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Matt Miller and Kacey Marsh

Element project report


Group 17 on the periodic table consists of Chlorine, Fluorine, Iodine, Bromine, and
Astatine. All elements in group 17 have 7 valence electrons, and are all considered non metals.
Fluorine is in period 2. It has a strong yellow color, with an odor that is very distinct. It’s
melting point is set at -219 degrees celsius and it’s boiling point is set at -188 degrees celsius.
Fluorine’s density is 0.0017 g/mL^3 and it’s room temperature:(20 degrees celsius) which is a
gas. It is one of the most reactive elements. It reacts with most compounds, often violently.
Fluorine reacts violently with water forming hydrogen fluoride. Chlorine is in period 3, group
17. At room temp. (25 degrees celsius) it is a gas. It is used in everyday life, whether we see
notice or not. Chlorine is commonly used to make drinking water safe and to treat swimming
pools, as well as many other common uses. It has a yellow-greenish color, and is a dense gas
(3.21g/L). Chlorine changes from a gas into a liquid (Boiling point) at a temperature of -34.05°C
(-29.29°F) and from a liquid to a solid (melting point) at -101.00°C (-149.80°F). When mixed
with water, hydrogen chloride forms hydrochloric acid, a strong and commercially important
acid. Iodine is in period 4, group 17. It’s appearance is a violet black, A gray solid that changes
into purple colored vapors when heated. It has a strong, harsh odor, you would be able to
recognize the smell very quickly. It’s melting point is 113.5 degrees celsius and it’s boiling point
is 184 degrees celsius. Iodine’s density is 4.93 g/cm^3. At room temperature (25 degrees
celsius), iodine is a solid. Bromine is in period 5, group 17. It is a liquid at room temperature. It
is Included in everyday uses such as brominated flame retardants are used in televisions,
computers, domestic appliances, mobile phones, furniture, upholstery and mattresses. Bromine
can also be used for simple things such as to purify water. It has a reddish-brown color when it is
liquid, and more of a metallic luster in solid form. The density is 3.1023 grams per cubic
centimeter. It has a -7.2 degrees C melting point, and a 58.8 degrees C boiling point. Bromine
reacts with water to form a mixture of Hydrobromic Acid, HBr, and Hypobromous Acid, HBrO.
Astatine is in period 6, group17. It is a metallic black colored element. It’s melting point is 302
degrees celsius and its boiling point is 337 degrees celsius. Astatine density is 7 g/cm^3. At room
temperature, (25 degrees celsius) it is a solid. Astatine is a highly radioactive element. It is
known to be the heaviest known halogen. It can be involved with many chemical reactions.
Astatine forms hydrogen astatide by reacting with hydrogen. It forms hydrostatic acid when
dissolved in water. Group 17 has 2 solids, 2 gases, and 2 liquids at room temperature. For
comparison, group 18 has 5 gases at room temperature, and 1 with no state at all. Common
colors are used for the elements, they vary with a yellowish, or blackish color. Group 18 color
vary a lot more.

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