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The true Nature of our World is a digital reality , And anything digital requires a certain level
of fabrication , for the fabrication to happen a tool is needed to communicate the
instructions to the environment,that tool is called a Language

In the case of computers the instructions are further broken down into a sequence of 0s and
1s Called binary for this is the only language the computer understands,but the
programming languages themselves are different in their structure so naturally they are also
different in their function.

Each Language due to their make up communicate a unique sequence of instructions to the
computer ,they may have similarities among them but their strong suit is dependent on how
they perform.



Python as a programming Language is one of the easiest to use , because it has a
very clean and straight forward syntax,it first developed in the 1900s by a man
named Guido Van Rossum, it functions range from Data Visualization,Data
analysis,Machine Learning and embedded Systems Programming,Web
Applications,Mobile App Development,Automation,Desktop GUI,Bio Informatics

R as a programming Language is a good example of how unique they are I n
unction,It was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman.Its functionality is
amplified when used alongside other Languages because R was not made for regular
scripting like web development ,it was specifically designed for Statistical
Analytics,Database and Machine Learning and Database Systems,Artificial

In 2014,the tech company called Apple created their very own programming
language ,considering the huge demand in the mobile app market, its no surprise
that swift quickly became popular .However since its somewhat of a newbie
compared to other languages,the support community for swift might be a bit smaller
Than for the more established languages in the bunch. The Main purpose of swift is
for Apples’s Mac Os and IOS Operating Systems,Developing and deploying high
performance REST APIs for various client applications,Creating reusable server-side
libraries that can be shared across multiple projects
The C Programming language was the first released in 1972 ,basically 50 years ago
.It is used for creating a variety of programs for computers, such as Operating System
and in the past decade C has become one of the most widely used programming
Languages ever exist,it has a somewhat complex and cryptic Syntax and it takes time
to get familiar with .It is used for Operating System and tools,Game Development,
Advanced Computation and Graphics,Compilers and Enterprice Software,Embedded

C# is based on C and C++,originally designed to be easy to learn and use ,meaning
that its syntax is similar to the plain English. It necessarily need complex tasks for the
computer to read and process your code.It was developed by microsoft, originally
pronounced “C Sharp.However,C# is not as high-level as python but python is easier
to learning for beginners .Its applications include Game Development ,Desktop
Applications,Web Services,Web Applications,Cloud Computing,IoT Applications.

A powerful high performance language but its rather lower-level,meaning it uses a
lower degree of abstraction so it is a bit more difficult to read and requires more
time spent understanding how the language works per se ,therefore you will end up
dedicating less time to learning how computer programming works and what its all
about.On the other hand , C++ is very scalable and efficient especially for resource
intensive program ,Other uses include Mobile Applications, Game Engines and
Games Itself.Artificial Intelligence,Medical Technology,Financial Tools,Graphics.

CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) is one of the primary tools web developers use to create
the look and design of a website,where HTML creates the structure and content for a
website ,CSS takes those elements and makes them look pretty.However,even
though you can learn the basics of CSS in just a few days ,it can take you years to
master the more advanced tricks with confidence.CSS is just a style sheet language
and a proper programming language, its primary use is ,Styling web page structure
layout and content by selecting HTML elements and applying style rules.

HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) is responsible for everything you see on a
website.It is relatively easy to learn and is the foundation of every website and web
application you have ever used .Instead of a programming language HTML is a
markup language,you can learn the basics of HTML over a weekend and start
practising your web development skills right away.Its main functions include Building
the structure web page(Sections,Rows,Columns),Creating Individual content
elements(Paragraphs,headings,lists,embedded images).

Currently Java holds the third place in the ranking index that shows how often
people search for them on the most common search engines.The fundamentals of
java stems from C++ but java is a bit easier to learn and use ,especially for beginners.
That said,Java is popular across all platforms, operating systems and devices. Java is
very versatile which makes it one of the most in-demand and highest paying
programming languages . its main uses include Mobile
Development(Android),Desktop Software(Cross-Platform),Game Development,Big
Data Technology,Cloud Computing,IoT.

JavaScript Breathes life into websites,making them more interactive,interesting to
use and user friendly .JavaScript is a client-side language itself,meaning that the code
is executed on the user’s browser.However,with technologies such as Node.js ,it can
also be used as a server-side language.This makes JavaScript even more powerful
through the additional versatility,ultimately making it a full stack language. Some of
its uses include Plugins,Smartwatch Applications,Animations,Presentations,Robotics.

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