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Document Development Exposition: Recommendation Report

ENGL 2116 | Spring 2018

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

In the planning stage of the recommendation report, my primary challenge was figuring out
how to make this document separate and unique when compared to my white paper, while
still describing the exact same topic and solution. I overcame this by emphasizing the fact
that I was recommending the specific awareness solution to an individual, rather than the
white paper which was more general. I definitely learned how to identify specific
characteristics of document types and focus on those characteristics in the planning stage.

First Draft
Again, the primary challenge here was making this document different from the white paper
while still focusing on the same problem and solution. There are definitely similarities,
especially in the problem explanation, but I think I did a good job of separating the two, and
I feel like a learned a great deal about separating similar documents according to their
audience and style.

Second Draft
My second draft was quite similar to my first draft. Most of my changes were formatting and
visual design. I reduced the amount of bolded text in the header, made some changes to
awkward sentence structure and some grammatical edits. Overall, I did not have many
major challenges in this second draft.

Final Draft
For my final draft, I fixed some awkward sentences in the introduction. I also added sources
to the image captions in my report and added some introductory sentences to the
recommendations section of the report. The main challenge here was figuring out what to
include in the recommendations introduction without sounding too repetitive when read
right after the rest of the document. I decided to keep it short in order to avoid this.

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