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Theme: aswang, kapitbahay

Intro, Im doing something 100

Mother intro convo, I react 50

Ill describe mother (mother’s character), Ill go to my room 100


Ill describe my room 100

My hobbies, interest (my character) 100

Mr Black comes to my mind 100

Knock knock Nick


I will describe Nick 100

Nick and I talking about aswang 50

Mother calls us and insists us to give ulam to neighbor 50

Nick and I agreed to give ulam to Mr. Black 50


Nick and I goes out, I will describe our way to the house 50

Ill describe the house outside 100


Then the dog 100

Convo 50 opens the door (the door opens, then comes a man…mr black description) 100

Mr black asks why we’re there, convo 50

I had seconds to glance the inside, brown walls, etc, family picture 100


Mr black thanked us for ulam

Me and I welcomed, not much convo (the feels) 100

We go home, explain mystery, moral lesson- judging others, tsismis, etc (ending) 150


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