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What is the best programming language for developing ERPs?

Go with the programming language in which your confident and expertise in that domain
Again it depends on the type of platform your going for Eg. Web Based, System Specific
(Windows, Mac, Linux).
In our company we were good at PHP so used the following technologies to develop Web
Based ERP
PHP (Symfony 2 Framework) - For Server Side
Bootstrap 3 - Front-end CSS framework
Flot Js - Pictorial representation of Charts
jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery Validator for client side validation, Data Table Js, Bootstrap
Date Picker, Select2
Ajax, REST Web Services for API calls.

What programming language should I learn for cloud computing?

for cloud computing there is not any one specific language.
It depends on what type of product you want to work on.
Most of the Cloud related technologies today provide rest API for integration.
So you should be aware of rest API’s then in order to automate you can use any language
Python , Angular JS , NODE JS , JAVA etc

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