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УДК 811.36-111(076)
ББК 81.2 Англ-922
О. С. Любченко, вчитель англійської мови Харківської спеціалізованої
школи № 162, вчитель-методист;
О. О. Ходаковська, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри
іноземних мов № 1 Національного юридичного університету
імені Ярослава Мудрого

Павліченко О. М.
П12 Англійська мова. 6 клас  : зошит для контролю рівня знань (до підруч. О. Д. Карп’юк)  /
О.  М.  Павліченко.  — Х.  : Вид-во «Ранок», 2014.  —  64  с.  : іл.
ISBN 978-617-09-2091-1
Зошит для контролю рівня знань містить тематичні та семестрові контрольні, а також поточні перевірочні ро-
боти з англійської мови для учнів 6-х класів. До зошита включено завдання, побудовані на зразок зовнішнього
незалежного оцінювання, що допоможе школярам навчатися працювати з тестами. На кольоровому вкладиші
подано семестрові контрольні роботи з аудіювання.
Для учнів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів і вчителів англійської мови.
УДК 811.36-111(076)
ББК 81.2 Англ-922

Навчальне видання И141021УА. Підписано до друку 06.09.2014.

ПАВЛІЧЕНКО Оксана Михайлівна Формат 84×108/16. Папір офсетний.
Гарнітура Колібрі. Друк офсетний.
Ум. друк. арк. 6,72.
АНГЛІЙСЬКА МОВА ТОВ Видавництво «Ранок».
6 клас Свідоцтво ДК № 3322 від 26.11.2008.
Зошит для контролю рівня знань 61071 Харків, вул. Кібальчича, 27, к. 135.
Для листів: 61045 Харків, а/с 3355.
(до підручника О. Д. Карп’юк)
Редактор О. М. Назарова E-mail:
Технічний редактор С. Я. Захарченко Тел. (057)  719-48-65,
Коректор О. Є. Шишацький тел./факс (057)  719-58-67.
З питань реалізації звертатися за тел.: Кривому Розі – (056) 401-27-11;
у Харкові – (057) 727-70-80, 727-70-77; Луганську – (0642) 53-34-51;
Києві – (044) 599-14-53, 377-73-23; Львові – (032) 244-14-36;
Білій Церкві – (04563) 3-38-90; Миколаєві і Одесі – (048) 737-46-54;
Вінниці – (0432) 55-61-10, 27-70-08; Тернополі – (0352) 49-58-36;
Дніпропетровську – (056) 785-01-74, 789-06-24; Хмельницькому – (0382) 70-63-16;
Донецьку – (062) 344-38-38; Черкасах – (0472) 51-22-51, 36-72-14;
Житомирі – (0412) 41-27-95, 44-81-82; Чернігові – (0462) 62-27-43.
Івано-Франківську – (0342) 72-41-54; E-mail:
«Книга поштою»: 61045 Харків, а/с 3355. Тел. (057) 727-70-90, (067) 546-53-73.

Разом дбаємо
про екологію та здоров’я
©  О.  М.  Павліченко, 2014
©  М. А. Назаренко, А. К. Перескокова, іл., 2014
ISBN 978-617-09-2091-1 ©  ТОВ Видавництво «Ранок», 2014
Date Name Form 6


Variant 1
1 Listen and tick the correct box.

Dolly Ella

1 Who has got a brother?

2 Whose birthday is in December?

3 Who loves cats?

4 Who has got a nickname?

5 Who has got a dog?

6 Who has got a goldfish?

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.
1) We always (to clean) our house on Saturdays and
2) Jim (to want) to have a pet.
3) My parents (to work) in the garden now.
4) Nelly (not to cook) supper at the moment.
5) Eddy (not to like) sandwiches for breakfast.
6) I (to write) a letter to my penfriend now because
I want to invite him to my birthday party.

3 Complete the questions with the question words from the box.

Why Who Where How What When

1) — is your birthday?
— It’s in October.
2) — are you going?
— I’m going to the supermarket.
3) — have you got in your bag?
— I have got some books.

4) — do you get to school?
— I get to school by bus.
5) — is that boy?
— He is my brother.
6) — do you want to talk to your English teacher?
— Because she is a very clever and interesting person.

4 Use the information from the table and write about Den.

Name, Age: Den, 11

Address: 32 Green St., London
Hobbies: listening to music
Favourite sports: tennis, skiing
Favourite food: pizza
Friends: three boys from his class
Doesn’t like: shopping

1) My friend’s name is Den, he is eleven years old.







Date Name Form 6


Variant 2
1 Listen and tick the correct box.

Dolly Ella

1 Who is the only child in the family?

2 Who is eleven years old now?

3 Who has got many pets at home?

4 Who hasn’t got a nickname?

5 Who likes dogs?

6 Whose birthday is in June?

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.
1) Ann always (to remember) to buy bread, milk and
her favourite chocolates.
2) Sam (not to listen) to music now.
3) My little brother (to hate) porridge.
4) I (not to do) my homework now.
5) My friend’s grandparents (to read) an English text at
the moment.
6) His parents (to love) jazz music.

3 Complete the questions with the question words from the box.

What When How Which Who Why

1) — sports are you fond of?

— I’m fond of football and basketball.
2) — do you usually get up?
— I usually get up at 7 o’clock.
3) — does your sister like eating?
— She likes eating ice cream.

4) — is this woman?
— She is my aunt.
5) — are you?
— I’m fine, thank you.
6) — are you looking at that girl with a little puppy in her
— I like her pet and want to ask her if the puppy was a present to her

4 Use the information from the table and write about Alice.

Name, Age: Alice, 12

Address: 16 Tower St., London
Hobbies: dancing, cooking
Favourite sports: badminton, swimming
Favourite food: fruit salad
Friends: two girls from her school
Doesn’t like: cleaning flat

1) My friend’s name is Alice, she is twelve years old.







Date Name Form 6


Variant 1
1 Listen and tick the correct box.

Dolly Ella

1 Who has got a brother?

2 Whose birthday is in December?

3 Who loves cats?

4 Who has got a nickname?

5 Who has got a dog?

6 Who has got a goldfish?

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.
1) We always (to clean) our house on Saturdays and
2) Jim (to want) to have a pet.
3) My parents (to work) in the garden now.
4) Nelly (not to cook) supper at the moment.
5) Eddy (not to like) sandwiches for breakfast.
6) I (to write) a letter to my penfriend now because
I want to invite him to my birthday party.

3 Complete the questions with the question words from the box.

Why Who Where How What When

1) — is your birthday?
— It’s in October.
2) — are you going?
— I’m going to the supermarket.
3) — have you got in your bag?
— I have got some books.

4) — do you get to school?
— I get to school by bus.
5) — is that boy?
— He is my brother.
6) — do you want to talk to your English teacher?
— Because she is a very clever and interesting person.

4 Use the information from the table and write about Den.

Name, Age: Den, 11

Address: 32 Green St., London
Hobbies: listening to music
Favourite sports: tennis, skiing
Favourite food: pizza
Friends: three boys from his class
Doesn’t like: shopping

1) My friend’s name is Den, he is eleven years old.







Date Name Form 6


Variant 2
1 Listen and tick the correct box.

Dolly Ella

1 Who is the only child in the family?

2 Who is eleven years old now?

3 Who has got many pets at home?

4 Who hasn’t got a nickname?

5 Who likes dogs?

6 Whose birthday is in June?

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.
1) Ann always (to remember) to buy bread, milk and
her favourite chocolates.
2) Sam (not to listen) to music now.
3) My little brother (to hate) porridge.
4) I (not to do) my homework now.
5) My friend’s grandparents (to read) an English text at
the moment.
6) His parents (to love) jazz music.

3 Complete the questions with the question words from the box.

What When How Which Who Why

1) — sports are you fond of?

— I’m fond of football and basketball.
2) — do you usually get up?
— I usually get up at 7 o’clock.
3) — does your sister like eating?
— She likes eating ice cream.

4) — is this woman?
— She is my aunt.
5) — are you?
— I’m fine, thank you.
6) — are you looking at that girl with a little puppy in her
— I like her pet and want to ask her if the puppy was a present to her

4 Use the information from the table and write about Alice.

Name, Age: Alice, 12

Address: 16 Tower St., London
Hobbies: dancing, cooking
Favourite sports: badminton, swimming
Favourite food: fruit salad
Friends: two girls from her school
Doesn’t like: cleaning flat

1) My friend’s name is Alice, she is twelve years old.







Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Listen and match.

mother cousin Tom

aunt brother

2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

honest brave clumsy kind curious lazy

1) I think that my granny is very . She always gives me pres-

ents and cooks tasty things for me when I come to visit her. 2) Chris is
a boy because he never helps his parents about the house.
3) Alex and Fred are boys because they aren’t afraid of any-
thing. 4) Little Bobby is very and always asks a lot of questions
about everything. 5) My brother is a boy. He often breaks cups
and plates in the kitchen. 6) Mr Bond is an man. It seems he
has never lied in his life.

3 Circle the correct answer.

1) Ted is a … pupil.
a) good b) well
2) This car is moving very…
a) slow. b) slowly.
3) My mother gets up … than my father.
a) earlier b) the earliest

4) Sam can swim … of all.
a) better b) best
5) Molly always writes…
a) careful. b) carefully.
6) His sister looks very … in her new dress.
a) elegant. b) elegantly.

4 Write 7—8 sentences about your mother or father: her/his name, what she/he looks like,
what she/he is like, what she/he likes and dislikes.
My name is .

Date Name Form 6

Variant 2
1 Listen and match.

uncle father

cousin Betty sister

2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

clever hardworking naughty friendly rude selfish

1) My father is a man because he works even at weekends.

2) All the classmates think that Ron is very . He always says bad
words to other people. 3) Little Jack is very and never listens to
his parents. 4) Janet is a girl. She always thinks only about her-
self. 5) Simon is very . He knows a lot of interesting facts on His-
tory and Geography. 6) My classmates are very boys and girls.
We often meet after lessons to go to the cinema or just for a walk.

3 Circle the correct answer.

1) Julia can sing…
a) good b) well
2) The children are singing a … song.
a) sad b) sadly
3) My father drives the car … than your father.
a) better b) best

4) Yesterday I felt … than today.
a) bad b) worse
5) Peter is a … friend.
a) good b) well
6) When we left the birthday party, it was very…
a) lately b) late

4 Write 7—8 sentences about your grandmother or grandfather: her/his name, what she/
he looks like, what she/he is like, what she/he likes and dislikes.
My name is .

Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Listen and tick the correct box.

True False
1 Nick thinks that the first school month was easy for him.
2 This year Nick studies five new school subjects.
3 Nick has got six lessons four days a week.
4 Science is easy for Nick.
5 Nick’s Maths teacher isn’t strict.
6 This year Nick has new teachers.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct modal verbs.

1) — Will you go to the cinema with me?
— I’d like to go, but I help my mother to clean the flat.
(might, have to)
2) — I use your dictionary? (may, must)
— Yes, please.
3) — I’m very tired.
— You do not look healthy. You go to bed earlier today.
(could, should)
4) — What are you doing tonight?
— I don’t know. My friend has invited me to the disco so I
go with her. (must, might)
5) — You tidy your room! (must, can)
— OK, Mum.
6) My hair looks dirty. I wash it. (must, could)
3 Complete the dialogue with the phrases from the box.

— It’s Geography.
— Yes, she is strict but fair.
— Yes, it’s very interesting. We learn about mountains and seas, continents
and countries.
— Yes, I don’t want to be late for the lessons.

— Hello, Sam. Are you hurrying to school?

— What is your first lesson today?

— Do you like this subject?

— Is your Geography teacher strict?

4 Write what you have to/mustn’t do to be a good pupil. Use the ideas from the box. You
may add your ideas.

miss lessons bring textbooks to school

do homework use a mobile phone during the lessons
listen to teachers speak to classmates during the lessons
prepare for tests be late for school

I have to

I mustn’t

Date Name Form 6

Variant 2
1 Listen and tick the correct box.

True False
1 This year Nick has more homework than he had last year.
2 IT isn’t a new school subject for Nick.
3 Nick has got seven lessons on Tuesday.
4 Nick is good at Science.
5 Nick isn’t good at Maths.
6 This year Nick has the same teachers he had last year.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct modal verbs.

1) — It’s very hot in here. you open the window, please?
(should, could)
— Yes, of course.
2) — It’s cloudy today.
— Yes, it rain. (must, might)
3) — We are going to the river. Will you join us?
— Sorry, my parents and I visit my grandparents. (have to,
4) — I have done my homework, Mum.
— OK, clean your room and you go for a walk. (must, may)
5) — you play basketball, Tim? (should, can)
— Not very well.
6) Don’t give the knife to the boy. He cut himself. (must, might)

3 Complete the dialogue with the phrases from the box.

— Why do you like it?

— Is your English teacher strict?
— What is your favourite school subject, Molly?
— What do you do at your English lessons?


— It’s English.

— Because we have very interesting lessons.

— We read texts, act out dialogues, sing songs, write exercises and even play

— Well, I don’t think she is very strict. She is helpful and fair.

4 Write what you have to/mustn’t do at your English lessons. Use the ideas from the box.
You may add your ideas.

be late for the lessons speak Ukrainian during the lessons

have a textbook and a copybook use a dictionary
speak English during the lessons cheat at tests
do the homework miss the lessons

I have to

I mustn’t

Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Listen and circle the correct answer.
1) What kind of sport does Mark like most of all?
a) Football. b) Basketball. c) Tennis.
2) What do you not need for playing tennis?
a) A bat. b) A net. c) A racket.
3) When does Mark have trainings?
a) On Thursdays. b) On Tuesdays. c) On Fridays.

2 Complete the text with the words from the box.

basket game winner ball end inside team

Basketball is a which you can play and outside.
Two teams need a and two baskets. You have to lead the ball and
throw it into the of the opposite team. A gets some
points every time when its player throws the ball into the basket. The
is the team which gets more points by the of the game.

3 Circle the correct answer.

1) My brother can swim well … I can’t.
a) so b) and c) but
2) Molly … aerobics in this gym three times a week.
a) plays b) does c) goes
3) Nick plays volleyball … basketball.
a) but b) and c) because
4) I like comedies … they are funny.
a) because b) but c) so

4 Write 6—7 sentences about your favourite kind of sport and things you need for it.

Date Name Form 6

Variant 2
1 Listen and circle the correct answer.
1) What is Sam’s favourite kind of sport?
a) Volleyball. b) Hockey. c) Skiing.
2) What do you not need for playing hockey?
a) A puck. b) A stick. c) Sneakers.
3) How often does Sam have trainings?
a) Four times a week. b) Three times a week. c) Two times a week.

2 Complete the text with the words from the box.

players winner court game ball outdoors net

Tennis is a game for two . You can play it indoors and .
For this you need a court, a low , a racket and
a special ball. You have to beat the with the tennis racket and
send the ball to the opposite part of the . If your partner can’t
beat the ball back, you get a point. The is the person who gets
more points by the end of the game.

3 Circle the correct answer.

1) My friend … swimming in a local swimming pool.
a) does b) plays c) goes
2) I like watching golf … I can’t play it.
a) but b) so c) and
3) Dolly can play the piano … the guitar.
a) but b) so c) and
4) Sally … gymnastics and she is good at it.
a) goes b) does c) plays

4 Write 6—7 sentences about your favourite sportsman and the kind of sport he/she does.

Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Read and tick the correct photo.
I’ve got a penfriend Tim. He lives in Cambridge. He is eleven years old
and he goes to school for boys. His family is big. His father is tall and thin. He
has got short straight hair and he wears glasses. Tim’s father is a doctor. He
is clever, helpful and hard-working. He likes sport and plays football and ten-
nis. Tim’s mother is a very beautiful woman. She has got long curly hair and
big blue eyes. She is romantic and likes flowers and animals. Tim has got two
younger sisters — twins. They are lovely girls with long straight hair. They usu-
ally wear their hair in braids. They are only five and they don’t go to school.
Tim’s grandmother is very kind. She likes cooking very much.

2 Read the text of exercise 1 and answer.

1) Who is kind? —
2) Who is clever and helpful? —
3) Who is romantic? —
4) Who wears glasses? —
5) Who likes animals? —
6) Who goes to school? —
7) Who doesn’t go to school? —
8) Who likes cooking? —

3 Circle the correct answer.

1) At lessons of … pupils learn about continents, countries, mountains and rivers.
a) History b) Geography c) Science
2) At … lessons pupils learn new words and dialogues, read, write and play
a) English b) Maths c) Art

3) At lessons of … pupils learn about plants and animals and do some experi-
a) IT b) Science c) Biology
4) At … lessons pupils run, jump, play football and other games.
a) Music b) IT c) PE

4 Make up a dialogue.

— I like skiing and tennis.

— What kinds of sport are you fond of, Sam?
1 — Do you like sports, Sam?
— Yes, I am. I visit the Tennis Club three times
a week. And how often do you do judo?

— I visit the Judo Club two times a week.

— I’m fond of volleyball and judo. And
what’s your favourite sport, Tim?
— Of course I do. Sport makes us healthy
and strong.
— Are you a member of some sports club?

Date Name Form 6

Variant 2
1 Read and tick the correct photo.
I have got a penfriend Molly. She is twelve years old and she lives in Liver-
pool. She goes to school for girls. Her father is a serious man. He is a pilot. He
has got short straight hair and a moustache. He is always quiet and polite. He
likes reading and he travels a lot. Molly’s mother is a very pretty woman. She
has got short curly hair and she wears glasses. She is cheerful and friendly.
She also likes sport and plays tennis very well. Molly has an elder brother. He
is a student and studies at University. He has got short curly hair and he wears
glasses just like his mother. He is fond of swimming and listening to music.
Molly has got grandparents. They are helpful and kind.

2 Read the text of exercise 1 and answer.

1) Who has got a moustache? —
2) Who wears glasses? —
3) Who is serious and polite? —
4) Who is cheerful? —
5) Who studies at University? —
6) Who goes to school for girls? —
7) Who likes listening to music? —
8) Who is helpful? —

3 Circle the correct answer.

1) At lessons of … pupils learn about the life of people in the past.
a) History b) Geography c) Maths
2) At … lessons pupils learn to draw and paint.
a) Music b) IT c) Art

3) At lessons of … pupils do different mathematical calculations.
a) Maths b) Science c) PE
4) At … lessons pupils learn to sing and play different musical instruments.
a) History b) Art c) Music

4 Make up a dialogue.

— I visit the Football Club four times

a week.
— Do you go to the swimming pool?
— I’m fond of football and horse riding.
And what’s your favourite sport, Kate?
— Of course I do. Sport helps me to be
strong and fit.

— What kinds of sport are you

fond of, Ron?
1 — Do you like sports, Ron?
— Yes, I do. I go to the swimming
pool two times a week. And
how often do you play football?
— I like swimming and tennis.

Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1) This film is really . (good, well)
2) This sportsman runs very . (quick, quickly)
3) You speak French very . (good, well)
4) This car is very old and . (slow, slowly)
5) The child is very today. (quiet, quietly)
6) Dolly knows some English poems. (good, well)
7) Vicky looks very today. (happy, happily)
8) My grandmother cooks birthday cakes. (delicious,

2 Make up sentences in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.

1) Ann/always/to watch/TV/in the evening.

2) I/not to learn/new/words/now.

3) My cousin/never/to forget/about/my/birthday.

4) We/to prepare/for/the competition/at the moment.

5) Where/your/brother/to go/every evening?

6) What/mother/to cook/now?

3 Circle the correct answer.

1) You … feed the cat, it’s hungry.
a) may b) must c) shouldn’t
2) We … speak loudly in hospital.
a) have to b) mustn’t c) should

3) If you are hungry, you … have some pizza.
a) mustn’t b) could c) should

4) … you give me some water, please?

a) Could b) Must c) Should

5) If you are tired, you … go to bed early.

a) should b) could c) might

6) Pupils … to bring textbooks to school.

a) might b) have c) should

4 Write 6—8 sentences about your favourite school subject, what you do at the lessons
and why you like it.

Date Name Form 6

Variant 2
1 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1) This sweater is very and nice. (soft, softly).
2) Nick can play baseball . (good, well)
3) The day is and sunny. (bright, brightly)
4) Jack always gets marks in History and Geography.
(good, well)
5) The woman closed the door to the room, because she did
not want to see anyone. (quick, quickly)
6) The pupils wrote an English test . (good, well)
7) My mother always speaks very . (quiet, quietly)
8) Jack’s grandfather can tell many stories from his life.
(interesting, interestingly)

2 Make up sentences in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.

1) Tony/to wash/the dishes/now.

2) Mary/to like/eating/chicken/for supper.

3) Ben/to play/a new/computer/game/now.

4) My father/not to work/on Sundays.

5) What/Liz/to do/now?

6) When/Eddy/usually/to come/home/from school?

3 Circle the correct answer.

1) … I take your pencil? — Yes, please.
a) Should b) May c) Must
2) I’m very busy. I … go to the cinema tomorrow.
a) must b) could c) might not

3) Max … run and jump best of all my classmates. He is a member of our
school athletic team.
a) can b) may c) might

4) … I use your phone?

a) May b) Have c) Can’t

5) We … go shopping. There isn’t any food in my fridge.

a) can b) could c) must

6) … you tell me the time, please?

a) Must b) Could c) Should

4 Write 6—8 sentences about your PE lessons, what you do at the lessons and why you
like/don’t like them.

Date Name Form 6


Variant 1
1 Ask your friend about his/her best friend, what he/she looks like and what he/she is like.
2 Tell about your parents, what they look like and what they are like.
3 Ask your friend about the school subjects he/she is good at, if he/she likes these subjects
and why.
4 Tell your friend about the school subjects you aren’t good at, if you dislike these subjects
and why.
5 Look at the picture, describe the members of the family and speak about their hobbies.

Variant 2
1 Tell about your best friend, what he/she looks like and what he/she is like.
2 Ask your friend about his/her parents, what they look like and what they are like.
3 Tell your friend about the school subjects you are good at, if you like these subjects and why.
4 Ask your friend about the school subjects he/she isn’t good at, if he/she dislikes these
subjects and why.
5 Look at the picture, describe the members of the family and speak about their hobbies.

Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Listen and tick the correct answer.
1) Jane is going to make … sandwiches for a picnic.
a) ham and cheese b) ham and tomato c) cheese and tomato
2) Pam wants to bring…
a) peaches and apples. b) apples and pears. c) peaches and pears.
3) Jane doesn’t like … juice.
a) orange b) strawberry c) cherry

2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

loaf can slice boiled glass vegetarian

1) I’d like a of milk now. 2) Can you cut a of cheese
for my sandwich? 3) Sam buys a of bread at the baker’s every
day. 4) My mother always has two eggs for breakfast. 5) Molly is
a , she doesn’t eat meat. 6) It’s hot. Let’s buy a of cola.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct words from brackets.

1) How money do you need for a cake? (many/much)
2) There are chocolates in the box. (many/much)
3) I fruit very much. It is good for health. (like/would like)
4) — It’s dark in here.— I turn on the lights. (am going to/will)
5) — Are you ready to order? — Yes, I some nut ice cream. (like/
would like)
6) There many eggs in the fridge. (is/are)

4 Write 6—8 sentences about the healthy/unhealthy food you usually eat at home.

Date Name Form 6

Variant 2
1 Listen and tick the correct answer.
1) Pam doesn’t like sandwiches with…
a) ham. b) cheese. c) tomatoes.
2) Jane dislikes…
a) peaches. b) pears. c) apples.
3) Pam wants to take some … for a picnic.
a) cola b) orange juice c) strawberry juice

2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

fried smells dairy grains bar plate

1) Milk and yoghurt are products. 2) Mike isn’t hungry because he
has eaten a big of chocolate. 3) My father eats eggs
and sausages for breakfast. 4) Cereals come from . 5) I’d like
a of soup for dinner. 6) This pizza delicious!

3 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1) There isn’t juice in the carton. (much/many)
2) — some pizza? — Yes, please. (Do you like/Would you like)
3) I cocoa. I drink it every morning. (like/would like)
4) How bread do you eat every day? (many/much)
5) — I’m cold.— I make a cup of hot tea for you. (will/am going to)
6) There not many vegetables in the fridge. (is/are)

4 Write 6—8 sentences about the healthy/unhealthy food you usually eat at school.

Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Listen and complete the sentences.
1) Emma has to buy a at the butcher’s.
2) Emma doesn’t have to buy a of
at the baker’s.
3) Emma needs to buy a of at the
4) Emma shouldn’t buy a tube of at the chemist’s.
5) Emma may buy her favourite at the newsagent’s.
6) Emma may buy chocolate as a for her help.

2 Match the pictures with the dialogues.

1 2 3 4

a) — What do you need? c) — What would you like?

— Some medicine for — A kilo of sausages,
a headache, please. please.

b) — How much is the loaf d) — Can I help you?

of bread? — Yes, I need a kilo of
— Sixty pence. potatoes and a kilo
of bananas.

3 Make up sentences in the Past Simple Tense.

1) My mother/to buy/a box of chocolates/yesterday.

2) We/not to go/to the swimming pool/last Friday.

3) You/to meet/your friend/yesterday?

4) My friend/to have/a birthday party/last Sunday.

5) Mike/to visit/his grandparents/a week ago?

6) Jane/not to walk/her dog/in the morning.

4 Make up a dialogue.

— OK, Mum. Do we need anything else?

— Should I buy any vegetables, Mum?
— Can I buy a packet of crisps then,

— No, we don’t need any vegeta-

bles. I bought them yesterday.
— Oh, not crisps! You’d better buy some
ice cream, Alice.
1 — There is little milk left. Will you go to the
supermarket and buy a bottle of milk and
a tin of sardines, Alice?
— Well, we need a kilo of potatoes
and a loaf of bread.

Date Name Form 6

Variant 2
1 Listen and complete the sentences.
1) Emma has to buy six at the baker’s.
2) Emma doesn’t have to buy any at the butcher’s.
3) Emma doesn’t need to buy any at the greengrocer’s.
4) Emma should buy a of at the
5) Emmy can buy a big of at the
sweet shop.
6) Emma may buy chocolate as a present for her .

2 Match the pictures with the dialogues.

1 2 3 4

a) — Can I help you?

— Yes, I need one big c) — What would you like?
cabbage and a kilo of — A chicken, please.

b) — How much is that d) — What do you need?

newspaper? — Some medicine for
— Fifteen pence. toothache, please.

3 Make up sentences in the Past Simple Tense.

1) We/to clean/the flat/last Saturday.

2) Molly/not to speak/with her aunt/yesterday.

3) Sam/to have/five lessons/yesterday.

4) You/to like/the film/last Sunday?

5) I/not/to buy/milk/yesterday.

6) Ann/to win/the competition/last month?

4 Make up a dialogue.

— Do we need any fruit, Mum?

— Can I buy a bar of chocolate then, Mum?
— OK, Mum. Should I buy anything else?

— Well, we need a carton

of spaghetti and a tin of sardines.
1 — There is little rice left. Will you go to
the supermarket and buy a packet of
rice and a bottle of milk, Nick?
— Of course you can.
— No, we don’t need any fruit.
I bought it yesterday.

Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Listen and match the children with their favourite ways of travelling. There is one picture
you don’t need to use.



Bob D

2 Circle the correct answer.

1) Kate gave money to the driver and got out of / on the taxi.
2) People often travel by train / foot.
3) There were too many / much people at the railway station.
4) Travelling by ship / bus is called a voyage.
5) Fred caught / missed the bus and couldn’t get to the railway station in
6) My friend prefers missing / taking a tram to get to school.

3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Tense.

1) The train (just to arrive).

2) She (to meet) her friend and his family at the airport
3) They (to take) a lot of lovely photos during their vacation
last summer.
4) He (not to visit) this city yet.
5) Our last trip (not to be) pleasant.
6) They (already to read) this text.

4 Write questions to the answers.

1) Where ?
I went to the seaside last month.

2) What ?
She always takes a camera with her.

3) When ?
They will arrive next Friday.

4) How ?
We usually travel by car.

5) What ?
My brother has bought a new computer.

6) Why ?
She is making sandwiches because she is hungry.

Date Name Form 6

Variant 2
1 Listen and match the children with their favourite ways of travelling. There is one picture
you don’t need to use.



Alex D

2 Circle the correct answer.

1) Robert got into / out of the car and drove away.
2) We were terribly late so we decided to catch / miss a taxi to get to the
3) Mark decided to get / take a train because it was the most comfortable
way of travelling to the town.
4) This car isn’t fast enough / too.
5) My cousin is a sportsman and often travels on car / foot.
6) The bus arrived at the station early in the morning and the passengers got
into / off.

3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Tense.
1) My cousins (to make) a wonderful journey to Japan last
2) They (already to buy) a new modern camera.
3) Our last trip (to be) tiring.
4) My mother (not to book) train tickets last Monday so we
will have to travel by bus.
5) The plane (to arrive) at the airport ten minutes ago.
6) We (not to travel) by ship yet.

4 Write questions to the answers.

1) Where ?
He has read about the new hotel in a magazine.

2) How ?
Many years ago people travelled by ships.

3) When ?
The bus will arrive in our town in the afternoon.

4) Where ?
She usually goes to the country in summer.

5) Why ?
I have bought this book because I like reading.

6) What ?
My mother is cooking spaghetti.

Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Listen and tick the correct box.

True False
1 Peter is going to Paris in summer.
2 Peter is going to travel by plane.
3 A trip by bus takes a lot of time.
4 Most of all Peter wants to have a ride on
the London Eye.
5 Peter doesn’t like visiting museums.
6 Peter has promised to bring Nick a souvenir from

2 Complete the text with the words from the box.

comfortable capital photos train

tour souvenirs morning galleries

Last year my parents and I travelled to Paris. It is the (1)

of France. We went there by (2)

. We arrived in Paris in
the (3)
and stayed at a (4)
hotel in the centre of
the city. We made a (5)
around Paris. It was absolutely fantastic.
I was surprised to see so many museums and picture (6)
I took a lot of (7)
with my new camera and bought
some (8)
for my friends.

3 Circle the correct answer.

1) Where … you already been?
a) did b) have c) has
2) When … he phone you?
a) did b) have c) has
3) … Pacific Ocean is the largest one.
a) A b) The c) —

4) I’d like to visit … National Gallery in London.
a) a b) the c) —

5) They have just come from … Africa.

a) a b) the c) —

6) We had a voyage around … Mediterranean sea last summer.

a) a b) the c) —

7) … Smiths live in the centre of Liverpool.

a) A b) The c) —

8) I bought a marvellous picture of ... Eiffel Tower in my trip to Paris, France.

a) an b) the c) —

4 Write 6—8 sentences about your trip to another town, the means of transport you
travelled by and the places you visited.

Date Name Form 6

Variant 2
1 Listen and tick the correct box.

True False
1 Peter’s penfriend is from Great Britain.
2 Peter is going to travel by bus.
3 A trip by plane isn’t very fast.
4 Most of all Peter would like to visit Buckingham
5 Peter doesn’t know now if he is going to visit any
6 Peter is leaving in one week.

2 Complete the text with the words from the box.

beautiful journey interest plane

around tourists country busy
My friend has just returned from his holidays in Spain. He went there
by (1)
. He stayed at his friend’s place not far from Ma-
drid. Madrid is the capital of the (2)
, it is an important and
city. My friend went on a sightseeing tour (4)

the country. He visited a lot of places of (5)

in the south of
Spain. The weather was sunny and there were many (6)
at the
seaside. Spain is a very (7)
tourist centre in summer. My friend
enjoyed his (8)
very much.

3 Circle the correct answer.

1) When … they return from the vacation?
a) did b) have c) has
2) Why … you bought these souvenirs?
a) did b) have c) has
3) … she ever played this game?
a) Did b) Have c) Has

4) She often flies to … British Isles.
a) a b) the c) —

5) Mark goes skiing in … Carpathians every winter.

a) a b) the c) —

6) Would you like to visit … Canada?

a) a b) the c) —

7) Nelly lives in … Hill Street.

a) a b) the c) —

8) ... London Eye is one of top ten London sights with over two million visitors
every year.
a) A b) The c) —

4 Write 6—8 sentences about your holidays in summer, the means of transport you
travelled by and the places you visited.

Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Match the words with their definitions.

1) In this shop you can buy chocolate, cakes a) grains

and other tasty things. b) sweet shop
2) Time when you have breakfast, dinner,
supper. c) snack
3) Bread, spaghetti, cereal, cornflakes.
d) towel
4) It shows you how much the thing costs.
5) Food that you eat between main meals. e) cashier

6) You give the money for your goods to this f) price

7) Something that is not cheap. g) mealtime

8) You use it after a bath or a shower. h) expensive

2 Complete the text with the words from the box.

age distances buses visit

train cities car relatives
Americans enjoy travelling by (1)
most of all. Families of-
ten have two cars and in many states teenagers get driving licences at the
of fourteen. In large (3)
like New York or
Boston public transport is very good. There are (4)
and the un-
derground. In the countryside Americans use their cars to get around because
they often have to drive long (5)
to get to school or to work.
When they want to (6)
their friends or (7)
Americans usually travel by plane. This is because the USA is so large that it
may take a lot of time to travel by car or by (8)

3 Read the text of ex. 2. Write if the sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences.
1) The car is the most popular means of transport in the USA.

2) Most families have more than one car.

3) There is no good public transport in big cities.

4) In the countryside Americans don’t have to drive long distances.

5) People usually travel by car around the USA.

6) In the USA teenagers get driving licences at the age of thirteen.

4 Make up a dialogue.

— Here you are.

— What colour?
— You can pay at the
cash register.
1 — Can I help you?
— It’s £36.55.

— Blue.
— Yes, I’m looking
for a skirt.
— Thank you.
— How much is it?
— Yes, it suits me.

Date Name Form 6

Variant 2
1 Match the words with their definitions.

1) A person who doesn’t eat meat. a) fishmonger’s

2) You put your goods into it when you are in b) second-hand

the supermarket. shop
3) In this shop you can buy fish and other sea
products. c) dairy
4) You put it under your head when you are going to d) trolley
5) In this shop you can buy milk, butter or sour e) shop assistant
f) vegetarian
6) This person works in a shop.
7) In this shop you can buy things that are not new. g) delicious

8) Something that is very tasty. h) pillow

2 Complete the text with the words from the box.

work trains buses means fastest

transport countryside travelling
In Britain the most popular (1)
of transport is the car. Peo-
ple use it to get to (2)
, to go to the supermarket or to take
children to and from school. But in busy centres where there is not much
place for parking people use public (3)
such as buses, tax-
is and (4)
. In London the underground, which is called «the
tube», is the (5)
way of (6)
around the city. In
the (7)
things are different. People travel by car because there
aren’t many (8)
and trains are not frequent.

3 Read the text of ex. 2. Write if the sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences.
1) People don’t use cars very often in Britain.

2) There is little space for leaving cars in the centre of the cities.

3) People prefer public transport in the centre of the capital.

4) The underground is a very fast way of travelling around the country.

5) You can’t see buses and trains in the countryside.

6) In Britan people prefer to travel by plane.

4 Make up a dialogue.

— Here you are.

— You can pay at the
cash register.
— What colour?
1 — Can I help you?
— It’s £43.25.

— Yes, it suits me.

— Yes, I need a shirt.
— Thank you.
— How much does it
— Black.

Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Complete the sentences with the correct degree of comparison of the adjectives in brackets.
1) The grocer’s is (close) to my house than the butcher’s.
2) Travelling by plane is (fast) way to get to another country.
3) This is (tiring) trip I have ever had.
4) Train journeys are (comfortable) than bus journeys.
5) Cucumbers are (cheap) than tomatoes.
6) In my opinion a trip by car is (enjoyable) than a trip by
7) The Sea of Azov is (small) than the Black Sea.
8) My grandmother bakes (good) cakes than my sister.

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Past
Simple, the Future Simple or the Present Perfect Tense.
1) The tourists (to visit) this museum already.
2) Sam (to read) the timetable of the inter-city buses at the
3) My parents always (to bring) a lot of souvenirs from their
4) Helen (to spend) her holidays at the Spanish seaside next
5) The sightseeing tour around Scotland (to be) very
interesting last year.
6) My friend’s grandmother (to fry) pancakes every time we
come to visit her.

3 Write questions to the answers.

1) What ?
She is writing a letter to her friend now.
2) Where ?
I have travelled to Italy this year.
3) When ?
They will fly to London in two weeks.

4) Who ?
My uncle brought me this souvenir from Japan.

5) Why ?
Sally usually travels by plane because planes are very fast.

6) How many ?
We bought six buns at the supermarket yesterday.

4 Write 6—8 sentences about where you usually go shopping and what things you buy.

Date Name Form 6

Variant 2
1 Complete the sentences with the correct degree of comparison of the adjectives in
1) This bar of chocolate is (tasty) than the one I bought at the
supermarket yesterday.
2) This story is (interesting) in the book.
3) Elephants are (big) than lions.
4) Train tickets are (cheap) than plane tickets.
5) Hoverla is (high) mountain in Ukraine.
6) Planes are (fast) means of transport.
7) That was (tiring) trip that I have ever had.
8) My little brother believes that dinosaurs were (dangerous)
animals in the world.

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Past
Simple, the Future Simple or the Present Perfect Tense.
1) Last winter we (to go) skiing in the Carpathians for the first
time in our lives.
2) My friend (not to eat) this pizza yet.
3) They (to leave) the hotel next Monday.
4) My parents (to do) the shopping at the largest supermarket
in London now.
5) Jenny usually (to take) a shower in the morning.
6) On her first day at school my little sister Mary (to be) a little
afraid of new teachers.

3 Write questions to the answers.

1) When ?
Henry went to France last month.
2) Why ?
Jane’s trip was exciting for her because she travelled by plane for the first
time in her life.
3) Where ?
We will spend our holidays at the seaside.

4) Who ?
My parents usually go shopping for food.

5) When ?
My father reads a daily newspaper in the morning.

6) How many ?
We need five apples for a pie.

4 Write 6—8 sentences about what places you would like to visit in summer. What means
of transport would you like to travel by and why?

Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Ask your friend about his/her favourite food.

2 Tell your friend what things you don’t like eating.

3 Ask your friend where he/she usually does

the shopping and what things he/she usu-
ally buys.

4 Tell your friend what means of transport

you like to travel by.

5 Look at the picture and tell about Dolly’s

last year journey (the means of transport
she travelled by, the place she visited, the
things she did, the weather).

Variant 2
1 Tell your friend about your favourite food.

2 Ask your friend what food he/she doesn’t like eating.

3 Tell your friend where you usually do the

shopping and what things you buy.

4 Ask your friend about the means of trans-

port he/she likes to travel by.

5 Look at the picture and tell about Victor’s

journey last year (the means of transport
he travelled by, the place he visited, the
things he did, the weather).

Date Name Form 6


Variant 1
1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

good bad interested fond crazy

1) Tom is in surfing the Internet. 2) Jane and Molly are
of dancing and they go to a dancing club two times a week.
3) Jessica is at studying foreign languages. She can speak Eng-
lish and French well. 4) Helen is about animals. She has got
four pets. 5) Sam doesn’t like PE lessons because he is at sport.

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.
1) Fred (to hate) cleaning his room. 2) Mike and Den
(to prepare) a History project at the moment. 3) We always
(to have) lunch at 12 o’clock. 4) I (not to under-
stand) this word. Can you help me? 5) Emmy (to take) a show-
er now. 6) They (not to play) volleyball now.

Variant 2
1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

good bad interested fond crazy

1) Peter plays in our school football team because he is at play-
ing football. 2) Lucy is about reading detective stories. 3) My
brother is in tennis and he visits our local Tennis Club three
times a week. 4) Eddy is at Maths because he doesn’t do
homework. 5) Ann is of painting. She paints beautiful pictures.

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.
1) Jane (to need) this book for her Science project. 2) We often
(to visit) our grandparents on Saturdays. 3) Henry
(not to speak) on the phone at the moment. 4) I (not to want)
to go to the swimming pool today. 5) Sally (to hate) writing let-
ters. 6) My little sister (to sleep) in her room now.

EXPRESS TESTS Test 1. Lesson 1 49
Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

Who When Why What Where How

1) is your best friend? — My classmate Nick is.
2) do you buy so many bananas? — Because I like them very much.
3) do your parents get to work? — They usually get to work by bus.
4) do you usually do in the afternoon? — I usually do my homework.
5) do you come home from school? — I usually come home at 4 o’clock.
6) does Kate live? — She lives not far from our school.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1) Kate looks very today. (sad, sadly)
2) We wrote the English test . (good, well)
3) The baby is very now. (quiet, quietly)
4) Tom closed the door to the room. (quick, quickly)

Variant 2
1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

Who When Why What Where How

1) do you usually have dinner? — I usually have dinner at 3 o’clock.
2) are you? — I’m fine, thank you.
3) are your parents? — They are at the theatre now.
4) is that girl? — She is my younger sister.
5) is your friend sad? — Because he got a bad mark in History.
6) is Den doing now? — He is watching TV.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1) This sportsman swims very . (quick, quickly)
2) The birds are singing in the park. (sweet, sweetly)
3) Mike always gets marks in Geography. (good, well)
4) You look very today. (happy, happily)

50 Test 2. Lesson 2 EXPRESS TESTS
Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Match the parts of sentences.
1) At lessons of Biology a) we learn new words and dialogues, read and
2) At English lessons b) we do different mathematical calculations.
3) At PE lessons c) we learn about plants and animals and do
4) At lessons of Maths d) we run, jump, play football and other games.
2 Circle the correct answer.
1) I have got a lot of homework to do. I … go to the party today.
a) must b) could c) might not
2) … I use your pen?
a) May b) Have c) Can’t
3) Let’s go now or we … be late for the bus.
a) should b) must c) might
4) Sam … play basketball very well.
a) can b) may c) should

Variant 2
1 Match the parts of sentences.
1) At Art lessons a) we learn about the life of people in the past.
2) At lessons of History b) we learn about continents, mountains and
3) At Geography lessons c) we learn to sing and play musical instruments.
4) At Music lessons d) we learn to draw and paint.
2 Circle the correct answer.
1) You … help me with cooking dinner. Everybody is hungry.
a) may b) must c) shouldn’t
2) … you give me some water, please?
a) Could b) Must c) Should
3) My mother says that I … to clean my room once a week.
a) must b) may c) have
4) If you don’t feel well, you … stay in bed.
a) might b) should c) mustn’t

EXPRESS TESTS Test 3. Lesson 1 51
Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Read the texts and guess the names of the sports.
1) You can play this kind of sport all year round. In summer you play it outdoors
and in winter you play it indoors. This game is for two people. For this game
you need a special table, a net, a small ball and two bats.
2) You can play this game indoors and outdoors. There are two teams of five
players. For this game you need a ball and two baskets.
3) This is a winter outdoor sport. You can do it in the mountains. You need
a special warm costume, goggles and skis.

2 Match the parts of sentences.

1) The weather was bad a) because it is her birthday today.
2) We bought a present for Mum b) but you can play tennis well.
3) He was hungry c) so we watched a film at home.
4) You can’t play basketball d) and he decided to go to a café.

Variant 2
1 Read the texts and guess the names of the sports.
1) This is an outdoor game for two or four people. You need a net, a racket for
each player and a small ball for it.
2) This is a winter kind of sport. Two teams can play it indoors and outdoors.
For this game you need ice, skates, a stick and a puck.
3) This is an outdoor game for two teams. There are eleven players in each
team one of which is a goalkeeper. You need a big field, a ball and two goals
for this game.

2 Match the parts of sentences.

1) He wanted to have a rest a) but she has got a lot of friends.
2) Her family isn’t large b) and we decided to go to the river.
3) She can’t speak to you c) because he was tired.
4) The weather was sunny d) because she is very busy now.

52 Test 4. Lesson 2 EXPRESS TESTS
Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Fill in much, many, like or would like.
1) I a cup of coffee with milk and some cookies, please.
2) How pears do you need for the cake?
3) I don’t like sugar in my tea.
4) Jack and Rose fish very much.
5) We don’t need tomatoes for this salad.
6) We to ask you some questions.

2 Fill in will or be going to.

1) — I want to invite you for a picnic.— OK, I come.
2) — Your shirt is dirty.— I know. I wash it today.
3) — What would you like to drink? — I think I have a glass of
orange juice.
4) — Why did you buy so many tomatoes and cucumbers? —
Because I make a vegetable salad.

Variant 2
1 Fill in much, many, like or would like.
1) — you some cake? — No, thank you.
2) Do we need cheese for our pizza?
3) Mary and Peter bananas very much.
4) How cans of cola do we need for the party?
5) I some strawberry ice cream, please.
6) We have got eggs in the fridge.

2 Fill in will or be going to.

1) My friend invited me to his place. We watch a new film today.
2) — Do you want to go to the cinema today? — Sorry, I can’t. I
to visit my uncle.
3) — This box is very heavy! — I help you to carry it.
4) It’s too cold outside! I put on my warm sweater.

EXPRESS TESTS Test 5. Lesson 1 53
Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Write the names of the shops where you can buy the following products.
1) Meat, chicken, sausages.
2) Carrots, oranges, cucumbers.
3) Sweets, chocolate, cakes.
4) Magazines, newspapers, pens.

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Tense.

1) My mother (to come) home at 7 o’clock yesterday.

2) Sam (not to wash) the dishes in the morning. 3) Dolly
(to tidy) her room two days ago. 4) We
(to enjoy) the party yesterday. 5) I (not to see) my cousin
yesterday. 6) She (to be) on a picnic with her friends last

Variant 2

1 Write the names of the shops where you can buy the following products.
1) Shampoo, toothpaste, medicine.
2) Rolls, buns, bread.
3) Tea, spaghetti, sugar.
4) Cookies, cakes, chocolate.

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Tense.

1) He (to study) French two years ago. 2) I

(not to speak) to your teacher yesterday. 3) We (to be) at
the theatre yesterday. 4) Henry (to leave) the house ten
minutes ago. 5) I (not to buy) sausages yesterday. 6) We
(to read) this text a week ago.

54 Test 6. Lesson 2 EXPRESS TESTS
Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Fill in too or enough.
1) This book is really boring.
2) There were many people at the airport.
3) He is young to travel without parents.
4) This bus is comfortable to travel long distances.

2 Make up sentences in the Present Perfect Tense.

1) He/just/to return/from Canada.

2) We/not to book/the tickets/yet.

3) You/ever/to travel/by ship?

4) Ann/already/to read/this book.

Variant 2
1 Fill in too or enough.
1) This trip is safe for little children.
2) This tea is sweet for me.
3) She is young to stay at home alone.
4) Den is clever to study well at school.

2 Make up sentences in the Present Perfect Tense.

1) They/already/to be/to India.

2) Tim/not/to travel/by plane/yet.

3) Your brother/ever/to play/cricket?

4) Sally/just/to clean/the house.

EXPRESS TESTS Test 7. Lesson 1 55
Date Name Form 6

Variant 1
1 Match the parts of sentences.
1) We won a football competition a) returned from Greece.
2) Susan is b) to the USA next month.
3) They will travel c) the dog in the park now.
4) My father usually d) two days ago.
5) We have just e) travels by car.
6) He is walking f) going to buy a new computer.

2 Put the where necessary.

1) When we visited USA we stayed at Samuels’ house.
2) British Isles are washed by Atlantic Ocean.
3) I want to see Pyramids in Egypt.
4) Acropolis is in Greece.

Variant 2
1 Match the parts of sentences.
1) Helen has already a) going to have a party tomorrow.
2) They will go b) written a letter to her friend.
3) Sam often rides c) my homework now.
4) We are d) his bike in the park.
5) I met Bob e) to Paris in a week.
6) I am doing f) in the library yesterday.

2 Put the where necessary.

1) Washington is the capital of USA.
2) Louvre is in Paris.
3) I’d like to make a voyage around Mediterranean sea.
4) Daniels live in Woodlands Street.

56 Test 8. Lesson 2 EXPRESS TESTS
Test 1
— Who is that girl, Dolly? Is she your sister?
— No, she isn’t my sister. I haven’t got a sister, I have got a brother. That girl is my friend
Ella. Ella is the only child in the family, so we are like sisters.
— Is Ella 11 years old as you are, Dolly?
— No, Ella is 10 years old now. I am older than her because my birthday is in June. Dolly
will be 11 in December.
— What is Ella fond of?
— She is fond of pets. She has got a parrot, a goldfish and two cats. Ella is crazy about cats
and she has even got a nickname Kitty because she always feeds all the cats near our
— Have you got any nickname, Dolly?
— No, I haven’t.
— Have you got a pet?
— Yes, I have got a big dog Bell. I’m crazy about dogs, but I don’t like cats very much.

Test 2
— Is this a photo of your relatives, Jack?
— Yes, this is a photo of my family and relatives.
— Is this thin man with glasses your father?
— No, this is my uncle Richard. He is my mother’s brother. He is bald. My father is a fat
man with a moustache and glasses.
— And which woman is your mother?
— This is my mother. She is slim with long curly hair.
— Who is this plump woman with short straight hair?
— She is my uncle’s wife Emma.
— Is this thin girl with a ponytail your cousin?
— No, this is my sister Cathy. My cousin Betty is a plump girl with a braid.
— Who is the little boy with short curly hair?
— This is my brother Jim. And the boy with short straight hair is my cousin Tom.
— Where are you, Jack?
— I’m taking the photo!

Test 3
— How is your first month at school, Nick?
— Well, the first month was rather difficult for me.
— Difficult? Why?
— You know, there are some new school subjects and some new teachers. The teachers
give us more homework than they did last year.
— What new school subjects do you have this year?
— Well, they are Geography, Biology, History and Science.

— Do you study IT, Nick?
— Yes, but this subject isn’t new for me. I studied it last year.
— How many lessons do you have every day?
— We have six lessons on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. We have seven lessons
only on Thursday.
— What school subjects are you good at?
— I’m good at Geography and PE. Science is also interesting, but this subject isn’t very easy
for me.
— What subjects are you bad at, Nick?
— I’m really bad at Maths. We have got a new teacher of Maths this year. She is very strict
but helpful.

Test 4
Variant 1
— Do you go in for sports, Mark?
— Yes, I do. I can play football and basketball well, but my favourite sport is tennis.
— I want to learn to play tennis. What do I need for this game?
— You need a net, a racket and a special ball.
— Are you a member of the Tennis Club?
— Yes, I have trainings every week.
— How often do you train?
— I have trainings on Tuesdays.

Variant 2
— Are you good at sports, Sam?
— I think I am. I can play volleyball and I go skiing. But most of all I like hockey.
— I can’t play hockey but I want to learn. What do I need for it?
— Well, you need a stick, a puck and a special uniform.
— Are you a member of the Hockey Club?
— Yes, I train there every week.
— Do you have trainings two or three times a week?
— No, I have trainings on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Listening Comprehension
The First Term
1 I want to tell you about my friend. His name is Mike. He is twelve years old and he goes to
school. Mike isn’t tall. He is thin. Mike has got straight brown hair, big grey eyes and a small
nose. He is always cheerful and helpful. Mike is good at sports, especially at swimming and
basketball. But he doesn’t like skiing and skating. Mike lives with his parents and a little
sister in a small town. There is a nice playground and a park near his house. Mike loves his
sister and often walks with her in the park. He also helps his parents about the house. Mike
cleans his room and goes shopping but he doesn’t help his mother with the cooking and

washing up. He has got grandparents, but they live in the country. Mike’s family always vis-
its their grandparents at weekends.
2 — What school subjects do you like, Jack?
— Well, I like Geography, Maths and Art. But my favourite subjet is PE because I am good
at sports. I don’t like Music because I can’t sing.
— What do you do at your PE lessons?
— We run, jump and play football.
— Do you play volleyball and basketball?
— No, we don’t. But we play table tennis.
— What does your PE teacher look like?
— He is thin but he isn’t tall.
— Has he got straight or curly hair?
— He hasn’t got hair, he is bald.
— What kind of sport is your PE teacher good at?
— He plays football well, he goes skiing and swimming but best of all he does karate. He is
a champion of this kind of sport in our town.

Variant 1
3 — Hello, Jane. Do you know our new school timetable for Monday?
— No, I don’t. What lessons will we have on Monday, Sue?
— Well, the first lesson is Maths.
— Maths? It’s good. I like Maths. It’s a very important subject. And what about the second
— It will be English. And the third one will be Literature.
— Will we have History on Monday?
— No, we’ll have History on Tuesday.
— What are the other lessons on Monday?
— They are Science and Music.
4 — Den, are you going to play football?
— No, I’m not. You see, Tom, I’m not interested in football.
— Really? But all your family is fond of sports!
— You are right, Tom. But I’m fond of tennis, and my younger brother plays football. He is
a member of our school football team.
— And what about your father, Den? Does he play football or tennis?
— He plays tennis very well, he also likes football, but he is really crazy about riding a bike.
He rides his bike every weekend.
— Does your mother ride a bike?
— Oh, no, my mother is fond of horse riding. She visits the club twice a week.

Variant 2
3 — Hello, Andy. Do you know our new school timetable for Friday?
— No, I don’t. What lessons will we have on Friday, John?

— The first lesson will be Geography.
— Geography? It’s good. I think it’s a very useful subject. And what about the second lesson?
— It will be Science. And the third one is PE.
— Will we have English on Friday?
— No, we’ll have English on Thursday.
— And what are the other lessons on Friday?
— They are History and Art.

4 — Are you going to the swimming pool, Liz?

— Oh, no, Pam. I like swimming but I have no time to go to the swimming pool so often.
— Why not, Liz? I know that all the members of your family go in for sports.
— It’s true, Pam, but I go in for skating and I have trainings four times a week. That’s why
I can’t go to the swimming pool. But my younger sister is fond of swimming.
— Are your parents good at swimming or skating?
— Well, my mother can skate well and my father is good at swimming. But they are fond
of other sports, too. My father likes fencing most of all and he goes to the fencing club
three times a week.
— And your mother, Liz?
— My mother does karate.
— Karate? Is it true?
— Yes, Pam. My mother says karate helps her to keep fit and active.


Test 5
— Let’s have a picnic tomorrow, Jane!
— Good idea, Pam. I hope the weather will be fine tomorrow. What do we need for the
— I think we need to make a lot of sandwiches. Can you make sandwiches, Jane?
— OK. I’ll make ham and tomato sandwiches. They are my favourite!
— I like ham and tomato sandwiches too. But I hate cheese sandwiches. My mother makes
me eat cheese sandwiches every morning because cheese is very good for health.
— You see, Pam, I like cheese sandwiches but if you dislike them I won’t make them.
— Good. And I will bring some peaches and pears. I like fruit very much. What about you,
Jane? Do you like fruit?
— Well, I like peaches but I don’t like pears. Can you take some apples instead of pears,
— I’d better take an apple pie. My Mum is going to cook it today.
— Great! And what about drinks? Shall we take some cola, Pam?
— No, not cola! Let’s bring some juice. How about some orange juice, Jane?
— As for me, I prefer strawberry or cherry juice. Let’s take some cherry juice, it’s tasty.
— OK. I think we should invite Peter and Mark to join us for the picnic.
— Right! They know a lot of funny stories and games. I’m sure they will be glad to join us.

Test 6
— Can you go shopping today, Emma? I’m very busy and will come home late.
— Yes, Mum. What shall I buy?
— Buy a chicken at the butcher’s and six buns at the baker’s.
— Should I buy any sausages or a loaf of bread?
— No, I bought bread yesterday and we have some sausages in the fridge.
— OK. Do we need anything else?
— Yes, buy a kilo of tomatoes at the greengrocer’s.
— Should I buy any apples?
— No, there are a lot of apples in the fridge. But you should buy a bottle of shampoo at
the chemist’s.
— Do we need a tube of toothpaste? I can buy it at the chemist’s, too.
— No, we have got enough toothpaste.
— May I buy my favourite magazine at the newsagent’s, Mum?
— Yes, of course. And you can buy a big bar of chocolate at the sweet shop as a present
from me for your help.
— Thank you, Mum!

Test 7
Variant 1
1) My name is Victor and I like travelling. But I don’t understand why people use different
means of transport for this. As for me, a nice walk in the mountains or in the countryside
is more interesting and is better for health. You can enjoy nature and take a lot of beau-
tiful photos.
2) Hello. My name is Betty. I enjoy travelling but I don’t like cars and planes. I think they are
too dangerous. My mother prefers travelling by train and I agree with her. This is a good
way to see the country and meet new friends.
3) My name is Bob. I think that travelling by plane, train or bus isn’t comfortable. You can’t
change the way of your trip and you can’t stop and see the places you like. My father
drives a car and I think this is the best means of transport for travelling on business or
for pleasure.

Variant 2
1) My name is Helen. I prefer to travel with comfort. I don’t like slow means of transport,
because there are so many places to see! It’s impossible to see everything if you travel
by bus or by train. During my holidays I usually visit many cities and towns. So my choice
is a plane because it is the fastest means of transport.
2) My name is Paul. My family and I like travelling, but we don’t like to be in a hurry. I enjoy
nature and I’m fond of taking photos. My parents are afraid of flights, but they really en-
joy sea voyages. I think it is the best way to spend your holidays.
3) My name is Alex and I’m crazy about travelling. I have got a lot of friends in many cit-
ies and towns, but I haven’t got much money. Comfort is not important for me. What is

wonderful about travelling is a possibility to see new places and to meet new friends so
I usually travel by bus.
Test 8
— Hi, Peter. Have you already planned your summer holidays?
— Yes, I have, Nick. I’m going to London.
— It’s great! But I remember you wanted to visit Paris.
— Well, I wanted to go to Paris first, but my penfriend Henry from the UK invited me to
spend a week with him.
— Have you already decided what means of transport you are going to travel by, Peter?
— I wanted to travel by bus because it is the cheapest way of travelling but this trip will
take a lot of time. So my parents advised me to go to London by plane. You know it is
the fastest means of transport. I have already booked the ticket.
— What sights are you going to see in London, Peter?
— I hope to see Westminster Abbey and have a ride on the London Eye. But most of all
I want to visit Buckingham Palace because this is the Queen’s home in London.
— Would you like to visit any museums? There are a lot of them in London.
— To tell the truth I’m not fond of visiting museums. I haven’t decided yet.
— When are you leaving, Peter?
— In two weeks, on the 14th of June.
— Will you bring me a souvenir from London?
— Of course, I will.
— Have a nice trip, Peter!
— Thanks, Nick.
Listening Comprehension
The Second Term
Variant 1
1 — Do you have breakfast, Mary?
— Yes, of course. My mother says that breakfast is very important, so every member of our
family has breakfast.
— What do you have for breakfast?
— I usually have two boiled eggs, a banana, a cheese sandwich and a cup of tea.
— What do your parents have for breakfast?
— My mother always has porridge with chicken, some vegetable salad and a cup of cof-
fee. My father likes fried eggs with sausages, a cheese sandwich and a big cup of tea for
— And what about your little sister Polly? What does she have for breakfast?
— She usually has a boiled egg, some chicken and a glass of juice.

2 — Do you often go shopping, John?

— No, I don’t. I don’t like shopping. But sometimes my mother asks me to buy some food.
— Where do you usually buy food?
— Well, I prefer buying food at the supermarket. You can find everything you need there.

But my mother says that some products are better in the market or small shops.
— What food do you buy at the supermarket?
— I usually buy spaghetti, sugar, rice and tea there.
— Do you buy cheese or milk there?
— No, I buy cheese and milk at a special shop which is called a dairy products shop.
— Do you buy shampoo or toothpaste at the supermarket?
— Well, I never buy such things. My mother does it and as I know she always buys them at
the chemist’s.
3 Travelling is very popular nowadays. You can visit different countries and see a lot of inter-
esting places. If you are in a hurry and you like comfort, you can travel by plane. Planes are
fast, but they are expensive. To travel by plane you must have a ticket and a passport. You
arrive at the airport two hours earlier than the flight and prepare the documents for the
flight. Then you take your place in the plane and enjoy the flight. But travelling by plane
depends on the weather. If it is cloudy, rainy or snowy, you can spend many hours at the
airport waiting for better weather.
4 — Good morning. This is a travel agency. Can I help you?
— Good morning. Can I get some information about tours to France, please?
— We have tours to France by plane, by train and by bus. Which means of transport do you
— Well, is it expensive to go by train?
— It’s not as expensive as a trip by plane. The cheapest way of travelling is by bus.
— OK, I’d like to go by train.
— How long would you like to stay in France?
— For two weeks, I think.
— We have tours in June, July and August. Which month would you like to choose?
— I think July will be good.
— We have tours starting on the 10th and the 21st of July. Which tour is better for you?
— The 21st of July would be wonderful.
Variant 2
1 — Do you always have breakfast, Ben?
— No, I don’t. You know, it’s very hard for me to wake up in the morning, so I don’t always
have time for breakfast.
— What do you have for breakfast if you have time?
— If I have time, I usually eat two cheese sandwiches and drink a cup of tea.
— Do your parents have breakfast?
— My mother is on a diet so she has two boiled eggs, some vegetable salad and a cup of
coffee. But my father likes eating very much. He usually has some spaghetti with chick-
en, some vegetable salad and drinks a big cup of tea.
— What about your little brother Mike? Does he have breakfast?
— Yes, he usually has some porridge with chicken and drinks a glass of milk.
2 — Do you often go shopping, Linda?
— Yes, my parents often work till late in the evening, so I must help them.

— Where do you usually go shopping?
— I usually buy food at small shops not far from my house.
— What does your mother usually ask you to buy?
— Well, I usually buy bread, milk, sausages, vegetables and fruit.
— Do you buy all these products at one shop?
— No, I buy bread at the baker’s, milk at the dairy products shop and sausages at the
— Do you buy fruit and vegetables at the greengrocer’s?
— No, they are not always fresh in the shop. I have to go to the market and buy them there.
— Do you buy any food at the supermarket?
— No, my parents go to the supermarket at weekends and buy all the necessary food there.
3 Travelling is a very popular way of spending your free time. You can visit different countries
and see a lot of interesting places. If you have time and you like comfort, you can travel by
train. Trains are not very fast, but they are not expensive. You can travel in a sleeping car-
riage comfortably and you can see the country. To travel by train you must have a ticket and
a passport. You have to arrive at the railway station a little earlier than your train departs.
Trains usually leave on time, so you mustn’t miss your train. While travelling by train you can
see different places and meet new friends. And your trip doesn’t depend on the weather.
4 — Good morning. This is a travel agency. How can I help you?
— Good morning. I would like to make a tour around Greece.
— We can offer you tours by plane, by ship and by bus. Which means of transport do you prefer?
— Well, is it expensive to go by ship?
— It’s not as expensive as a trip by plane. The cheapest way of travelling is by bus.
— I don’t like planes. Ships will be good.
— How long would you like to stay in Greece?
— For three weeks, I think.
— We have tours in May, June, and September. Which month would you like to choose?
— I think May will be good.
— We have tours starting on the 5th, the 8th and the 11th of May. Which tour is better for you?
— The 8th of May will be the best.

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Test 1. They Are Friends. Lesson 1 READING (THE SECOND TERM)

Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Test 2. An Ordinary Family. Lesson 2 WRITING (THE SECOND TERM)
Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Test 3. My School Days. Lesson 1 SPEAKING (THE SECOND TERM)
Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Test 4. My Sports. Lesson 2
Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 EXPRESS TESTS
Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Test 1. They Are Friends. Lesson 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Test 2. An Ordinary Family. Lesson 2 . . . . . . . . . . 50
READING (THE FIRST TERM) Test 3. My School Days. Lesson 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Test 4. My Sports. Lesson 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Test 5. Yummy! Lesson 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
WRITING (THE FIRST TERM) Test 6. Going Shopping. Lesson 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Test 7. On The Move. Lesson 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Test 8. So Many Places. Lesson 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 TEXTS FOR LISTENING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Test 5. Yummy! Lesson 1 Listening Comprehension. The First Term
Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Test 6. Going Shopping. Lesson 2 Listening Comprehension. The Second Term
Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Test 7. On The Move. Lesson 1
Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Test 8. So Many Places. Lesson 2
Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Англійська мова. Англійська мова. Англійська мова.
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6 клас знань. 6 клас 6 клас

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