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УДК [811.111:37.016](076.

ББК 81.2 Англ-922
П 12

Серія «Easy Grammar»

Павліченко О. М.
П 12  Англійська мова. 7 клас : зошит з граматики / О. М. Павліченко. — Х. : Вид-во «Ранок»,
2016. — 48 с. : іл.
ISBN 978-617-09-2739-2
Зошит з граматики містить різноманітні цікаві завдання і призначений для більш деталь-
ного опрацювання учнями навчального матеріалу на уроках і вдома.
Для учнів 7-х класів загальноосвітніх шкіл і вчителів англійської мови.
УДК [811.111:37.016](076.5)
ББК 81.2 Англ-922

Навчальне видання И442006УА Підписано до друку 27.01.2016.

Павліченко Оксана Михайлівна Формат 70×90/16. Папір офсетний.
Гарнітура Міньйон. Друк офсетний.
Ум. друк. арк. 3,5.
Серія «Easy Grammar» ТОВ Видавництво «Ранок».
Англійська мова Свідоцтво ДК № 3322 від 26.11.2008.
Зошит з граматики 61071 Харків, вул. Кібальчича, 27, к. 135.
7 клас Для листів: 61045 Харків, а/с 3355.

Редактор С. А. Зіміна E-mail:

Технічний редактор С. Я. Захарченко Тел. (057) 719-48-65, тел./факс (057) 719-58-67.
Коректор О. Є. Шишацький З питань реалізації: (057) 727-70-80, 727-70-77.

Разом дбаємо
про екологію та здоров’я
© О. М. Павліченко, 2016
© М. А. Назаренко, іл., 2016
ISBN 978-617-09-2739-2 © ТОВ Видавництво «Ранок», 2016

2 стр. обл.


Любий друже!

Опанування іноземними мовами стає обов’язковим у сучасно-

му житті, завдяки цьому ти маєш можливість розширювати свій
світо­гляд, знаходити нових друзів, спілкуватися без кордонів, до-
сягати нових вершин пізнання. Вивчення будь-якої іноземної мови
неможливе без граматики. Знання основних граматичних правил
потрібне, щоб правильно висловити свою думку, зрозуміти спів-
розмовника. Наш зошит покликаний допомогти тобі у вирішенні
цього питання.
Кожний розділ починається з граматичних правил. Після них
подаються тренувальні вправи. Весь матеріал посібника розподіле-
ний за двома рівнями — А та В, у кінці зошита подані узагальнюючі
вправи, виконуючи які ти зможеш перевірити себе.
Сподіваюся, що навчання за цим зошитом буде цікавим і допо-
може тобі збагатити свої знання.

Countable and Uncountable

Level A

Іменники англійської мови поділяються на злічувані (Countable Nouns)

та незлічувані (Uncountable Nouns). Злічувані іменники називають
предмети, які можна порахувати, та мають форму однини і множини,
a book — books, a table — tables.
Злічувані іменники вживаються з артиклями a/the відповідно до пра-
вил та з дієсловами в однині або множині в залежності від ситуації.
This book is interesting. These books are interesting.
A child has got a toy. Children have got toys.
Незлічувані іменники позначають назви їжі (tea, rice, butter тощо),
речовин (paper, wood, gold тощо), абстрактних понять (love, friend-
ship, peace тощо) та інші реалії, які не можна порахувати (money,
information, furniture тощо). Незлічувані іменники вживаються лише
в однині, зі словом some, з артиклем the або без артикля відповідно
до правил та з дієсловами у формі однини.
There is some milk in the bottle.
The information is very useful.

 Write if these nouns are countable (C) or uncountable (U).

1) carrot — C 8) juice —
2) river — 9) music —
3) coffee — 10) tooth —
4) money — 11) flower —
5) sofa — 12) snow —
6) hour — 13) time —
7) salt — 14) rabbit — 13

 Fill in a or some.

1 2 3 4

  a   banana      cheese      chocolate      sandwich

5 6 7 8

     cup      spaghetti      money      pear 7

 Circle the correct item.

1) This picture look / looks nice.
2) There is / are some tea in the cup.
3) The apples is / are very sweet.
4) This shampoo smell / smells wonderful.
5) The water in the river was / were very cold yesterday.
6) The bread on the table is / are good for sandwiches.
7) Your shoes match / matches this dress.
8) The coffee in my cup have / has a strange taste.
9) Love is / are a wonderful feeling.
10) The monkey in the zoo was / were funny. 9
Твій загальний результат ___ /29

Countable and Uncountable

Level B

З незлічуваними іменниками вживаються спеціальні слова на позна-

чення певного об’єму та кількості.

a bottle of a carton of a bar of a piece of

water milk chocolate meat

a cup of coffee a jar of jam a loaf of bread a tin of tuna

a slice of cheese a packet of tea a kilo of butter

a can of cola a glass of juice a bowl of rice

A piece of information/advice/furniture.

 Circle the correct item.

Mother: Can you go shopping, Alice?
Alice: Yes, Mum. What do I have to buy?
Mother: We need a kilo / loaf of bread, a can / tin of tuna and a kilo / slice of
Alice: Can I buy a carton / can of juice?
Mother: Yes, of course. We haven’t got any tea, either. Buy a cup / packet of black
tea and a tin / jar of honey. I like tea with honey.
Alice: May I buy a piece / bar of chocolate then? I like chocolate very much!
Mother: Yes, dear!
Alice: Great! I’m leaving for the supermarket. 6
 The children are going to have a party. Look at the shopping list and write what
they need to buy.


1 kilo

The children need to buy two loaves of bread,

Твій загальний результат ___ /13

Countable and Uncountable

Level B

Для визначення кількості предметів і речовин зі злічуваними

та незлічуваними іменниками в англійській мові вживаються такі

Злічувані іменники Незлічувані іменники

many (багато) a few (декілька)

much (багато) a little (трохи)

We have got many books.

We have got much homework.
We need a few apples for the cake.
We need a little flour for the cake.
Конструкція a lot of (багато) та слово some (декілька, трохи)
вживаються як зі злічуваними, так і з незлічуваними іменниками.
Конструкція a lot of уживається у стверджувальних реченнях. Замість
неї в питальних і заперечних реченнях уживаються слова many,
There are a lot of sweets in the box.
There aren’t many sweets in the box.
Are there many sweets in the box?
He has got a lot of money.
He hasn’t got much money. Has he got much money?
Слово some уживається у стверджувальних реченнях. Замість нього
в питальних і заперечних реченнях уживається слово any.
Is there any water in the bottle? There aren’t any eggs in the fridge.
Слово no вживається зі злічуваними й незлічуваними іменниками
в заперечних реченнях.
There is no tea in the packet. There are no eggs in the fridge.

 Circle the correct item.

1 2 3

a few / a little tomatoes a few / a little milk a few / a little rice

4 5 6

a few / a little carrots a few / a little sweets a few / a little jam 5

 Fill in a lot of, many, much.
1) There are a lot of vegetables in autumn. 2) We didn’t have        .
lessons yesterday. 3) Do you need        . meat for barbecue? 4) I don’t
like        . cheese in my pizza. 5) My mother grows        .
of flowers in the garden. 6) We eat        . of honey in winter. 7) Are
there        . children on the playground? 8) I don’t need        .
milk for the cake. 9) We have        . time to prepare for the test. 8
 Circle the correct item.
1) Is there … cheese in the fridge?
a) some b) any c) no
2) There is … cola in my can. It’s empty.
a) some b) any c) no
3) There is … ham in the fridge. Let’s make sandwiches.
a) some b) any c) no
4) We haven’t got … homework today.
a) some b) any c) no
5) Tom has got … money to buy a new CD.
a) some b) any c) no
6) Sorry, I have … good news for you.
a) some b) any c) no 5
Твій загальний результат ___ /18

Reflexive Pronouns

Level A

Зворотні займенники (Reflexive Pronouns) вживаються в реченнях,

коли необхідно підкреслити, що хтось зробив щось самостійно, або
коли підмет і додаток називають одного виконавця дії.

Personal Reflexive Personal Reflexive

Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun
I myself we ourselves
you yourself you yourselves
he himself
she herself they themselves
it itself
I myself prepared the project.
She met the Queen herself.
Зворотні займенники вживаються:
1) З такими дієсловами, як behave, burn, cut, enjoy, hurt, introduce,
look at.
Behave yourself!
We enjoyed ourselves at the party.
2) З прийменником by, коли необхідно сказати, що хтось зробив щось
самостійно, без сторонньої допомоги.
Molly painted this picture by herself.
3) У таких сталих виразах, як enjoy yourself (насолоджуйтесь, гарно
проведіть час), behave yourself (добре поводьтесь), help yourself

 Circle the correct item.

1) Little Helen decorated the New Year tree herself / yourself.
2) I made this sandwich for himself / myself.
3) We painted the walls of the house by yourselves / ourselves.

4) Sam and Den have prepared this present by themselves / himself.

5) We met Tom Cruise ourselves / himself at the festival!
6) I can’t believe that you herself / yourself washed the dishes. 5
 Look at the pictures and fill in the correct reflexive pronouns.

1 2 3

4 5 6

1) The boy has cut himself . 2) She has grown these flowers by         .
3) We are looking at         in the mirror. 4) I am enjoying 
      at the carnival. 5) My friend         repaired this bicycle.
6) Alice made this dress by         . 5
 Write like in the example.
1) Has he bought this CD for me? No, he has bought it for himself.
2) Did she make the tea for us?

3) Are they building this house for their son?

4) Have your parents bought this tour for you?

5) Is she buying a cake for her sister?

6) Is your mother ironing the dress for you?
Твій загальний результат ___ /15

The Present Perfect Tense

Level A

Теперішній доконаний час (The Present Perfect Tense) уживається,

коли йдеться про події, що відбулися нещодавно (але точний час не
вказано) і результат яких наявний на момент мовлення.

Питальне речення

I/We/ have I/we/you/

You/They (not) V3 (Ved) they V3 (Ved)?
He/She/It has (not) Has he/she/it

They have written an essay.

They haven’t written an essay.
Have they written an essay?
Слова-маркери на позначення теперішнього доконаного часу:
already, just, ever, never, recently, lately, yet, since, for, so far.
Since уживається на позначення початку дії в минулому.
I have had this car since last winter.
For уживається на позначення періоду, протягом якого відбувалася
дія до теперішнього часу.
I have had this car for two years.
Yet уживається тільки в питальних та заперечних реченнях.
Has she tidied her room yet? — No, she hasn’t tidied her room yet.

 Write what Molly has already done or hasn’t done yet.

1 do the shopping + 4 bake a cake +
2 cook dinner − 5 feed the cat −
3 wash the dishes − 6 telephone mother +

1) Molly has already done the shopping. 

 Circle the correct item.
1) We have … made a tour around Europe.
a) yet b) ever c) already
2) I have known Fred … 7 years.
a) for b) just c) since
3) We haven’t visited Den… .
a) yet b) just c) never
4) We have been friends … we were 5 years old.
a) for b) already c) since
5) I don’t know that boy. I have … met him before.
a) just b) never c) ever
6) Have you … eaten sushi?
a) yet b) never c) ever
7) She has … made sandwiches. Let’s have lunch.
a) never b) just c) yet
8) The Smiths are going to have a party. They have … invited all their friends.
a) since b) ever c) already 7
 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Tense.
1) Mike has already seen (already to see) this film. 2)         .
you         . (to be) to London yet? — No, I          ..
3)          . Peter          . (to send) you an email yet?
— Yes, he          .. 4) The bus  .
(recently to arrive). 5)          . Nick          . (to do) the
shopping yet? — No, he          .. He              .
(just to finish) his homework. 6) Sue and Dolly               .
(already to wash) the windows. 5
Твій загальний результат ___ /17

The Past Simple or the

Present Perfect Tense?
Level B

The Past Simple Tense The Present Perfect Tense

Минулий неозначений час вжи- Теперішній доконаний час вживаєть-
вається, коли йдеться про: ся, коли йдеться про:
1) Дії, які відбулись у певний 1) Дії, які відбулись у невизначений
час у минулому. час у минулому.
They returned from the They have bought a new house.
journey three days ago. 2) Дії, що завершились нещодавно,
2) Стани в минулому. і зараз є їх наслідки.
His family left the country He has just washed the car. (It is
when he was too young. clean now.)
3) Дії, що відбувались одна за 3) Дії, які розпочались у минулому
одною в минулому. і тривають зараз.
She took the key, unlocked He has worked in this Univer-
the door and came in. sity for fifteen years. (And he still
Слова-маркери на позначен- works here.)
ня часу: yesterday, last, ago. Слова-маркери на позначення часу:
just, ever, never, already, recently,
lately, yet, for, since, today.

 Circle the correct item.

A 1) Mr and Mrs Morris got / have got married in 2005.
2) Sally already walked / has already walked the dog.
3) My father didn’t go / hasn’t gone to the office last week. He was ill.
4) I didn’t watch / haven’t watched that TV programme last night.
5) We weren’t / haven’t been to this restaurant yet.
6) They had / have had this house since last year.
B 1) Sam didn’t play volleyball yesterday / yet.
2) I have read this book already / a month ago.
3) Have you seen your teacher yet / yesterday?
4) We didn’t repair the car already / last Friday.
5) Nelly watered the flowers two days already / ago.
6) John has painted his bike already / two days ago. 10

 Look at the table and complete the dialogue.

today yesterday not done
do homework +
clean the room +
water the flowers +
take the books to the library +
phone granny +
buy a present for her cousin +

Mother: Jane, have you done (1) your homework?

Jane: Yes, mummy. I have done (2) it today.
Mother: Oh, your room looks terrible!
Jane: I know, I  (3)
yet. But I’m going to do it right now.
Mother: Do you remember about your cousin’s birthday?
Jane: Of course, I do. I          (4) a present yesterday.
Mother: Jane, your granny asked to phone her.
Jane: I          already          (5).
Mother: Your books from the library are still at home!
Jane: Sorry, I              (6) yet, but I don’t have time to go
there today. I will go to the library tomorrow. And, mummy, don’t water
the flowers. I              (7). 5
 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Past Simple Tense.
1) Martin has been (to be) to the zoo. He           . (to go)
there last Saturday. 2) Vicky           . (to know) our family since
she           . (to move) to our house. 3)           .
you             . (to visit) this exhibition yet? — Yes,
I           . (to be) there three days ago. 4) Ben           .
(to lose) his new mobile phone! He           . (to leave) it in а bus
two days ago. 5)           . Nick ever           . (to play)
paintball? — Yes, he           .. He           . (to play)
it a month ago. 4
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The Past Perfect Tense

Level A

Минулий доконаний час (The Past Perfect Tense) уживається, якщо дія за-
вершилася до певного часу в минулому або до початку іншої дії в минулому.
Утворюється за допомогою дієслова to have у минулому часі (had)
та дієслова-присудка в третій формі (якщо воно неправильне) або із
закінченням -ed (якщо воно правильне).
I/You/He/She/It/We/They + had + V3 (Ved)
She had written the essay by 5 o’clock yesterday.
They had returned home before the film started.

 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

22:45 13:40

1 8:50 2 3

18:20 14:55 15:15

4 5 6

1) He had come (to come) to school by 9 o’clock yesterday.

2) He           (to fall) asleep by 11 o’clock yesterday.
3) Mother  (to lay) the table for dinner by 2 o’clock yesterday.
4) Father           (to come) home by half past six yesterday.
5) The girl           (to paint) the picture by 3 o’clock last Tuesday.
6) They          (to clean) their room by half past three last Friday. 5

 Make up sentences.
1) Molly/to do/the shopping/before 5 o’clock/yesterday.
Molly had done the shopping before 5 o’clock yesterday.
2) Nick/to repair/his bike/before/last Tuesday.

3) Sam and Tom/to play/a game of tennis/by 11 o’clock/last Saturday.

4) We/to receive/your letter/by last Wednesday.

5) They/to move/a new house/before the end of June.

6) The play/to finish/by 8 o’clock/yesterday.

7) The taxi/to arrive/by 4 o’clock/last Monday.
 Complete the sentences with the words from the box, using them in the Past
Perfect Tense.

to type   to have   to prepare   to have   to speak   to come  

to answer   to arrive   to wake up   to do   to book

It was Sunday and Vicky was happy to have a day off. On Saturday she had had (1)

a really busy day. Vicky            (2)

before the alarm clock rang.
She            . already         (3)
breakfast when her boss tele­
phoned. He asked Vicky to take the documents which she            (4)

the day before to the bank. Vicky             (5)

to the office by
10 o’clock. By the end of the working day she              (6)
a lot of work.
Vicky             (7)
twenty letters and             (8)

hundreds of phone calls. She  (9)

to many
people and             (10)
a room in a hotel for her boss. Vicky
home by 7 o’clock in the evening. 10
Твій загальний результат ___ /21

The Past Perfect Tense

Level B

Заперечна й питальна форми минулого доконаного часу утворюються

з використанням допоміжного дієслова had.
I/You/He/She/It/We/They + hadn’t + V3 (Ved)
Had + I/you/he/she/it/we/they + V3 (Ved)?
Wh-word + had + I/you/he/she/it/we/they + V3 (Ved)?
The boat had reached the island before noon.
The boat hadn’t reached the island before noon.
Had the boat reached the island before noon?
— Yes, it had./No, it hadn’t.
What had the boat reached before noon?
By what time had the boat reached the island?

 Make up questions.
1) the boy/to read/a book/by 7 o’clock/yesterday?
Had the boy read a book by 7 o’clock yesterday?
2) what/you/to do/by the end of last month?

3) Helen/to iron/the clothes/by 5 o’clock/yesterday?

4) why/you/to leave/the seminar/before 3 o’clock/last Tuesday?

5) your classmates/to prepare/the project/by last Friday?

6) what/Jane/to do/before her mother came home?

7) Fred/to order/a pizza/when you came to the café?

 Before the girls’ mother went on a business trip, she had written a list of things
they had to do. Yesterday the mother arrived home late and the children were
sleeping. What had the girls done? Look at the picture, ask and answer the
questions like in the example.

Things to do:
1) to clean the room
2) to put the toys into
the box
3) to take the books
to the library
4) to buy fruit
5) to switch off the
TV set
6) to iron the clothes
7) to go to bed before
11 o’clock

1) Had the girls cleaned the room? — No, they hadn’t.

Твій загальний результат ___ /12

The Past Perfect or the

Past Simple?
Level B

The Past Simple Tense ужива- The Past Perfect Tense уживається:
ється: 1) Якщо дія завершилась до певно-
1) Якщо дія відбулась (і заверши- го моменту в минулому.
лась) у певний час у минулому. She had had lunch by 2 o’clock yes-
She had lunch at 2 o’clock yes- terday.
terday. 2) Якщо дія завершилась до початку
2) Якщо дві чи більше дій відбу- іншої дії в минулому.
лись одна за одною послідовно He ate the banana which he had
без великих інтервалів у часі. bought in the morning. (First, he
He bought a banana and ate it. bought the banana, then he ate it.)

 Circle the correct item.

1) Sam opened the book and started / had started reading the text. 2) Dolly already
took / had already taken a shower when her brother woke up. 3) We got / had got
to the theatre at 6 o’clock yesterday. 4) They ate / had eaten supper by 7 o’clock
yesterday. 5) Nick put on the shirt which his mother ironed / had ironed in the
morning. 6) Children bought / had bought the tickets and went to the theme park.
7) The woman watered the flowers and dusted / had dusted the furniture. 8) Julia
said that she already saw / had already seen that film. 9) The teacher came / had
come into the classroom and the lesson started. 10) We learned / had learned a new
dialogue at our English lesson yesterday. 9
 Join the sentences using the words in brackets like in the example.
1) My mother cooked dinner. Then I came home. (when)
My mother had cooked dinner when I came home.
2) We left home. Then it started to rain. (when)

3) The waiter brought the pizza. Then Mark came into the café. (by the time)

4) We decorated the room for the party. Then our guests arrived. (already,

5) Ann walked the dog. Then she did her homework. (before)

6) We finished writing the dictation. Then the bell rang. (when)

7) Paul packed his rucksack. Then the taxi arrived. (by the time)

8) Vicky wrote a note for her mother. Then she left home. (before)

 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Perfect Tense. Find the
action that happened first.
1) The children had already had (to have/already) supper when their par-
ents          . (to come) home. 2) When she         .
(to enter) the room the film           . (to begin/already).
3) John          . (to buy) the tickets when his friend           .
(to come up) to him. 4) Molly suddenly           . (to remember)
that she           . (to leave) her mobile phone at home. 5) My
friend           . (to tell) me that he           . (to pass/
already) the exam in the morning. 6) I           . (to switch on) the
TV set before my favourite programme           . (to begin). 7) When
Mrs Mills           . (to telephone) his son he           .
(to drive/already) to the office. 8) When David           . (to wake
up) his mother           . (to make/already) tea and sandwiches for
breakfast. 7
Твій загальний результат ___ /23

The Present Perfect Continuous

Level A

Теперішній доконано-тривалий час (The Present Perfect Continuous

Tense) вживається для вираження дій, що розпочались у минулому,
тривають певний час і в момент мовлення ще не завершились.
Теперішній доконано-тривалий час утворюється за допомогою дієслова
to be в теперішньому доконаному часі (have/has been) та дієслова-
присудка із закінченням -ing.
I/You/We/They + have been + Ving
He/She/It + has been + Ving
Слова-маркери на позначення теперішнього доконано-тривалого
часу: for, since, lately/recently, how long.
You have been reading this book for three days.
She has been preparing for the party since two o’clock.

 Look at the pictures and make up sentences.

1 2 3 4

1) She/to cook dinner/for two hours. She has been cooking dinner for two
2) They/to play chess/for half an hour. 

3) They/to walk/since early morning. 

4) She/to listen to music/for forty minutes. 

 It is noon. Look at the information in the table and write how long the follow­
ing people have been working.

Name Activity/Since when

1 Jack paint the wall/10 o’clock
2 Ron and Mike bake bread/7 o’clock
3 Sandra type letters/9 o’clock
4 Peter deliver newspapers/8 o’clock

1) Jack has been painting the wall since 10 o’clock. He has been work-
ing for two hours. 

 Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box in the Present Perfect
Continuous Tense.

paint   pick   teach   eat   fish   ride

1) The girls have got paints and brushes. They have been painting all morning.
2) Fred is sitting on the bank of the river. He 
      since 7 o’clock.
3) Angela works at school. She  children
since she left university.
4) Tom and Sam have got bikes. They 
for five hours.
5) We are in the garden. We  apples for
two hours.
6) Andy is a fat boy. He  too many
cakes recently. 5
Твій загальний результат ___ /11

The Present Perfect

Continuous Tense
Level B

Для утворення питальної та заперечної форм теперішнього доконано-

тривалого часу використовується допоміжне дієслово have/has been.

Заперечне речення
I/You/We/They + haven’t been + Ving
He/She/It + hasn’t been + Ving
Питальне речення
Have + I/you/we/they + been + Ving? — Yes, I/you/
we/they have./No, I/you/we/they haven’t.
Has + he/she/it + been + Ving? — Yes, he/
she/it has./No, he/she/it hasn’t.
Wh-word + have + I/you/we/they + been + Ving?
Wh-word + has + he/she/it + been + Ving?

They have been playing basketball since 3 o’clock.

They haven’t been playing basketball since 3 o’clock.
Have they been playing basketball since 3 o’clock? — Yes,
they have./No, they haven’t.
What have they been playing since 3 o’clock?
How long have they been playing basketball?
Who has been playing basketball since 3 o’clock?

 Make up questions like in the example and use the table to answer them.
Drive a car Do a project Jog in the park Study economy
Tom/8 o’clock Molly and Kate/ David/ Emily/4 years
3 hours 40 minutes
Bob/2 years Tim and Den/ Linda/1 hour Jim and Alex/last
4 o’clock September

1) Tom/drive a car/6 o’clock? Has Tom been driving a car since 6 o’clock?
— No, he hasn’t. He has been driving a car since 8 o’clock.
2) Bob/drive a car/2 years? 

3) Molly and Kate/do a project/2 hours? 

4) Tim and Den/do a project/4 o’clock? 

5) David/jog in the park/40 minutes? 

6) Linda/jog in the park/30 minutes? 

7) Emily/study economy/3 years? 

8) Jim and Alex/study economy/last September? 
 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Present Perfect Con­
tinuous Tense.
1) How long has Cindy been waiting (to wait) for the doctor? — She
 . (to wait) for the doctor for 20 minutes.
2) What         . you  . (to read) since
10 o’clock? — I  . (to read) an interesting article about
film stars. 3) How long         . your sister  .
(to learn) to play the piano? — She            . (to learn) since last
year. 4) What          . your mother  .
(to cook) since early morning? — She  . (to bake)
a cake for my birthday. 5) What kind of articles   . they
 . (to publish) in this magazine recently? — They
 . (to publish) articles about sport and sportsmen. 4
Твій загальний результат ___ /11

The Present Perfect or

the Present Perfect
Continuous Tense?
Level B

The Present Perfect уживається: The Present Perfect Continuous

1) Якщо дія завершилась нещо- уживається:
давно і присутні її наслідки. 1) Якщо дія розпочалась у минуло-
She has bought a new dress. му, триває певний час і в момент
2) Якщо дія відбулась у невизна- мовлення ще не завершилась.
чений момент у минулому. She has been doing the shopping
We have travelled to Spain. for 3 hours.
3) Щоб наголосити на особисто- 2) Щоб підкреслити, що дія трива-
му досвіді чи особистих змінах. ла достатньо довго і зараз є ви-
She has lost weight. димий результат.
4) Щоб наголосити на кількості. He is hot. He has been running.
They have learned 5 new 3) Щоб підкреслити час тривалості дії.
poems. They have been working for 4 hours.

 Circle the correct item.

1) She has walked / has been walking for an hour.
2) The boys have just played / have been playing a game of tennis.
3) She is tired. She has cleaned / has been cleaning the house all day.
4) Look! Molly has cut / has been cutting her hair!
5) We have planted / have been planting 20 trees today.
6) Mary has spoken / has been speaking on the phone for 40 minutes. 5
 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences using the Present Perfect or
Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

1 2 3

4 5 6

1) He/to play computer games/for 3 hours. He has been playing computer

games for 3 hours.
2) Simon/to paint/the fence. 
3) He/to buy/a new car. 
4) It/to snow/since yesterday. 
5) Pam/to receive/three letters today. 

6) They/to plant flowers/since morning. 
 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Con­tinuous
1) Margaret is worried. She has been waiting (to wait) for her husband
for 2 hours. 2) They              . (just/to buy) a pet dog.
3)              . your brother ever              .
(to travel) to Australia? — No, he              .. 4) How long
           . Mark  . (to prepare)
for the competition? — He              . (to train) since last
year. 5) Look! Mr Jackson              . (to grow) a beard.
6) Why           . you  . (to surf)
the Internet for two hours? — Because I  .
(to look for) some information for my new project. 7) Why is Victor so sad?
— Because he              . (just/to lose) his money. 8) How
long            . you              . (to play) the
guitar? — I                   . (to play) it for six years. 7
Твій загальний результат ___ /17

Passive Voice. The Present

Simple Passive
Level A

Пасивний стан дієслів (Passive Voice) в англійській мові утворюється

за допомогою дієслова to be у відповідному часі та дієслова-присудка
із закінченням -ed (якщо дієслово правильне) або його третьої форми
(якщо дієслово неправильне).
to be + V3 (Ved)
Для утворення пасивного стану дієслів у теперішньому часі (The
Present Simple Passive) використовуються форми допоміжного діє­
сло­ва to be — am, is, are.

Стверджувальне речення
I + am + V3 (Ved)
He/She/It + is + V3 (Ved)
We/You/They + are + V3 (Ved)
Заперечне речення Питальне речення
I’m not + V3 (Ved) Am + I + V3 (Ved)?
He/She/It + isn’t + V3 (Ved) Is + he/she/it + V3 (Ved)?
You/We/They + aren’t + V3 (Ved) Are + you/we/they + V3 (Ved)?
The room is cleaned every day.
The room isn’t cleaned every day.
Is the room cleaned every day?
What is cleaned every day?
Пасивний стан в англійській мові вживається:
1) Коли дія більш важлива, ніж її виконавець.
2) Коли виконавець невідомий (The shop is closed at 20.00).
3) Коли ми звертаємо увагу на виконавця дії (The book is written by
Agatha Christie).
4) Для підкреслення офіційності ситуації (Dinner is served at 13.00 in
the main restaurant).

 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple Passive.

English is spoken (1) (to speak) all over the world. It  (2)

(to use) for writing articles and computer programs. Children 

(to teach) English at schools. A lot of English-
speaking countries                 (4)
(to visit) by tourists
every year. English                (5)
(to recognize) as the
language of international communication. The importance of learning foreign
languages               (6)
(to understand) by people of our country. 5
 Disagree with the statements and write the correct sentences.
1) Peaches are grown in winter. Peaches aren’t grown in winter. They are
grown in summer.

2) English is spoken in Great Britain only. 

3) Ice cream is made of ice. 

4) Cars are built of glass. 

5) Cats are kept at zoos. 

6) The Sun is seen at night. 

Твій загальний результат ___ /15

Passive Voice.
The Past Simple Passive
Level B

Для утворення пасивного стану дієслів у минулому неозначеному

часі (The Past Simple Passive) використовуються форми минулого
часу допоміжного дієслова to be (was, were) та дієслово-присудок із
закінченням -ed (якщо воно правильне) або його третя форма (якщо
дієсліво неправильне).

Стверджувальне речення
I/He/She/It + was + V3 (Ved)
You/We/They + were + V3 (Ved)
Заперечне речення
I/He/She/It + wasn’t + V3 (Ved)
You/We/They + weren’t + V3 (Ved)
Питальне речення
Was + I/he/she/it + V3 (Ved)?
Were + you/we/they + V3 (Ved)?
The newspapers were delivered yesterday.
The newspapers weren’t delivered yesterday.
Were the newspapers delivered yesterday?
When were the newspapers delivered?
The theatre was built three years ago.
The theatre wasn’t built three years ago.
Was the theatre built three years ago?
When was the theatre built?

 Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple Passive.

A new book by a famous writer was represented (1)
(to represent) last month.
It               (2)
(to write) for teenagers and their parents. The
illustrations               (3)
(to make) by a well-known painter.

More than 1,000 copies               (4) (to sell) for the first
day only and it               (5) (to call) the best-seller of the
month. A lot of important problems in the relations between children and grown-
ups               (6) (to describe) on the pages of this book and
it               (7) (to recognize) the best book of the year. 6
 Use the list to make up sentences. The chief went on holidays and made some
arrangements for the staff of the office. Write what was done and wasn’t done
during his absence.
to set up the computer programs +
to organize the conference –
to prepare the documents +
to type the reports –
to buy a new chair for the chief +

1) The computer programs were set up. 

 Make up sentences using the Past Simple Passive.
1) The Eiffel Tower/build/in 1832.
The Eiffel Tower was built in 1832.
2) The Mona Lisa/steal/from the Louvre/in 1911.

3) The Channel Tunnel/build/under the sea.

4) «Romeo and Juliet»/write/by Shakespeare.

5) Big Ben/call/after Sir Benjamin Hall.

6) Queen Elizabeth II/crown/in Westminster Abbey.
Твій загальний результат ___ /15

Active and Passive

Level B

Щоб з речення з дієсловом активного стану утворити речення з діє­

словом пасивного стану, необхідно суб’єкт і об’єкт поміняти місцями.
People make furniture of wood. Furniture is made of wood.
об’єкт  суб’єкт
They built the house last year. The house was built last year.
об’єкт  суб’єкт
Якщо стан дієслова в реченні змінюється з активного на пасивний,
граматичний час речення залишається незмінним.
З дієсловами пасивного стану часто вживаються прийменники by та
with. By використовується, коли йдеться про виконавця дії, with —
коли йдеться про знаряддя дії.
The article is written by a famous journalist.
This food is eaten with a fork.

 Circle the correct item.

1) She spends / is spent a lot of money for books.
2) Her clothes buy / are bought in a fashionable shop.
3) The hair is cut by / with scissors.
4) French teaches / is taught in our school.
5) The e-mail is written by / with my friend.
6) They usually plan / are planned their journeys.
7) The tickets book / are booked in the booking office.
8) The car is stopped by / with the policeman.
9) The meat is cut by / with a knife. 8
 Change the sentences into the Passive.
1) People use computers everywhere nowadays. Computers are used
everywhere nowadays.

2) We take books from libraries. 

3) They publish this magazine in Odesa. 

4) They show this TV programme every evening. 

5) Pupils finish the academic year in May. 

6) They sell beautiful flowers in this shop. 

7) We play basketball all year round. 

8) He paints the roof of the house every year. 
 Rewrite the text in the Past Simple Passive.
Some people saw two strange persons in the street near the bank yesterday. They
informed the police about it. The police sent a car to inspect the bank. The po-
licemen found out robbers in the bank. Some people heard a shooting inside the
bank. The robbers wounded one of the policemen. The policemen captured the
robbers. The robbers didn’t steal anything.
  Two strange persons were seen in the street near the bank yesterday.

Твій загальний результат ___ /22

The Present Simple Passive

and the Past Simple Passive
Level B

Речення з дієсловами пасивного стану в теперішньому неозначеному

часі вживаються, якщо дія відбувається регулярно.
Fresh vegetables are sold in this supermarket.
Показники часу такі ж, як і для речень у теперішньому неозначеному
часі з дієсловами активного стану.
Речення з дієсловами пасивного стану в минулому неозначеному часі
вживаються, коли дія відбулась у минулому.
The article was published last month.
Показники часу такі ж, як і для речень минулого неозначеного часу
з дієсловами активного стану.

 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present or Past Simple Passive.
1) The Leaning Tower of Pisa was created (to create) by Bonnano Pisano in
2) This kind of butterfly 
(not to see/usually) here.
3) Arabic  (to write) from right to left.
4) A lot of famous people  (to invite)
to the Reward Ceremony last year.
5) Some unknown insects  (to discover)
in the rainforests of the Amazon River by our scientist last month.
6) Pieces of art  (to protect) in
every country nowadays.
7) Every year new technologies  (to provide)
into the industry of our country for its development.
8) A lot of environmental problems 
(not to solve) today. 7

 Do the tasks using the Passive Voice.

a) Ask and answer like in the example.
1) The first photograph/take/in 1826.
When was the first photograph taken? — It was taken in 1826.
2) Coffee/grow/in Brazil.

3) The Great Pyramids/build/in Ancient Egypt.

4) Famous paintings/keep/in the museums.

5) The first electronic computers/develop/in 1943.

6) The Statue of Liberty/situate/less than two miles from Manhattan.

7) The World Trade Centre/destroy/in 2001.
b) Use the information from the table to write about the Eiffel Tower.

The Eiffel Tower

Place: France, Paris
Creator: Gustave Eiffel
Date of construction: 1889, March
Material used: iron
Practical use nowadays: to send and receive radio sig-
nals; to collect meteorological
information; to observe the view
of Paris

The Eiffel Tower is situated in France, in Paris. It was 

Твій загальний результат ___ /17

Modal Verbs. Must

Level A

Модальне дієслово must (повинен, потрібно) виражає моральний

обов’язок і вказує на необхідність щось зробити. Це дієслово має од-
ну форму для всіх осіб і чисел та самостійно (без допоміжних дієслів)
утворює питальні і заперечні форми. Must not виражає заборону.
We must help our parents.
We must not (mustn’t) make noise at our lessons.
Must we learn this poem by heart?
У минулому часі модальне дієслово must змінюється на had to,
у майбутньому — на will have to. В минулому і майбутньому часах
для утворення питальних і заперечних речень необхідні відповідно
допоміжні дієслова did та will.
He had to buy a loaf of bread yesterday.
He didn’t have to buy a loaf of bread yesterday.
Did he have to buy a loaf of bread yesterday?
What did he have to buy yesterday?
They will have to help me tomorrow.
They won’t have to help me tomorrow.
Will they have to help me tomorrow?
What will they have to do tomorrow?

 Circle the correct item.

1) Pupils must / mustn’t bring textbooks to school.
2) Pupils must / mustn’t use mobile phones at their lessons.
3) Pupils had to / will have to finish their projects yesterday.
4) Pupils hadn’t to / didn’t have to go to the excursion yesterday.
5) Pupils must / will have to wear uniform.
6) Pupils must / will have to write a test next Thursday.
7) Pupils must / had to bring albums and paints last Friday.
8) Pupils had to / will have to prepare an exhibition next Wednesday. 7

 Ann has made a list of household chores for three days. Today is Tuesday. Use
the appropriate forms of the modal verb must and write sentences like in the

Household chores Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Go shopping − + –

Water the flowers + − −

Tidy the room − + +

1) Ann didn’t have to go shopping on Monday. She must go shopping

today. She won’t have to go shopping on Wednesday.

 Write questions to the answers.
1) Where must he wait for us  ?
He must wait for us near the supermarket.
2) What  ?
Nelly had to write an essay yesterday.
3) Why  ?
We must eat fruit because it is good for our health.
4) Where  ?
Simon will have to go to the library tomorrow.
5) Who  ?
Ben had to meet your brother at the railway station yesterday.
6) When  ?
They will have to visit their grandparents next Sunday. 5
Твій загальний результат ___ /18

Modal Verbs. Should

Level B

Модальне дієслово should (слід) використовується для вираження

поради. Це дієслово має одну форму для всіх осіб і чисел та самостійно
(без допоміжних дієслів) утворює питальні й заперечні форми. Should
має одну й ту саму форму у теперішньому й минулому часах і не
вживається у майбутньому часі.
You should visit your aunt.
He should telephone us yesterday.
She shouldn’t say rude words to her friend.
Should they inform you about it?
What should he feed the dog on?

 Match the sentences with the pictures.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8

1 а) You should put on a warm coat.

b) You should take an umbrella.
c) You shouldn’t ride your bike so fast.
d) You should brush your teeth every day.
e) You should prepare for the test.
f) You shouldn’t eat so many hamburgers.
g) You should read this magazine.
h) You shouldn’t sleep at the lesson. 7
 Sam wants a pet dog but he doesn’t know what he should/shouldn’t do with it.
Use the ideas from the box and make up sentences. Add your own ideas.

know what your pet eats walk your pet once a day
feed your pet on sweets wash and brush your pet
leave your pet alone for a long time take your pet to the vet regularly
play with your pet kick or beat your pet

1) You should know what your pet eats. 

2) You shouldn’t feed your pet on sweets. 

Твій загальний результат ___ /13

To Be Allowed to

Level A

В англійській мові є модальні вирази, які мають свої особливості

To be allowed to (дозволяється) виражає дозвіл або заборону щось
робити. Питальні та заперечні речення з цим виразом утворюються
за допомогою відповідної форми допоміжного дієслова to be. Після
to be allowed інфінітиви вживаються з to.
They are allowed to play basketball in the gym.
Is he allowed to work in the laboratory?
She wasn’t allowed to join the club.
Цей вираз часто вживається в офіційних ситуаціях.
It isn’t allowed to make noise in the library.

 Match the sentences from the box with the pictures.

We are not allowed to play at this sports ground.   
I am allowed to go for a walk after doing the washing-up.
My father doesn’t allow me to play the computer before doing my homework.
I am not allowed to go for a walk.

1 2

       I am not allowed 

    to go for a walk.

3 4

 Look at the notes and write what pupils are allowed or not allowed to do in
Don’t talk at your lessons! Don’t be late for school!
Have lunch in the canteen. Leave your coats in the cloakroom.
Don’t use your mobile phones at your lessons.

1) Pupils are not allowed to talk at their lessons. 

 Write what people are allowed and not allowed to do in libraries. Use the words
from the box.

to read books to make noise to tear books to take books home

to write in books to make copies of books

1) People are allowed to read books in libraries. 

Твій загальний результат ___ /12


Level B

Дієслово make може мати значення «примушувати». Якщо воно

вживається в цьому значенні, інфінітив після нього має бути без to.
She always makes her brother wash his hands before meals.
Для утворення питальних та заперечних речень з make уживаються
відповідні допоміжні дієслова.
Did you make him clean the flat?
Mother doesn’t make me go to bed early.

Дієслово let означає «дозволяти» і вживається в розмовному мовленні.

Вираз let’s використовується у спонукальних реченнях, у яких
висловлюється пропозиція щось зробити.
I let you phone me any time you need my help.
Let’s walk along the beach and enjoy the sunset.
Для утворення питальних і заперечних речень з let уживаються
відповідні допоміжні дієслова. Let, як і інші модальні дієслова, не
змінюється за особами і числами та має таку ж форму в минулому
неозначеному часі. Воно не вживається у тривалих і доконаних
граматичних часах.

 Suggest four ways of having a good time to your friend. Use let’s and the words
from the box.

to go to the cinema to play badminton to go to the zoo

to go to the swimming pool to watch a new comedy to have a party

1) Let’s go to the cinema tonight.

 Look at the picture and write what these people make Ben do.

Ben’s mother makes him do homework. 

 Make up sentences.
1) Parents/to make/I/to come home/on time.
Parents make me come home on time.
2) Let’s/to travel/together/next summer.

3) The teacher/to make/we/to clean/the classroom.

4) Granny/to make/Mary/to put on/her cap/yesterday.
Твій загальний результат ___ /12

Question Tags

Level A

Розділові запитання (Question Tags) мають вигляд стверджувальних або

заперечних речень із додаванням короткого загального запитання. До
стверджувальних речень додаються допоміжне дієслово, що відповідає
граматичному часу цього речення, з часткою not, і займенник, що
відповідає підмету речення. Якщо вихідне речення заперечне, в кінці
додаються допоміжне дієслово без частки not і займенник.
Fred plays the guitar, doesn’t he?
Helen hasn’t walked the dog, has she?
Зверніть увагу на особливі випадки побудови розділових запитань.

I am aren’t I? I am clever, aren’t I?

Let’s play football, shall
Let’s shall we?
Let her help us, will/
Let me/her… will/won’t you?
won’t you?
I have got a nice
I/We/He… have/has
haven’t I…/ camera, haven’t I?
(got) (у значенні
hasn’t he…? He has got many
friends, hasn’t he?
I/We/He… have/has don’t/doesn’t/
We had lunch at
(у сталих виразах didn’t I/we/
12 o’clock, didn’t we?
з дієсловом have) he…?
isn’t/aren’t There are many people
There is/are
there? here, aren’t there?

 Complete the questions.

1) His little brother is three years old, isn’t he ?
2) Den has been to Germany,          ?

3) They don’t understand you,          ?

4) Let’s go for a walk,          ?
5) Paul invited me to the party,          ?
6) I am old enough to drive a car,          ?
7) Nelly can’t play chess,          ?
8) The children aren’t watching cartoons,          ?
9) She usually has a shower in the morning,          ?
10) We haven’t heard about it yet,          ? 9
 Match two parts of the questions.
1) She sings very well, a) aren’t we?
2) The children weren’t at the zoo, b) will he?
3) Ann wasn’t cooking in the evening, 1 c) doesn’t she?
4) They have bought a new car, d) didn’t they?
5) We are travelling by bus, e) was she?
6) Bill won’t meet you, f) haven’t they?
7) My brother doesn’t like poetry, g) were they?
8) They listened to music, h) does he? 7
 Circle the correct item.
1) My friend has got a comfortable flat, …?
a) doesn’t he b) has he c) hasn’t he
2) Let me help you, …?
a) will you b) will I c) won’t I
3) There is a letter on the desk, …?
a) isn’t there b) is there c) isn’t it
4) I am very creative, ...?
a) am not I b) are I c) aren’t I
5) He has dinner at 2 o’clock, …?
a) hasn’t he b) doesn’t he c) does he
6) Let’s have a walk, …?
a) shall we b) do we c) have we 5
Твій загальний результат ___ /21

Neither … nor/Either … or,

So do I/Neither/nor do I
Level A

Щоб звернути увагу на однорідні члени речення, в деяких випадках

уживаються сполучники neither … nor, either … or.
Neither … nor (ані … ані) означає «ані перший, ані другий» і вжи-
вається в заперечних реченнях (при цьому частка not не викорис-
The story was neither interesting nor funny.
Either … or (або … або) вживається в розповідних реченнях і означає
«один з двох зазначених».
We can visit either the Tower of London or Westminster Abbey.

Щоб повідомити співрозмовника про схожість дій чи ситуацій (у по­

зи­тивному значенні), вживається конструкція so + відповідне до­по­
між­не дієслово + підмет.
I like this music.— So do I.
Ben stopped his car and so did John.
Для підкреслення негативного значення у схожих ситуаціях вживається
конструкція neither/nor + відповідне допоміжне дієслово +
She doesn’t get up late and neither do I.
Mary can’t play tennis.— Nor can Lucy.

 Rewrite the sentences like in the example.

1) He doesn’t like pepper and tomatoes. He likes neither pepper nor toma-
2) She needs apples or grapes. 

3) My friend can’t ski and skate.

4) His granny will cook a cake or some pies. 

5) They aren’t going to buy cassettes and discs. 
 Complete the sentences with either … or or neither … nor.
1) My brother can speak neither English nor German. He is bad at languages.
2) I have enough money to buy        . a newspaper       . a maga­
zine. 3) You should help your sister. She has        . money       .
a job. 4) I think this girl must be        . Spanish        . Italian.
5) He is so lonely! He has        . friends        . relatives. 4
 Complete the sentences writing about you.
1) Helen reads a lot of books and so do I.
2) Mike didn’t make sandwiches yesterday and neither did I.
3) My cousin can ride a bike and          .
4) Sally doesn’t like horror films and          .
5) They have just arrived from the village and          .
6) His friends were writing a test at 9 o’clock yesterday and          .
7) She wasn’t very tired after the walk and          . 5
 Complete the sentences using the words in brackets.
1) Sam is good at History and (so/Alice) so is Alice.
2) His car doesn’t use much petrol and (neither/my car)  .
3) The cake was very good and (so/the ice cream)  .
4) The book is very interesting and (so/the film)  .
5) Den hasn’t been to Riga and (neither/Bill)  .
6) He can’t drive a car, (nor/I)  .
7) His friends won’t help him and (neither/his parents)  . 6
Твій загальний результат ___ /19


 Write the nouns from the box into the correct column.
glove   jam   friendship   mouse   watch   butter   orange  
ketchup   teapot   air   weather   letter   snowman   help

Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns

Glove, Friendship,

 Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns.
1) You can repair this chair by yourself .
2) She has bought these flowers for           .
3) I will tell Henry about it           .
4) We are going to decorate the hall by           .
5) He introduced           to his new classmates.
6) They enjoyed           at the picnic. 5
 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1) The weather has just changed (to change/just). 2) We          . (to
visit) a new skating rink last Sunday. 3)          . you          .

(to find) your notebook yet? — Oh, yes, I          . (to find) it yes-
terday. 4) When Tim          . (to return) from the sports club yes-
terday his mother          . (to do/already) the washing-up. 5) We
are tired. We          . (to walk) through the forest for four hours
already. 6)          . Mike          . (to type) his report
by 5 o’clock yesterday? — Yes, he          .. 7) Sam was happy be-
cause he          . (to pass) his driving test. 8) Alice is angry because
she          . (to wait) for a phone call from her friend for two hours. 7
 Change the sentences into the Passive Voice.
A young and talented scientist invented a unique «clever» pen. You write with it as
an ordinary pen. But if you make a mistake, the pen changes its colour. You find
the mistake easily and you do the homework without any problems. The scientists
made a lot of tests with the «clever» pen. The pen really sees the mistakes! But
we don’t sell the «clever» pens in the shops. We sell them only in the special
department in our office.
A unique «clever» pen was invented by a young and talented scientist.

 Circle the correct item.
1) You … wash your hands before meals.
a) should b) let c) make
2) I will have a busy day tomorrow so I … have a good rest.
a) am allowed to b) let c) must
3) My parents … me do the homework every day.
a) let b) should c) make

4) Pupils … to eat in the classroom.

a) mustn’t b) make c) aren’t allowed
5) He … bring me this book yesterday.
a) had to b) mustn’t c) will have to
6) You … listen to music while you do your homework.
a) didn’t make b) shouldn’t c) should
7) She … prepare for the test tomorrow.
a) must b) had to c) will have to
8) People … to walk dogs in special places.
a) are allowed b) aren’t allowed c) should 7
 Complete the questions.
1) You haven’t met Bobby yet, have you ?
2) Your sister is a dentist,           ?
3) Let’s have a break,           ?
4) There isn’t a car in the yard,           ?
5) I am beautiful,           ?
6) They bought a new house,           ?
7) Molly has got a pet hamster,           ?
8) Sam doesn’t look upset,           ?
9) Let him visit you on Sunday,           ?
10) Children are playing table tennis,           ? 9
 Match two parts of the sentences.
1) She worked as a guide last summer and a) so am I.
2) They have just heard the news and b) neither did I.
3) Our neighbours didn’t paint the front door and c) neither did I.
4) You don’t usually go shopping alone and 1 d) so did I.
5) His cousin is looking forward to the holidays and e) so was I.
6) She hasn’t prepared for the exams yet and f) so have I.
7) The children were dancing at the party and g) neither have I.
8) My parents didn’t have lunch in the office and h) neither do I. 7
Твій загальний результат ___ /54
Countable and Uncountable Nouns (Level A). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Countable and Uncountable Nouns (Level B). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Reflexive Pronouns (Level A). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
The Present Perfect Tense (Level A). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
The Past Simple or the Present Perfect Tense? (Level B). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The Past Perfect Tense (Level A). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
The Past Perfect Tense (Level B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
The Past Perfect or the Past Simple? (Level B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Level A). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Level B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
The Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous Tense? (Level B). . . . . . 24
Passive Voice. The Present Simple Passive (Level A). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Passive Voice. The Past Simple Passive (Level B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Active and Passive Voice (Level B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
The Present Simple Passive and the Past Simple Passive (Level B) . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Modal Verbs. Must (Level A). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Modal Verbs. Should (Level B). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
To Be Allowed to (Level A). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Make/Let (Level B). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Question Tags (Level A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Neither … nor/Either … or, So do I/Neither/nor do I (Level A). . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Revision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Папір, на якому надрукована ця книга,

безпечний для здоров’я з оптимальною білизною, вибілювався

та повністю рекомендованою без застосування
переробляється офтальмологами хлору

Разом дбаємо про екологію та здоров’я

3 стр. обл.

Англійська мова. 7 клас : Англійська мова. 6 клас : Англійська мова. 7 клас :
зошит для контролю рівня зошит з граматики робочий зошит (до підруч.
знань (до підруч. А. М. А. М. Несвіт)

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до смаку саме зараз!

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