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Angel Quizhpi

Ms. Debby Jizi

UWRIT 1103

26 February 2018

Personal Essay

I am in college studying architecture. I never thought that I would be majoring in

architecture. I always wanted to have a career in teaching. To be honest I would not be majoring

in architecture if it were not for a very important person I met in high school. In 10th grade at

Sun Valley High, I met Mr. Mull. I never knew at that moment, the impact that he would have in

my life. I was put in Drafting I because the class that I originally wanted was full. I was not

excited. I thought it was a boring job. I tried to drop the course on the very first day but there was

no space available in other classes. I was stuck in Drafting. I also thought that the class would be

boring. I was right and wrong.

After failing to drop the course, I went to the classroom. I walked in and I saw an area

that had a countertop with brown cabinets. I continue to pass this section of the classroom

towards the desks. The first thing I noticed was that the desks were very big. They were the

biggest desks in the school. The desks were supported by a black metal frame and they had grey

table tops. The table tops were in horrible conditions. Each desk had a black computer. I sat

down at the back of the classroom. From there I noticed that most of the computers were broken.

One of the computer screens had scissors stuck in them. Many of the computers were missing

keyboards and computer mice. The one at my desk would not turn on. The teacher walked into

the classroom. He was wearing a button-up shirt with dress pants and a tie. He had blond hair
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and looked like he is in his fifties. He began to teach the class. He taught about drawing and

history of architecture. While he was teaching I was messing around with the desk -it was so

different than the normal school desks- and it made an extremely loud noise. He stopped talking

and with a furious voice he asked, “What are you doing?” I got off on the wrong foot on the very

first day.

Mr. Mull taught about the history of architecture and drawing. He taught us how to

project views and draw straight lines. I spent many classes drawing straight lines. I was

extremely bored in the class. I wanted to drop the course, but I was stuck there. It didn’t help that

I broke one of the desks. Later that semester I discovered that the reason why the classroom was

destroyed on the first day of school. The year before the previous drafting teacher quit his job.

The school could not find a replacement. The student the year before we're stuck with a

substitute teacher for the rest of the semester. They were frustrated trying to learn the material on

their own. In their frustration, they destroyed the classroom. So, in his defense, he was just trying

to prevent further harm to the already damaged classroom. This incident was not the worst he

had to deal with. Many students in the class had no respect for him. They would always talk in

class and would always curse. One of them sat next to me. His name was Joey. He always wore a

black sweater and had black hair. He never did his homework and always cheated. He was very

irritating. Another bad student sat behind me. He had blond hair and was caught smoking in

class. Never have I seen anything like these two classmates. Most students in the school were

respectful to be quiet when a teacher was talking. They were just horrible. As the semester

progressed the school finally replaced the broken computers and table tops, however, the new

computer mice were lost during the shipping. The school had to order more to replace them.

They were lost again during the shipping. So, Mr. Mull paying out of his own pockets bought
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computer mice to replace the lost ones. Now he began to teach Computer Aided Drafting and

Design (CADD). I discovered that architects draw using computers. The first program I learned

was Autodesk AutoCAD. I learn how to draw complex shapes and drawings. I learned it very

quickly. I was a natural. I realized that I was really enjoying the class.

I had so much fun that I enrolled in Drafting II the very next semester. In Drafting II, I

learned that from a 2D drawing I could make a 3D model. Mr. Mull began to teach advance

AutoCAD skills such as customization and 3D modeling. I learn how to make a 3D shed on

AutoCAD. He also taught me how to use Autodesk Revit. Mr. Mull explained that Revit is used

by architects and engineers to design buildings and structures. He explained the difference

between AutoCAD and Revit. He said, “In AutoCAD, you design and draw using shapes and

lines. In AutoCAD, a wall is shown as a rectangle. The advantage of Revit is that in this program

you design with 3D models. In Revit, a wall is a 3D model of the wall.” Like AutoCAD, I learn

the program very quickly. I was a natural at this program too. With this program, I was able to

design my own dream house. I design a one-story house with 3 bedrooms. A library with a

glazed wall for natural sunlight the room. I realized that designing buildings was very fun. I

would not have been able to design my dream house without his help. Out of his generosity, he

made his personal library of resources available to all his students. His resources included 3D

models such as furniture and appliances. He also encouraged me to pursue certifications that

would prove that I have the skills necessary to work in an architecture firm. He helped me to

prepare for the certification exam. On the first try I failed but on the second try, I passed. So, I

became certified user level in AutoCAD.

The next year I enrolled in Drafting III. In Drafting III I learned how a building work and

the different types of drawings that make a full set of blueprints. I also learned 3D scanning and
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3D printing and how they relate to architecture. Mr. Mull was a great motivator. He encouraged

me to do my best. He also continued to encourage me to continue developing skills. So, in

Drafting III I became the first student to become Revit certified user level in the school.

During my senior year, I signed up to be his assistant while he taught his other classes.

Even though I was not there official to learn he made sure that I learned something new every

single day and as always, he encouraged me to further develop my skills. So, in my senior year, I

became certified in Revit at the professional level. It was during this time that I realized that I

wanted to have a career in architecture. I realized that I wanted to design and create things that

could impact people that would occupy it. He helped me make sure that I choose a school that

had an NCARB accredited program. Mr. Mull told me, “NCARB stands for National Council of

Architectural Registration Boards. To become an architect, you must go to a college with an

architecture program accredited by this organization.” He also took the time to explain the

career path to become an architect. With his help, I was able to plan out the next few years of my

life that would take me to my career goal.

Mr. Mull is an incredible person and professor. I love that he never pressured me to

pursue a career in architecture. With his help, I realized that I loved to design and that I want to

do it for the rest of my life. I love that even before I decided to pursue a career in architecture

that he was guiding me down the right path so when I was ready to make the decision I would be

ready. I would never me be where I am right now If it were not for Mr. Mull. He is so generous,

he provided me with all the resources that I ever needed to be successful. I am very grateful for

all his help.

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