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SCM Oaaciilog Gur VOeyao) AalicI Gn ven) sie Tve always enJeyed making up stertes and I'stentng t@ the tales that have been used Tn werlds past es te why semething Ts the way Tt ts er hew semething IV Saye OA Ne oe OR o V aOL) eR MeOleMa e-a eo Mat ec MMU a came a BO) Seo moze 1 chese te fecus Tn en the Sun and the Meen as they eften appear th mythelegy and T felt that 1 cad have @ lot @F fun destgiing them and bring @ut their persenalfties. When T was thinking abeut what stery 7 ceud tel with Dace NOM he eo OM UM ALCS Coo CAL] Trac ATOM Ma hoa a le A

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