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1. Passing And Reactions: Listen, Drive And Receive


Two Players, One ball.

The receiver Stands on the center cone, facing AWAY from the feeder.

The feeder, standing three meters away from their partner is standing in a forward stance,
ready to pass the ball.

The feeder will give a command, directing the receiver the either stay, run left or run right.
Depending on the command, the receiver must make a quick and decisive 180 degree turn to
face their partner before then driving to receive and return the pass from where they have
been directed to by their partner.

This drill will ensure your players drive onto the ball and don't dawdle.

Coaching Points

To add variety to this drill you can instruct your players to use a variety of different passes:

 a fast flat straight ball to driving player.

 a fast flat angles ball to driving player
 a short bounce pass

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