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Reflections on Observation Task 4: Development of Early Writing


1. Describe and explain two (2) suggested strategies that the teacher can use to help the majority of
the students within their developmental writing stage.

The feedback from the teacher to a young child it's an excellent way to give to kid's

impression to improve their writing stage and develop it. And the strategies that teachers can

use to enhance the students their writing stages. First, focuses on the wrong mistakes if it's in

the grammar, punctuation, or in spelling words. After that plan to see what it’s the steep can

we make to improve the mistakes that fit the student's level.

For example, we can let kids before start writing to make a plan what they need to write

and what the main point it's important for our topic of writing. And divide it into the several

steps like: describe, compare, associate, analyze, and how to apply it. After that, they need to

organize what it is come first, what next. Those ways assist children in improving and

develop their writing skills and help them to enhance their stages and mistakes.

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