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“About me”

By: Chrystee Young

Me Poem
 Chrystee/customer service queen
 Mature, loyal, kind, optimistic, scholarly
 Lover of God, people and my successes
 Who feels everyone is beautiful and cool
 Who needs love from family and friends
 Who fears we may never have world peace
 Who gives my all to everything I do
 Resident of Las Vegas, Nevada
 Young
My timeline
I was born May 23, 1993
 It was a Sunday
 I was born at Valley hospital in Vegas
My childhood
I graduated kindergarten in 98!
 I was five years old
 I went to St. Christopher School
Teen years
I went to public school fifth through twelfth
 I graduated valedictorian of my middle
school class
 I started working at Subway when I was
18..I’m currently still in food service and its
Adult years
I started college in 2014
 I started at CSN Henderson
 I cant wait to start teaching elementary

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