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Media Studies

OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Media Studies H009/02/03 Creating Media

Statement of Intent

Centre number Centre name

40131 Priestley College Warrington

Candidate number Candidate name

1519 Harrriet grace Porteous

Brief chosen:
Brief 1 Television: You have been given the task of producing the first two of what your agency hopes
will become a series of 30 second television adverts to promote a new unisex deodorant from UK
deodorants, an existing agency client.

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning
and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 350 words)

I will use media language to follow the codes and conventions to convey meaning to the audience. I will
use a wide variety of camera shots and movement, to enable me to feature different angles of the
product eg. close ups and pack shots. The different camera shots will allow me to have a variety in my
ad. The editing must be clean to enusre smooth transitions between each shot and to give it a
professional finish. If i have filmed one shot in two halves i must make sure that each shot matches up.
The sound i include must be appropriate for the advertisement and should be in sync with movments if
intended to. The Graphics in my ad, for example my slogan must be clear to the audience, it must be the
right font and colour. The slogan used at the end of the ad must also be edited to be on screen for long
enough so that the auidence can read it.
will follow the guidelines of the ASA and BCAP, to esnure that i do not produce any form of advert that
could break the codes and conventions of advertising. For example i must make sure that my ad
doesn't discriminate against any particular race, religion or gender and i can't use any stereotypes in an
offensive manner. I must make sure that all the actors used in my ad have given full permission to be
filmed and that my ad is suitable and appropriate for the target auidence. This means that there must be
no restricted items included for the age limit eg. alcohol as it is prohibited under the age of 18.
The message of my ad is to promote a deodorant which will benefit your life as it protects against sweat
and is 24 hour, it also promotes equality by having a unisex deodorant. I will reach the audience by
scheduling it around times and channels that are popular for the age range. I would want the ad played
early-late evening on weeknights on itv as from a survey we conducted in class, i have found this is the
most popular schedule. I will address the audience directly as this gives a more personal tone and
makes the audinece feel personally addressed. In advertising if the audience feels spoke to directly this
can help persuade them to buy the product and gives a more personal feel.

CCS437 – Statement of Intent CCS/H009

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations



























CCS437 – Statement of Intent CCS/H009

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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