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Year 8/9 Plant Booklet

While completing this booklet, make sure to keep it as neat as possible!! Colour your diagrams, but
first complete the drawing.

Front Cover: Do this last. You may decorate it any way that you desire.

Page 2: Draw a picture of the cell of a plant. Label each part and write down what the function of
each part is.

Page 3: Draw a picture of a tree. Make sure that the roots are in the bottom third, the trunk is in the
middle third, and the leaves of the tree are in the top third. Then, carefully cut the paper so that
there are three flaps. See the sample one to understand how.

Page 4: Write down what is on the other side of the flap. (i.e. Stem, Leaves, Roots)

Page 5: Write down what happens in each of the three sections of the plant.

- Leaves – must mention photosynthesis

- Stem – must mention xylem and phloem
- Root – must mention transpiration

Page 6: Draw a fully labelled diagram of the layers of the leaf.

Page 7: Write down the functions of each of the layers of the leaf.

Page 8: Write down how photosynthesis works along with the word formula.

Page 9: Draw a diagram of photosynthesis occurring

Page 10: Write down how respiration works, along with the word formula.

Page 11: Draw a diagram of respiration occurring.

Page 12: Draw a diagram of transpiration occurring and explain what it is.

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