4
favorite by Unibet. I laughed at Unibet, ‘cause of course my John was a big time
favorite. Confirmed by a steady 146, played a bit with Judd and easy walk to the final.

But, John, dear John. What happened there on Bank holiday? 2-5. What was this old
man thinking with his flashing start? Is he playing with his walking stick? 5-6. Ah, you
fooled everyone of course. 7-11. Let him take a lead and then strike. 7-12. Right?
7-13. Uhh, John, right? 7-14. Don’t make it too exciting, John! John!

John, John, John.

What a final. Still proud of you.

But I wanted to ask you something. Besides the fame, there is a financial difference
between the winner and the runner-up. No, not the difference of the £425.000 for
lucky Mark and your little £180.000. That’s nothing (for you).

I however, missed an almost given €150: the difference in our ‘blind poule’ between
#1 (€300) and #2 (only €150). €150 is about £132. Just saying…

So, because you have a fair share in my losses, I’m hoping on a ‘fair share’ of your
wins. Or, let’s say you compensate my losses. You still have £179.868 left of your price

And here comes the fun part. I’m a rich guy. Well, not as rich as you, but let’s say
‘doing ok’. My proposal would be to donate £132 to charity of your choice. Would
love to make other people happy with ‘our money’. Can you please send me the
evidence of your donation to or via Twitter to @jordibron?

I would love to get a respons of you.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Jordi Bron (one of your biggest fans)

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